calogrank <- function(ftime, fstatus, grp, cvt, strat=NULL) { call <- n0 <- length(ftime) cvt <- cbind(cvt) if (missing(strat)) strat <- rep(1,n0) if (length(fstatus) != n0 | length(grp) != n0 | nrow(cvt) != n0) stop("Data length mismatch") p <- ncol(cvt) # if more than 3 covariates stop if (p > 3) stop("if more than 3 covariates use with principal components") ii <- ! & ! & ! & ! for (i in 1:p) ii <- ii & ![,i]) ftime <- ftime[ii] fstatus <- fstatus[ii] grp <- grp[ii] cvt <- cbind(cvt[ii,]) strat <- strat[ii] n0 <- length(ftime) ng <- length(unique(grp)) nstrat <- length(unique(strat)) bb <- apply(cvt, 2, sd)/n0^0.26 rval <- survdiff(Surv(ftime, fstatus) ~ grp + strata(strat)) rval$call <- call ord <- order(strat, ftime, -fstatus) osts <- fstatus[ord] ogrp <- as.numeric(as.factor(grp))[ord] ocov <- as.matrix(cvt[ord,]) strat <- strat[ord] ustat <- rep(0, ng) uvar <- matrix(0, ng, ng) uexpected <- rep(0, ng*nstrat) l <- 0 for(i in unique(strat)) { n <- sum(strat==i) zz <- .Fortran("uclrst", as.integer(n), as.integer(ng), as.integer(p), as.double(osts[strat==i]), as.integer(ogrp[strat==i]), as.double(ocov[strat==i,]), a0=double(n), a1=double(n*ng), xi=double(p), xj=double(p), Vii=double(ng), Vij=double(ng), Vji=double(ng), Vjj=double(ng), Vidot=double(ng*n), Vdotj=double(ng*n), Vijij=double(ng*ng), igrp=double(ng), jgrp=double(ng), lrmn=double(ng), lrvar=double(ng*ng), as.double(bb)) ustat <- ustat + zz$lrmn uvar <- uvar + matrix(zz$lrvar,ng,ng) uexpected[l*ng + (1:ng)] <- zz$jgrp l <- l+1 } chi <- sum(solve(uvar[-1,-1], ustat[-1]) * ustat[-1]) rval$uexp <- uexpected rval$uchisq <- chi rval$ustat <- ustat rval$uvar <- uvar class(rval) <- "calogrank" rval } print.calogrank <- function(x, digits = max(options()$digits - 4, 3), ...) { saveopt <-options(digits=digits) on.exit(options(saveopt)) if (!inherits(x, 'calogrank')) stop("Object is not the result of calogrank") if (!is.null(cl<- x$call)) { cat("Call:\n") dput(cl) cat("\n") } omit <- x$na.action if (length(omit)) cat("n=", sum(x$n), ", ", naprint(omit), ".\n\n", sep='') if (is.matrix(x$obs)){ otmp <- apply(x$obs,1,sum) etmp <- apply(x$exp,1,sum) uetmp <- apply(x$uexp,1,sum) } else { otmp <- x$obs etmp <- x$exp uetmp <- x$uexp } df <- (sum(1*(etmp>0))) -1 temp <- cbind(x$n, otmp, etmp, uetmp, ((otmp-etmp)^2)/ diag(x$var), ((otmp-uetmp)^2)/ diag(x$uvar)) dimnames(temp) <- list(names(x$n), c("N", "Observed", "Expected", "Exptd-adj","(O-E)^2/V", "(O-aE)^2/aV")) print(temp) cat("\n Unconditional chisq=", format(round(x$chisq,2)), " on", df, "degrees of freedom, p=", format(signif(1-pchisq(x$chisq, df),digits)), "\n") cat(" Adjusted chisq=", format(round(x$uchisq,2)), " on", df, "degrees of freedom, p=", format(signif(1-pchisq(x$uchisq, df),digits)), "\n") invisible(x) }