DataCombine ====== ### Christopher Gandrud ### Version 0.1.3 ### Note: **DataCombine** is in beta. Please report any bugs at: . --- **DataCombine** is intended for making combining data sets--especially time-series cross-section data--easier. The package is in the very very early stages of development. It includes two functions: - `FillIn`: a function for filling in missing values of a variable from one data frame with the values from another variable. - `MoveFront`: a simple function for moving a variable to the front of a data frame. This can be useful if you have a data frame with many variables and just want to move one variable to the front. - `DropNA`: a function that drops rows from a data frame when they have missing (NA) values on a given variable(s). I will continue to add to the package as I build data sets and run across other pesky tasks I do repeatedly that would be simpler if they were turned into a function. --- ## Installation **DataCombine** is in beta and so is not currently on CRAN. To install the package use `install_github` from the [devtools]( ``` devtools::install_github("DataCombine", "christophergandrud") ```