Usage instructions for Ragout ============================= Usage: [-h] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-s {sibelia,cactus,maf}] [--refine] [--overwrite] [--debug] [--version] recipe_file Supported arguments: positional arguments: recipe_file path to recipe file optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -o OUTPUT_DIR, --outdir OUTPUT_DIR path to the working directory (default: ragout-out) -s {sibelia,cactus,maf}, --synteny {sibelia,cactus,maf} which tool to use for synteny block decomposition. (default: sibelia) --refine refine with the assembly graph (default: False) --overwrite overwrite existing Sibelia/Cactus results (default: False) --debug enable debug output (default: False) --version show program's version number and exit Examples --------- You can try Ragout on the provided ready-to-use examples: python examples/E.Coli/ecoli.rcp --outdir examples/E.Coli/out/ --refine python examples/H.Pylori/helicobacter.rcp --outdir examples/H.Pylori/out/ --refine python examples/S.Aureus/aureus.rcp --outdir examples/S.Aureus/out/ --refine python examples/V.Cholerea/cholerea.rcp --outdir examples/V.Cholerae/out/ --refine Input data ---------- Ragout takes as input contigs from a short-read assembly. We preformed our tests with SPAdes, ABySS and SOAPdenovo assemblers, however Ragout should work with others, if their output satisfy the following conditions: * The contigs should cover the most fraction of the genome and should not overlap (except ends, see below) * One should use *all* contigs/scaffolds output by assembler * For the better performance of refinment module, contigs that were connected in a graph used by assembler should overlap on a certain constant value (k-mer or (k-1)-mer usually). For the most of assemblers which utilize de Bruijn graphs this holds true. Currently, support of other types of assembler (such as SGA) is not perfect (for refinement module only, other parts of Ragout work fine). Algorithm overview ------------------ This is a very brief description of the algorithm. See our paper for the detailed explanation. Ragout works with genomes represented as sequences of synteny blocks and firstly uses *Sibelia* for this decomposition. Next, Ragout assembles contigs into scaffolds using a breakpoint graph. This procedure is repeated multiple times with the different size of synteny block decomposition. Afterwards, an optional refinement step with assembly (overlap) graph is performed (if --refine was specified). Input ------ Ragout takes as input: * Reference genomes in *FASTA* format * Target (assembling) genome in *FASTA* format (a set of contigs) * Phylogenetic tree for both reference and target genomes in *NEWICK* format * Minimum synteny block size (in multiple scales) All these parameters should be described in a single recipe file. See the example of such file below. Recipe file ----------- If you want to cook Ragout, you need to write a recipe first. Here is an example of such recipe file: .tree = (rf122:0.02,(((usa:0.01,col:0.01):0.01,jkd:0.04):0.005,n315:0.01):0.01); .target = usa .blocks = 5000, 500, 100 *.circular = true col.fasta = references/COL.fasta jkd.fasta = references/JKD6008.fasta rf122.fasta = references/RF122.fasta n315.fasta = references/N315.fasta usa.fasta = usa300_contigs.fasta or, if using *MAF* as input: .tree = (miranda:0.04,(yakuba:0.12,(melanogaster:0.04,simulans:0.04):0.08):0.15); .target = yakuba .maf = genomes/alignment.maf .blocks = 5000, 500 yakuba.fasta = genomes/D.yakuba_contigs.fasta ###Parameters description: Each parameter could be "global" or "local" (for a particular genome). Global parameters start from dot: .global_param_name = value To set local parameter, use: genome_name.param_name = value ###Global parameters * __tree__: phylogenetic tree in NEWICK format [required] * __target__: target genome name [required] * __blocks__: comma-separated list of minimum synteny block sizes [required] * __maf__: path to multiple alignment in *MAF* format [default = not set] ###Local parameters * __fasta__: path to *FASTA* with genomic sequences [default = not set] * __circular__: indicates that reference chromosomes are circular [default = false] * __draft__: indicated that reference is in draft form (contigs/scaffolds) [default = false] ###Default values You can change default values for local parameters assigning parameter value to the special "star" object. For instance, if all input references except one are in draft form, you can write: *.draft = true complete_ref.draft = false ###Detailed description Genomes names are picked form the terminal nodes of the phylogenetic tree. All those names should be uniqe. If the branch length is ommited, it would be set to 1. Paths to *FASTA*/*MAF* can be both relative and absolute. Running with Sibelia requires all sequence headers among ALL *FASTA* files to be unique. Ragout firstly decomposes genomes into set of synteny blocks. You can use either a set of *FASTA* files corresponding to each input genome or multiple alignment of all the genomes in *MAF* format. In both cases you should specify target's *FASTA* since it will be used to generate output. See "Synteny backends" section for more information. Output files ------------ After running Ragout, an output directory will contain: * "scaffolds.ord" with a resulting order of contigs * "scaffolds.fasta" with scaffold sequences (contigs are separated by 11 Ns) * "scaffolds_refined.ord" with a contigs order after refinement (if --refine was specified) * "scaffolds_refined.fasta" with refined scaffold sequences (if --refine was specified) Synteny backends ---------------- Ragout have three different options for synteny block decomposition: * Decompoition with *Sibelia* * Decomposition with *progressiveCactus* * Use of finished alignment in *MAF* format You can choose between backends by specifying --synteny (-s) option. If you use *Sibelia* or *progressiveCactus*, you should specify separate *FASTA* file for each input genome, while if you work with *MAF*, you should set only a path to *MAF* itself and a path to targset's *FASTA* (see below). ### Sibelia "Sibelia" option is set by default and is recommended for small genomes (like bacterial ones). The tools should be installed in your system -- see docs/ for detailed instructions. ### progressiveCactus "progressiveCactus" can be used for bigger genomes, up to multuple mammalian species. Please note, that current implementation is still experimental. The tool also should be properly installed. Do not forget to mask repeats (with RepeatMasker, for instance) before applying progressiveCactus to genomes with a big fraction of repetitive sequences. ### alignment in *MAF* format If you already have a multiple alignment, you also can use it for synteny blocks decomposition. Alignment should be in *MAF* format and sequence names should follow UCSC notation: genome_name.sequence_name In case you are working with *MAF* input you should not specify *FASTA* files for references. All you need is to set *FASTA* for target genome (which will be used for output generation). The parameters choice --------------------- ### Minimum synteny block size Because the decomposition procedure is parameter-dependent, the assembly is performed in multiple iterations with different synteny block scale. Intuitively, the algorithm firstly considers only contigs that are long enough and then puts shorter ones into the analysis. For bacterial genomes, we recommend to run Ragout in three iterations with the block size equal to 5000, 500, 100. However, you can specify our own configuration which better describes your dataset. ### Phylogenetic tree Running with multiple references, the output of Ragout may highly depend of the given phylogenetic tree and can be biased if the tree is incorrect. If the phylogeny is unknown or ambiguous, you are still able run Ragout assuming the "star" phylogeny and specifying the evolutionary distance between target and references (which is easier to find out): .tree = (target,ref1:0.1,ref2:0.05,ref3:0.003); Useful scripts -------------- Scripts are located in "scripts" directory **** Tests the correctness of the infered order of contigs if a closely related reference is available. First, contigs should be mapped on this reference using *nucmer* software: nucmer --maxmatch --coords reference contigs Then run the script with the obtained "coords" file: scripts/ nucmer_coords ord_file