Raw File
\title{Convert Data To Class ppp}
Tries to coerce any reasonable kind of data to a point pattern
(an object of class \code{"ppp"})
for use by the \pkg{spatstat} package).
  as.ppp(X, \dots, fatal=TRUE)
  \method{as.ppp}{ppp}(X, \dots, fatal=TRUE)
  \method{as.ppp}{quad}(X, \dots, fatal=TRUE)
  \method{as.ppp}{matrix}(X, W=NULL, \dots, fatal=TRUE)
  \method{as.ppp}{data.frame}(X, W=NULL, \dots, fatal=TRUE)
  \method{as.ppp}{default}(X, W=NULL, \dots, fatal=TRUE)
  \item{X}{Data which will be converted into a point pattern}
  \item{W}{Data which define a window for the pattern
    when \code{X} does not contain a window}
  \item{fatal}{Logical value. See Details.}
  An object of class \code{"ppp"} (see \code{\link{ppp.object}})
  describing the point pattern and its window of observation.
  The value \code{NULL} may also be returned; see Details.
  Converts the dataset \code{X} to a point pattern
  (an object of class \code{"ppp"}; see \code{\link{ppp.object}} for
  an overview).

  This function is normally used to convert an existing point pattern
  dataset, stored in another format, to the \code{"ppp"} format.
  To create a new point pattern from raw data such as \eqn{x,y}
  coordinates, it is normally easier to use the creator function

  The dataset \code{X} may be:
    an object of class \code{"ppp"}  
    an object of class \code{"spp"} as defined in the 
    \pkg{spatial} library
    an object of class \code{"quad"} representing a quadrature scheme
    (see \code{\link{quad.object}})
    a two-column or three-column matrix or data frame
    a structure with entries \code{x}, \code{y} which are numeric vectors
    of equal length
    a numeric vector of length 2, interpreted as the coordinates
    of a single point.
  In the last three cases, we need the second argument \code{W}
  which is converted to a window object
  by the function \code{\link{as.owin}}.
  In the first three cases, \code{W} will be ignored.

  If \code{X} is a three-column matrix or data frame, the third column
  will be interpreted as containing marks, and the result will be a
  marked point pattern.
  The argument \code{fatal} indicates what to do when 
  \code{W} is missing and \code{X} contains no
  information about the window. If \code{fatal=TRUE}, a fatal error
  will be generated; if \code{fatal=FALSE}, the
  value \code{NULL} is returned.

  An \code{spp} object is the representation of a point pattern
  in the \pkg{spatial} library. Our implementation recognises
  the following formats:
    a structure with entries \code{x}, \code{y}
    \code{xl}, \code{xu}, \code{yl}, \code{yu}
    a structure with entries
    \code{x}, \code{y} and \code{area},
    where \code{area} is a structure with entries
    \code{xl}, \code{xu}, \code{yl}, \code{yu}
  (used in \pkg{spatial} versions 1 to 6 and version 7.1 respectively)
  where \code{x} and \code{y} are vectors of equal length
  giving the point coordinates, and \code{xl}, \code{xu}, \code{yl},
  \code{yu} are numbers giving the dimensions of a rectangular window.

  The function \code{as.ppp} is generic, with methods for the
  classes \code{"ppp"}, \code{"quad"}, \code{"matrix"}
  and a default method.
  Point pattern datasets can also be created by the function
  If the format of \code{spp} objects
  is changed in future versions of the \pkg{spatial} library,
  then \code{as.ppp} may not be able to interpret them.
  It currently handles all versions of \pkg{spatial} up to 7.1-4.
 xy <- locator(20) # click on 20 points in plot window
 pp <- as.ppp(xy, c(0,1,0,1))
 w <- owin(c(0,1),c(0,1))
 plot(w)                      # neater
 xy <- locator(20)            # click on 20 points in plot window
 pp <- as.ppp(xy, w)
 xy <- matrix(runif(40), ncol=2)
 pp <- as.ppp(xy, c(0,1,0,1))
 # Venables-Ripley format
 towns <- ppinit("towns.dat")
 pp <- as.ppp(towns)   # converted to our format
\author{Adrian Baddeley
  and Rolf Turner
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