\name{FileExists} \alias{FileExists} \alias{LockRemove} \title{Files} \description{ The function \code{FileExists} checks whether a file or a lock-file exists The function \code{LockRemove} removes a lock-file } \usage{ FileExists(file, PrintLevel=RFparameters()$Print) LockRemove(file) } \arguments{ \item{file}{name of the data file} \item{PrintLevel}{if \code{PrintLevel<=1} no messages are displayed} } \details{ \code{FileExists} checks whether file or file.lock exists. If none of them exists \code{file}.lock is created and hostname and PID are written into \code{file}.lock. This is useful if several processes use the same directory. Further, it is checked whether another process has tried to create the same file in the same instance. In this case \code{FileExists} returns for at least one of the processes that \code{file}.lock has already been created. } \value{ \code{FileExists} returns \item{1}{if \code{file} already exists} \item{2}{if \code{file}.lock already exists} \item{3}{if \code{file}.lock was tried to be created, but another process inferred and got priority} \item{0}{otherwise, \code{file} and \code{file}.lock did not exist and \code{file}.lock has been created} } \author{Martin Schlather, \email{schlath@hsu-hh.de} \url{http://www.unibw-hamburg.de/WWEB/math/schlath/schlather.html}} \keyword{file} \keyword{utilities} % LocalWords: FileExists LockRemove PrintLevel RFparameters PID Schlather url