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Tip revision: 81ed4b1c2c07db12de7e9db78fa6538ad31e01de authored by Suneel Sarswat on 23 February 2021, 12:55:22 UTC
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Tip revision: 81ed4b1

(* -----------------Description----------------------------------------------------------

This file contains useful definitions and basic properties of fundamental concepts 
about auctions such as matching, maximum matching (MM), individual rational matching (IR), 
uniform matching, fair matching etc. This file also contains results on matchings, 
IR matchings, uniform matchings.

    Terms          <==>     Explanations
    All_matchable M        Every bid-ask pair in M are matchable
    matching M             All_matchable M && NoDup B_M && NoDup A_M              
    matching_in B A M      matching M && B_M [<=] B && A_M [<=] A
    Is_MM M B A            M is maximal matching for B and A
    rational m             bid_of m  >= tp m >= ask_of m
    Is_IR M                forall m, In n M -> rational m    
    Uniform M              all bid-ask pairs in M is traded at single price        
    fair_on_bids B M       M is fair on all bids (i.e. B)
    fair_on_asks A M       M is fair on all asks (i.e. A) 
    Is_fair M B A          M is fair on B and A

Most of the results in this file contains the introduction and elimination rules 
for all the above defined notions.


Require Import ssreflect ssrbool.
Require Export Lists.List.
Require Export GenReflect SetSpecs.
Require Export DecList.
Require Export DecSort.
Require Export mBidAsk.
Require Export Quantity.
Section Matching.

(*----------------- Notion of matching and  Maximal Matching (MM) ------------------------*)

(* Definition matchable (b: Bid)(a: Ask):=  (sp (a)) <= (bp (b)). *)

  Definition All_matchable (M: list fill_type):= forall m, In m M -> (ask_of m) <= (bid_of m).

Definition all_matchable (M:list fill_type) := forallb (fun m => 
 Nat.leb (ask_of m) (bid_of m)) M.

Lemma all_matchableP (M:list fill_type): reflect (All_matchable M) (all_matchable M).
Proof. {  apply reflect_intro.  unfold Prop_bool_eq. split.
          { induction M. intros. simpl. auto. intros. simpl. apply /andP. split.
            apply /leP. unfold All_matchable in H. apply H. auto.
            assert (H1: All_matchable M).
            revert H. unfold All_matchable. simpl. auto.  apply IHM in H1. eauto. }
          { induction M. intros. unfold All_matchable. intros. destruct H0.
            simpl. intros. move /andP in H. destruct H. unfold All_matchable. intros. 
            destruct H1. move /leP in H. subst a. exact. eapply IHM in H0. 
            unfold All_matchable in H0. eapply H0 in H1. exact. } } Qed.

Definition matching (M: list fill_type):=
  (All_matchable M) /\ 
  (forall b, In b (bids_of M) -> (ttqb M b) <= (bq b)) /\ 
  (forall a, In a (asks_of M) -> (ttqa M a) <= (sq a)).

Definition matching_in (B:list Bid) (A:list Ask) (M:list fill_type):=
(matching M) /\ ((bids_of M) [<=] B) /\ ((asks_of M) [<=] A).

Definition Is_MM (M : list fill_type)(B: list Bid)(A: list Ask) :=
  matching_in B A M /\ 
  (forall M': list fill_type, matching_in B A M' -> QM(M') <= QM(M)).

Lemma All_matchable_elim (m: fill_type)(M: list fill_type):
  All_matchable (m::M) -> (ask_of m) <= (bid_of m).
Proof.  intros H.  unfold All_matchable in H. simpl in H. auto.  Qed.   

Lemma All_matchable_elim1 (m: fill_type)(M: list fill_type):
  All_matchable (m::M) -> All_matchable M.
Proof.  unfold All_matchable. intros.  simpl in H. auto. Qed.

Lemma All_matchable_elim2  (m: fill_type)(M: list fill_type):
  All_matchable M -> All_matchable (delete m M).
Proof. unfold All_matchable. intros. apply H. eapply delete_elim1. eauto. Qed.  

Definition empty_fill: list fill_type:= nil.

Lemma All_matchable_nil: All_matchable nil.
Proof. unfold All_matchable. intros. inversion H. Qed.  

Lemma All_matchable_intro (m: fill_type)(M: list fill_type):
  (ask_of m) <= (bid_of m) -> All_matchable M -> All_matchable (m::M).
Proof. { intros H1 H2. unfold All_matchable. simpl. intros m0 H3. destruct H3.
         subst m0. exact. eauto. } Qed. 

Hint Immediate All_matchable_intro All_matchable_nil: core.
Hint Resolve All_matchable_elim All_matchable_elim1 All_matchable_elim2 : core.

Lemma nill_is_matching (B: list Bid)(A: list Ask) : matching_in B A nil.
Proof. { unfold matching_in. split. unfold matching.
         split. apply All_matchable_nil.
         split. simpl. intros. destruct H. simpl. intros. destruct H.
         split. simpl. auto. simpl. auto. } Qed.
Hint Resolve nill_is_matching: core.

(*-------------introduction and elimination for matching ------------------------*)

(*-------    Definition matching (M: list fill_type):=
             (All_matchable M) /\ (NoDup (bids_of M)) /\ (NoDup (asks_of M)).    *)

Lemma matching_elim0 (m: fill_type) (M: list fill_type): matching M -> In m M ->
                                                         (ask_of m) <= (bid_of m).
Proof. intros. unfold matching in H.  destruct H. unfold All_matchable in H.
apply H in H0. exact. Qed.

Lemma matching_elim1 (M: list fill_type): matching M -> (forall b, In b (bids_of M) -> (ttqb M b) <= (bq b)).
Proof.  intro H. unfold matching in H. destruct H. destruct H0. exact. Qed.

Lemma matching_elim2 (M: list fill_type): matching M -> (forall a, In a (asks_of M) -> (ttqa M a) <= (sq a)).
Proof. intro H. unfold matching in H. destruct H. destruct H0. exact. Qed.

Lemma matching_elim3 (M: list fill_type): matching M -> NoDup M.
Proof. { intro H. destruct H. destruct H0.
         induction M as [|m].
         { auto. }
         { constructor. intro H2. assert (H4: In (bid_of m) (bids_of M)). eauto.
           simpl in H0. assert (H5: ~In (bid_of m) (bids_of M)). eauto. contradiction.
           apply IHM. all: eauto. } } Qed.

Lemma matching_elim4 (m: fill_type) (M: list fill_type): matching (m::M) ->
                                                         ~ In (ask_of m) (asks_of M).
Proof. { intros. unfold matching in H. destruct H. destruct H0. simpl in H1.
         eapply nodup_elim2 in H1. exact. } Qed.

Lemma matching_elim5 (m: fill_type) (M: list fill_type): matching (m::M) ->
                                                         ~ In (bid_of m) (bids_of M).
Proof. { intros. unfold matching in H. destruct H. destruct H0. simpl in H0.
         eapply nodup_elim2 in H0. exact. } Qed.

Lemma matching_elim6 (m: fill_type) (M: list fill_type): matching (m::M) -> matching M.
Proof. { intros. unfold matching in H. destruct H. destruct H0. unfold matching.
         split. eapply All_matchable_elim1. eauto. split. 
         { intros. simpl in H0. specialize (H0 b) as Hb. destruct Hb.
         right. exact. destruct (b_eqb b (bid_of m)). lia. lia.
         destruct (b_eqb b (bid_of m)). lia. lia. }
         { intros. simpl in H1. specialize (H1 a) as Ha. destruct Ha.
         right. exact. destruct (a_eqb a (ask_of m)). lia. lia.
         destruct (a_eqb a (ask_of m)). lia. lia. } } Qed.

Lemma matching_elim9 (m: fill_type) (M: list fill_type): matching M ->  matching (delete m M).
Proof. { intros H. unfold matching in H. destruct H. destruct H0.
         unfold matching. split. 
         { eauto. }

         {  intros. assert(In b (bids_of M)\/~In b (bids_of M)).
            eauto. destruct H3.
            assert(In m  M\/~In m M). eauto. destruct H4.
            destruct (b_eqb b (bid_of m)) eqn:Hbm.
            move /eqP in Hbm.
            apply ttqb_delete_m_ofb with (M:=M) in Hbm. apply H0 in H3.
            lia. auto. move /eqP in Hbm. 
            apply ttqb_delete_m_not_ofb with (M:=M) in Hbm.
            apply H0 in H3. lia. auto. assert(M=(delete m M)).
            eauto. rewrite<- H5. apply H0 in H3. lia.
            assert(In b (bids_of M)). eauto.
            unfold not in H3. apply H3 in H4.
            elim H4. }

         {  intros. assert(In a (asks_of M)\/~In a (asks_of M)).
            eauto. destruct H3.
            assert(In m  M\/~In m M). eauto. destruct H4.
            destruct (a_eqb a (ask_of m)) eqn:Hbm.
            move /eqP in Hbm.
            apply ttqa_delete_m_ofa with (M:=M) in Hbm. apply H1 in H3.
            lia. auto. move /eqP in Hbm. 
            apply ttqa_delete_m_not_ofa with (M:=M) in Hbm.
            apply H1 in H3. lia. auto. assert(M=(delete m M)).
            eauto. rewrite<- H5. apply H1 in H3. lia.
            assert(In a (asks_of M)). eauto.
            unfold not in H3. apply H3 in H4.
            elim H4. }
} Qed.

Hint Resolve matching_elim0 matching_elim1 matching_elim2 (*matching_elim3*): core.
Hint Resolve (*matching_elim4 matching_elim5 matching_elim7 *) matching_elim6: core.
Hint Resolve matching_elim9 (*matching_elim8 matching_elim10 matching_elim11*): core.
  Lemma matching_in_elim0 (M: list fill_type)(B: list Bid)(A: list Ask): matching_in B A M ->
                                                                         matching M.
  Proof. intros. unfold matching_in in H. destruct H. exact. Qed.
Lemma matching_in_elim (m: fill_type) (M: list fill_type)(B: list Bid)(A: list Ask):
  matching_in B A (m::M) -> matching_in B A M.
Proof. { intros. unfold matching_in in H. destruct H. destruct H0. 
         unfold matching_in. split. eauto. split. eauto. eauto. } Qed.

Lemma matching_in_elim1 (m: fill_type) (M: list fill_type) (B: list Bid)(A: list Ask):
  matching_in B A (m::M) ->  (ask_of m) <= (bid_of m).
Proof. { unfold matching_in. intros H. destruct H as [H1 H].
         destruct H1 as [H1 H2]. eauto. } Qed.
Lemma matching_in_elim4 (m: fill_type) (M: list fill_type) (B: list Bid)(A: list Ask):
  matching_in B A (m::M) ->   In (bid_of m) B.
Proof. { unfold matching_in;unfold matching. intros H.
         destruct H as [H1 H]. destruct H as [H2 H]. destruct H1 as [H1 H3].
         destruct H3 as [H3 H4]. eauto. } Qed.

Lemma matching_in_elim4a (m: fill_type) (M: list fill_type) (B: list Bid)(A: list Ask):
  matching_in B A M -> In m M ->  In (bid_of m) B.
Proof. intros. destruct H. destruct H1. eauto. Qed.

Lemma matching_in_elim5 (m: fill_type) (M: list fill_type) (B: list Bid)(A: list Ask):
  matching_in B A (m::M) ->   In (ask_of m) A.
Proof. { unfold matching_in;unfold matching. intros H.
         destruct H as [H1 H]. destruct H as [H2 H]. destruct H1 as [H1 H3].
         destruct H3 as [H3 H4]. eauto. } Qed.

Lemma matching_in_elim5a (m: fill_type) (M: list fill_type) (B: list Bid)(A: list Ask):
  matching_in B A M ->  In m M -> In (ask_of m) A.
Proof. intros. unfold matching_in in H. destruct H. destruct H1. eauto. Qed.

Lemma matching_in_elim6 (a: Ask)(B: list Bid)(A: list Ask)(M: list fill_type):
  matching_in B A M -> matching_in B (a::A) M.
Proof. { unfold matching_in. intros. destruct H. destruct H0. split. exact.
         split. exact. eauto. } Qed.

Lemma matching_in_elim7 (b: Bid)(B: list Bid)(A: list Ask)(M: list fill_type):
  matching_in B A M -> matching_in (b::B) A M.
Proof. { unfold matching_in. intros. destruct H. destruct H0. split. exact.
         split. eauto. exact. } Qed.

Lemma matching_in_elim7a (m: fill_type)(B: list Bid)(A: list Ask)(M: list fill_type):
matching_in B A M -> matching_in B A (delete m M).
Proof. { unfold matching_in. intros. destruct H. destruct H0. split. eauto. split. eauto. eauto. } Qed.

 Lemma matching_in_elim8 (B: list Bid)(A: list Ask)(b: Bid)(a: Ask)(M: list fill_type):
   matching_in (b::B) (a::A) M -> ~ In b (bids_of M) -> ~ In a (asks_of M) -> matching_in B A M.
 Proof. { unfold matching_in. intros. destruct H. destruct H2. destruct H.
          destruct H4. unfold matching. split.
          { split. { exact. } { eauto. } }
          { eauto.  }
          { eauto. } } Qed.

Lemma matching_in_elim9b (M:list fill_type)(b:Bid)(a:Ask)(B:list Bid)(A:list Ask): 
matching_in B A M -> ttq_ab M b a <= bq b.
Proof. intros. destruct H. destruct H. destruct H1. 
assert(H3:In b (bids_of M)\/~In b (bids_of M)).
eauto. destruct H3.
specialize (H1 b). apply H1 in H3.
assert(H4: ttq_ab M b a <= ttqb M b).
eapply ttq_ab_elim_b with (a:=a) in H3. lia. Qed.

Lemma matching_in_elim9a (M:list fill_type)(b:Bid)(a:Ask)(B:list Bid)(A:list Ask): 
matching_in B A M -> ttq_ab M b a <= sq a.
Proof. intros. destruct H. destruct H. destruct H1. 
assert(H3:In a (asks_of M)\/~In a (asks_of M)).
eauto. destruct H3.
specialize (H2 a). apply H2 in H3.
assert(H4: ttq_ab M b a <= ttqa M a).
eapply ttq_ab_elim_a with (b:=b) in H3. lia.
Lemma matching_in_elim9 (M:list fill_type)(b:Bid)(a:Ask)(B:list Bid)(A:list Ask): 
matching_in B A M -> ttq_ab M b a <= min (bq b) (sq a).
Proof. intro H. 
apply matching_in_elim9a with (b:=b)(a:=a) in H as Ha. 
apply matching_in_elim9b with (b:=b)(a:=a) in H as Hb.
lia. Qed. 

Lemma matching_on_nilA (B:list Bid) (M:list fill_type) : matching_in B nil M -> M=nil.
Proof. { intros H1. unfold matching_in in H1. destruct H1 as [H1 H2].
         destruct H2 as [H2 H3]. unfold matching in H1. destruct H1 as [H1 H4]. 
         unfold All_matchable in H1. assert (HAMnil: (asks_of M) = nil). eauto.
         case M eqn: HM. auto. simpl in HAMnil. inversion HAMnil. } Qed.

Lemma matching_on_nilB (A: list Ask)(M:list fill_type) : matching_in nil A M -> M=nil.
Proof. { intros H1. unfold matching_in in H1. destruct H1 as [H1 H2].
         destruct H2 as [H2 H3]. unfold matching in H1. destruct H1 as [H1 H4]. 
         unfold All_matchable in H1. assert (HBMnil: (bids_of M) = nil). eauto.
         case M eqn: HM. auto. simpl in HBMnil. inversion HBMnil. } Qed.

Lemma matching_on_bnill (A: list Ask)(M:list fill_type)(b:Bid): 
matching_in (b::nil) A M -> QM(M)<=bq b.
Proof. intros. destruct H. destruct H. destruct H0.
       assert(NoDup (b :: nil)). eauto. apply QM_equal_QMb in H0. 
       simpl in H0. 
       apply fill_size_vs_bid_size with (M:=M) in H3.
       simpl in H3. lia. intros. 
       assert(In b0 (bids_of M)\/~In b0 (bids_of M)).
       eauto. destruct H5. apply H1. auto. apply ttqb_elim in H5. lia.
       eauto. Qed.
Lemma matching_on_anill (B: list Bid)(M:list fill_type)(a:Ask): 
matching_in B (a::nil) M -> QM(M)<=sq a.
Proof. intros. destruct H. destruct H. destruct H0.
       assert(NoDup (a :: nil)). eauto. apply QM_equal_QMa in H2. 
       simpl in H2. 
       apply fill_size_vs_ask_size with (M:=M) in H3.
       simpl in H3. lia. intros. 
       assert(In a0 (asks_of M)\/~In a0 (asks_of M)).
       eauto. destruct H5. apply H1. auto. apply ttqa_elim in H5. lia.
       eauto. Qed.

Hint Resolve matching_in_elim4a matching_in_elim5a matching_in_elim9: core. 
(*Hint Immediate matching_in_intro: auction.*)
Hint Resolve matching_in_elim0 matching_in_elim matching_in_elim1 (*matching_in_elim2
     matching_in_elim3 *) matching_in_elim4 matching_in_elim5 : core.

Hint Resolve matching_in_elim6 matching_in_elim7 matching_in_elim7a  matching_in_elim8: core.

(*----------------- Individual rational and  Fair matching--------------------------*)

Definition rational (m: fill_type):=
  ((bid_of m) >= tp m) /\ (tp m >= (ask_of m)).
Definition Is_IR (M: list fill_type):= forall m, In m M -> rational m.

Lemma Is_IR_elim (m: fill_type)(M: list fill_type): Is_IR (m::M) -> rational m.
Proof. { unfold Is_IR. intros H.  specialize H with m. simpl in H.
         destruct H. left. exact. unfold rational. eauto. } Qed.

Lemma Is_IR_elim1 (m: fill_type)(M: list fill_type): Is_IR (m::M)-> Is_IR M.
Proof. unfold Is_IR. simpl. intros. eauto. Qed.

Lemma Is_IR_elim2 (m: fill_type)(M: list fill_type): Is_IR M -> Is_IR (delete m M).
Proof. unfold Is_IR. intros. eauto. Qed.

Lemma Is_IR_intro (m: fill_type)(M: list fill_type): rational m -> Is_IR M -> Is_IR (m::M).
Proof.  unfold Is_IR. intros. destruct H1. subst m0. exact. auto. Qed.  

Hint Immediate Is_IR_intro: auction.
Hint Resolve Is_IR_elim Is_IR_elim1: auction.

(*------------------Uniform matching------------------------------*)

Definition Uniform (M : list fill_type) := uniform (trade_prices_of M).

Lemma tps_of_delete (M: list fill_type) (m: fill_type) (x:nat):
  In x (trade_prices_of (delete m M)) -> In x (trade_prices_of M).
  Proof. { intro H. 
         assert (H1: exists m', In m' (delete m M) /\ (x=(tp m'))).
         eauto. destruct H1 as [m' H1]. destruct H1 as [H1 H2].
         cut (In m' M). subst x. eauto. 
         eapply delete_elim1. exact H1. } Qed.
Lemma Uniform_intro (M:list fill_type) (m:fill_type) : Uniform M -> Uniform (delete m M).
Proof. { unfold Uniform. intro H.
         case M as [|m' M'] eqn: HM.
         { simpl. constructor. }
         { simpl in H. assert ((forall x, In x (tp m' :: trade_prices_of M')-> x= (tp m'))).
           eapply uniform_elim1. exact.
           simpl. destruct (m_eqb m m') eqn: Hm.
           { apply uniform_elim2 in H.  exact. }
           { simpl. cut (forall x, In x (trade_prices_of (delete m M')) -> x=(tp m')).
             eapply uniform_intro. intros x H1.
             assert (H1b: In x (trade_prices_of M')).
             { eapply tps_of_delete. exact H1. }
             apply H0. auto. }}} Qed.

Lemma Uniform_intro1 (M:list fill_type) (m:fill_type) : Uniform (m::M) -> Uniform M.
Proof. unfold Uniform.  simpl.  eapply uniform_elim2. Qed.

Lemma Uniform_elim (M:list fill_type) (m1 m2:fill_type) :
  Uniform M -> In m1 M -> In m2 M -> tp m1 = tp m2.
Proof. { unfold Uniform. intros H1 H2 H3. 
         cut (In (tp m2) (trade_prices_of M)).
         cut (In (tp m1) (trade_prices_of M)).
         eapply uniform_elim4. exact. all:auto. } Qed.

Lemma Uniform_intro2 (M:list fill_type) (m m':fill_type) : Uniform M -> 
In m M -> tp m = tp m' -> Uniform (m'::M).
Proof. { unfold Uniform. intros H1 H2 H3.
         assert (H0:In (tp m) (trade_prices_of M)).
         auto. simpl. eapply uniform_intro. intros x H4.
         rewrite <- H3. eapply uniform_elim4. exact H1. all:auto. } Qed.

Hint Resolve Uniform_intro  Uniform_intro1 Uniform_elim : core.
Hint Immediate Uniform_intro2 : core.

Lemma matching_size_bids (M:list fill_type)(A:list Ask)(B:list Bid)(NDB:NoDup B):
matching_in B A M -> QM(M) <= QB(B). 
Proof. intros. destruct H. destruct H0. destruct H. destruct H2.
rewrite <- QM_equal_QMb with (B:=B). apply fill_size_vs_bid_size.
auto. apply ttqb_BM_t_B. all:auto. Qed.

Lemma tqm_le_bqm (M:list fill_type) (B:list Bid) (A:list Ask)(m:fill_type):
matching_in B A M -> 
In m M -> 
tq m <= bq (bid_of m).
Proof. intros. induction M. elim H0.
simpl. destruct H0. subst a.
destruct H. destruct H. 
assert(In (bid_of m) (bids_of (m :: M))).
eauto. apply H1 in H2. simpl in H2.
replace (b_eqb (bid_of m) (bid_of m)) with true in H2.
lia. eauto. apply IHM in H0. auto. eauto. Qed.

Lemma tqm_le_sqm (M:list fill_type) (B:list Bid) (A:list Ask)(m:fill_type):
matching_in B A M -> 
In m M -> 
tq m <= sq (ask_of m).
Proof. intros. induction M. elim H0.
simpl. destruct H0. subst a.
destruct H. destruct H. 
assert(In (ask_of m) (asks_of (m :: M))).
eauto. apply H1 in H2. simpl in H2.
replace (a_eqb (ask_of m) (ask_of m)) with true in H2.
lia. eauto. apply IHM in H0. auto. eauto. Qed.

End Matching.

Hint Unfold All_matchable : core.
Hint Immediate All_matchable_intro All_matchable_nil: core.
Hint Resolve All_matchable_elim All_matchable_elim1 All_matchable_elim2 : core.

Hint Resolve matching_elim0 matching_elim1 matching_elim2 (*matching_elim3*): core.
Hint Resolve (*matching_elim4 matching_elim5 matching_elim7 *) matching_elim6: core.
Hint Resolve (*matching_elim8*) matching_elim9: core.
(*Hint Resolve matching_elim10 matching_elim11: core.
Hint Resolve matching_elim12 matching_elim13: core.
Hint Resolve matching_elim14 matching_elim15: core.
Hint Resolve nill_is_matching: core.
(*Hint Immediate matching_in_intro: core.*)
Hint Resolve matching_in_elim0 matching_in_elim matching_in_elim1: core.
Hint Resolve (*matching_in_elim2 matching_in_elim3 *) matching_in_elim4: core.
Hint Resolve matching_in_elim4a matching_in_elim5a: core. 
Hint Resolve matching_in_elim5 matching_in_elim6 matching_in_elim7 matching_in_elim7a :core.
Hint Resolve matching_in_elim8 matching_in_elim9a matching_in_elim9b matching_in_elim9: core.
Hint Immediate Is_IR_intro: core.
Hint Resolve Is_IR_elim Is_IR_elim1: core.

Hint Resolve Uniform_intro Uniform_elim Uniform_intro1 : core.
Hint Immediate Uniform_intro2 : core. 

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