\name{slice} \alias{slice} \alias{sliceOld} \alias{slicetrans} \alias{slice1D} \alias{slice2D} \title{Calculate likelihood "slices"} \description{ Computes cross-section(s) of a multi-dimensional likelihood surface } \usage{ slice(x, dim=1, ...) sliceOld(fitted, which = 1:p, maxsteps = 100, alpha = 0.01, zmax = sqrt(qchisq(1 - alpha/2, p)), del = zmax/5, trace = FALSE, tol.newmin=0.001, \dots) slice1D(params,fun,nt=101,lower=-Inf, upper=Inf,verbose=TRUE,\dots) slice2D(params,fun,nt=31,lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, cutoff=10,verbose=TRUE,\dots) slicetrans(params, params2, fun, extend=0.1, nt=401, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a fitted model object of some sort} \item{dim}{dimensionality of slices (1 or 2)} \item{params}{a named vector of baseline parameter values} \item{params2}{a vector of parameter values} \item{fun}{an objective function} \item{nt}{(integer) number of slice-steps to take} \item{lower}{lower bound(s) (stub?)} \item{upper}{upper bound(s) (stub?)} \item{cutoff}{maximum increase in objective function to allow when computing ranges} \item{extend}{(numeric) fraction by which to extend range beyond specified points} \item{verbose}{print verbose output?} \item{fitted}{A fitted maximum likelihood model of class \dQuote{mle2}} \item{which}{a numeric or character vector describing which parameters to profile (default is to profile all parameters)} \item{maxsteps}{maximum number of steps to take looking for an upper value of the negative log-likelihood} \item{alpha}{maximum (two-sided) likelihood ratio test confidence level to find} \item{zmax}{maximum value of signed square root of deviance difference to find (default value corresponds to a 2-tailed chi-squared test at level alpha)} \item{del}{step size for profiling} \item{trace}{(logical) produce tracing output?} \item{tol.newmin}{tolerance for diagnosing a new minimum below the minimum deviance estimated in initial fit is found} \item{\dots}{additional arguments (not used)} } \value{ An object of class \code{slice} with \describe{ \item{slices}{a list of individual parameter (or parameter-pair) slices, each of which is a data frame with elements \describe{ \item{var1}{name of the first variable} \item{var2}{(for 2D slices) name of the second variable} \item{x}{parameter values} \item{y}{(for 2D slices) parameter values} \item{z}{slice values} \item{ranges}{a list (?) of the ranges for each parameter} \item{params}{vector of baseline parameter values} \item{dim}{1 or 2} } } \code{sliceOld} returns instead a list with elements \code{profile} and \code{summary} (see \code{\link{profile.mle2}}) } } \details{ Slices provide a lighter-weight way to explore likelihood surfaces than profiles, since they vary a single parameter rather than optimizing over all but one or two parameters. \describe{ \item{slice}{is a generic method} \item{slice1D}{creates one-dimensional slices, by default of all parameters of a model} \item{slice2D}{creates two-dimensional slices, by default of all pairs of parameters in a model} \item{slicetrans}{creates a slice along a transect between two specified points in parameter space (see \code{calcslice} in the \code{emdbook} package)} } } \author{Ben Bolker} \seealso{\code{\link{profile}}} \examples{ x <- 0:10 y <- c(26, 17, 13, 12, 20, 5, 9, 8, 5, 4, 8) d <- data.frame(x,y) fit1 <- mle2(y~dpois(lambda=exp(lymax)/(1+x/exp(lhalf))), start=list(lymax=0,lhalf=0), data=d) s1 <- slice(fit1,verbose=FALSE) s2 <- slice(fit1,dim=2,verbose=FALSE) require(lattice) plot(s1) plot(s2) ## 'transect' slice, from best-fit values to another point st <- slice(fit1,params2=c(5,0.5)) plot(st) } \keyword{misc}