% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/nz.R \docType{data} \name{nz} \alias{nz} \alias{new_zealand} \title{Regions in New Zealand} \format{FORMAT: \itemize{ \item{REGC2017_NAME} {Name} \item{AREA_SQ_KM} {Area} \item{LAND_AREA_SQ_KM} {Land area} \item{Shape_Length} {Perimeter length (m)} \item{Shape_Area} {Area (meters squared)} \item{geometry} {sfc_MULTIPOLYGON} }} \source{ \url{www.stats.govt.nz} } \usage{ nz } \description{ Polygons representing the 16 regions of New Zealand (2017). See \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regions_of_New_Zealand} for a description of these regions and \url{www.stats.govt.nz} for information on the data source } \examples{ if (requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE)) { library(sf) summary(nz) plot(nz) } \dontrun{ u_nz = "http://www3.stats.govt.nz/digitalboundaries/annual/ ESRI_Geodatabase_2017_Digital_Boundaries_Generalised_Clipped.zip" download.file(u_nz, destfile = "nz.zip") unzip("nz.zip") st_layers("2017 Digital Boundaries Generalised Clipped.gdb/") nz = st_read("2017 Digital Boundaries Generalised Clipped.gdb", layer = "REGC2017_GV_Clipped") object.size(nz) / 1000000 # ~15 MB nz = rmapshaper::ms_simplify(nz, keep = 0.001) object.size(nz) / 1000 # 41 KB! nz = nz_orig[1:16, ] # remove areas outside nz territory # Tidy-up unlink("2017 Digital Boundaries Generalised Clipped.gdb/", recursive = TRUE) unlink("nz.zip") } } \keyword{datasets} \keyword{sf}