# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license # Expr head => argument count bounds const VALID_EXPR_HEADS = IdDict{Any,Any}( :call => 1:typemax(Int), :invoke => 2:typemax(Int), :static_parameter => 1:1, :gotoifnot => 2:2, :(&) => 1:1, :(=) => 2:2, :method => 1:4, :const => 1:1, :new => 1:typemax(Int), :return => 1:1, :unreachable => 0:0, :the_exception => 0:0, :enter => 1:1, :leave => 1:1, :inbounds => 1:1, :boundscheck => 0:0, :copyast => 1:1, :meta => 0:typemax(Int), :global => 1:1, :foreigncall => 3:typemax(Int), :cfunction => 5:5, :isdefined => 1:1, :simdloop => 1:1, :gc_preserve_begin => 0:typemax(Int), :gc_preserve_end => 0:typemax(Int), :thunk => 1:1, :throw_undef_if_not => 2:2 ) # @enum isn't defined yet, otherwise I'd use it for this const INVALID_EXPR_HEAD = "invalid expression head" const INVALID_EXPR_NARGS = "invalid number of expression args" const INVALID_LVALUE = "invalid LHS value" const INVALID_RVALUE = "invalid RHS value" const INVALID_RETURN = "invalid argument to :return" const INVALID_CALL_ARG = "invalid :call argument" const EMPTY_SLOTNAMES = "slotnames field is empty" const SLOTFLAGS_MISMATCH = "length(slotnames) != length(slotflags)" const SSAVALUETYPES_MISMATCH = "not all SSAValues in AST have a type in ssavaluetypes" const SSAVALUETYPES_MISMATCH_UNINFERRED = "uninferred CodeInfo ssavaluetypes field does not equal the number of present SSAValues" const NON_TOP_LEVEL_METHOD = "encountered `Expr` head `:method` in non-top-level code (i.e. `nargs` > 0)" const NON_TOP_LEVEL_GLOBAL = "encountered `Expr` head `:global` in non-top-level code (i.e. `nargs` > 0)" const SIGNATURE_NARGS_MISMATCH = "method signature does not match number of method arguments" const SLOTNAMES_NARGS_MISMATCH = "CodeInfo for method contains fewer slotnames than the number of method arguments" struct InvalidCodeError <: Exception kind::AbstractString meta::Any end InvalidCodeError(kind::AbstractString) = InvalidCodeError(kind, nothing) function validate_code_in_debug_mode(linfo::MethodInstance, src::CodeInfo, kind::String) if JLOptions().debug_level == 2 # this is a debug build of julia, so let's validate linfo errors = validate_code(linfo, src) if !isempty(errors) for e in errors if linfo.def isa Method println(stderr, "WARNING: Encountered invalid ", kind, " code for method ", linfo.def, ": ", e) else println(stderr, "WARNING: Encountered invalid ", kind, " code for top level expression in ", linfo.def, ": ", e) end end end end end """ validate_code!(errors::Vector{>:InvalidCodeError}, c::CodeInfo) Validate `c`, logging any violation by pushing an `InvalidCodeError` into `errors`. """ function validate_code!(errors::Vector{>:InvalidCodeError}, c::CodeInfo, is_top_level::Bool = false) function validate_val!(@nospecialize(x)) if isa(x, Expr) if x.head === :call || x.head === :invoke f = x.args[1] if f isa GlobalRef && (f.name === :cglobal) && x.head === :call # TODO: these are not yet linearized else for arg in x.args if !is_valid_argument(arg) push!(errors, InvalidCodeError(INVALID_CALL_ARG, arg)) else validate_val!(arg) end end end end elseif isa(x, SSAValue) id = x.id !in(id, ssavals) && push!(ssavals, id) end end ssavals = BitSet() lhs_slotnums = BitSet() for x in c.code if isa(x, Expr) head = x.head if !is_top_level head === :method && push!(errors, InvalidCodeError(NON_TOP_LEVEL_METHOD)) head === :global && push!(errors, InvalidCodeError(NON_TOP_LEVEL_GLOBAL)) end narg_bounds = get(VALID_EXPR_HEADS, head, -1:-1) nargs = length(x.args) if narg_bounds == -1:-1 push!(errors, InvalidCodeError(INVALID_EXPR_HEAD, (head, x))) elseif !in(nargs, narg_bounds) push!(errors, InvalidCodeError(INVALID_EXPR_NARGS, (head, nargs, x))) elseif head === :(=) lhs, rhs = x.args if !is_valid_lvalue(lhs) push!(errors, InvalidCodeError(INVALID_LVALUE, lhs)) elseif isa(lhs, SlotNumber) && !in(lhs.id, lhs_slotnums) n = lhs.id push!(lhs_slotnums, n) end if !is_valid_rvalue(rhs) push!(errors, InvalidCodeError(INVALID_RVALUE, rhs)) end validate_val!(lhs) validate_val!(rhs) elseif head === :gotoifnot if !is_valid_argument(x.args[1]) push!(errors, InvalidCodeError(INVALID_CALL_ARG, x.args[1])) end validate_val!(x.args[1]) elseif head === :return if !is_valid_return(x.args[1]) push!(errors, InvalidCodeError(INVALID_RETURN, x.args[1])) end validate_val!(x.args[1]) elseif head === :call || head === :invoke || head == :gc_preserve_end || head === :meta || head === :inbounds || head === :foreigncall || head === :cfunction || head === :const || head === :enter || head === :leave || head === :method || head === :global || head === :static_parameter || head === :new || head === :thunk || head === :simdloop || head === :throw_undef_if_not || head === :unreachable validate_val!(x) else # TODO: nothing is actually in statement position anymore #push!(errors, InvalidCodeError("invalid statement", x)) end elseif isa(x, NewvarNode) elseif isa(x, GotoNode) elseif x === nothing elseif isa(x, SlotNumber) elseif isa(x, GlobalRef) elseif isa(x, LineNumberNode) elseif isa(x, PiNode) elseif isa(x, PhiCNode) elseif isa(x, PhiNode) elseif isa(x, UpsilonNode) else #push!(errors, InvalidCodeError("invalid statement", x)) end end nslotnames = length(c.slotnames) nslotflags = length(c.slotflags) nssavals = length(c.code) !is_top_level && nslotnames == 0 && push!(errors, InvalidCodeError(EMPTY_SLOTNAMES)) nslotnames != nslotflags && push!(errors, InvalidCodeError(SLOTFLAGS_MISMATCH, (nslotnames, nslotflags))) if c.inferred nssavaluetypes = length(c.ssavaluetypes) nssavaluetypes < nssavals && push!(errors, InvalidCodeError(SSAVALUETYPES_MISMATCH, (nssavals, nssavaluetypes))) else c.ssavaluetypes != nssavals && push!(errors, InvalidCodeError(SSAVALUETYPES_MISMATCH_UNINFERRED, (nssavals, c.ssavaluetypes))) end return errors end """ validate_code!(errors::Vector{>:InvalidCodeError}, mi::MethodInstance, c::Union{Nothing,CodeInfo} = Core.Compiler.retrieve_code_info(mi)) Validate `mi`, logging any violation by pushing an `InvalidCodeError` into `errors`. If `isa(c, CodeInfo)`, also call `validate_code!(errors, c)`. It is assumed that `c` is the `CodeInfo` instance associated with `mi`. """ function validate_code!(errors::Vector{>:InvalidCodeError}, mi::Core.MethodInstance, c::Union{Nothing,CodeInfo} = Core.Compiler.retrieve_code_info(mi)) is_top_level = mi.def isa Module if is_top_level mnargs = 0 else m = mi.def::Method mnargs = m.nargs n_sig_params = length(Core.Compiler.unwrap_unionall(m.sig).parameters) if (m.isva ? (n_sig_params < (mnargs - 1)) : (n_sig_params != mnargs)) push!(errors, InvalidCodeError(SIGNATURE_NARGS_MISMATCH, (m.isva, n_sig_params, mnargs))) end end if isa(c, CodeInfo) mnargs > length(c.slotnames) && push!(errors, InvalidCodeError(SLOTNAMES_NARGS_MISMATCH)) validate_code!(errors, c, is_top_level) end return errors end validate_code(args...) = validate_code!(Vector{InvalidCodeError}(), args...) is_valid_lvalue(@nospecialize(x)) = isa(x, Slot) || isa(x, GlobalRef) function is_valid_argument(@nospecialize(x)) if isa(x, Slot) || isa(x, SSAValue) || isa(x, GlobalRef) || isa(x, QuoteNode) || (isa(x,Expr) && (x.head in (:static_parameter, :boundscheck))) || isa(x, Number) || isa(x, AbstractString) || isa(x, AbstractChar) || isa(x, Tuple) || isa(x, Type) || isa(x, Core.Box) || isa(x, Module) || x === nothing return true end # TODO: consider being stricter about what needs to be wrapped with QuoteNode return !(isa(x,Expr) || isa(x,Symbol) || isa(x,GotoNode) || isa(x,LineNumberNode) || isa(x,NewvarNode)) end function is_valid_rvalue(@nospecialize(x)) is_valid_argument(x) && return true if isa(x, Expr) && x.head in (:new, :the_exception, :isdefined, :call, :invoke, :foreigncall, :cfunction, :gc_preserve_begin, :copyast) return true end return false end is_valid_return(@nospecialize(x)) = is_valid_argument(x) || (isa(x, Expr) && x.head === :lambda) is_flag_set(byte::UInt8, flag::UInt8) = (byte & flag) == flag