### RANDOM FOREST # classification and regression # continous and discrete data # NA disallowed random.forest.importance <- function(formula, data, importance.type = 1) { #library(randomForest) #set.seed(4543) new_data = get.data.frame.from.formula(formula, data) # get rid of NAs no_na = rep(TRUE, dim(new_data)[1]) for(i in 1:dim(new_data)[2]) { no_na = no_na & complete.cases(new_data[, i]) } new_data = new_data[no_na, , drop=FALSE] forest = randomForest(formula, new_data, ntree = 1000, keep.forest = FALSE, importance = TRUE) res = as.data.frame(importance(forest, type = importance.type)) colnames(res)[1] = "attr_importance" return(res) }