(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) open EcSymbols open EcLocation open EcParsetree (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) exception HiScopeError of EcLocation.t option * string val hierror : ?loc:EcLocation.t -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b) format4 -> 'a (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) exception ImportError of EcLocation.t option * symbol * exn (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) exception TopError of EcLocation.t * exn val toperror_of_exn : ?gloc:EcLocation.t -> exn -> exn (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type required_info = { rqd_name : symbol; rqd_namespace : EcLoader.namespace option; rqd_kind : EcLoader.kind; rqd_digest : Digest.t; rqd_direct : bool; } type required = required_info list type scope type proof_uc = { puc_active : (proof_auc * proof_ctxt option) option; puc_cont : proof_ctxt list * (EcSection.scenv option); puc_init : EcSection.scenv; } and proof_auc = { puc_name : symbol option; puc_mode : bool option; puc_jdg : proof_state; puc_flags : pucflags; puc_crt : EcDecl.axiom; } and proof_ctxt = (symbol option * EcDecl.axiom) * EcPath.path * EcSection.scenv and proof_state = PSNoCheck | PSCheck of EcCoreGoal.proof and pucflags = { puc_visibility : EcDecl.ax_visibility; puc_local : bool; } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val notify : scope -> EcGState.loglevel -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit) format4 -> 'a (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val empty : EcGState.gstate -> scope val gstate : scope -> EcGState.gstate val freeze : scope -> scope val path : scope -> EcPath.path val name : scope -> symbol * EcTheory.thmode val env : scope -> EcEnv.env val attop : scope -> bool val goal : scope -> proof_auc option val xgoal : scope -> proof_uc option type topmode = [`InProof | `InActiveProof | `InTop] val check_state : topmode -> string -> scope -> unit (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val dump_why3 : scope -> string -> unit (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) exception UnknownFlag of string module Options : sig val set : scope -> string -> bool -> scope val get : scope -> string -> bool val set_implicits : scope -> bool -> scope val get_implicits : scope -> bool end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Op : sig val add : scope -> poperator located -> EcDecl.operator * string list * scope end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Pred : sig val add : scope -> ppredicate located -> EcDecl.operator * scope end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Ax : sig type mode = [`WeakCheck | `Check | `Report] val add : scope -> mode -> paxiom located -> symbol option * scope val save : scope -> string option * scope val admit : scope -> string option * scope val abort : scope -> scope val realize : scope -> mode -> prealize located -> symbol option * scope end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Ty : sig val add : scope -> ptydecl located -> scope val add_class : scope -> ptypeclass located -> scope val add_instance : ?import:EcTheory.import -> scope -> Ax.mode -> ptycinstance located -> scope end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Mod : sig val add : scope -> pmodule_def_or_decl -> scope val declare : scope -> pmodule_decl -> scope val import : scope -> pmsymbol located -> scope end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module ModType : sig val add : scope -> pinterface -> scope end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Theory : sig open EcTheory exception TopScope (* [enter scope mode name] start a theory in scope [scope] with * name [name] and mode (abstract/concrete) [mode]. *) val enter : scope -> thmode -> symbol -> EcTypes.is_local -> scope (* [exit scope] close and finalize the top-most theory and returns * its name. Raises [TopScope] if [scope] has not super scope. *) val exit : ?pempty:[`ClearOnly | `Full | `No] -> ?clears:(pqsymbol option) list -> scope -> symbol * scope (* [import scope name] find and import theory [name] in scope * [scope]. Raise [LookupFailure] if theory [name] cannot be * found. *) val import : scope -> qsymbol -> scope (* [export scope name] marks the theory [name] to by exported * by current theory in scope [scope]. Raise [LookupFailure] if * theory [theory] cannot be found. *) val export : scope -> qsymbol -> scope (* [require scope name loader] requires theory [name] using * loader [loader] in scope [scope]. [loader] is called on * the initial scope and is in charge of processing the required * theory. *) val require : scope -> (required_info * thmode) -> (scope -> scope) -> scope val add_clears : (pqsymbol option) list -> scope -> scope val required : scope -> required end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Section : sig val enter : scope -> psymbol option -> scope val exit : scope -> psymbol option-> scope end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Tactics : sig open EcCoreGoal type prinfos = proofenv * (handle * handle list) val process : scope -> Ax.mode -> ptactic list -> prinfos option * scope val proof : scope -> Ax.mode -> bool -> scope end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Prover : sig type smt_options = { po_timeout : int option; po_cpufactor : int option; po_nprovers : int option; po_provers : string list option * (include_exclude * string) list; po_quorum : int option; po_verbose : int option; pl_all : bool option; pl_max : int option; pl_iterate : bool option; pl_wanted : EcProvers.hints option; pl_unwanted : EcProvers.hints option; pl_dumpin : string located option; pl_selected : bool option; gn_debug : bool option; } val empty_options : smt_options val process : scope -> pprover_infos -> scope val set_default : scope -> smt_options -> scope val full_check : scope -> scope val check_proof : scope -> bool -> scope end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Notations : sig val add : scope -> pnotation located -> scope val add_abbrev : scope -> pabbrev located -> scope end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Auto : sig val add_rw : scope -> local:EcTypes.is_local -> base:pqsymbol -> pqsymbol list -> scope val add_hint : scope -> phint -> scope end (*-------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Reduction : sig val add_reduction : scope -> puserred -> scope end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Cloning : sig val clone : scope -> Ax.mode -> theory_cloning -> scope end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Search : sig val search : scope -> pformula list -> unit val locate : scope -> pqsymbol -> unit end