@desc me=Igor is a ferret with an evil glint in his eye. @lock me=me @fail me=Igor chomps you on the knee with his little sharp teeth. @ofail me=howls in pain as Igor bites them. rob igor @ofail me=howls in pain as Igor bites %o. @osucc me=runs around the room nipping at everyone's heels. rob me @create Ferret Chow @desc Ferret Chow=This is a big bag full of yummy ferret chow. @succ Ferret Chow=You tear into the end of the bag, stuffing yourself. @osucc Ferret Chow=tears into the Ferret Chow bag, eating greedily. @lock Ferret Chow=me @fail Ferret Chow=It's icky Ferret Chow. It would probably taste gross. @ofail Ferret Chow=decides Ferret Chow is icky. get Ferret Chow @dig Igor's House