manubot version 0.2.1 release notes =================================== Manubot version 0.2.1 contains several improvements to the package's citation infrastructure. New features ------------ Support has been added for `raw` citations for references without supported persistent identifiers (see [GH62]( and [GH74]( Raw citations require the user to manually specify the corresponding CSL JSON. Error messages for invalid citations have been improved (see [GH76]( and [GH71]( More types of incorrect citations are now caught internally before any external APIs are queried to retrieve metadata. The `manubot cite` command has been updated to generate metadata for all valid citations, while logging error messages for invalid citations (see [GH77]( Previously, a single invalid citation would cause the program to exit before outputting references for valid citations. Bug fixes --------- Previously, metadata for `pmcid` citations was retrieved from the NCBI Citation Exporter. This service was [taken offline]( without notice causing citation retrieval to fail. NCBI replaced the previous service with the [Literature Citation Exporter]( The `manubot.cite.pubmed.get_pmc_citeproc` function has been changed to use the new service (see [GH80]( Previously, CSL JSON Items were being generated with empty `date-parts` arrays, which would cause pandoc-citeproc to fail. Manubot's CSL JSON pruning infrastructure has been updated to delete empty `date-parts` arrays (see [GH66]( and [GH65]( Entrez E-Utils returned integer-encoded months for certain `pmid` citations causing `citeproc_from_pubmed_article` to fail. Both integer and character month encodings are now supported (see [GH72](