Raw File
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <vector>

#include <tdc/math/ilog2.hpp>
#include <tdc/random/permutation.hpp>
#include <tdc/random/vector.hpp>
#include <tdc/stat/phase.hpp>
#include <tdc/stat/time.hpp>
#include <tdc/uint/uint40.hpp>

#include <tdc/pred/binary_search.hpp>
#include <tdc/pred/dynamic/dynamic_index.hpp>
#include <tdc/pred/dynamic/dynamic_index_map.hpp>
#include <tdc/pred/dynamic/dynamic_pred_bv.hpp>
#include <tdc/pred/dynamic/dynamic_rankselect.hpp>
#include <tdc/pred/dynamic/yfast.hpp>

#include <tdc/pred/dynamic/tiny_universe/unsorted_list.hpp>
#include <tdc/pred/dynamic/tiny_universe/sorted_list.hpp>

#include <tdc/pred/dynamic/btree.hpp>
#include <tdc/pred/dynamic/btree/dynamic_fusion_node.hpp>
#include <tdc/pred/dynamic/btree/sorted_array_node.hpp>

#include <tdc/util/literals.hpp>
#include <tdc/util/benchmark/integer_operation.hpp>

#include <tlx/cmdline_parser.hpp>

    #include <btrie/lpcbtrie.h>
    // wrapper around lpcbtrie
    // - adds a size field
    // - implements predecessor rather than successor by negating keys
    // - converts uint40_t key type to uint64_t in the index type because LPCBTrie cannot handle uint40_t due to implicit conversions
    template<typename key_t>
    class LPCBTrieWrapper {
        using real_key_t = typename std::conditional<std::is_same<key_t, uint40_t>::value, uint64_t, key_t>::type;
        mutable LPCBTrie<real_key_t, key_t> m_trie;
        size_t m_size;
        LPCBTrieWrapper() : m_size(0) {
        void insert(const key_t& x) {
            m_trie.insert((real_key_t)x, x);
        tdc::pred::KeyResult<key_t> pred(const key_t& x) const {
            key_t* result = m_trie.locate((real_key_t)x);
            return tdc::pred::KeyResult<key_t> { result != nullptr, result ? *result : 0 };
        void remove(const key_t& x) {
            #ifndef NDEBUG
            // we can't remove non-existing keys here
            auto r = pred(x);
            assert(r && r.key == x);
        size_t size() const {
            return m_size;

#if defined(LEDA_FOUND) && defined(STREE_FOUND)
    #define BENCH_STREE
    #include <veb/STree_orig.h>

    #include <btrie/lpcbtrie.h>

using namespace tdc;

constexpr size_t OPS_READ_BUFSIZE = 64_Mi;

struct {
    size_t num = 1_M;
    uint64_t universe = 0;
    size_t num_queries = 10_M;
    uint64_t seed = random::DEFAULT_SEED;
    std::string ds; // if non-empty, only benchmarks the selected data structure
    std::string ops_filename = "";
    std::ifstream ops;
    std::ifstream::pos_type ops_rewind_pos;
    bool has_opsfile() const {
        return ops_filename.length() > 0;
    void rewind_ops() {
        ops = std::ifstream(ops_filename);
        ops.seekg(ops_rewind_pos, std::ios::beg);
    bool do_bench(const std::string& name) const {
        return ds.length() == 0 || name == ds;

    bool do_sort() const {
        return num_queries == 0;

    random::Permutation perm_values;  // value permutation
    random::Permutation perm_queries; // query permutation
    bool check;
    std::vector<uint64_t> data; // only used if check == true
} options;

stat::Phase benchmark_phase(std::string&& title) {
    stat::Phase phase(std::move(title));
    return phase;

/// \brief Performs a benchmark.
/// \param name        the algorithm name
/// \param ctor_func   constructor function, must support signature T(const uint64_t) and return an empty data structure,
///                    or a data structure containing the first element if it cannot be empty
/// \param size_func   size function, must support signature size_t(const T& ds)
/// \param insert_func insertion function, must support signature <any>(T& ds, const uint64_t x)
/// \param pred_func   predecessor function, must support signature pred::Result(const T& ds, const uint64_t x)
/// \param remove_func key removal function, must support signature <any>(T& ds, const uint64_t x)
template<typename key_t, typename ctor_func_t, typename size_func_t, typename insert_func_t, typename pred_func_t, typename remove_func_t>
void bench(
    const std::string& name,
    ctor_func_t ctor_func,
    size_func_t size_func,
    insert_func_t insert_func,
    pred_func_t pred_func,
    remove_func_t remove_func
) {
    if(!options.do_bench(name)) return;

    // measure
    auto result = benchmark_phase("");

    if(options.num > 0) {
        result.log("num", options.num);
        result.log("universe", options.universe);
        result.log("seed", options.seed);
        if(options.do_sort()) {
            // === SORT ===

            // init data structure
            auto ds = ctor_func(0);
            if(size_func(ds) == 1) remove_func(ds, 0);
            assert(size_func(ds) == 0);

            // sort by inserting and emitting items
            // insert
            stat::Phase::MemoryInfo mem;
                stat::Phase insert("insert");
                for(size_t i = 0; i < options.num; i++) {
                    insert_func(ds, options.perm_values(i));
                mem = insert.memory_info();
            const size_t memData = mem.current - mem.offset;

            // emit in descending order
            bool is_sorted = true;
                stat::Phase emit("emit");
                key_t last = std::numeric_limits<key_t>::max() >> (std::numeric_limits<key_t>::digits - options.universe);
                for(size_t i = 0; i < options.num; i++) {
                    const auto r = pred_func(ds, last);
                    const key_t next = r.key;
                    is_sorted = is_sorted && r.exists && next <= last;
                    last = next - 1;
            result.log("memData", memData);
            result.log("sorted", is_sorted);
        } else {
            // === BASIC ===        
            // input
            result.log("queries", options.num_queries);
            // construct data structure so it contains only zero
            auto ds = ctor_func(0);
            if(size_func(ds) == 0) insert_func(ds, 0);
            assert(size_func(ds) == 1);

            // insert
                stat::Phase::MemoryInfo mem;
                    stat::Phase insert("insert");
                    for(size_t i = 0; i < options.num; i++) {
                        insert_func(ds, options.perm_values(i) + 1);  // add 1 because zero is already in
                    mem = insert.memory_info();
                result.log("memData", mem.current - mem.offset);
            // make sure all have been inserted
            assert(size_func(ds) == options.num+1);
            // predecessor queries
                uint64_t chk_q = 0;
                    stat::Phase phase("predecessor_rnd");
                    for(size_t i = 0; i < options.num_queries; i++) {
                        chk_q += (uint64_t)pred_func(ds, options.perm_queries(i)).key;
                result.log("chk", chk_q);

            // check
            if(options.check) {
                size_t num_errors = 0;
                for(size_t j = 0; j < options.num_queries; j++) {
                    const uint64_t x = options.perm_queries(j);
                    auto r = pred_func(ds, x);
                    // make sure that the result equals that of a simple binary search on the input
                    auto correct_result = pred::BinarySearch<uint64_t>::predecessor(options.data.data(), options.num + 1, x);
                    if(r.key == options.data[correct_result.pos]) {
                        // OK
                    } else {
                        // nah, count an error
                        //std::cout << std::hex << "index: " << x << "  correct: " << options.data[correct_result.pos] << "  wrong: " << r.key << std::endl;
                result.log("errors", num_errors);
            // delete
                stat::Phase del("delete");
                for(size_t i = 0; i < options.num; i++) {
                    remove_func(ds, options.perm_values(i) + 1); // add 1 to keep zero in there

            // make sure size is back to normal (only zero is contained)
            assert(size_func(ds) == 1);
            // memory of empty data structure
                auto mem = result.memory_info();
                result.log("memEmpty", mem.current);
    if(options.has_opsfile() > 0) {
        // === OPS ===
        result.log("ops", options.ops_filename);
        // init data structure
        auto ds = ctor_func(0);
        if(size_func(ds) == 1) remove_func(ds, 0);
        assert(size_func(ds) == 0);
        uint64_t ops_chk = 0;
        size_t ops_total = 0;
        size_t ops_ins = 0;
        size_t ops_del = 0;
        size_t ops_q = 0;
        size_t ops_max = 0;
        uint64_t time_ins = 0;
        uint64_t time_del = 0;
        uint64_t time_q = 0;
            stat::Phase ops_phase("ops");
            benchmark::IntegerOperationBatch<key_t> batch;
            while(batch.read(options.ops)) {
                // process next batch
                ops_total += batch.size();
                uint64_t t0;
                switch(batch.opcode()) {
                    case benchmark::OPCODE_INSERT:
                        t0 = stat::time_nanos();
                        for(const auto& key : batch.keys()) {
                            insert_func(ds, key);
                        time_ins += stat::time_nanos() - t0;
                        ops_ins += batch.size();
                        ops_max = std::max(ops_max, (size_t)size_func(ds));
                    case benchmark::OPCODE_DELETE:
                        t0 = stat::time_nanos();
                        for(const auto& key : batch.keys()) {
                            remove_func(ds, key);
                        time_del += stat::time_nanos() - t0;
                        ops_del += batch.size();
                    case benchmark::OPCODE_QUERY:
                        t0 = stat::time_nanos();
                        for(const auto& key : batch.keys()) {
                            ops_chk += (uint64_t)pred_func(ds, key).key;
                        time_q += stat::time_nanos() - t0;
                        ops_q += batch.size();
            auto mem = ops_phase.memory_info();
            result.log("memPeak_ops", mem.peak);
        result.log("ops_total", ops_total);
        result.log("ops_ins", ops_ins);
        result.log("ops_del", ops_del);
        result.log("ops_q", ops_q);
        result.log("ops_chk", ops_chk);
        result.log("ops_max", ops_max);
        result.log("time_ins", (double)(time_ins / 1000ULL) / 1000.0);
        result.log("time_del", (double)(time_del / 1000ULL) / 1000.0);
        result.log("time_q", (double)(time_q / 1000ULL) / 1000.0);
    std::cout << "RESULT algo=" << name << " " << result.to_keyval() << " " << result.subphases_keyval() << std::endl;

template<typename key_t, typename sort_func_t>
void bench_sort(const std::string& name, sort_func_t sort_func) {
    if(options.do_bench(name)) {
        auto result = benchmark_phase("");
        result.log("num", options.num);
        result.log("universe", options.universe);
        result.log("seed", options.seed);
            stat::Phase sort("sort");
            std::vector<key_t> v;
            for(size_t i = 0; i < options.num; i++) {
                v.push_back(options.perm_values(i) + 1); // add one because zero is already in
        std::cout << "RESULT algo=" << name << " " << result.to_keyval() << " " << result.subphases_keyval() << std::endl;

template<typename key_t>
void benchmark_arbitrary_universe() {
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::BTree<key_t, 9, pred::dynamic::DynamicFusionNode<key_t, 8, false>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert(x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor(x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove(x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::BTree<key_t, 17, pred::dynamic::DynamicFusionNode<key_t, 16, false>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert(x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor(x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove(x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::BTree<key_t, 9, pred::dynamic::DynamicFusionNode<key_t, 8, true>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert(x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor(x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove(x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::BTree<key_t, 17, pred::dynamic::DynamicFusionNode<key_t, 16, true>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert(x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor(x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove(x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::BTree<key_t, 9, pred::dynamic::SortedArrayNode<key_t, 8, false>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert(x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor(x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove(x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::BTree<key_t, 17, pred::dynamic::SortedArrayNode<key_t, 17, false>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert(x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor(x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove(x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::BTree<key_t, 65, pred::dynamic::SortedArrayNode<key_t, 64, false>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert(x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor(x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove(x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::BTree<key_t, 129, pred::dynamic::SortedArrayNode<key_t, 128, false>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert(x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor(x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove(x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::BTree<key_t, 257, pred::dynamic::SortedArrayNode<key_t, 256, false>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert(x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor(x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove(x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::BTree<key_t, 9, pred::dynamic::SortedArrayNode<key_t, 8, true>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert(x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor(x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove(x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::BTree<key_t, 17, pred::dynamic::SortedArrayNode<key_t, 17, true>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert(x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor(x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove(x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::BTree<key_t, 65, pred::dynamic::SortedArrayNode<key_t, 64, true>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert(x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor(x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove(x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::BTree<key_t, 129, pred::dynamic::SortedArrayNode<key_t, 128, true>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert(x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor(x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove(x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::BTree<key_t, 257, pred::dynamic::SortedArrayNode<key_t, 256, true>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert(x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor(x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove(x); }
        [](const key_t){ return std::set<key_t>(); },
        [](const auto& set){ return set.size(); },
        [](auto& set, const key_t x){ set.insert(x); },
        [](const auto& set, const key_t x){
            auto it = set.upper_bound(x);
            return pred::KeyResult<key_t> { it != set.begin(), *(--it) };
        [](auto& set, const key_t x){ set.erase(x); }

    if(options.do_sort()) {
        bench_sort<key_t>("std_sort", [](std::vector<key_t>& v){ std::sort(v.begin(), v.end()); });

template<typename key_t>
void benchmark_large_universe() {
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::YFastTrie<pred::dynamic::yfast_bucket<key_t, 6>, std::numeric_limits<key_t>::digits>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert((uint64_t)x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor((uint64_t)x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove((uint64_t)x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::YFastTrie<pred::dynamic::yfast_bucket<key_t, 7>, std::numeric_limits<key_t>::digits>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert((uint64_t)x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor((uint64_t)x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove((uint64_t)x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::YFastTrie<pred::dynamic::yfast_bucket<key_t, 8>, std::numeric_limits<key_t>::digits>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert((uint64_t)x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor((uint64_t)x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove((uint64_t)x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::YFastTrie<pred::dynamic::yfast_bucket<key_t, 9>, std::numeric_limits<key_t>::digits>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert((uint64_t)x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor((uint64_t)x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove((uint64_t)x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::YFastTrie<pred::dynamic::yfast_bucket_sl<key_t, 6>, std::numeric_limits<key_t>::digits>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert((uint64_t)x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor((uint64_t)x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove((uint64_t)x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::YFastTrie<pred::dynamic::yfast_bucket_sl<key_t, 7>, std::numeric_limits<key_t>::digits>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert((uint64_t)x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor((uint64_t)x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove((uint64_t)x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::YFastTrie<pred::dynamic::yfast_bucket_sl<key_t, 8>, std::numeric_limits<key_t>::digits>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert((uint64_t)x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor((uint64_t)x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove((uint64_t)x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::YFastTrie<pred::dynamic::yfast_bucket_sl<key_t, 9>, std::numeric_limits<key_t>::digits>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert((uint64_t)x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor((uint64_t)x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove((uint64_t)x); }
        [](const key_t){ return LPCBTrieWrapper<key_t>(); },
        [](const auto& trie){ return trie.size(); },
        [](auto& trie, const key_t x){ trie.insert(x); },
        [](const auto& trie, const key_t x){ return trie.pred(x); },
        [](auto& trie, const key_t x){ trie.remove(x); }

template<typename key_t>
void benchmark_medium_universe() {
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::DynIndex<key_t, 10, tdc::pred::dynamic::bucket_list<key_t, 10>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert((uint64_t)x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor((uint64_t)x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove((uint64_t)x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::DynIndex<key_t, 24, tdc::pred::dynamic::bucket_bv<key_t, 24>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert((uint64_t)x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor((uint64_t)x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove((uint64_t)x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::DynIndex<key_t, 14, tdc::pred::dynamic::bucket_hybrid<key_t, 14, 1023>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert((uint64_t)x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor((uint64_t)x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove((uint64_t)x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::DynIndex<key_t, 16, tdc::pred::dynamic::bucket_hybrid<key_t, 16, 1023>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert((uint64_t)x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor((uint64_t)x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove((uint64_t)x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::DynIndex<key_t, 20, tdc::pred::dynamic::bucket_hybrid<key_t, 20, 1023>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert((uint64_t)x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor((uint64_t)x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove((uint64_t)x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::DynIndex<key_t, 24, tdc::pred::dynamic::bucket_hybrid<key_t, 24, 1023>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert((uint64_t)x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor((uint64_t)x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove((uint64_t)x); }

        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::DynIndexMap<key_t, 10, tdc::pred::dynamic::map_bucket_list<key_t, 10>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert((uint64_t)x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor((uint64_t)x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove((uint64_t)x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::DynIndexMap<key_t, 24, tdc::pred::dynamic::map_bucket_bv<key_t, 24>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert((uint64_t)x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor((uint64_t)x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove((uint64_t)x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::DynIndexMap<key_t, 14, tdc::pred::dynamic::map_bucket_hybrid<key_t, 14, 1023>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert((uint64_t)x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor((uint64_t)x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove((uint64_t)x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::DynIndexMap<key_t, 16, tdc::pred::dynamic::map_bucket_hybrid<key_t, 16, 1023>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert((uint64_t)x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor((uint64_t)x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove((uint64_t)x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::DynIndexMap<key_t, 20, tdc::pred::dynamic::map_bucket_hybrid<key_t, 20, 1023>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert((uint64_t)x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor((uint64_t)x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove((uint64_t)x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::DynIndexMap<key_t, 24, tdc::pred::dynamic::map_bucket_hybrid<key_t, 24, 1023>>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert((uint64_t)x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor((uint64_t)x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove((uint64_t)x); }

template<typename key_t>
void benchmark_small_universe() {
    if(options.universe < 32) {
            [](const key_t first){ return STree_orig<>(options.universe, first); }, // STree cannot be empty?
            [](auto& stree){ return stree.getSize(); },
            [](auto& stree, const key_t x){ stree.insert((int)x); },
            [](auto& stree, const key_t x){ return pred::KeyResult<key_t> { true, (key_t)stree.locate_down(x) }; },
            [](auto& stree, const key_t x){ stree.del(x); }

template<typename key_t>
void benchmark_tiny_num() {
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::UnsortedList<key_t>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert(x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor(x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove(x); }
        [](const key_t){ return pred::dynamic::SortedList<key_t>(); },
        [](const auto& ds){ return ds.size(); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.insert(x); },
        [](const auto& ds, const key_t x){ return ds.predecessor(x); },
        [](auto& ds, const key_t x){ ds.remove(x); }

const std::string MODE_BASIC = "basic";
const std::string MODE_OPS = "ops";
const std::string MODE_SORT = "sort";

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    std::string mode;
    tlx::CmdlineParser cp_mode;
    cp_mode.add_param_string("mode", mode, "The benchmark mode (basic, ops, sort)");
    if(!cp_mode.process(std::min(argc, 2), argv)) {
        return -1;

    if(mode != MODE_BASIC && mode != MODE_OPS && mode != MODE_SORT) {
        return -1;

    tlx::CmdlineParser cp;
    cp.add_string("ds", options.ds, "The data structure to benchmark. If omitted, all data structures are benchmarked.");
    if(mode == MODE_OPS) {
        // ops
        cp.add_param_string("ops", options.ops_filename, "The file containing the operation sequence to benchmark, if any.");
    } else {
        cp.add_bytes('n', "num", options.num, "The length of the sequence (default: 1M).");
        cp.add_bytes('u', "universe", options.universe, "The base-2 logarithm of the universe to draw from (REQUIRED)");
        cp.add_bytes('s', "seed", options.seed, "The random seed.");
        if(mode == MODE_BASIC) {
            // basic
            cp.add_bytes('q', "queries", options.num_queries, "The number to draw from the universe (default: 10M).");
            cp.add_flag("check", options.check, "Check results for correctness.");
        } else {
            // sort
            options.num_queries = 0;

    if(!cp.process(--argc, ++argv)) {
        return -1;

    if(options.has_opsfile()) {
        // process ops only
        options.num = 0;
        // open file and read universe
        options.ops = std::ifstream(options.ops_filename);
        options.ops.read((char*)&options.universe, sizeof(options.universe));
        options.ops_rewind_pos = options.ops.tellg();
    } else if(options.num > 0) {
        if(!options.universe) {
            std::cerr << "universe required" << std::endl;
            return -1;
        } else if(options.universe > 64) {
            std::cerr << "base benchmark currently only supports universes up to 64 bits" << std::endl;
            return -1;
        const uint64_t u = UINT64_MAX >> (64 - options.universe);
        if(u < options.num + 1) {
            std::cerr << "universe not large enough" << std::endl;
            return -1;
        // generate permutation
        // we subtract 1 from the universe because we add it back for the insertions
        options.perm_values = random::Permutation(u - 1, options.seed);

        if(options.check) {
            // insert keys
            for(size_t i = 0; i < options.num; i++) {
                options.data.push_back(options.perm_values(i) + 1); // add one because zero is already in

            // prepare verification
            std::sort(options.data.begin(), options.data.end());
        options.perm_queries = random::Permutation(u, options.seed ^ 0x1234ABCD);
    } else {
        std::cout << "nothing to do!" << std::endl;
        return 0;
    if(options.num <= 1024) {
        if(options.universe <= 32) {
        } else if(options.universe <= 40) {
        } else if(options.universe <= 64) {
        } else if(options.universe <= 128) {
    if(options.universe <= 32) {
    } else if(options.universe <= 40) {
    } else if(options.universe <= 64) {
    } else if(options.universe <= 128) {
    return 0;
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