TEI ODD Torture Test Sebastian Rahtz

for TEI web site only

derived from old DTD extension files for P4

The Torture schema consists some new elements and a view of the TEI. It is a bit like TEI Lite.

First, here is the small set of new elements: Example code contains the name (generic identifier) of an element. indicates whether this element is part of the TEI encoding scheme (i.e. defined in a TEI DTD fragment) or not. true this element is part of the TEI scheme. this element is not part of the TEI scheme. LI element is roughly analagous to an item element. ]]>

Now for the wrapping schema, which imports selected TEI modules. Some existing elements are redefined to be null.

description contains a brief description of the purpose and application for an element, attribute, or attribute value. italic bold chapter Used for any old form of division first