\name{userinput} \alias{userinput} \title{General input function} \description{ The function provides a general functionality to read and reply user input by \command{\link[graphics]{locator}} and \command{\link[base]{readline}} } \usage{ userinput(fct, info=NULL, prompt, n, type="n", pch=par()$pch, cex=par()$cex, ...) } \arguments{ \item{fct}{either \sQuote{locator} or \sQuote{readline}} \item{info}{arbitrary object; tracing information that is useful in case the user likes to edit the stored sequence of inputs} \item{prompt}{prompt parameter of \command{\link[base]{readline}}} \item{n}{parameter \code{n} of \command{\link[graphics]{locator}}} \item{type}{parameter \code{type} of \command{\link[graphics]{locator}}} \item{pch}{character type used by \command{\link[graphics]{locator}}} \item{cex}{character size used by \command{\link[graphics]{locator}}} \item{...}{additional graphics parameters used by \command{\link[graphics]{locator}}} } \value{ If \code{fct="readline"} then a character vector of length one is returned. If \code{fct="locator"} then the function returns a list containing 'x' and 'y' components which are the coordinates of the identified points in the user coordinate system, i.e., the one specified by 'par("usr")'. } \details{ The behaviour of \command{userinput} depends on the the value of \code{action} set by \command{\link{useraction}}, see there for more information. } \seealso{ \command{\link{getactions}}, \command{\link{Locator}}, \command{\link{Readline}}, \command{\link{useraction}} } \author{Martin Schlather, \email{schlath@hsu-hh.de} \url{http://www.unibw-hamburg.de/WWEB/math/schlath/schlather.html}} \keyword{iplot} \keyword{utilities} \keyword{internal}