% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/EstNCSCop.R \name{EstNCSCop} \alias{EstNCSCop} \title{Estimation of a non-central squared copula model} \usage{ EstNCSCop(y, family, p = 2, InitialValues = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{y}{(nx2) data matrix (observations or residuals) that will be transformed to pseudo-observations} \item{family}{'Gaussian' , 't' , 'Clayton' , 'Frank' , 'Gumbel'} \item{p}{number of non-centrality parameters to be estimated (p = 0,1,2)} \item{InitialValues}{initial values c(a1,a2,tau) to start the estimation; otherwise pre-selected values will be used} } \value{ \item{theta}{Estimated parameter of the copula according to CRAN copula package} \item{dof}{Estimated degrees of freedom, only for the Student copula} \item{tau}{Estimated theoretical Kendall tau for the copula family} } \description{ This function estimates the copula parameter and the non-centrality parameters of a non-central squared copula } \examples{ \donttest{ param <- c(0.8, 2.5, 0.7) ; U <- SimNCSCop('Clayton', 250, param) estimation <- EstNCSCop(U,'Clayton') } } \references{ Section 5.1 of Nasri, RĂ©millard & Bouezmarni (2019). Semi-parametric copula-based models under non-stationarity, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 173, pages 347-365. } \author{ Bouchra R. Nasri, August 14, 2019 }