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Tip revision: 0fa8ab5b81e54410ee9b34a1ac5e45eebda7e387 authored by Jean Kossaifi on 06 August 2019, 17:16:06 UTC
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Tip revision: 0fa8ab5
import tensorly as tl

def matrix_product_state(input_tensor, rank, verbose=False):
    """MPS decomposition via recursive SVD

        Decomposes `input_tensor` into a sequence of order-3 tensors (factors)
        -- also known as Tensor-Train decomposition [1]_.

    input_tensor : tensorly.tensor
    rank : {int, int list}
            maximum allowable MPS rank of the factors
            if int, then this is the same for all the factors
            if int list, then rank[k] is the rank of the kth factor
    verbose : boolean, optional
            level of verbosity

    factors : MPS factors
              order-3 tensors of the MPS decomposition

    .. [1] Ivan V. Oseledets. "Tensor-train decomposition", SIAM J. Scientific Computing, 33(5):2295–2317, 2011.

    # Check user input for errors
    tensor_size = input_tensor.shape
    n_dim = len(tensor_size)

    if isinstance(rank, int):
        rank = [1] + [rank] * (n_dim-1) + [1]
    elif n_dim+1 != len(rank):
        message = 'Provided incorrect number of ranks. Should verify len(rank) == tl.ndim(tensor)+1, but len(rank) = {} while tl.ndim(tensor) + 1  = {}'.format(
            len(rank), n_dim + 1)

    # Make sure it's not a tuple but a list
    rank = list(rank)

    # Initialization
    if rank[0] != 1:
        message = 'Provided rank[0] == {} but boundaring conditions dictatate rank[0] == rank[-1] == 1: setting rank[0] to 1.'.format(rank[0])
        raise ValueError(message)
    if rank[-1] != 1:
        message = 'Provided rank[-1] == {} but boundaring conditions dictatate rank[0] == rank[-1] == 1: setting rank[-1] to 1.'.format(rank[0])
        raise ValueError(message)

    unfolding = input_tensor
    factors = [None] * n_dim

    # Getting the MPS factors up to n_dim - 1
    for k in range(n_dim - 1):

        # Reshape the unfolding matrix of the remaining factors
        n_row = int(rank[k]*tensor_size[k])
        unfolding = tl.reshape(unfolding, (n_row, -1))

        # SVD of unfolding matrix
        (n_row, n_column) = unfolding.shape
        current_rank = min(n_row, n_column, rank[k+1])
        U, S, V = tl.partial_svd(unfolding, current_rank)
        rank[k+1] = current_rank

        # Get kth MPS factor
        factors[k] = tl.reshape(U, (rank[k], tensor_size[k], rank[k+1]))

        if(verbose is True):
            print("MPS factor " + str(k) + " computed with shape " + str(factors[k].shape))

        # Get new unfolding matrix for the remaining factors
        unfolding= tl.reshape(S, (-1, 1))*V

    # Getting the last factor
    (prev_rank, last_dim) = unfolding.shape
    factors[-1] = tl.reshape(unfolding, (prev_rank, last_dim, 1))

    if(verbose is True):
        print("MPS factor " + str(n_dim-1) + " computed with shape " + str(factors[n_dim-1].shape))

    return factors
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