Raw File
#include "slang-zip-file-system.h"

#include "../../slang-com-helper.h"
#include "../../slang-com-ptr.h"

#include "slang-io.h"
#include "slang-string-util.h"
#include "slang-blob.h"
#include "slang-string-slice-pool.h"
#include "slang-uint-set.h"
#include "slang-riff.h"

#include "slang-implicit-directory-collector.h"

#include "../../external/miniz/miniz.h"
#include "../../external/miniz/miniz_common.h"
#include "../../external/miniz/miniz_tdef.h"
#include "../../external/miniz/miniz_tinfl.h"
#include "../../external/miniz/miniz_zip.h"

namespace Slang

class ZipFileSystemImpl : public ISlangMutableFileSystem, public IArchiveFileSystem, public ComBaseObject
    // ISlangUnknown 

    // ISlangCastable
    virtual SLANG_NO_THROW void* SLANG_MCALL castAs(const Guid& guid) SLANG_OVERRIDE;

    // ISlangFileSystem
    virtual SLANG_NO_THROW SlangResult SLANG_MCALL loadFile(char const* path, ISlangBlob** outBlob) SLANG_OVERRIDE;

    // ISlangFileSystemExt
    virtual SLANG_NO_THROW SlangResult SLANG_MCALL getFileUniqueIdentity(const char* path, ISlangBlob** uniqueIdentityOut) SLANG_OVERRIDE;
    virtual SLANG_NO_THROW SlangResult SLANG_MCALL calcCombinedPath(SlangPathType fromPathType, const char* fromPath, const char* path, ISlangBlob** pathOut) SLANG_OVERRIDE;
    virtual SLANG_NO_THROW SlangResult SLANG_MCALL getPathType(const char* path, SlangPathType* pathTypeOut) SLANG_OVERRIDE;
    virtual SLANG_NO_THROW SlangResult SLANG_MCALL getPath(PathKind pathKind, const char* path, ISlangBlob** outPath) SLANG_OVERRIDE;
    virtual SLANG_NO_THROW void SLANG_MCALL clearCache() SLANG_OVERRIDE {}
    virtual SLANG_NO_THROW SlangResult SLANG_MCALL enumeratePathContents(const char* path, FileSystemContentsCallBack callback, void* userData) SLANG_OVERRIDE;
    virtual SLANG_NO_THROW OSPathKind SLANG_MCALL getOSPathKind() SLANG_OVERRIDE { return OSPathKind::None; }

    // ISlangModifyableFileSystem
    virtual SLANG_NO_THROW SlangResult SLANG_MCALL saveFile(const char* path, const void* data, size_t size) SLANG_OVERRIDE;
    virtual SLANG_NO_THROW SlangResult SLANG_MCALL saveFileBlob(const char* path, ISlangBlob* dataBlob) SLANG_OVERRIDE;
    virtual SLANG_NO_THROW SlangResult SLANG_MCALL remove(const char* path) SLANG_OVERRIDE;
    virtual SLANG_NO_THROW SlangResult SLANG_MCALL createDirectory(const char* path) SLANG_OVERRIDE;

    // IArchiveFileSystem
    virtual SLANG_NO_THROW SlangResult SLANG_MCALL loadArchive(const void* archive, size_t archiveSizeInBytes) SLANG_OVERRIDE;
    virtual SLANG_NO_THROW SlangResult SLANG_MCALL storeArchive(bool blobOwnsContent, ISlangBlob** outBlob) SLANG_OVERRIDE;
    virtual SLANG_NO_THROW void SLANG_MCALL setCompressionStyle(const CompressionStyle& style) SLANG_OVERRIDE;



    enum class Mode
        None,               // m_archive is not initialized
        Read,               // m_archive is a reader
        ReadWrite,          // m_archive is a writer (that can be read from)

    SlangResult _requireMode(Mode mode);
        /// Do the mode change.
    SlangResult _requireModeImpl(Mode newMode);

    bool _hasArchive() { return m_mode != Mode::None; }
    SlangResult _getFixedPath(const char* path, String& outPath);
    SlangResult _findEntryIndex(const char* path, mz_uint& outIndex);
    SlangResult _findEntryIndexFromFixedPath(const String& fixedPath, mz_uint& outIndex);

    SlangResult _copyToAndInitWriter(mz_zip_archive& outWriter);

        /// Returns SLANG_E_NOT_FOUND if no directory or contents found
        /// terminationState controls when search terminates. If State::Undefined, will enumerate everything.
        /// If outContents not set, will just determine if the directory exists
    SlangResult _getPathContents(ImplicitDirectoryCollector::State terminationState, ImplicitDirectoryCollector* outCollector);

    void _rebuildMap();

        /// Returns true if the named item is at the index
    UnownedStringSlice _getPathAtIndex(Index index);

    void* getInterface(const Guid& guid);
    void* getObject(const Guid& guid);

    void _initReadWrite(mz_zip_archive& outWriter);

    // Maps from a path to an index in the m_archive
    StringSliceIndexMap m_pathMap;
    // If bit is set (at the archive index) this index has been deleted.
    UIntSet m_removedSet;

    ScopedAllocation m_data;

    mz_uint m_compressionLevel = MZ_BEST_COMPRESSION;
    Mode m_mode = Mode::None;

    mz_file_read_func m_readFunc;

    mz_zip_archive m_archive;           

void* ZipFileSystemImpl::getInterface(const Guid& guid)
    if (    guid == ISlangUnknown::getTypeGuid() || 
            guid == ISlangCastable::getTypeGuid())
        return static_cast<ISlangMutableFileSystem*>(this);
    else if (guid == ISlangFileSystem::getTypeGuid() || 
            guid == ISlangFileSystemExt::getTypeGuid() || 
            guid == ISlangMutableFileSystem::getTypeGuid())
        return static_cast<ISlangMutableFileSystem*>(this);
    else if (guid == IArchiveFileSystem::getTypeGuid())
        return static_cast<IArchiveFileSystem*>(this);
    return nullptr;

void* ZipFileSystemImpl::getObject(const Guid& guid)
    return nullptr;

void* ZipFileSystemImpl::castAs(const Guid& guid)
    if (auto ptr = getInterface(guid))
        return ptr;
    return getObject(guid);

// This is a very awkward hack to make it so we can get a read func, without having to implement all of the tracking etc.
// All this does is create an empty zip, convert into a reader, and then grab the read function
static mz_file_read_func _calcReadFunc()
    mz_zip_archive archive;
    mz_zip_writer_init_heap(&archive, 0, 0);
    // Convert to reader

    void* buf;
    size_t size;
    mz_zip_writer_finalize_heap_archive(&archive, &buf, &size);
    ScopedAllocation alloc;
    alloc.attach(buf, size);

    // Read
    mz_zip_reader_init_mem(&archive, alloc.getData(), alloc.getSizeInBytes(), 0);

    auto readFunc = archive.m_pRead;

    return readFunc;

static mz_file_read_func _getReadFunc()
    static const auto readFunc = _calcReadFunc();
    return readFunc;

   m_readFunc = _getReadFunc();


void ZipFileSystemImpl::_rebuildMap()

    const mz_uint entryCount = mz_zip_reader_get_num_files(&m_archive);


    for (mz_uint i = 0; i < entryCount; ++i)
        mz_zip_archive_file_stat fileStat;
        if (!mz_zip_reader_file_stat(&m_archive, mz_uint(i), &fileStat))

        UnownedStringSlice currentName(fileStat.m_filename);

        // Get rid of '/'
        currentName = currentName.trim('/');

        m_pathMap.add(currentName, Index(i));

UnownedStringSlice ZipFileSystemImpl::_getPathAtIndex(Index index)
    SLANG_ASSERT(m_mode != Mode::None);

    mz_zip_archive_file_stat fileStat;
    // Check it's added at the end
    if (!mz_zip_reader_file_stat(&m_archive, mz_uint(index), &fileStat))
        return UnownedStringSlice();

    return UnownedStringSlice(fileStat.m_filename).trim('/');

void ZipFileSystemImpl::_initReadWrite(mz_zip_archive& outWriter)
    mz_zip_writer_init_heap(&outWriter, 0, 0);
    outWriter.m_pRead = m_readFunc;

SlangResult ZipFileSystemImpl::_copyToAndInitWriter(mz_zip_archive& outWriter)
    switch (m_mode)
        case Mode::None:
            return SLANG_OK;
        case Mode::Read:
        case Mode::ReadWrite:

            const mz_uint entryCount = mz_zip_reader_get_num_files(&m_archive);

            for (mz_uint i = 0; i < entryCount; ++i)
                if (m_removedSet.contains(i))

                // It's worth noting - it's not clear if this will work, because m_archive might not be a reader, in the miniz docs.
                // If it's a writer, it's not clear how to convert a writer to a reader *selectively* which
                // we require if we are going to lazily handle removals.
                // The fix to make this work is the hack that sets the m_reader, such that in effect the writer is both read and write.
                // That works because the default writer behavior is a single block of memory for the archive, and that is compatible
                // with the reader.
                if (! mz_zip_writer_add_from_zip_reader(&outWriter, &m_archive, i))
                    return SLANG_FAIL;

            return SLANG_OK;

        default: break;
    return SLANG_FAIL;   

SlangResult ZipFileSystemImpl::_requireModeImpl(Mode newMode)
    SLANG_ASSERT(newMode != m_mode);

    switch (m_mode)
        case Mode::None:
            switch (newMode)
                case Mode::Read:
                    mz_uint flags = 0;
                    mz_zip_reader_init(&m_archive, 0, flags);
                case Mode::ReadWrite:
                default: break;
        case Mode::Read:
            switch (newMode)
                case Mode::None:
                case Mode::ReadWrite:
                    // If nothing is removed, we can just convert
                    if (m_removedSet.isEmpty())
                        // Convert the reader into the writer
                        if (!mz_zip_writer_init_from_reader(&m_archive, nullptr))
                            return SLANG_FAIL;
                        // If it's now a writer the memory is owned by the m_archive
                        // Copy into a new writer
                        mz_zip_archive writer;

                        // In the process we have removed anything that was deleted
                        // Don't need the read data anymore

                        // Free the current archive
                        // Make the writer current
                        m_archive = writer;
        case Mode::ReadWrite:
            switch (newMode)
                case Mode::None:
                case Mode::Read:
                    // If anything has been removed we copy selectively into a new writer, and then convert that
                    if (!m_removedSet.isEmpty())
                        // There are entries that are deleted... so we need to copy selectively
                        mz_zip_archive writer;

                        // In the process we have removed anything that was deleted

                        // Get rid of the old writer
                        m_archive = writer;

                    void* buf;
                    size_t size;
                    mz_zip_writer_finalize_heap_archive(&m_archive, &buf, &size);
                    m_data.attach(buf, size);


                    // Read
                    if (!mz_zip_reader_init_mem(&m_archive, m_data.getData(), m_data.getSizeInBytes(), 0))
                        return SLANG_FAIL;
                default: break;

    // Set the new mode
    m_mode = newMode;
    return SLANG_OK;

SlangResult ZipFileSystemImpl::_requireMode(Mode newMode)
    if (newMode == m_mode)
        return SLANG_OK;

    SlangResult res = _requireModeImpl(newMode);
    if (SLANG_SUCCEEDED(res))
        m_mode = newMode;

    return res;

SlangResult ZipFileSystemImpl::_getFixedPath(const char* path, String& outPath)
    StringBuilder simplifiedPath;
    SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(Path::simplify(path, Path::SimplifyStyle::AbsoluteOnlyAndNoRoot, simplifiedPath));
    outPath = simplifiedPath;
    return SLANG_OK;

SlangResult ZipFileSystemImpl::_findEntryIndexFromFixedPath(const String& fixedPath, mz_uint& outIndex)
    const Index index = m_pathMap.getValue(fixedPath.getUnownedSlice());

    // If not in list or deleted - it is removed
    if (index < 0 || m_removedSet.contains(index))
        return SLANG_E_NOT_FOUND;

    outIndex = mz_uint(index);
    return SLANG_OK;

SlangResult ZipFileSystemImpl::_findEntryIndex(const char* path, mz_uint& outIndex)
    String fixedPath;
    SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(_getFixedPath(path, fixedPath));
    SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(_findEntryIndexFromFixedPath(fixedPath, outIndex));
    return SLANG_OK;

SlangResult ZipFileSystemImpl::loadFile(char const* path, ISlangBlob** outBlob)
    mz_uint index;
    SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(_findEntryIndex(path, index));

    // Check it's a file
    mz_zip_archive_file_stat fileStat;
    if (!mz_zip_reader_file_stat(&m_archive, index, &fileStat) || fileStat.m_is_directory)
        return SLANG_E_NOT_FOUND;

    ScopedAllocation alloc;
    if (!alloc.allocateTerminated(size_t(fileStat.m_uncomp_size)))
        return SLANG_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    const mz_uint flags = 0;

    // Extract to memory
    if (!mz_zip_reader_extract_to_mem(&m_archive, index, alloc.getData(), alloc.getSizeInBytes(), flags))
        return SLANG_FAIL;

    *outBlob = RawBlob::moveCreate(alloc).detach();
    return SLANG_OK;

SlangResult ZipFileSystemImpl::getPathType(const char* path, SlangPathType* outPathType)
    if (!_hasArchive())
        return SLANG_E_NOT_FOUND;

    String fixedPath;
    SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(_getFixedPath(path, fixedPath));

    // First look if there is an *explicit* entry - either file or directory
    mz_uint index;
    if (SLANG_SUCCEEDED(_findEntryIndexFromFixedPath(fixedPath, index)))
        mz_zip_archive_file_stat fileStat;
        if (!mz_zip_reader_file_stat(&m_archive, index, &fileStat))
            return SLANG_FAIL;

        *outPathType = fileStat.m_is_directory ? SLANG_PATH_TYPE_DIRECTORY : SLANG_PATH_TYPE_FILE;
        return SLANG_OK;
        // It could be an *implicit* directory (ie as part of a path). So lets look for that...
        ImplicitDirectoryCollector collector(fixedPath);
        SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(_getPathContents(ImplicitDirectoryCollector::State::DirectoryExists, &collector));
        if (collector.getDirectoryExists())
            *outPathType = SLANG_PATH_TYPE_DIRECTORY;
            return SLANG_OK;

    return SLANG_E_NOT_FOUND;

SlangResult ZipFileSystemImpl::getPath(PathKind pathKind, const char* path, ISlangBlob** outPath)
    switch (pathKind)
        case PathKind::Display:
        case PathKind::Canonical:
            // Get the fixed path
            String fixedPath;
            SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(_getFixedPath(path, fixedPath));

            // See if we can find in the zip explicitly
            mz_uint index;
            if (SLANG_SUCCEEDED(_findEntryIndexFromFixedPath(fixedPath, index)))
                mz_zip_archive_file_stat fileStat;
                if (!mz_zip_reader_file_stat(&m_archive, index, &fileStat))
                    return SLANG_FAIL;

                // Use the path in the archive itself
                *outPath = StringUtil::createStringBlob(fileStat.m_filename).detach();
                return SLANG_OK;

            // Else output the fixed path
            *outPath = StringUtil::createStringBlob(fixedPath).detach();
            return SLANG_OK;
        case PathKind::Simplified:
            *outPath = StringUtil::createStringBlob(Path::simplify(path)).detach();
            return SLANG_OK;
        default: break;


SlangResult ZipFileSystemImpl::getFileUniqueIdentity(const char* path, ISlangBlob** outUniqueIdentity)
    return getPath(PathKind::Canonical, path, outUniqueIdentity);

SlangResult ZipFileSystemImpl::calcCombinedPath(SlangPathType fromPathType, const char* fromPath, const char* path, ISlangBlob** pathOut)
    String relPath;
    switch (fromPathType)
        case SLANG_PATH_TYPE_FILE:
            relPath = Path::combine(Path::getParentDirectory(fromPath), path);
            relPath = Path::combine(fromPath, path);

    *pathOut = StringUtil::createStringBlob(relPath).detach();
    return SLANG_OK;

SlangResult ZipFileSystemImpl::_getPathContents(ImplicitDirectoryCollector::State terminationState, ImplicitDirectoryCollector* outCollector)
    if (!_hasArchive())
        return SLANG_E_NOT_FOUND;

    // Okay - I want to iterate through all of the entries and look for the ones with this prefix
    const Index entryCount = Index(mz_zip_reader_get_num_files(&m_archive));
    for (Index i = 0; i < entryCount; ++i)

        // Skip if it's been deleted.
        if (m_removedSet.contains(i))

        mz_zip_archive_file_stat fileStat;
        if (!mz_zip_reader_file_stat(&m_archive, mz_uint(i), &fileStat))

        UnownedStringSlice currentPath(fileStat.m_filename);
        SlangPathType pathType = fileStat.m_is_directory ? SLANG_PATH_TYPE_DIRECTORY : SLANG_PATH_TYPE_FILE;
        outCollector->addPath(pathType, currentPath);

        // If a termination state is defined, and we reach it, we are done
        if (terminationState != ImplicitDirectoryCollector::State::None && outCollector->hasState(terminationState))
            return SLANG_OK;
    // Check we found the directory at all...
    return outCollector->getDirectoryExists() ? SLANG_OK : SLANG_E_NOT_FOUND;

SlangResult ZipFileSystemImpl::enumeratePathContents(const char* path, FileSystemContentsCallBack callback, void* userData)
    if (!_hasArchive())
        return SLANG_E_NOT_FOUND;

    String fixedPath;
    SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(_getFixedPath(path, fixedPath));
    ImplicitDirectoryCollector collector(fixedPath);
    SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(_getPathContents(ImplicitDirectoryCollector::State::None, &collector));
    return collector.enumerate(callback, userData);

SlangResult ZipFileSystemImpl::saveFileBlob(const char* path, ISlangBlob* dataBlob)
    if (!dataBlob)
        return SLANG_E_INVALID_ARG;

    return saveFile(path, dataBlob->getBufferPointer(), dataBlob->getBufferSize());

SlangResult ZipFileSystemImpl::saveFile(const char* path, const void* data, size_t size)
    String fixedPath;
    SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(_getFixedPath(path, fixedPath));

    mz_uint32 index;
    if (SLANG_SUCCEEDED(_findEntryIndexFromFixedPath(fixedPath, index)))
        // Mark as removed

    // We need to be able to write to the archive

    // TODO(JS):
    // We may want to check the directory exists that holds the path exists
    // Which is easy to do. Without this check it allows directories to come into existence
    // when the path to the file is used.
    // This behaviour *isn't* strictly the same as the file system, which requires the path
    // to a file to exist before it is written.
    // Not enforcing this allows zips that don't explicitly specify paths - which saves space
    // and is simpler.
    // NOTE! This also means that if a file that produces an implicit path is *removed* that
    // the implicit directories are also in effect removed.

    // Need to add to the end of the file
    const mz_uint32 entryCount = mz_zip_reader_get_num_files(&m_archive);
    if (!mz_zip_writer_add_mem(&m_archive, fixedPath.getBuffer(), data, size, m_compressionLevel))
        return SLANG_FAIL;

    // Make sure it is added at expended index
    SLANG_ASSERT(_getPathAtIndex(entryCount) == fixedPath.getUnownedSlice());

    // Set in the map
    m_pathMap.add(fixedPath.getUnownedSlice(), entryCount);
    return SLANG_OK;

SlangResult ZipFileSystemImpl::remove(const char* path)
    String fixedPath;
    SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(_getFixedPath(path, fixedPath));

    mz_uint32 index;
    SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(_findEntryIndexFromFixedPath(fixedPath, index));

    mz_zip_archive_file_stat fileStat;
    if (!mz_zip_reader_file_stat(&m_archive, index, &fileStat))
        return SLANG_FAIL;

    if (fileStat.m_is_directory)
        // Find the directory contents
        ImplicitDirectoryCollector collector(fixedPath); 
        SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(_getPathContents(ImplicitDirectoryCollector::State::HasContent, &collector));

        if (collector.hasContent())
            // If it contains children we can't remove it
            return SLANG_FAIL;

    // Mark as removed
    return SLANG_OK;

SlangResult ZipFileSystemImpl::createDirectory(const char* path)
    String fixedPath;
    SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(_getFixedPath(path, fixedPath));

    // If we find something with this name, we can't create it
    mz_uint32 index;
    if (SLANG_SUCCEEDED(_findEntryIndexFromFixedPath(fixedPath, index)))
        return SLANG_FAIL;

    // Make writable

    const mz_uint entryCount = mz_zip_reader_get_num_files(&m_archive);

    // The terminating / in the path indicates it's a directory
        String dirPath(fixedPath);
        if (!mz_zip_writer_add_mem(&m_archive, dirPath.getBuffer(), nullptr, 0, m_compressionLevel))
            return SLANG_FAIL;

    SLANG_ASSERT(_getPathAtIndex(entryCount) == fixedPath.getUnownedSlice());

    // Set the index, that we added at end
    m_pathMap.add(fixedPath.getUnownedSlice(), entryCount); 
    return SLANG_OK;

SlangResult ZipFileSystemImpl::storeArchive(bool blobOwnsContent, ISlangBlob** outBlob)
    // If we have anything deleted in 'Read', we need to convert to 'Write' and then back to read
    if (m_mode == Mode::Read && !m_removedSet.isEmpty())

    ComPtr<ISlangBlob> blob;

    if (blobOwnsContent)
        // Takes a copy
        blob = RawBlob::create(m_data.getData(), Index(m_data.getSizeInBytes()));
        // Doesn't take a copy... Must use with care(!)
        blob = UnownedRawBlob::create(m_data.getData(), Index(m_data.getSizeInBytes()));
    *outBlob = blob.detach();
    return SLANG_OK;

SlangResult ZipFileSystemImpl::loadArchive(const void* archive, size_t archiveSizeInBytes)
    // Making the mode None empties the archive 

    // Store a copy of the archive contents
    if (!m_data.set(archive, archiveSizeInBytes))
        return SLANG_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    // Initialize archive

    // Read the contents of the archive, and make m_archive own it
    if (!mz_zip_reader_init_mem(&m_archive, m_data.getData(), archiveSizeInBytes, 0))
        return SLANG_FAIL;

    m_mode = Mode::Read;

    // Set up the mapping from paths to indices

    return SLANG_OK;

void ZipFileSystemImpl::setCompressionStyle(const CompressionStyle& style)
    switch (style.m_type)
        case CompressionStyle::Type::BestSpeed:         m_compressionLevel = MZ_BEST_SPEED; break;
        case CompressionStyle::Type::BestCompression:   m_compressionLevel = MZ_BEST_COMPRESSION; break;
        case CompressionStyle::Type::Default:           m_compressionLevel = MZ_DEFAULT_LEVEL; break;
        case CompressionStyle::Type::Level:
            int level = int(style.m_level * 10.0f + 0.5);
            level = (level < 0) ? 0 : level;
            level = (level > MZ_UBER_COMPRESSION) ? MZ_UBER_COMPRESSION : level;
            m_compressionLevel = level;

/* static */SlangResult ZipFileSystem::create(ComPtr<ISlangMutableFileSystem>& out)
    out = new ZipFileSystemImpl;
    return SLANG_OK;

/* static */bool ZipFileSystem::isArchive(const void* data, size_t dataSizeInBytes)
    if (dataSizeInBytes < sizeof(FourCC))
        return false;

    FourCC fourCC = 0;
    ::memcpy(&fourCC, data, sizeof(FourCC));

    // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_file_signatures
    switch (fourCC)
        case SLANG_FOUR_CC(0x50, 0x4B, 0x03, 0x04):
        case SLANG_FOUR_CC(0x50, 0x4B, 0x05, 0x06):
        case SLANG_FOUR_CC(0x50, 0x4B, 0x07, 0x08):
            // It's a zip
            return true;
    return false;

} // namespace Slang
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