% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/loadGEO.R \name{loadGEO} \alias{loadGEO} \title{Load GEO Dataset.} \usage{ loadGEO(name, type = NA) } \arguments{ \item{name}{String, containing GEO identifier of the dataset. It should start with 'GSE' or 'GDS' and can include exact GPL to annotate dataset, separated with dash ('-') from the identifier.} \item{type}{Type of the dataset: 'GSE' or 'GDS'. If not specified, the function will take first three letters of \code{name} variable as type.} } \value{ File with ProtoBuf-serialized ExpressionSet-s that were downloaded by this identifier. For GSE-datasets there can be multiple annotations, so in file will be a list mapping name with GPL to ExpressionSet. } \description{ \code{loadGEO} returns the file with serialized ExpressionSet using ProtoBuf, parsed from data downloaded from GEO by identifier. } \examples{ \dontrun{ loadGEO("GSE27112") loadGEO("GDS4922") } }