(* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2019 Nomadic Labs. *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), *) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR *) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER *) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* Finite sets implemented by sorted lists *) Require Sorted Eqdep_dec. Require Import error. Import error.Notations. Section definition. Variable A : Set. Variable compare : A -> A -> comparison. Hypothesis compare_eq_iff : forall a b : A, compare a b = Eq <-> a = b. Lemma compare_refl a : compare a a = Eq. Proof. apply (compare_eq_iff a a). reflexivity. Qed. Definition lt (a b : A) : Prop := compare a b = Lt. Hypothesis lt_trans : Relations_1.Transitive lt. Definition gt (a b : A) : Prop := compare a b = Gt. Hypothesis gt_trans : Relations_1.Transitive gt. Lemma compare_gt_lt a b : compare a b = Lt <-> compare b a = Gt. Proof. split. - intro Hlt. case_eq (compare b a). + rewrite compare_eq_iff. intros He. symmetry in He. rewrite <- compare_eq_iff in He. congruence. + intro Hba. assert (compare a a = Lt) by (exact (lt_trans _ _ _ Hlt Hba)). assert (compare a a = Eq) by (rewrite compare_eq_iff; reflexivity). congruence. + intro; reflexivity. - intro Hgt. case_eq (compare a b). + rewrite compare_eq_iff. intros He. symmetry in He. rewrite <- compare_eq_iff in He. congruence. + intro; reflexivity. + intro Hab. assert (compare a a = Gt) by (exact (gt_trans _ _ _ Hab Hgt)). assert (compare a a = Eq) by (rewrite compare_eq_iff; reflexivity). congruence. Qed. Lemma decide_eq (a b : A) : {a = b} + {a <> b}. Proof. case_eq (compare a b). - intro H. left. apply compare_eq_iff. assumption. - intro H. right. intro ne. rewrite <- compare_eq_iff in ne. congruence. - intro H. right. intro ne. rewrite <- compare_eq_iff in ne. congruence. Qed. Definition set : Set := { l : list A | Sorted.StronglySorted lt l }. Program Definition empty : set := exist _ nil _. Next Obligation. apply Sorted.SSorted_nil. Defined. Fixpoint list_in_sorted x l := match l with | nil => false | cons y l => match compare x y with | Gt => list_in_sorted x l | Eq => true | Lt => false end end. Lemma list_in_sorted_correct x l : Sorted.StronglySorted lt l -> list_in_sorted x l <-> List.In x l. Proof. induction l as [|y l]; intro Hs; simpl. - split; intro H; inversion H. - case_eq (compare x y); intro Hxy. + split; [|constructor]. intros _. rewrite compare_eq_iff in Hxy. intuition congruence. + split; [intro H; inversion H|]. intros [He|Hin]. * symmetry in He; rewrite <- compare_eq_iff in He. congruence. * assert (List.Forall (lt y) l) as Hf by (inversion Hs; assumption). rewrite List.Forall_forall in Hf. specialize (Hf x Hin). exfalso. generalize (lt_trans _ _ _ Hxy Hf). generalize compare_refl. congruence. + assert (Sorted.StronglySorted lt l) as Hsl by (inversion Hs; assumption). specialize (IHl Hsl). rewrite IHl. split; [intuition|]. intros [He|H]; [|auto]. generalize compare_refl. congruence. Qed. Definition mem (x : A) (s : set) := let (l, _) := s in list_in_sorted x l. Fixpoint list_insert (x : A) (l : list A) : list A := match l with | nil => cons x nil | cons y l => match compare x y with | Lt => cons x (cons y l) | Eq => cons y l | Gt => cons y (list_insert x l) end end. Lemma list_insert_in (x y : A) (l : list A) : List.In x (list_insert y l) <-> (x = y \/ List.In x l). Proof. induction l as [| z l]; simpl. - intuition. - case_eq (compare y z). + intro H. rewrite compare_eq_iff in H. destruct H. simpl. intuition. + intros _. simpl. intuition. + intros _. simpl. rewrite IHl. intuition. Qed. Lemma list_insert_sorted (x : A) (l : list A) : Sorted.StronglySorted lt l -> Sorted.StronglySorted lt (list_insert x l). Proof. induction l as [|y l]; intro Hs; simpl. - constructor. + assumption. + apply List.Forall_nil. - case_eq (compare x y). + auto. + intro Hlt. apply Sorted.StronglySorted_Sorted in Hs. apply (Sorted.Sorted_StronglySorted lt_trans). constructor. * assumption. * constructor; assumption. + intro Hgt. constructor. * apply IHl. inversion Hs. assumption. * rewrite List.Forall_forall. intro z. rewrite list_insert_in. rewrite <- compare_gt_lt in Hgt. fold (lt y x) in Hgt. apply Sorted.StronglySorted_inv in Hs. destruct Hs as (Hl, Hf). rewrite List.Forall_forall in Hf. specialize (Hf z). intros [He|H]; [destruct He|]; intuition. Qed. Program Definition insert (x : A) (s : set) : set := let (l, _) := s in exist _ (list_insert x l) _. Next Obligation. apply list_insert_sorted. assumption. Defined. Lemma list_remove_in {elt : Type} (x y : elt) (l : list elt) de : List.In x (List.remove de y l) <-> (List.In x l /\ x <> y). Proof. induction l as [| z l] ; simpl. - intuition. - case (de y z). + intro He. destruct He. rewrite IHl. intuition congruence. + intro Hn. simpl. rewrite IHl. intuition congruence. Qed. Lemma list_remove_sorted (x : A) (l : list A) : Sorted.StronglySorted lt l -> Sorted.StronglySorted lt (List.remove decide_eq x l). Proof. induction l as [| y l]; simpl. - auto. - case (decide_eq x y). + intros He H. apply IHl. inversion H. assumption. + intro Hn. intro Hyl. constructor. * apply IHl. inversion Hyl. assumption. * apply List.Forall_forall. intro z. intro Hin. apply Sorted.StronglySorted_inv in Hyl. destruct Hyl as (_, Hf). rewrite List.Forall_forall in Hf. specialize (Hf z). apply Hf. apply list_remove_in in Hin. intuition. Qed. Program Definition remove (x : A) (s : set) : set := let (l, _) := s in exist _ (List.remove decide_eq x l) _. Next Obligation. apply list_remove_sorted. assumption. Qed. Definition update (x : A) (b : bool) (s : set) : set := if b then insert x s else remove x s. Fixpoint list_reduce (B : Set) (f : (A * B) -> M B) (b : B) (l : list A) : M B := match l with | nil => Return b | cons x l => let! b := f (x, b) in list_reduce B f b l end. Definition reduce B f b (s : set) := let (l, _) := s in list_reduce B f b l. Program Definition destruct (s : set) : option (A * set) := let (l, _) := s in match l with | nil => None | cons x s' => Some (x, exist _ s' _) end. Next Obligation. inversion H; assumption. Defined. Definition size (s : set) : nat := let (l, _) := s in List.length l. Lemma decide_eq_refl (a : A) : decide_eq a a = left eq_refl. Proof. case (decide_eq a a). - intro e. f_equal. apply (Eqdep_dec.UIP_dec decide_eq). - congruence. Qed. Lemma in_sorted x a l : Sorted.StronglySorted lt (a :: l) -> List.In x (a :: l) <-> (x = a \/ (lt a x /\ List.In x l)). Proof. intro Hs. simpl. split. - intros [H|H]. + intuition. + right. assert (List.Forall (lt a) l) as Hf by (inversion Hs; assumption). rewrite List.Forall_forall in Hf. specialize (Hf x). intuition. - intuition. Qed. Lemma not_in_sorted a l : Sorted.StronglySorted lt (a :: l) -> ~ List.In a l. Proof. intros Hs Hin. assert (List.Forall (lt a) l) as Hf by (inversion Hs; assumption). rewrite List.Forall_forall in Hf. specialize (Hf a Hin). unfold lt in Hf. generalize compare_refl. congruence. Qed. Lemma in_dec_in x l : is_true (if List.in_dec decide_eq x l then true else false) <-> List.In x l. Proof. case (List.in_dec decide_eq x l). - intuition constructor. - intro n. split. + intro H; inversion H. + intuition. Qed. Lemma sorted_inv (X : Type) (R : X -> X -> Prop) l (H : Sorted.StronglySorted R l) : match l, H with | nil, H => H = Sorted.SSorted_nil R | cons a l, H => exists Hl Hf, H = Sorted.SSorted_cons _ Hl Hf end. Proof. destruct H. - reflexivity. - eexists. eexists. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma Forall_inv (X : Type) (P : X -> Prop) l (H : List.Forall P l) : match l, H with | nil, H => H = List.Forall_nil _ | cons a l, H => exists Hp Hl, H = List.Forall_cons _ Hp Hl end. Proof. destruct H. - reflexivity. - eexists. eexists. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma Forall_irrel (X : Type) (P : X -> Prop) l : (forall a (Hp1 Hp2 : P a), Hp1 = Hp2) -> forall (H1 H2 : List.Forall P l), H1 = H2. Proof. intros Hp_irrel H1 H2. induction l. - rewrite (Forall_inv _ _ _ H1). rewrite (Forall_inv _ _ _ H2). reflexivity. - destruct (Forall_inv _ _ _ H1) as (Hp1, (Hl1, He1)). rewrite He1. destruct (Forall_inv _ _ _ H2) as (Hp2, (Hl2, He2)). rewrite He2. rewrite (IHl Hl1 Hl2). f_equal. apply Hp_irrel. Qed. Lemma sorted_irrel l (H1 H2 : Sorted.StronglySorted lt l) : H1 = H2. Proof. induction l. - rewrite (sorted_inv _ _ _ H1). rewrite (sorted_inv _ _ _ H2). reflexivity. - destruct (sorted_inv _ _ _ H1) as (Hl1, (Hf1, He1)). rewrite He1. destruct (sorted_inv _ _ _ H2) as (Hl2, (Hf2, He2)). rewrite He2. rewrite (IHl Hl1 Hl2). f_equal. apply Forall_irrel. unfold lt. intro b. apply Eqdep_dec.UIP_dec. decide equality. Qed. Lemma extensionality (s1 s2 : set) : (forall x, mem x s1 <-> mem x s2) -> s1 = s2. Proof. intro H. destruct s1 as (l1, Hl1). destruct s2 as (l2, Hl2). simpl in H. assert (l1 = l2) as Hl. - generalize l2 Hl2 H; clear l2 Hl2 H; induction l1 as [|a1 l1]; intros [|a2 l2] Hl2 H. + reflexivity. + specialize (H a2). simpl in H. rewrite compare_refl in H. destruct H as (_, H). specialize (H ltac:(constructor)). inversion H. + specialize (H a1). simpl in H. rewrite compare_refl in H. destruct H as (H, _). specialize (H ltac:(constructor)). inversion H. + assert (a1 = a2) as Ha12. * generalize (H a1). generalize (H a2). simpl. do 2 rewrite compare_refl. intros (_, Ha2l1) (Ha1l2, _). specialize (Ha2l1 ltac:(constructor)). specialize (Ha1l2 ltac:(constructor)). rewrite <- compare_eq_iff. case_eq (compare a1 a2); intro Ha12. -- reflexivity. -- rewrite Ha12 in Ha1l2. inversion Ha1l2. -- rewrite <- compare_gt_lt in Ha12. rewrite Ha12 in Ha2l1. inversion Ha2l1. * destruct Ha12. f_equal. apply IHl1. -- inversion Hl1; assumption. -- inversion Hl2; assumption. -- intro a3. rewrite list_in_sorted_correct; [|inversion Hl1; assumption]. rewrite list_in_sorted_correct; [|inversion Hl2; assumption]. generalize (H a3). simpl. intros (He1, He2). case_eq (compare a3 a1). ++ intro He. rewrite compare_eq_iff in He. subst a3. apply not_in_sorted in Hl1. apply not_in_sorted in Hl2. intuition. ++ clear He1 He2. specialize (H a3). assert (List.Forall (lt a1) l1) as Ha1l1 by (inversion Hl1; assumption). assert (List.Forall (lt a1) l2) as Ha1l2 by (inversion Hl2; assumption). intro Hlt. split. ** intro Ha3l1. rewrite List.Forall_forall in Ha1l1. specialize (Ha1l1 a3 Ha3l1). specialize (lt_trans _ _ _ Ha1l1 Hlt). generalize compare_refl. congruence. ** intro Ha3l2. rewrite List.Forall_forall in Ha1l2. specialize (Ha1l2 a3 Ha3l2). specialize (lt_trans _ _ _ Ha1l2 Hlt). generalize compare_refl. congruence. ++ intro Hgt. rewrite Hgt in He1. rewrite Hgt in He2. rewrite <- list_in_sorted_correct; [|inversion Hl1; assumption]. rewrite <- list_in_sorted_correct; [|inversion Hl2; assumption]. intuition. - destruct Hl. f_equal. apply sorted_irrel. Qed. End definition.