Raw File
Tip revision: 759bd8995e51c4e40aa72fd5657d5e6e04c6da89 authored by Software Heritage on 04 February 2020, 13:44:27 UTC
hal: Deposit 405 in collection hal
Tip revision: 759bd89
# Conversations liste

txt_Conversations = Threads
txt_Filtre = Sort
txt_FiltreDuree = By duration > than
txt_FiltreNbreMessages = By number of messages > than
txt_FiltreNbreLocuteurs = By number of speakers > than
txt_FiltreLanceur = By initiator
txt_ParamRegroupement = Posts grouping parameters
txt_NbreConversations = Number of discussions
txt_NbreMoyenLocuteursSujet = Average number of speakers per discussion
txt_NbreMoyenMessagesSujet = Average number of messages per discussion
txt_ParamCalculSC1 = Collective subjects calculation parameter (POSTS)
txt_ParamCalculSC2 = Collective subjects calculation parameter (SPEAKERS)
txt_NbreSC = Number of collective subjects
txt_NbreMessagesSC = Number of messages in collective subjects
txt_NbreLanceursSC = Number of initiators in collective subjects
txt_NbrePLSC = Number of small speakers in collective subjects
txt_NbreMessagesPLSC = Number of messages of small speakers in collective subjects
txt_NbreSCLancesPL = Number of collective subjects initiated by small speakers
txt_NbreMessagesLDSC = Number of messages of prominent speaker in collective subjects
txt_NbreSCLancesLD = Number of collective subjects initiated by prominent speaker
txt_NbreMessagesLocuteursDominantsSC = Number of messages of prominent speakers in collective subjects
txt_NbreMessagesLocuteursDominantsSaufPremierSC = Number of messages of prominent speakers except the first in collective subjects
txt_NbreSCLancesLocuteursDominantsSaufPremier = Number of collective subjects initiated by prominent speakers except the first
txt_NbreLocuteursDominantsLanceursSC = Number of prominent speakers initiating collective subjects
txt_NbreMessagesSuperieurA = Number of messages above
txt_NbreMoyenMessagesConversation = average number of messages per discussion
txt_NbreLocuteursSuperieurA = Number of speakers greater than
txt_NbreMoyenLocuteursConversation = average number of speakers per discussion
txt_NonPrisCompte = Ignored
txt_PourcentSujets = % of discussions
txt_SujetsCollectifs = Collective subjects
txt_PourcentMessages = % of messages
txt_PourcentLocuteurs = % of speakers
txt_PLdansSC = Small speakers in collective subjects
txt_PourcentPL = % of small speakers
txt_PourcentMessagesSC = % of messages in collective subjects
txt_PourcentSC = % of collective discussions
txt_LocuteursDominantsdansSC = Prominent speakers in collective subjects
txt_PourcentLanceurs = % of initiators
txt_PourcentLocuteursDominants = % of prominent speakers
txt_NonTrouveMin = not found
txt_NonTrouveMaj = Not found
txt_AucunSC = No collective discussion found
txt_NonCalculeMaj = Not calculated
txt_NonCalculeMin = Not calculated
txt_Conversation = Thread
txt_SujetPremierMessage = First post subject
txt_NumeroPremierMessage = First post number 
txt_Debut = Start
txt_Fin = End
txt_Duree = Duration<br>(days)
txt_NbreMessages = Number of<br>messages
txt_NbreLocuteurs = Number of<br>speakers
txt_SC = Collective<br>subjects
txt_Lanceur = Initiator
txt_Topic = Discussion
txt_NbreVues = Number<br>of views
txt_Oui = Yes
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