Raw File
Tip revision: 3835e0a1faa5853939c2967c867dde5cf49d9887 authored by Noah Mitchell on 25 April 2022, 18:57:35 UTC
added code for figures and dependency code
Tip revision: 3835e0a
# VisceralOrganMorphogenesisViaCalciumPatternedMuscleConstrictions
This repository contains code for publication Visceral Organ Morphogenesis Via Calcium-Patterned Muscle Constrictions, currently under review.

Scripts for reproducing data/analysis in each figure are given in the main directory. 
These scripts rely on classes, modules, and functions in the 'dependencies' directory.

To reproduce the creation of processed data, other required dependencies are gptoolbox (https://github/com/alecjacobson/gptoolbox/) and toolbox_fast_marching (Gabriel Peyre 2009). 

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This work is licensed under a
[Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License][cc-by].

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