function xdot = fwalk(t,x,walk,parms)
% FWALK Right-hand side for Matlab ode45, simple walker 2-D
% xdot = fwalk(t, x, walk) computes the right-hand-side of the
% differential equations of motion, given time t and state x.
% walk is a walk object containing the parameters
% Arthur D. Kuo, see:
% Kuo, A. D. (2002) Energetics of actively powered locomotion using the
% simplest walking model, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 124: 113-120.
% Kuo, A. D. (2001) A simple model predicts the step length-speed
% relationship in human walking, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering,
% 123: 264-269.
% Vectorized by Art (6/28/09) to make some codes run much faster
kappa = parms.Kp; % there's a pelvis spring
gamma = parms.gamma;
cg = cos(gamma); sg = sin(gamma);
if all(size(x) > 1) % vectorized states are in columns
q1 = x(1,:); q2 = x(2,:); u1 = x(3,:); u2 = x(4,:);
else % just one column vector of the state
q1 = x(1); q2 = x(2); u1 = x(3); u2 = x(4);
% where q2 is the swing angle relative to stance, to find
% the swing angle relative to vertical, use q1-q2
u1dot = sin(q1-gamma); % + T
u2dot = u1dot + (u1.*u1 - cos(q1-gamma)).*sin(q2) - kappa*q2;
q1dot = u1;
q2dot = u2;
xdot = [q1dot; q2dot; u1dot; u2dot];