Version 1.5.1 - Improved the GEMM example to support the Intel MIC (Xeon Phi) accelerators - Updated compiler check and compiler flags - Adds support for multiple OpenCL kernel files at once (e.g. when wanting to include a header file) - Adds support for the std::complex data-types - Fixed some compilation warnings regarding size_t conversions - Updated the FindOpenCL.cmake file Version 1.5.0 - OpenCL local work size and memory size constraints are now automatically handled - Greatly improved the new 2D convolution example: * Filter coefficients are now dynamic * Added support for local memory padding * In-lined the convolution header into the kernels and host code * Fixed various bugs - Moved the examples to separate subfolders - Uses chrono timers as seed in favor of random device - Bugfix for simulated annealing when 2 variables can only change together. Version 1.4.1 - Added 2D convolution as an example - Added command-line arguments to the GEMM search-method sample - Fixed a CUDA 7 related bug in the GEMM kernel - Fixed a logging bug in the PSO search technique Version 1.4.0 - Added the particle swarm optimisation (PSO) search technique - Updated the example GEMM kernel Version 1.3.2 - Now prints OpenCL version when running on a device - Added install targets to CMake - Moved header files around and renamed the main include to "cltune.h" - Catches OpenCL exceptions and skips those configurations Version 1.3.1 - Fixed simulated annealing's random number generation - Added new FindOpenCL CMake script - Added option to print database-formatted output of best results Version 1.3.0 - Allow users to select a search strategy through the API - Added support for the simulated annealing search method - Added a sample using simulated annealing - Added an option to output the search process to file Version 1.2.0 - Added the interface to customize search algorithms - Initially added full-search and random-search as basic search algorithms Version 1.1.0 - User-defined parameter constraints are now fully customizable by accepting arbitrary functions on an arbitrary combination of parameters. - Re-factored the code to use more C++11 features: auto, smart pointers, constexpr, class enums, ... Version 1.0.1 - Replaced one more occurrence of a pointer with an std::shared_ptr - Re-added OpenCL class constructor exception test - Updated license information Version 1.0.0 - Initial release to GitHub