(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) - 2012--2015 - IMDEA Software Institute * Copyright (c) - 2012--2015 - Inria * * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B-V1 license * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) require import Int Real Distr StdOrder StdBigop. (*---*) import RealOrder Bigreal BRA. require (*--*) FelTactic. (* Simple up to bad reasoning *) (* Scenario: you have an adversary with access to an oracle f and exactly q calls to it. You replace the oracle f with oracle f' and you know that f and f' return the same result with probability p. Then, you can conclude that the probability of distinguishing is q * p *) type from. type to. type ret_adv. op qO : { int | 0 <= qO } as qO_pos. op def : 'a. module type Oracle = { proc init () : unit proc f (x : from) : to * bool }. module type A (O : Oracle) ={ proc * run () : ret_adv { O.f} }. module Experiment (O : Oracle) (AdvF : A) = { module WO : Oracle = { var cO : int var bad : bool proc init() : unit = { bad <- false; cO <- 0; O.init(); } proc f (x : from) : to * bool = { var y <- def; var b <- false; if (cO < qO /\ !bad) { cO <- cO + 1; (y, b) <@ O.f(x); bad <- b ? b : bad; } return (y, b); } } proc main() : ret_adv = { var b <- def; WO.init(); b <@ AdvF(WO).run(); return b; } }. (* TODO: wut? Document this. *) lemma Conclusion &m p (O1 <: Oracle{Experiment})(O2 <: Oracle{Experiment}) (Adv <: A{Experiment, O1, O2}) I P (m : glob O2 -> int) (g : int -> real): (forall x, 0%r <= g x <= 1%r) => bigi predT g 0 qO <= qO%r * p => (equiv [O1.init ~ O2.init: true ==> I (glob O1){1} (glob O2){2} /\ (m (glob O2)){2} = 0 ]) => hoare [ O2.init : true ==> m (glob O2) = 0 ] => (forall k, equiv [O1.f ~ O2.f : I (glob O1){1} (glob O2){2} /\ (m ( glob O2)){2} = k ==> (m (glob O2)){2} = k + 1 /\ (! snd(res){2} => fst res{1} = fst res{2} /\ snd res{1} = snd res{2} /\ I (glob O1){1} (glob O2){2})]) => (forall k, hoare [O2.f : (m (glob O2)) = k ==> (m (glob O2)) = k + 1]) => (forall k, phoare [O2.f : m (glob O2) = k ==> snd res] <= (g k )) => islossless O1.f => islossless O2.f => (forall (O <: Oracle{Adv}), islossless O.f => islossless Adv(O).run) => I (glob O1){m} (glob O2){m} => Pr [Experiment(O1, Adv).main() @ &m : P res] <= Pr [Experiment(O2, Adv).main() @ &m : P res] + qO%r * p. proof. move=> hg hbnd hinint hinit2 hf hf2 hbound_bad hll1 hll2 hlladv hIm. apply (ler_trans (Pr [Experiment(O2, Adv).main() @ &m : P res \/ (Experiment.WO.bad /\ Experiment.WO.cO <= qO /\ Experiment.WO.cO = m (glob O2))]) _). + byequiv (: true ==> (!Experiment.WO.bad{2} => ={res}) /\ Experiment.WO.cO{2} <= qO /\ Experiment.WO.cO{2} = m (glob O2){2})=> //. + proc. call (: Experiment.WO.bad, I (glob O1){1} (glob O2){2} /\ ={Experiment.WO.cO, Experiment.WO.bad} /\ Experiment.WO.cO{2} <= qO /\ Experiment.WO.cO{2} = m (glob O2){2}, Experiment.WO.cO{2} <= qO /\ Experiment.WO.cO{2} = m (glob O2){2})=> // {g hg hbnd hbound_bad}. + proc; sp; if=> //. swap 1 2; wp. exists * (Experiment.WO.cO{2}); elim * => cO. by call (hf cO); auto => /> /#. + by move=> /> &2 h; proc; sp; if=> //; wp; call hll1; auto. + by move=> />; proc; sp; if => //; wp; call hll2; auto. inline Experiment(O1,Adv).WO.init Experiment(O2,Adv).WO.init; wp. by call hinint; auto=> />; smt(qO_pos). smt(). apply (ler_trans (Pr [Experiment(O2, Adv).main() @ &m : P res] + Pr [Experiment(O2, Adv).main() @ &m : Experiment.WO.bad /\ Experiment.WO.cO <= qO /\ Experiment.WO.cO = m (glob O2){hr}]) _). + by rewrite Pr [mu_or]; smt(ge0_mu). apply (: forall (a b c : real), b <= c => a + b <= a + c). + smt(ge0_mu). fel 2 Experiment.WO.cO g qO (Experiment.WO.bad) [Experiment(O2,Adv).WO.f : (!Experiment.WO.bad /\ Experiment.WO.cO < qO)] (m (glob O2) = Experiment.WO.cO)=> //. + by inline Experiment(O2, Adv).WO.init; call hinit2; auto. + proc; sp 2; if=> //; wp; last first. + by hoare; auto=> /#. swap 1 1; wp. exists* Experiment.WO.cO; elim* => cO. conseq (: _ : (g cO))=> //. exists* Experiment.WO.bad; elim* => b. call (hbound_bad cO); auto; smt(). + move=> c; proc; sp; if=> //; wp. exists* Experiment.WO.cO; elim* => cO. by call (hf2 cO); auto=> /> /#. move=> b c; proc; sp; if=> //. swap 1 1; wp. exists* Experiment.WO.cO; elim* => cO. by call (hf2 cO); auto=> /> /#. qed.