\name{normalizetest} \alias{normalizetest} \title{Normalize test data} \description{Normalize test data using output from the normalize() of the training data} \usage{ normalizetest(Xtst,Xn) } \arguments{ \item{Xtst}{a matrix with the test data with observations down the rows and variables in the columns.} \item{Xn}{List with the output from normalize(Xtr) of the training data.} } \value{Returns the normalized test data \item{Xtst}{ The normalized data. } } \details{ The function can e.g. be used to normalize the testing data in sda or smda. }\references{ Clemmensen, L., Hastie, T. and Ersboell, K. (2007) "Sparse discriminant analysis", Technical report, IMM, Technical University of Denmark } \seealso{ \code{\link{normalize}, \link{sda}, \link{smda}} } \author{Line Clemmensen} \examples{ ## Data Xtr<-matrix(sample(seq(3),12,replace=TRUE),nrow=3) Xtst<-matrix(sample(seq(3),12,replace=TRUE),nrow=3) ## Normalize training data Nm<-normalize(Xtr) ## Normalize test data Xtst<-normalizetest(Xtst,Nm) } \keyword{multivariate}