Raw File
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.8)
# The KenLM cmake files make use of add_library(... OBJECTS ...)
# This syntax allows grouping of source files when compiling
# (effectively creating "fake" libraries based on source subdirs).
# This syntax was only added in cmake version 2.8.8
# see http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake/Tutorials/Object_Library

# This CMake file was created by Lane Schwartz <dowobeha@gmail.com>

# Explicitly list the source files for this subdirectory
# If you add any source files to this subdirectory
#    that should be included in the kenlm library,
#        (this excludes any unit test files)
#    you should add them to the following list:
# In order to set correct paths to these files
#    in case this variable is referenced by CMake files in the parent directory,
#    we prefix all files with ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}.

# Group these objects together for later use. 
# Given add_library(foo OBJECT ${my_foo_sources}),
# refer to these objects as $<TARGET_OBJECTS:foo>
add_library(kenlm_builder OBJECT ${KENLM_BUILDER_SOURCE})

# Compile the executable, linking against the requisite dependent object files
add_executable(lmplz lmplz_main.cc $<TARGET_OBJECTS:kenlm> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:kenlm_common> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:kenlm_builder> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:kenlm_util>)

# Link the executable against boost
target_link_libraries(lmplz ${Boost_LIBRARIES} pthread)

# Group executables together
set_target_properties(lmplz PROPERTIES FOLDER executables)


    # Explicitly list the Boost test files to be compiled

    # Iterate through the Boost tests list   
    foreach(test ${KENLM_BOOST_TESTS_LIST})

      # Compile the executable, linking against the requisite dependent object files
      add_executable(${test} ${test}.cc $<TARGET_OBJECTS:kenlm> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:kenlm_common> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:kenlm_builder> $<TARGET_OBJECTS:kenlm_util>)

      # Require the following compile flag
      # Link the executable against boost
      target_link_libraries(${test} ${Boost_LIBRARIES} pthread)
      # Specify command arguments for how to run each unit test
      # Assuming that foo was defined via add_executable(foo ...),
      #   the syntax $<TARGET_FILE:foo> gives the full path to the executable.
      add_test(NAME ${test}_test 
               COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:${test}>)

      # Group unit tests together
      set_target_properties(${test} PROPERTIES FOLDER "unit_tests")
    # End for loop

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