function [ stats ] = mle_rhythmicity( x,session_dur,varargin ) %MLE_RHYTHMICITY Use maximum liklihood estimation to find rhythmicity %parameters % % INPUT % x: Data. Can either be spike timestamps, or a cell array of lags % session_dur: Duration of the session % % PARAMETERS % T (0.6): Examinination window % plotit (true): If true, plots histogram and distribution estimation % noskip (false): If true, skipping removed from model. % dt (0.001): dt for model % % OUTPUT % stats: Output structure of the fit % Fs: Firing frequency (Hz) % FsX: Multiplier of the firing rate in the examination window % Fsci: 95% confidence intervals for the firing frequency % FsX: 95% confidence intervals for the multiplier % LL: Log liklihood of fit % LLs: Log l % a: Maximum liklihood estimator for the magnitude of the rhythmicity % aci: 95% confidence intervals for the rhythmicity % ci: 95% confidence intervals for the parameters % flat_LL: Log liklihood of the arrhythmic fit % noskip_LL: Log liklihood of the non-skipping fit % noskip_phat: Maximum liklihood estimators for the non skipping fit % [tau b c f r] (Not present if noskip=true) % D_rhyth: Deviance of rhythmic versus arhythmic fit % D_sk: Deviance of the non-skipping versus full fit. (Not present if % noskip=true) % p_rhyth: p that the cell is rhythmic (chi2-test). % p_sk: p that the cell is skipping (chi2-test) (Not present if % noskip=true) % phat: Maximum liklihood estimators [tau b c f s(Not present if % noskip=true) r] % x: Cell array of the lags following each spike % x_: All lags % % RELEASE NOTES % v0.1 2014-04-30 Updated from mle_rhythmicity % v0.2 2014-05-02 Beta release % v0.21 2014-05-06 Bug fixes with noskip=false % v0.3 2014-07-27 Release for review % % Copyright (c) 2014, Trustees of Boston University % All rights reserved. % % This file is part of mle_rhythmicity % % This code has been freely distributed by the authors under the BSD % licence ( If used or % modified, we would appreciate it if you cited our paper: % % Climer, J. R., DiTullio, R., Newman, E. L., Hasselmo, M. E., Eden, U. T. % (2014), Examination of rhythmicity of extracellularly recorded neurons in % the entorhinal cortex. Hippocampus, Epub ahead of print. doi: % 10.1002/hipo.22383. %% Warnings warning('off','stats:mle:IterLimit'); %% Parse inputs ip = inputParser; ip.addParamValue('T',0.6); ip.addParamValue('plotit',true); ip.addParamValue('noskip',false); ip.addParamValue('dt',0.001); ip.addParamValue('stats0',[]); ip.parse(varargin{:}); for j = fields(ip.Results)' eval([j{1} ' = ip.Results.' j{1} ';']); end % If timestamps, find lags if ~iscell(x) x_ = x(:)'; x = cell(size(x_)); for i=1:numel(x) x{i} = x_(x_>x_(i)&x_<=x_(i)+T)-x_(i); end end [Fs,Fsci]=poissfit(numel(x)); Fs = Fs/session_dur; Fsci = Fsci/session_dur; [FsX,FsX_ci] = poissfit(cellfun(@numel,x)); FsX = (FsX/T)/Fs; FsX_ci = (FsX_ci/T)/Fs; try x_ = [x{:}]; catch err x_ = cat(1,x{:}); end x_ = x_(:); t0 = 0:dt:T; [~,inds] = histc(x_,t0); %% Initial guess using particle swarm PopulationSize = 75; lbnd = [-1 0 -1 1 0]; ubnd = [1 1 1 13 1]; InitialPopulation = rand(PopulationSize,numel(lbnd)).*repmat(ubnd-lbnd,[PopulationSize 1])+repmat(lbnd,[PopulationSize 1]); % % close all; phat0 = pso(@(phat)-sum(log(rhythmicity_pdf('inds',inds,'phat',phat,'noskip',true))),size(lbnd,2) ... ,[],[],[],[]... ,lbnd... ,ubnd... ,[] ... ,psooptimset('Generations',100,'InitialPopulation',InitialPopulation,'PopulationSize',PopulationSize,'ConstrBoundary','reflect' ... ...,'PlotFcns',{@psoplotswarm}... ,'Display','off'... ) ... ); % Solve [noskip_phat,ci] = mle(x_,'pdf',@(x,tau,b,c,f,r,varargin)rhythmicity_pdf('inds',inds,'phat',[tau b c f r],'noskip',true),.... 'start',phat0,.... 'lowerbound',[-inf 0 -inf 1 0],.... 'upperbound',[inf 1 inf 13 1],.... 'alpha',0.05); noskip_LL = sum(log(rhythmicity_pdf('inds',inds,'phat',noskip_phat,'noskip',true))); if noskip phat = noskip_phat; LL = noskip_LL; clear noskip_phat; clear noskip_LL; else % Need to do full fit % Initial guess using particle swarm lbnd = [lbnd 0]; ubnd = [ubnd 1]; InitialPopulation = [InitialPopulation rand(PopulationSize,1)]; % close all; phat0 = pso(@(phat)-sum(log(rhythmicity_pdf('inds',inds,'phat',phat))),size(lbnd,2) ... ,[],[],[],[]... ,lbnd... ,ubnd... ,[] ... ,psooptimset('Generations',100,'InitialPopulation',InitialPopulation,'PopulationSize',PopulationSize,'ConstrBoundary','reflect' ... ....,'PlotFcns',{@psoplotswarm}... ,'Display','off'... ) ... ); % fit [phat,ci] = mle(x_,'pdf',@(x,tau,b,c,f,s,r,varargin)rhythmicity_pdf('inds',inds,'phat',[tau b c f s r]),.... 'start',phat0,.... 'lowerbound',[-inf 0 -inf 1 0 0],.... 'upperbound',[inf 1 inf 13 1 1],.... 'alpha',0.05); % Testing LL = sum(log(rhythmicity_pdf('inds',inds,'phat',phat))); D_sk = 2*(LL-noskip_LL); p_sk = 1-chi2cdf(D_sk,1); end % Arrhythmic fit flat_phat = mle(x_,'pdf',@(x,tau,b,varargin)rhythmicity_pdf('inds',inds,'phat',[tau,b,1,1,0,0]),.... 'start',phat(1:2),.... 'lowerbound',[-inf 0],.... 'upperbound',[inf 1],.... 'optimfun','fmincon',... 'alpha',0.05); flat_LL = sum(log(rhythmicity_pdf('inds',inds,'phat',[flat_phat,1,1,0,0]))); %% More testing D_rhyth = 2*(LL-flat_LL); p_rhyth = 1-chi2cdf(D_rhyth,size(lbnd,2)-2); %% Amplitude stuff [a,aci] = mle(x_,'pdf',@(x,a,varargin)rhythmicity_pdf('inds',inds,'phat',[phat(1:end-1) a/(1-phat(2))],'noskip',noskip),... 'start',(1-phat(2))*phat(end),... 'lowerbound',0,.... 'upperbound',1-phat(2)); %% Plotting if plotit % if noskip phat = [phat(1:end-1) 0 phat(end)]; end ts = linspace(0,T,61); hist(x_,ts); xlim([min(ts) max(ts)]); hold on; ps = rhythmicity_pdf('t',ts,'phat',phat); ps = ps/sum(ps)*numel(x_); plot(ts,ps,'Color',[1 0 0],'LineWidth',2); ps = rhythmicity_pdf('t',ts,'phat',[phat(1:2) phat(3:end)*0]); ps = ps/sum(ps)*numel(x_); plot(ts,ps,'c--','LineWidth',2); hold off legend('data','MLE','flat'); if noskip phat = [phat(1:end-2) phat(end)]; end if noskip title(['a=' sprintf('%2.2g',a) ', p_{rhyth}=' sprintf('%2.2g',p_rhyth)]); else title(['a=' sprintf('%2.2g',a) ', p_{rhyth}=' sprintf('%2.2g',p_rhyth) ', p_{skip}=' sprintf('%2.2g',p_sk)]); end end se = diff(ci)/2/norminv(1-0.05/2); %% Format output clear c;clear i;clear j;clear LLs;clear T;clear f;clear faxis;clear ip;clear phats; clear session_dur;clear varargin;clear plotit;clear ps;clear ans;clear InitialPopulation;clear PopulationSize;clear dt;clear lbnd;clear noskip; clear phat0; clear t0;clear ts;clear ubnd;clear stats0; c = who; stats = struct; for i = c' eval(['stats.' i{1} '=' i{1} ';']); end warning('on','stats:mle:IterLimit'); end