Raw File
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/deploy-site.R
\title{Deploy a pkgdown site on Travis-CI to Github Pages}
deploy_site_github(pkg = ".", tarball = Sys.getenv("PKG_TARBALL", ""),
  ssh_id = Sys.getenv("id_rsa", ""),
  repo_slug = Sys.getenv("TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG", ""),
  commit_message = construct_commit_message(pkg), verbose = FALSE, ...)
\item{pkg}{Path to package.}

\item{tarball}{The location of the built package tarball. The default Travis
configuration for R packages sets \code{PKG_TARBALL} to this path.}

\item{ssh_id}{The private id to use, a base64 encoded content of the private
pem file. This should \emph{not} be your personal private key. Instead create a
new keypair specifically for deploying the site. The easiest way is to use

\item{repo_slug}{The \code{user/repo} slug for the repository.}

\item{commit_message}{The commit message to be used for the commit.}

\item{verbose}{Print verbose output}

\item{...}{Additional arguments passed to \code{\link[=build_site]{build_site()}}.}
\code{deploy_site_github()} sets up your SSH keys for deployment, builds the
site with \code{\link[=build_site]{build_site()}}, commits the site to the \code{gh-pages} branch and then pushes
the results back to GitHub. \code{deploy_site_github()} is meant only to be used
by the CI system on Travis, it should not be called locally. See 'Setup' for
details on setting up your repository to use this.

Add the following to your \code{.travis.yml} file.\preformatted{before_deploy: Rscript -e 'remotes::install_cran("pkgdown")'
  provider: script
  script: Rscript -e 'pkgdown::deploy_site_github()'
  skip_cleanup: true

Then you will need to setup your deployment keys. The easiest way is to call
\code{travis::use_travis_deploy()}. This will generate and push the necessary
keys to your GitHub and Travis accounts. See the \href{https://ropenscilabs.github.io/travis/}{travis package website} for more details.

Next, make sure that a gh-pages branch exists. The simplest way to do
so is to run the following git commands locally:\preformatted{git checkout --orphan gh-pages
git rm -rf .
git commit --allow-empty -m 'Initial gh-pages commit'
git push origin gh-pages
git checkout master

We recommend doing this outside of RStudio (with the project closed) as
from RStudio's perspective you end up deleting all the files and then
re-creating them.

If you're using a custom CNAME, make sure you have set the \code{url} in
\code{_pkgdown.yaml}:\preformatted{url: http://pkgdown.r-lib.org

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