Tip revision: af9863621ad2e9f8042207ff0463fe04d9485b6e authored by David Hofmeyr on 22 November 2017, 09:14:29 UTC
version 0.1.0
version 0.1.0
Tip revision: af98636
#### A modification of R's default optimisation to allow, in particular, verbosity levels used
#### in Hofmeyr and Pavlidis (2017)
### function ppclust.optim() finds the optimal projection vector for clustering using one of the
### objectives in Hofmeyr and Pavlidis (2017)
## arguments:
# v0 = vector. Initial projection vector
# f = function. objective function to be optimised
# df = function. gradient of objective
# X = matrix. dataset being clustered
# params = list. parameters used in f and df
# getb = function. determines the optimal hyperplane orthogonal to a vector v (the value of b in the description of a hyperplane in the paper)
# verbosity = integer. determines the verbosity level of the optimisation. see paper for details
# labels = vector. only used if verbosity > 0. plots of points with different labels are given different colours. the labels are
# not used to aid the optimisation, only for illustrative purposes
# method = character. describes the objective being used. one of c('MCDC', 'MDH', 'NCutH')
# maxit = integer. maximum number of iterations in optimisation.
# ftol = double. realtive tolerance for termination of optimisation
## output is the optimal projection vector
ppclust.optim <- function(v0, f, df, X, params, getb, verbosity, labels, method, maxit, ftol){
if(method=='MCDC') optim(v0, f, df, X, params, method='BFGS', control = list(fnscale = -1e-4, maxit = maxit, reltol = ftol))
else optim(v0, f, df, X, params, method='BFGS', control = list(maxit = maxit, reltol = ftol))
iter = 0
dirname <- paste(method, ' plots.', format(Sys.time(), "%m_%d_%y_%Ih%Mm%Ss"), sep = '')
if(method=='MDH') dirname <- paste(dirname, '. alpha=', params$alpha, sep = '')
count <- 0
if(ncol(X)>2) v2 <- rARPACK::eigs_sym(cov(X), 2)$vectors[,2]
else v2 <- eigen(cov(X))$vectors[,2]
v0 <- list(par = v0)
for(i in 1:30){
v2 <- v2-v2%*%v0$par*v0$par
xp <- X%*%cbind(v0$par, v2)
if(method=='MDH') den <- density(xp[,1], bw = params$h)
else den <- density(xp[,1])
count <- count + 1
pdf(paste('~/', dirname, '/', method, ' plot-', count, '.pdf', sep = ''))
if(is.null(labels)) plot(xp, col = rgb(.5, .5, .5), xlab = '', ylab = '', main = '')
else plot(xp, col = labels, xlab = '', ylab = '', main = '')
lines(den$x, min(xp[,2])+.5*den$y/max(den$y)*(max(xp[,2])-min(xp[,2])), lwd = 2)
s <- sd(xp[,1])
pen <- den$y + params$C*((den$x<(-params$alpha*s))*(-params$alpha*s-den$x)^2 + (den$x>(params$alpha*s))*(den$x-params$alpha*s)^2)
lines(den$x, min(xp[,2])+.5*pen/max(den$y)*(max(xp[,2])-min(xp[,2])), lty = 2)
bcrit <- getb(v0$par, X, params)
abline(v=bcrit, lwd = 2, col = 2)
SR <- ifelse(is.null(labels), NA, round(success_ratio(xp[,1]<bcrit, labels), 3))
reldep <- round(md_reldepth(v0$par, X, params), 3)
denval <- round(f_md(v0$par, X, params), 3)
title(main = paste('alpha = ', params$alpha, '. density = ', denval, '. relative depth = ', reldep, '. success ratio = ', SR, sep = ''))
else if(method=='NCutH'){
NC <- round(f_ncut(v0$par, X, params), 3)
title(main = paste('normalised cut = ', NC, '. success ratio = ', SR, sep = ''))
VR <- round(f_mc(v0$par, X, params), 3)
title(main = paste('variance ratio = ', VR, '. success ratio = ', SR, sep = ''))
if(method=='MCDC') v0 <- optim(v0$par, f, df, X, params, method = 'BFGS', control = list(fnscale = -1e-4, maxit=3, reltol = ftol))
else v0 <- optim(v0$par, f, df, X, params, method = 'BFGS', control = list(maxit=3, reltol = ftol))
v0$par <- v0$par/norm_vec(v0$par)
iter <- iter + v0$counts[2]
if(v0$counts[2]==1 || i==30 || iter > maxit) break