Raw File
(* Adapted from Types.v in volume  of Software foundations:
inductive defs of static and dynamic semantics of a simple arithmetic language
(first-order). Parametric definition of progress and preservation
 and some mutants (see exercise 2 in types.v)*)

 From elpi Require Import elpi.
 Require Import Arith List. Import ListNotations.
 Require Import dep_pbt.
 Inductive tm : Type :=
 | ttrue : tm
 | tfalse : tm
 | tif : tm -> tm -> tm -> tm
 | tzero : tm
 | tsucc : tm -> tm
 | tpred : tm -> tm
 | tiszero : tm -> tm.
 Inductive typ : Type :=
 |TBool : typ
 |TNat : typ.
 Inductive has_type : tm -> typ -> Prop :=
   | T_Tru : has_type ttrue TBool
   | T_Fls : has_type tfalse TBool
   | T_Zro : has_type tzero TNat
   | T_Scc : forall t1,
         has_type t1 TNat -> has_type (tsucc t1) TNat
   | T_Prd : forall t1,
        has_type t1 TNat -> has_type (tpred t1 ) TNat
   | T_Iszro : forall t1,
       has_type t1 TNat ->  has_type (tiszero t1) TBool
                                         | T_Test : forall t1 t2 t3 T,
        has_type t1 TBool ->
        has_type t2 T ->
        has_type t3 T ->
        has_type (tif  t1 t2 t3) T 
 Inductive nvalue : tm -> Prop :=
   | nv_zero : nvalue tzero
   | nv_succ : forall t, nvalue t -> nvalue (tsucc t).
 Inductive bvalue : tm -> Prop :=
   | bv_t : bvalue ttrue
   | bv_f : bvalue tfalse.
 Reserved Notation "t1 '===>' t2" (at level 40).
 Inductive step : tm -> tm -> Prop :=
   | ST_IfTrue : forall t1 t2,
       (tif ttrue t1 t2) ===> t1
   | ST_IfFalse : forall t1 t2,
       (tif tfalse t1 t2) ===> t2
   | ST_If : forall t1 t1' t2 t3,
       t1 ===> t1' -> (tif t1 t2 t3) ===> (tif t1' t2 t3)
   | ST_Succ : forall t1 t1',
       t1 ===> t1' -> (tsucc t1) ===> (tsucc t1')
   | ST_PredZero : (tpred tzero) ===> tzero
   | ST_PredSucc : forall t1,
       nvalue t1 -> (tpred (tsucc t1)) ===> t1
   | ST_Pred : forall t1 t1',
       t1 ===> t1' -> (tpred t1) ===> (tpred t1')
   | ST_IszeroZero : (tiszero tzero) ===> ttrue
   | ST_IszeroSucc : forall t1,
        nvalue t1 ->  (tiszero (tsucc t1)) ===> tfalse
   | ST_Iszero : forall t1 t1',
       t1 ===> t1' -> (tiszero t1) ===> (tiszero t1')
 where "t1 '===>' t2" := (step t1 t2).

 (* Failure of subject expansion*)
 Goal forall e e' t, step e e' -> has_type e' t -> has_type e t. 
 intros e e' t HS HT.
 elpi dep_pbt 2 (HS /\ HT) (e).

 (*parametric defs of progress and preservation *) 
  Inductive notstuck (e : tm) (Step : tm -> tm -> Prop) : Prop :=
  | pn : nvalue e  -> notstuck e Step
  | pb : bvalue e -> notstuck e Step
  | ps e' : Step e e' -> notstuck e Step.
  Definition progress (e :tm) (Has_type : tm -> typ -> Prop) (Step : tm -> tm -> Prop):= 
     forall t, Has_type e t -> notstuck e Step.
 Definition preservation (e e':tm) (Has_type : tm -> typ -> Prop) (Step : tm -> tm -> Prop):= 
     forall t, Step e e' -> Has_type e t -> Has_type e' t.
 Definition deterministic {X Y: Type} (R : X -> Y -> Prop) :=
         forall (x : X) (y1 y2 : Y), R x y1 -> R x y2 -> y1 = y2.
 (* progress holds*)
 Elpi Bound Steps 100000.

 Goal forall e, progress e has_type step.
 unfold progress.
 intros e t Ht.    
 Fail elpi dep_pbt 3 (Ht) (e).
 (*variation 1: add | T_SuccBool : ∀t,
            ⊢ t ∈ TBool →
            ⊢ tsucc t ∈ TBool
 Module M1.
 Inductive has_type : tm -> typ -> Prop :=
   | T_Tru :
         has_type ttrue TBool
   | T_Fls :
        has_type tfalse TBool
   | T_Zro :
        has_type tzero TNat
   | T_Scc : forall t1,
         has_type t1 TNat ->
         has_type (tsucc t1) TNat
   | T_Prd : forall t1,
        has_type t1 TNat ->
        has_type (tpred t1 ) TNat
   | T_Iszro : forall t1,
        has_type t1 TNat ->
        has_type (tiszero t1) TBool
  | T_Test : forall t1 t2 t3 T,
        has_type t1 TBool ->
        has_type t2 T ->
        has_type t3 T ->
        has_type (tif  t1 t2 t3) T 
 (* bug 1*)
    | T_SuccBool : forall t,
           has_type t TBool ->
            has_type (tsucc t) TBool.
 End M1.
 Elpi Bound Steps 1000000.

  (* OK : (M1.has_type (tsucc ttrue) TBool)*)
 Goal forall e, progress e M1.has_type step.
 unfold progress.
 intros e t Ht.    
 elpi dep_pbt 2 (Ht) (e) . (* loops if gen (t)*)
  elpi dep_pbt size 4 (Ht) (e) . 
  elpi dep_pbt pair 2 4 (Ht) (e) . 
 (* variation 3: failure of step det *)
 Module M3.
 Reserved Notation "t1 '====>' t2" (at level 40).
 Inductive step : tm -> tm -> Prop :=
   | ST_IfTrue : forall t1 t2,
       (tif ttrue t1 t2) ====> t1
   | ST_IfFalse : forall t1 t2,
       (tif tfalse t1 t2) ====> t2
   | ST_If : forall t1 t1' t2 t3,
       t1 ====> t1' ->
       (tif t1 t2 t3) ====> (tif t1' t2 t3)
   | ST_Succ : forall t1 t1',
       t1 ====> t1' ->
       (tsucc t1) ====> (tsucc t1')
   | ST_PredZero :
       (tpred tzero) ====> tzero
   | ST_PredSucc : forall t1,
       nvalue t1 ->
       (tpred (tsucc t1)) ====> t1
   | ST_Pred : forall t1 t1',
       t1 ====> t1' ->
       (tpred t1) ====> (tpred t1')
   | ST_IszeroZero :
       (tiszero tzero) ====> ttrue
   | ST_IszeroSucc : forall t1,
        nvalue t1 ->
       (tiszero (tsucc t1)) ====> tfalse
   | ST_Iszero : forall t1 t1',
       t1 ====> t1' ->
       (tiszero t1) ====> (tiszero t1')
  | ST_Funny2 : forall t1 t2 t2' t3, (* bug *)
            t2 ====> t2' ->
            (tif t1 t2 t3) ====> (tif t1 t2' t3)
 where "t1 '====>' t2" := (step t1 t2).
 End M3.  
 (*   pair quickest: optimal bound*)
 Goal deterministic M3.step.
 unfold deterministic.
 elpi dep_pbt pair 3 5 (H /\ H0) (x).  

 (*variation 6*)
 Module M6.
 Inductive has_type : tm -> typ -> Prop :=
   | T_Tru :
         has_type ttrue TBool
   | T_Fls :
        has_type tfalse TBool
   | T_Zro :
        has_type tzero TNat
   | T_Scc : forall t1,
         has_type t1 TNat ->
         has_type (tsucc t1) TNat
   | T_Prd : forall t1,
        has_type t1 TNat ->
        has_type (tpred t1 ) TNat
   | T_Prd_B6: has_type (tpred tzero) TBool(*bug6*)
    | T_Test : forall t1 t2 t3 T,
        has_type t1 TBool ->
        has_type t2 T ->
        has_type t3 T ->
        has_type (tif  t1 t2 t3) T 
   | T_Iszro : forall t1,
        has_type t1 TNat ->
        has_type (tiszero t1) TBool.
  End M6.
 (* pres  fail for M6: M = tpred(tzero) M' = tzero T = tBool
 [Note: it loops if step is the generator
 but I can use typing as a gen*)
 Goal forall e e', preservation e e' M6.has_type step.
 unfold preservation.
 intros e e' t Hs Ht.    
 (* elpi pbt (Ht) (Hs)  3 (e).*)
 elpi dep_pbt 2 (Hs) (Ht). (* can also be e*) 
 (* Next  fails with cex
 E = tpred(tzero)
 T1 = tnat
 T2 = tbool
 Recall: set a low bound.*)

 Goal deterministic M6.has_type.
 unfold deterministic.
 elpi dep_pbt size 3 (H  /\ H0) (x). 
 (* a typo-like mutation*)
 Module Mty.
 Inductive has_type : tm -> typ -> Prop :=
   | T_Tru :
         has_type ttrue TBool
   | T_Fls :
        has_type tfalse TBool
   | T_Zro :
        has_type tzero TNat
   | T_Scc : forall t1,
         has_type t1 TNat ->  has_type (tsucc t1) TNat
   | T_Prd : forall t1,
        has_type t1 TNat ->
        has_type (tpred t1 ) TNat
    | T_Test : forall t1 t2 t3 T,
        has_type t1 TBool ->
        has_type t2 T ->
        has_type t3 T ->
        has_type (tif  t1 t2 t3) T 
   | T_Iszro : forall t1,
        has_type t1 TBool ->
        has_type (tiszero t1) TNat. (* bug *)
 End Mty.

 Goal forall e, progress e Mty.has_type step.
 unfold progress.
 intros e t Ht.
 elpi dep_pbt 2 (Ht) (e).    
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