Raw File
/* dup2: 2nd pass

   Usage: dup2 -poly name.poly [-basepath <dir>] [-filelist <fl>]
          -K <K> -renumber xxx file1 ... filen

   Put non-duplicate files (among file1 ... filen only) into:
   <dir>/file1 ... <dir>/filen

   Input files can be given on command line, or via a filelist file.

   In case a filelist is given, the -basepath option enables to tell in which
   directory those files are. Note that input files will be replaced in-place.

   By default, the output will be bzipped/gzipped according to the status
   of the input file.

   Allocates a hash-table of 2^k 32-bit entries.

   The relations are renumbered according to the file xxx, as input we have:

       a,b:p1,p2,...,pj:q1,q2,...,qk                                 (*)

   where p1,p2,...,pj are rational ideals (possibly duplicate), and
   q1,q2,...,qk are algebraic ideals (possibly duplicate). Output is:

       a,b:r1,r2,...,rm                                              (**)

   where each index r1,r2,...,rm appears only once, and refers to either
   a rational or to an algebraic ideal.

   The format of each file is recognized by counting the number of ':' in the
   first line: if two we have the raw format (*), if only one we have the
   renumbered format (**). It is assumed that all files in renumbered format
   come first.

   Algorithm: for each (a,b) pair, we compute h(a,b) = (CA*a+CB*b) % 2^64.

   h has 64 bits. We know bits 2..6 are identical for a given slice, thus
   we remove them, and we obtain a 59-bit value h'.

   Let h' = j * 2^k + i.

   We store j % 2^32 at the next empty cell after index i in the hash-table.

#include "cado.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>   /* for _O_BINARY */

#include "portability.h"
#include "filter_common.h"

#ifdef FOR_FFS
#include "utils-ffs.h"
#include "filter_badideals.h"

#define DEBUG 0

char *argv0; /* = argv[0] */

/* Renumbering table to convert from (p,r) to an index */
renumber_t renumber_tab;

static uint32_t *H; /* H contains the hash table */
static unsigned long K = 0; /* Size of the hash table */
static unsigned long nrels_expected = 0;
static double cost = 0.0; /* Cost to insert all rels in the hash table */
/* Number of duplicates and rels on the current file */
static uint64_t ndup, nrels;
/* Number of duplicates and rels on all read files */
static uint64_t ndup_tot = 0, nrels_tot = 0;

/* sanity check: we store (a,b) pairs for 0 <= i < sanity_size,
   and check for hash collisions */
unsigned long sanity_size;
int64_t  *sanity_a;
uint64_t *sanity_b;
unsigned long sanity_checked = 0;
unsigned long sanity_collisions = 0;
/* end sanity check */

static double factor = 1.0;

static int is_for_dl; /* Do we reduce mod 2 or not */

static inline void
sanity_check (uint32_t i, int64_t a, uint64_t b)
  if (sanity_a[i] == 0)
    sanity_a[i] = a;
    sanity_b[i] = b;
  else if (sanity_a[i] != a)
    fprintf(stderr, "Collision between (%" PRId64 ",%" PRIu64 ") and "
                    "(%" PRId64 ",%" PRIu64 ")\n", sanity_a[i], sanity_b[i],
                    a, b);

static inline void
print_warning_size ()
  uint64_t nodup = nrels_tot - ndup_tot;
  double full_table = 100.0 * (double) nodup / (double) K;
  fprintf(stderr, "Warning, hash table is %1.0f%% full\n", full_table);
  if (full_table >= 99.0)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error, hash table is full\n");
  factor += 1.0;

/* Print the relation 'rel' in a line of the form:
   with a (signed) and b (unsigned) written in hexa and
   and i_1 ... i_k (hexadecimal) are the indices of the ideals

    The function add a column of 1 if necessary, the added column is always
    column 0.
static inline void
print_relation (FILE * file, earlyparsed_relation_srcptr rel)
  char buf[1 << 12], *p, *op;
  size_t t;
  unsigned int i, j;

  p = d64toa16(buf, rel->a);
  *p++ = ',';
  p = u64toa16(p, rel->b);
  *p++ = ':';

  for (i = 0; i < rel->nb; i++)
    if (rel->primes[i].e > 0)
      op = p;
      p = u64toa16(p, (uint64_t) rel->primes[i].h);
      *p++ = ',';
      t = p - op;
      for (j = (unsigned int) ((rel->primes[i].e) - 1); j--; p += t)
        memcpy(p, op, t);
  // Add a column of 1 (it always has index 0) if asked
  if (renumber_tab->add_full_col)
    p = u64toa16(p, (uint64_t) 0);
    *p++ = ',';

  *(--p) = '\n';
  p[1] = 0;
  fputs(buf, file);

/* if duplicate is_dup = 1, else is_dup = 0
 * return i for sanity check
static inline uint32_t
insert_relation_in_dup_hashtable (earlyparsed_relation_srcptr rel, unsigned int *is_dup)
  uint64_t h;
  uint32_t i, j;

  h = CA_DUP2 * (uint64_t) rel->a + CB_DUP2 * rel->b;
  i = h % K;
  j = (uint32_t) (h >> 32);
/* Note: in the case where K > 2^32, i and j share some bits.
 * The high bits of i are in j. These bits correspond therefore to far away
 * positions in the tables, and keeping them in j can only help.
 * FIXME: TODO: that's wrong!!! it would be better do take i from high
   bits instead!
  while (H[i] != 0 && H[i] != j)
    if (UNLIKELY(i == K))
      i = 0;

  if (H[i] == j)
    *is_dup = 1;
    H[i] = j;
    *is_dup = 0;

  return i;

/* modify in place the relation rel to take into account:
 *  - the renumbering
 *  - the bad ideals
static inline void
compute_index_rel (earlyparsed_relation_ptr rel, allbad_info_t info)
  unsigned int i;
  p_r_values_t r;
  prime_t *pr = rel->primes;
  int side;
  weight_t len = rel->nb; // rel->nb can be modified by bad ideals

 /* HACK: a relation is on the form a,b:side0:side1
  * we put the side in primes[i].h
  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
    if (pr[i].e > 0)
      side = (int) pr[i].h;
      if (side != renumber_tab->rat)
#ifndef FOR_FFS
#if DEBUG >= 1
  // Check for this bug : [#15897] [las] output "ideals" that are not prime
        if (!modul_isprime(&(pr[i].p)))
          fprintf (stderr, "Error, relation with a=%" PRId64" b=%" PRIu64 " "
                           "contains %" PRpr " which is not prime.\nRemove "
                           "this relation from the file and re-run dup2.\n",
                           rel->a, rel->b, pr[i].p);
        r = (p_r_values_t) relation_compute_r (rel->a, rel->b, pr[i].p);
        r = (p_r_values_t) ffs_relation_compute_r (rel->a, rel->b, pr[i].p);
        r = 0; // on the rational side we need not compute r, which is m mod p.
      int nb; //number of ideals above the bad ideal
      index_t first_index; // first index of the ideals above a bad ideal
      if (renumber_is_bad (&nb, &first_index, renumber_tab, pr[i].p, r, side))
        int exp_above[RENUMBER_MAX_ABOVE_BADIDEALS] = {0,};
        handle_bad_ideals (exp_above, rel->a, rel->b, pr[i].p, pr[i].e, info);
        /* allocate room for (nb) more valuations */
        if (rel->nb + nb - 1 > rel->nb_alloc)
           pr = rel->primes;

        /* the first is put in place, while the other are put at the end
         * of the relation. As a side-effect, the relations produced are
         * unsorted. Anyway, given that we're mixing sides when
         * renumbering, we're bound to do sorting downhill. */
        pr[i].h = first_index;
        pr[i].e = exp_above[0];
        for (int n = 1; n < nb; n++)
          pr[rel->nb].h = first_index + n;
          pr[rel->nb].e = exp_above[n];
        pr[i].h = renumber_get_index_from_p_r(renumber_tab, pr[i].p, r, side);

/* return in *oname and *oname_tmp two file names for writing the output
 * of processing the given input file infilename. Both files are placed
 * in the directory outdir if not NULL, otherwise in the current
 * directory.  The parameter outfmt specifies the output file extension
 * and format (semantics are as for fopen_maybe_compressed).
 * proper use requires that data be first written to the file whose name
 * is *oname_tmp, and later on upon successful completion, that file must
 * be renamed to *oname. Otherwise disaster may occur, as there is a slim
 * possibility that *oname == infilename on return.
static void
get_outfilename_from_infilename (char *infilename, const char *outfmt,
                                 const char *outdir, char **oname,
                                 char **oname_tmp)
    const char * suffix_in;
    const char * suffix_out;
    get_suffix_from_filename (infilename, &suffix_in);
    suffix_out = outfmt ? outfmt : suffix_in;

    char * newname = strdup(infilename);
    ASSERT_ALWAYS(strlen(suffix_in) <= strlen(newname));

#define chkrcp(x) do { int rc = x; ASSERT_ALWAYS(rc>=0); } while (0)
    if(outdir) {
      const char * basename = path_basename(newname);
      chkrcp(asprintf(oname_tmp, "%s/%s.tmp%s", outdir, basename, suffix_out));
      chkrcp(asprintf(oname, "%s/%s%s", outdir, basename, suffix_out));
    } else {
      chkrcp(asprintf(oname_tmp, "%s.tmp%s", newname, suffix_out));
      chkrcp(asprintf(oname, "%s%s", newname, suffix_out));
#undef  chkrcp

#if DEBUG >= 1
  fprintf (stderr, "DEBUG: Input file name: %s,\nDEBUG: temporary output file "
                   "name: %s,\nDEBUG: final output file name: %s\n", infilename,
                   *oname_tmp, *oname);

static void
dup_print_stat (const char *s, uint64_t nrels, uint64_t ndup)
  uint64_t nrem = nrels - ndup;
  double pdup = 100.0 * ((double) ndup) / ((double) nrels);
  fprintf (stderr, "%s: nrels=%" PRIu64 " dup=%" PRIu64 " (%.2f%%) rem=%" PRIu64 "\n",
                   s, nrels, ndup, pdup, nrem);

static void *
hash_renumbered_rels (void * context_data MAYBE_UNUSED, earlyparsed_relation_ptr rel)
    unsigned int is_dup;

    uint32_t i = insert_relation_in_dup_hashtable (rel, &is_dup);

    // They should be no duplicate in already renumbered file

    if (i < sanity_size)
        sanity_check(i, rel->a, rel->b);

    if (cost >= factor * (double) (nrels_tot - ndup_tot))
        print_warning_size ();

    return NULL;

static void *
thread_dup2 (void * context_data, earlyparsed_relation_ptr rel)
    unsigned int is_dup;
    uint32_t i;
    FILE * output = (FILE*) context_data;
    i = insert_relation_in_dup_hashtable (rel, &is_dup);
    if (!is_dup) {
        if (i < sanity_size)
            sanity_check(i, rel->a, rel->b);
        if (cost >= factor * (double) (nrels_tot - ndup_tot))
            print_warning_size ();

        print_relation (output, rel);
    } else {

    return NULL;

void *
thread_root(void * context_data, earlyparsed_relation_ptr rel)
    if (!is_for_dl) { /* Do we reduce mod 2 */
        /* XXX should we compress as well ? */
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rel->nb; i++)
            rel->primes[i].e &= 1;

    compute_index_rel (rel, context_data);

    return NULL;

int check_whether_file_is_renumbered(const char * filename)
    unsigned int count = 0;
    char s[1024];
    FILE *f_tmp = fopen_maybe_compressed (filename, "rb");
    if (!f_tmp) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));

    /* Look for first non-comment line */
    while (1) {
      char *ret = fgets (s, 1024, f_tmp);
      if (ret == NULL)
        fprintf (stderr, "Error while reading %s\n", filename);
        exit (1);
      if (strlen (s) >= 1023)
        fprintf (stderr, "Too long line while reading %s\n", filename);
        exit (1);
      size_t i = 0;
      while (s[i] == ' ')
      if (s[i] != '#')
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < strlen (s); i++)
      count += s[i] == ':';
    fclose_maybe_compressed (f_tmp, filename);
    if (count == 1)
        return 1;
    else if (count == 2)
        return 0;
    else {
      fprintf (stderr, "Error: invalid line in %s (has %u colons):\n %s", filename, count, s);

static void declare_usage(param_list pl)
  param_list_decl_usage(pl, "filelist", "file containing a list of input files");
  param_list_decl_usage(pl, "basepath", "path added to all file in filelist");
  param_list_decl_usage(pl, "poly", "input polynomial file");
  param_list_decl_usage(pl, "renumber", "input file for renumbering table");
  param_list_decl_usage(pl, "nrels",
                              "number of relations to be found in the slice");
  param_list_decl_usage(pl, "outdir", "by default, input files are overwritten");
  param_list_decl_usage(pl, "outfmt",
                               "format of output file (default same as input)");
#ifndef FOR_FFS
  param_list_decl_usage(pl, "dl", "(switch) do not reduce exponents modulo 2");
  param_list_decl_usage(pl, "badidealinfo", "file containing info about bad ideals");
  param_list_decl_usage(pl, "force-posix-threads", "(switch)");
  param_list_decl_usage(pl, "path_antebuffer", "path to antebuffer program");

static void
usage (param_list pl, char *argv0)
    param_list_print_usage(pl, argv0, stderr);

main (int argc, char *argv[])
    argv0 = argv[0];
    //TODO remove useless polynomials
    cado_poly cpoly;

    param_list pl;

    param_list_configure_switch(pl, "force-posix-threads", &filter_rels_force_posix_threads);

#ifndef FOR_FFS
    is_for_dl = 0; /* By default we do dup2 for factorization */
    param_list_configure_switch(pl, "dl", &is_for_dl);
    is_for_dl = 1; /* With FFS, not for dl is meaningless */

    _fmode = _O_BINARY;     /* Binary open for all files */

    if (argc == 0)
      usage (pl, argv0);

    for( ; argc ; ) {
        if (param_list_update_cmdline(pl, &argc, &argv)) { continue; }
        /* Since we accept file names freeform, we decide to never abort
         * on unrecognized options */
        // fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option: %s\n", argv[0]);
        // abort();
    /* print command-line arguments */
    param_list_print_command_line (stdout, pl);

    const char * polyfilename = param_list_lookup_string(pl, "poly");
    const char * outfmt = param_list_lookup_string(pl, "outfmt");
    const char * filelist = param_list_lookup_string(pl, "filelist");
    const char * basepath = param_list_lookup_string(pl, "basepath");
    const char * outdir = param_list_lookup_string(pl, "outdir");
    const char * renumberfilename = param_list_lookup_string(pl, "renumber");
    const char * badinfofile = param_list_lookup_string(pl, "badidealinfo");
    const char * path_antebuffer = param_list_lookup_string(pl, "path_antebuffer");
    param_list_parse_ulong(pl, "nrels", &nrels_expected);

    if (param_list_warn_unused(pl))
      fprintf(stderr, "Error, unused parameters are given\n");
      usage(pl, argv0);

    if (polyfilename == NULL)
      fprintf(stderr, "Error, missing -poly command line argument\n");
      usage(pl, argv0);
    if (renumberfilename == NULL)
      fprintf (stderr, "Error, missing -renumber command line argument\n");
      usage(pl, argv0);
    if (badinfofile == NULL && is_for_dl) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Error, missing -badidealinfo command line argument\n");
      usage(pl, argv0);
    if (nrels_expected == 0)
      fprintf(stderr, "Error, missing -nrels command line argument "
                      "(or nrels = 0)\n");
      usage(pl, argv0);
    K = 100 + 1.2 * nrels_expected;

    if (basepath && !filelist)
      fprintf(stderr, "Error, -basepath only valid with -filelist\n");
      usage(pl, argv0);
    if (outfmt && !is_supported_compression_format(outfmt)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error, output compression format unsupported\n");
        usage(pl, argv0);
    if ((filelist != NULL) + (argc != 0) != 1) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error, provide either -filelist or freeform file names\n");
      usage(pl, argv0);

    cado_poly_init (cpoly);
#ifndef FOR_FFS
    if (!cado_poly_read (cpoly, polyfilename))
    if (!ffs_poly_read (cpoly, polyfilename))
      fprintf (stderr, "Error reading polynomial file\n");
      exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    allbad_info_t badinfo;
    if (is_for_dl)
        read_bad_ideals_info(badinfofile, badinfo);

    set_antebuffer_path (argv0, path_antebuffer);

    renumber_init (renumber_tab, cpoly, NULL);
    renumber_read_table (renumber_tab, renumberfilename);

  /* sanity check: since we allocate two 64-bit words for each, instead of
     one 32-bit word for the hash table, taking K/100 will use 2.5% extra
     memory */
  sanity_size = 1 + (K / 100);
  fprintf (stderr, "[checking true duplicates on sample of %lu cells]\n",
  sanity_a = (int64_t*)  malloc (sanity_size * sizeof (int64_t));
  if (sanity_a == NULL)
      fprintf (stderr, "Error, cannot allocate sanity_a\n");
      exit (1);
  memset (sanity_a, 0, sanity_size * sizeof (int64_t));

  sanity_b = (uint64_t*) malloc (sanity_size * sizeof (uint64_t));
  if (sanity_b == NULL)
      fprintf (stderr, "Error, cannot allocate sanity_b\n");
      exit (1);

  H = (uint32_t*) malloc (K * sizeof (uint32_t));
  if (H == NULL)
      fprintf (stderr, "Error, cannot allocate hash table\n");
      exit (1);
  memset (H, 0, K * sizeof (uint32_t));
  fprintf (stderr, "Allocated hash table of %lu entries (%luMb)\n", K,
           (K * sizeof (uint32_t)) >> 20);

  /* Construct the two filelists : new files and already renumbered files */
  char ** files_already_renumbered, ** files_new;
      unsigned int nb_files = 0;
      fprintf(stderr, "Constructing the two filelists...\n");
      char ** files = filelist ? filelist_from_file (basepath, filelist, 0) : argv;
      for (char ** p = files; *p; p++)

      files_already_renumbered = malloc((nb_files + 1) * sizeof(char*));
      files_new = malloc((nb_files + 1) * sizeof(char*));

      /* separate already processed files
       * check if f_tmp is in raw format a,b:...:... or 
       *            in renumbered format a,b:... 
      unsigned int nb_f_new = 0;
      unsigned int nb_f_renumbered = 0;
      for (char ** p = files; *p; p++) {
          /* always strdup these, so that we can safely call
           * filelist_clear in the end */
          if (check_whether_file_is_renumbered(*p)) {
              files_already_renumbered[nb_f_renumbered++] = strdup(*p);
          } else {
              files_new[nb_f_new++] = strdup(*p);
      files_new[nb_f_new] = NULL;
      files_already_renumbered[nb_f_renumbered] = NULL;
      fprintf (stderr, "%u files (%u new and %u already renumbered)\n", nb_files, 
              nb_f_new, nb_f_renumbered);
      ASSERT_ALWAYS (nb_f_new + nb_f_renumbered == nb_files);
      /* if filelist was not given, then files == argv, which of course
       * must not be cleared */
      if (filelist) filelist_clear(files);

  fprintf (stderr, "Reading files already renumbered:\n");
          (filter_rels_callback_t) &hash_renumbered_rels,

      struct filter_rels_description desc[3] = {
          { .f = thread_root, .arg=0, .n=4, },
          { .f = thread_dup2, .arg=0, .n=1, },
          { .f = NULL, },
      if (is_for_dl)
          desc[0].arg = (void *) &badinfo[0];
      fprintf (stderr, "Reading new files"
              " (using %d auxiliary threads for roots mod p):\n",

      for (char **p = files_new; *p ; p++) {
          FILE * output = NULL;
          char * oname, * oname_tmp;
          char * local_filelist[] = { *p, NULL};

          get_outfilename_from_infilename (*p, outfmt, outdir, &oname, &oname_tmp);
          output = fopen_maybe_compressed(oname_tmp, "w");
          desc[1].arg = (void*) output;

          nrels = ndup = 0;

#ifdef FOR_FFS
          uint64_t loc_nrels = filter_rels2(local_filelist, desc,
                  NULL, NULL);
          uint64_t loc_nrels = filter_rels2(local_filelist, desc,
                  NULL, NULL);

          ASSERT_ALWAYS(loc_nrels == nrels);

          fclose_maybe_compressed(output, oname_tmp);

#ifdef HAVE_MINGW /* For MinGW, rename cannot overwrite an existing file */
          remove (oname);
          if (rename(oname_tmp, oname))
              fprintf(stderr, "Error while renaming %s into %s\n", oname_tmp, oname);

          // stat for the current file
          dup_print_stat (path_basename(*p), nrels, ndup);
          // stat for all the files already read
          dup_print_stat ("Total so far", nrels_tot, ndup_tot);


  fprintf (stderr, "At the end: %" PRIu64 " remaining relations\n",
                   nrels_tot - ndup_tot);

  fprintf (stderr, "At the end: hash table is %1.2f%% full\n"
                   "            hash table cost: %1.2f per relation\n",
                   100.0 * (double) (nrels_tot - ndup_tot) / (double) K,
                   1.0 + cost / (double) nrels_tot);
  fprintf (stderr, "  [found %lu true duplicates on sample of %lu relations]\n",
           sanity_collisions, sanity_checked);

  if (!*files_already_renumbered) {
      if (nrels_tot != nrels_expected) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Warning: number of relations read (%"PRIu64") does not match with the number of relations expected (%lu)\n", nrels_tot, nrels_expected);
  } else {
      /* when we have renumbered files, we know that we won't have the
       * total number of relations... */
      if (nrels_tot > nrels_expected) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Warning: number of relations read (%"PRIu64") exceeds the number of relations expected (%lu)\n", nrels_tot, nrels_expected);

  if (is_for_dl)
  free (H);
  free (sanity_a);
  free (sanity_b);

  renumber_free (renumber_tab);
  cado_poly_clear (cpoly);
  return 0;
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