function out = nama(prob, opt, varargin) % initialize output stuff if residual = zeros(1, opt.maxit); objective = zeros(1, opt.maxit); ts = zeros(1, opt.maxit); end % initialize operations counter ops = FBOperations(); % get Lipschitz constant & adaptiveness [Lf, adaptive] = prob.Get_Lipschitz(opt); % initialize gamma and sigma gam = (1-opt.beta)/Lf; % display header if opt.display >= 2 fprintf('\n%s',; fprintf('\n%6s%11s%11s%11s%11s%11s\n', 'iter', 'gamma', 'optim.', 'object.', '||d||', 'tau'); end cacheDir.cntSkip = 0; msgTerm = 'exceeded maximum iterations'; flagTerm = 1; restart1 = 0; restart2 = 0; cache_x = FBCache(prob, prob.x0, gam, ops); t0 = tic(); for it = 1:opt.maxit % backtracking on gamma if adaptive [restart1, ~] = cache_x.Backtrack_Gamma(opt.beta); gam = cache_x.Get_Gamma(); end % trace stuff if it == 1 cache_0 = cache_x; end if objective(1, it) = cache_x.Get_FBE(); residual(1, it) = norm(cache_x.Get_FPR(), 'inf')/cache_x.Get_Gamma(); ts(1, it) = toc(t0); end if opt.toRecord record(:, it) = opt.record(prob, it, cache_0, cache_x); end % check for termination if ~(restart1 || restart2) if ~opt.customTerm if cache_x.Check_StoppingCriterion(opt.tol) msgTerm = 'reached optimum (up to tolerance)'; flagTerm = 0; break; end else flagStop = opt.term(prob, it, cache_0, cache_x); if (adaptive == 0 || it > 1) && flagStop msgTerm = 'reached optimum (custom criterion)'; flagTerm = 0; break; end end end % compute search direction and slope if it == 1 || restart1 || restart2 sk = []; yk = []; end [dir_QN, ~, cacheDir] = ... opt.methodfun(prob, opt, it, restart1 || restart2, sk, yk, cache_x.Get_FPR(), cacheDir); dir_FB = -cache_x.Get_FPR(); % perform line search tau = 1.0; % this *must* be 1.0 for this line-search to work cache_x.Set_Directions(dir_QN); cache_w = cache_x.Get_CacheLine(tau, 1); if adaptive [restart2, cache_wbar] = cache_w.Backtrack_Gamma(opt.beta); gam = cache_w.Get_Gamma(); else cache_wbar = []; end if restart2 cache_x.Set_Gamma(gam); continue; end if cache_w.Get_FBE() > cache_x.Get_FBE() cache_x.Set_Directions([], dir_FB); end while cache_w.Get_FBE() > cache_x.Get_FBE() if tau <= 1e-3 % simply do forward-backward step if line-search fails cache_w = FBCache(prob, cache_x.Get_ProxGradStep(), gam, ops); % next line is for debugging purposes in case the code reaches this % cache_xbar = FBCache(prob, cache_x.Get_ProxGradStep(), gam, []); break; end tau = tau/2; cache_w = cache_x.Get_CacheSegment(tau); if adaptive [restart2, cache_wbar] = cache_w.Backtrack_Gamma(opt.beta); gam = cache_w.Get_Gamma(); if restart2, break; end end end if restart2 cache_x.Set_Gamma(gam); continue; end restart2 = 0; % store pair (s, y) to compute next direction sk = cache_w.Get_Point() - cache_x.Get_Point(); yk = cache_w.Get_FPR() - cache_x.Get_FPR(); % update iterate if ~isempty(cache_wbar) cache_x = cache_wbar; else cache_x = FBCache(prob, cache_w.Get_ProxGradStep(), gam, ops); end % display stuff if opt.display == 1 Util_PrintProgress(it); elseif (opt.display == 2 && mod(it,10) == 0) || opt.display >= 3 res_curr = norm(cache_x.Get_FPR(), 'inf')/cache_x.Get_Gamma(); obj_curr = cache_x.Get_FBE(); fprintf('%6d %7.4e %7.4e %7.4e %7.4e %7.4e\n', it, gam, res_curr, obj_curr, norm(dir_QN), tau); end end time = toc(t0); if opt.display == 1 Util_PrintProgress(it, flagTerm); elseif opt.display >= 2 res_curr = norm(cache_x.Get_FPR(), 'inf')/cache_x.Get_Gamma(); obj_curr = cache_x.Get_FBE(); fprintf('%6d %7.4e %7.4e %7.4e\n', it, gam, res_curr, obj_curr); end % pack up results =; out.message = msgTerm; out.flag = flagTerm; if it == opt.maxit out.x = cache_x.Get_Point(); else out.x = cache_x.Get_ProxGradStep(); end out.iterations = it; out.operations = ops; if out.residual = residual(1, 1:it); out.objective = objective(1, 1:it); out.ts = ts(1, 1:it); end if opt.toRecord, out.record = record; end out.gam = gam; out.time = time; out.cacheDir = cacheDir; end