Raw File
  Invoke Text Editor on Spatial Data
  Invokes a text editor allowing the user to inspect and change
  entries in a spatial dataset. 
\method{edit}{ppp}(name, \dots)

\method{edit}{psp}(name, \dots)

\method{edit}{im}(name, \dots)
    A spatial dataset
    (object of class \code{"ppp"}, \code{"psp"} or \code{"im"}).
    Other arguments passed to \code{\link[utils]{edit.data.frame}}.
  The function \code{\link[utils]{edit}} is generic. These functions
  are methods for spatial
  objects of class \code{"ppp"}, \code{"psp"} and \code{"im"}.

  The spatial dataset \code{name} is converted to a data frame or array,
  and the text editor is invoked. The user can change the values of spatial
  coordinates or marks of the points in a point pattern,
  or the coordinates or marks of the segments in a segment pattern,
  or the pixel values in an image. 
  The names of the columns of marks can also be edited.

  If \code{name} is a pixel image, it is converted to a matrix 
  and displayed in the same spatial orientation as if
  the image had been plotted.

  Note that the original object \code{name} is not changed;
  the function returns the edited dataset.
  Object of the same kind as \code{name} containing the edited data.


and \ege

  if(interactive()) Z <- edit(cells)

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