Raw File
#pragma once
#include "../../slang.h"
#include "../core/slang-string.h"
#include "../core/slang-blob.h"
#include "../core/slang-list.h"

namespace Slang
    struct DigestUtil
        /// Convert a binary digest to a string (lower-case hexadecimal).
        /// Returned string is double the length of the digest.
        static String digestToString(const void* digest, SlangInt digestSize);

        /// Convert a string to a binary digest.
        /// Expects a string of double the length of the digest size in hexadecimal format.
        /// Sets the digest to all zeros if the string is invalid.
        /// Returns true if string was converted successfully.
        static bool stringToDigest(const char* str, SlangInt strLength, void *digest, SlangInt digestSize);

    /// Represents a hash digest. Only sizes of multiple of 4 are supported.
    template<SlangInt N>
    class HashDigest
        static_assert(N % 4 == 0, "size must be multiple of 4");
        uint32_t data[N / 4] = { 0 };

        HashDigest() = default;

        HashDigest(const char* str)
            DigestUtil::stringToDigest(str, ::strlen(str), data, N);

        HashDigest(const String& str)
            DigestUtil::stringToDigest(str.getBuffer(), str.getLength(), data, N);

        HashDigest(const UnownedStringSlice& str)
            DigestUtil::stringToDigest(str.begin(), str.getLength(), data, N);

        HashDigest(ISlangBlob* blob)
            if (blob->getBufferSize() == N)
                ::memcpy(data, blob->getBufferPointer(), N);

        String toString() const
            return DigestUtil::digestToString(data, N);

        ComPtr<ISlangBlob> toBlob() const
            return RawBlob::create(data, sizeof(data));

        bool operator==(const HashDigest& other) const
            return ::memcmp(data, other.data, sizeof(data)) == 0;

        bool operator!=(const HashDigest& other) const
            return !(*this == other);

        uint32_t getHashCode() const
            return data[0];

    /// MD5 hash generator implementing https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1321.txt
    class MD5
        using Digest = HashDigest<16>;


        void init();
        void update(const void* data, SlangSizeT size);
        Digest finalize();

        static Digest compute(const void* data, SlangInt size);

        const void* processBlock(const void* data, SlangInt size);

        uint32_t m_lo, m_hi;
        uint32_t m_a, m_b, m_c, m_d;
        uint32_t m_block[16];
        uint8_t m_buffer[64];

    /// SHA1 hash generator implementing https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3174.txt
    class SHA1
        using Digest = HashDigest<20>;


        void init();
        void update(const void* data, SlangSizeT size);
        Digest finalize();

        static Digest compute(const void* data, SlangInt size);

        void addByte(uint8_t x);
        void processBlock(const uint8_t* ptr);

        uint32_t m_index;
        uint64_t m_bits;
        uint32_t m_state[5];
        uint8_t m_buf[64];

    // Helper class for building hashes.
    template<typename Hash>
    struct DigestBuilder
        void append(const void* data, SlangInt size)
            m_hash.update(data, size);

        template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value || std::is_enum<T>::value, int>::type = 0>
        void append(const T value)
            append(&value, sizeof(T));

        void append(const String& str)
            append(str.getBuffer(), str.getLength());

        void append(const StringSlice& str)
            append(str.begin(), str.getLength());

        void append(const UnownedStringSlice& str)
            append(str.begin(), str.getLength());

        void append(ISlangBlob* blob)
            append(blob->getBufferPointer(), blob->getBufferSize());

        template<SlangInt N>
        void append(const HashDigest<N>& digest)
            append(digest.data, sizeof(digest.data));

        template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::has_unique_object_representations_v<T>, int> = 0>
        void append(const List<T>& list)
            append(list.getBuffer(), list.getCount() * sizeof(T));

        typename Hash::Digest finalize()
            return m_hash.finalize();

        Hash m_hash;
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