Raw File
require import AllCore List FSet OldFMap.
require import Distr DBool DProd.
require (*--*) Ring ROM.

pragma +implicits.
pragma -oldip.

(* Type for G's outputs (and H's inputs)                                    *)
clone import Ring.ZModule as GTag
rename [type] "t" as "gtag".

op dgtag: { gtag distr |    is_lossless dgtag
                         /\ is_uniform  dgtag
                         /\ is_full     dgtag } as dgtag_ll_uni_fu.

lemma dgtag_ll  : is_lossless dgtag by smt(dgtag_ll_uni_fu).
lemma dgtag_uni : is_uniform  dgtag by smt(dgtag_ll_uni_fu).
lemma dgtag_fu  : is_full     dgtag by smt(dgtag_ll_uni_fu).
lemma dgtag_funi: is_funiform dgtag by smt(dgtag_ll_uni_fu).

(* Type for H's outputs (and G's inputs)                                    *)
clone import Ring.ZModule as HTag
rename [type] "t" as "htag".

op dhtag: { htag distr |    is_lossless dhtag
                         /\ is_uniform  dhtag
                         /\ is_full     dhtag } as dhtag_ll_uni_fu.

lemma dhtag_ll  : is_lossless dhtag by smt(dhtag_ll_uni_fu).
lemma dhtag_uni : is_uniform  dhtag by smt(dhtag_ll_uni_fu).
lemma dhtag_fu  : is_full     dhtag by smt(dhtag_ll_uni_fu).
lemma dhtag_funi: is_funiform dhtag by smt(dhtag_ll_uni_fu).

(* The type of plaintext must be injected strictly into gtag:               *)
(*                                  redundancy is crucial for OAEP to work! *)
type ptxt.

op pad  : ptxt -> gtag.
op unpad: gtag -> ptxt option.

axiom padK  : pcancel pad unpad.
axiom unpadK: ocancel unpad pad.

(* The permutation works on pairs of GTag and HTag                          *)
clone import Ring.ZModule as D with
  type t                       <- gtag * htag,
  op   zeror                   <- (GTag.zeror,HTag.zeror),
  op   (+) (x y : gtag * htag) <- ((x.`1 + y.`1),(x.`2 + y.`2)),
  op   [-] (x : gtag * htag)   <- (-x.`1,-x.`2)
proof *.
realize addrA. by move=> x y z /=; rewrite GTag.addrA HTag.addrA. qed.
realize addrC. by move=> x y /=; rewrite GTag.addrC HTag.addrC. qed.
realize add0r. by move=> [x1 x2] /=; rewrite GTag.add0r HTag.add0r. qed.
realize addNr. by move=> [x1 x2] /=; rewrite GTag.addNr HTag.addNr. qed.

op dd = dgtag `*` dhtag.

lemma dd_ll  : is_lossless dd by rewrite dprod_ll dgtag_ll dhtag_ll.
lemma dd_uni : is_uniform  dd by rewrite dprod_uni 1:dgtag_uni// dhtag_uni.
lemma dd_fu  : is_full     dd by rewrite dprod_fu dgtag_fu dhtag_fu.
lemma dd_funi: is_funiform dd by rewrite dprod_funi 1:dgtag_funi// dhtag_funi.

(* The permutation itself (with abstract keys)                              *)
type pkey, skey.

op dkeys : { (pkey * skey) distr | is_lossless dkeys } as dkeys_ll.

op f : pkey -> gtag * htag -> gtag * htag.
op fi: skey -> gtag * htag -> gtag * htag.

axiom fK pk sk : (pk,sk) \in dkeys => cancel (f pk) (fi sk).
axiom fiK pk sk: (pk,sk) \in dkeys => cancel (fi sk) (f pk).

(* The G random oracle                                                      *)
clone import ROM.Lazy as G with
  type from      <- htag,
  type to        <- gtag,
  op   dsample _ <- dgtag
proof *
  "RO"     as "G"
  "Oracle" as "Gt".
import Types.

(* The H random oracle                                                      *)
clone import ROM.Lazy as H with
  type from      <- gtag,
  type to        <- htag,
  op   dsample _ <- dhtag
proof *
  "RO"     as "H"
  "Oracle" as "Ht".
import Types.

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
module OAEP (H : AH) (G : AG) = {
  proc kg() = {
    var pk, sk;

    (pk,sk) <$ dkeys;
    return (pk,sk);

  proc enc(pk : pkey, m : ptxt) = {
    var r, s, t;

    r <$ dhtag;
    s <@ G.o(r);
    s <- s + (pad m);
    t <@ H.o(s);
    t <- t + r;
    return f pk (s,t);

  proc dec(sk : skey, c : gtag * htag) = {
    var s, t, r, m;

    (s,t) <- fi sk c;
    r <@ H.o(s);
    r <- r + t;
    m <@ G.o(r);
    m <- m + s;
    return unpad m;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
module type PKE = {
  proc kg(): pkey * skey
  proc enc(pk : pkey, m : ptxt): gtag * htag
  proc dec(sk : skey, c : gtag * htag): ptxt option

module type HG_PKE (H : AH) (G : AG) = {
  proc kg(): pkey * skey
  proc enc(pk : pkey, m : ptxt): gtag * htag
  proc dec(sk : skey, c : gtag * htag): ptxt option

module type APKE = {
  proc dec(c : gtag * htag): ptxt option

module type CCA_ADV (H : AH) (G : AG) (S : APKE) = {
  proc choose(pk : pkey): ptxt * ptxt
  proc guess(c : gtag * htag): bool

module IND_CCA (H : Ht) (G : Gt) (S : HG_PKE) (A : CCA_ADV) = {
  var sk : skey
  var c' : gtag * htag

  module Sc = {
    proc dec(c : gtag * htag) = {
      var r <- None;

      r <@ S(H,G).dec(sk,c);
      return r;

  module Sg = {
    proc dec(c : gtag * htag) = {
      var r <- None;

      if (c <> c') {
        r <@ S(H,G).dec(sk,c);
      return r;

  proc main() = {
    var pk, m0, m1, b, b';


    (pk,sk) <$ dkeys;
    (m0,m1) <@ A(H,G,Sc).choose(pk);
    b       <$ {0,1};
    c'      <@ S(H,G).enc(pk,b?m0:m1);
    b'      <@ A(H,G,Sg).guess(c');
    return b = b';

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* A quick note here: our inverter *does not* take over the random oracles, *)
(* but simply uses them. This does not really make a difference if this is  *)
(* the end of the proof, but will make a huge difference if we then compose *)
(* this proof with another one that requires the random oracles to be true  *)
(* random oracles. It may be a good idea to write something about this...   *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
module type Inverter (H : AH) (G : AG) = {
  proc invert(pk : pkey, c : gtag * htag): gtag list (* could use fset *)

module SPDOW (H : Ht) (G : Gt) (I : Inverter) = {
  proc main() = {
    var pk, sk, s, t, ss;


    (pk,sk) <$ dkeys;
    (s,t)   <$ dd;
    ss      <@ I(H,G).invert(pk,f pk (s,t));
    return s \in ss;

op extract (p : 'x -> bool) (xs : 'x list) =
  with xs = []    => None
  with xs = x::xs =>
    if   p x
    then Some x
    else extract p xs. 

op extract2 (p : 'x -> 'y -> bool) (xs : 'x list) (ys : 'y list) =
  with xs = []    => None
  with xs = x::xs =>
    let y = extract (p x) ys in
    if   y <> None
    then Some (x,oget y)
    else extract2 p xs ys.

lemma extract_correct (p : 'x -> bool) xs a:
     extract p xs = Some a
  => p a.
proof. by elim: xs=> //= x xs ih; case: (p x). qed.

lemma extract2_correct (p : 'x -> 'y -> bool) xs ys a b:
     extract2 p xs ys = Some (a,b)
  => p a b.
elim: xs=> //= x xs ih.
case: {-1}(extract (p x) ys) (eq_refl (extract (p x) ys))=> // y.
by move=> /extract_correct; rewrite oget_some=> /= + [#] <- <-.

module I (A : CCA_ADV) (H : AH) (G : AG) = {
  var pk  : pkey
  var logH: (gtag * htag) list
  var logG: (htag * gtag) list

  module H' = {
    proc o(x : gtag) = {
      var r;

      r    <@ H.o(x);
      logH <- (x,r)::logH;
      return r;

  module G' = {
    proc o(x : htag) = {
      var r;

      r    <@ G.o(x);
      logG <- (x,r)::logG;
      return r;

  module S = {
    proc dec(c : gtag * htag): ptxt option = {
      var sg, s, g;
      var m <- None;

      (* Could probably reduce asymptotic and proof complexity here.        *)
      sg <- extract2 (fun (sh : gtag * htag) (rg : htag * gtag)=>
                        let (s,h) = sh in
                        let (r,g) = rg in
                            c = f pk (s,r + h)
                         /\ unpad (s + g) <> None)
                     logH logG;
      if (sg <> None) {
        (s,g) <- ((oget sg).`1.`1,(oget sg).`2.`2);
        m     <- unpad (s + g);
      return m;

  proc invert(pk' : pkey, c : gtag * htag) = {
    var m0, m1;

    logH    <- [];
    logG    <- [];
    pk      <- pk';

    (m0,m1) <@ A(H,G,S).choose(pk);
    return logH;

declare module A <: CCA_ADV {H, G,(* I,*) IND_CCA}.

axiom A_choose_ll (H <: AH {A}) (G <: AG {A}) (S <: APKE {A}):
  islossless S.dec => islossless G.o => islossless H.o =>
  islossless A(H,G,S).choose.

axiom A_guess_ll (H <: AH {A}) (G <: AG {A}) (S <: APKE {A}):
  islossless S.dec => islossless G.o => islossless H.o =>
  islossless A(H,G,S).guess.

local module Game0 (H : Ht) (G : Gt) = {
  var sk: skey
  var c': gtag * htag

  module Sc = {
    proc dec(c : gtag * htag) = {
      var r <- None;

      r <@ OAEP(H,G).dec(sk,c);
      return r;

  module Sg = {
    proc dec(c : gtag * htag) = {
      var r <- None;

      if (c <> c') {
        r <@ OAEP(H,G).dec(sk,c);
      return r;

  proc main() = {
    var pk, m0, m1, b, b', r, s, t;


    (pk,sk) <$ dkeys;
    (m0,m1) <@ A(H,G,Sc).choose(pk);
    b       <$ {0,1};
    r       <$ dhtag;
    s       <@ G.o(r);
    s       <- s + pad (b?m0:m1);
    t       <@ H.o(s);
    t       <- t + r;
    c'      <- f pk (s,t);
    b'      <@ A(H,G,Sg).guess(c');
    return b = b';

local lemma eq_INDCCA_Game0 (H <: Ht {A, Game0, IND_CCA})
                            (G <: Gt {A, H, Game0, IND_CCA}):
  equiv [IND_CCA(H,G,OAEP,A).main ~ Game0(H,G).main:
           ={glob A, glob H, glob G} ==> ={res}].
proc; inline OAEP(H,G).enc.
sim: (={glob H, glob G, b, b'}).
swap{1} 7 2; wp.
by sim: (={glob A, glob H, glob G, b, s, r, m0, m1} /\ pk0{1} = pk{2} /\ ={sk}(IND_CCA,Game0)).

local module Game1 = {
  var sk : skey
  var r  : htag
  var c' : gtag * htag

  module Sc = {
    proc dec(c : gtag * htag) = {
      var p <- None;

      p <@ OAEP(H,G).dec(sk,c);
      return p;

  module Sg = {
    proc dec(c : gtag * htag) = {
      var p <- None;

      if (c <> c') {
        p <@ OAEP(H,G).dec(sk,c);
      return p;

  proc main() = {
    var pk, m0, m1, b, b', s, t;


    (pk,sk) <$ dkeys;
    r       <$ dhtag;
    s       <$ dgtag;
    (m0,m1) <@ A(H,G,Sc).choose(pk);
    t       <@ H.o(s);
    t       <- t + r;
    c'      <- f pk (s,t);
    b       <$ {0,1};
    b'      <@ A(H,G,Sg).guess(c');
    return b = b';

(** TODO: This is generic: move it somewhere more appropriate
    after seeing if it can't be generalized further. **)
local lemma eq_upto_G_o P:
  equiv [G.o ~ G.o:
    (forall x, x \in dom G.m{2} => !P x) /\
    ={x} /\
    eq_except G.m{1} G.m{2} P
    ==> (forall x, x \in dom G.m{2} => !P x) =>
        ={res} /\
        eq_except G.m{1} G.m{2} P].
proc; auto=> /> &1 &2 not_bad eqe g _; split.
+ rewrite !getP_eq dom_set eq_except_set=> //= x_notin_m2 x_in_m1 /(_ x{2}).
  rewrite in_fsetU in_fset1=> //= x_notin_P.
  have /iffLR /(_ eqe x{2} x_notin_P) eq_mx:= eq_exceptP G.m{1} G.m{2} P.
  by move: x_in_m1 x_notin_m2; rewrite !in_dom eq_mx.
rewrite !getP_eq oget_some=> ^ + /not_bad x_notin_P.
have /iffLR /(_ eqe x{2} x_notin_P) eq_mx:= eq_exceptP G.m{1} G.m{2} P.
by rewrite !in_dom eq_mx.

(** TODO: This should be easier to deduce from the
    above--rewrite in pre/post, maybe based on conseq? **)
local lemma eq_upto1_G_o r:
  equiv [G.o ~ G.o:
    !(r \in dom G.m){2} /\
    ={x} /\
    eq_except G.m{1} G.m{2} (pred1 r)
    ==> !(r \in dom G.m){2} =>
        ={res} /\
        eq_except G.m{1} G.m{2} (pred1 r)].
proof. by conseq (eq_upto_G_o (pred1 r))=> /#. qed.

local equiv eq_upto_OAEP_dec: OAEP(H,G).dec ~ OAEP(H,G).dec:
  !(Game1.r \in dom G.m){2} /\
  ={glob H, c, sk} /\
  ={sk, c'}(Game0,Game1) /\
  eq_except G.m{1} G.m{2} (pred1 Game1.r{2})
  ==> !(Game1.r \in dom G.m){2} =>
      ={glob H, res} /\
      ={sk, c'}(Game0,Game1) /\
      eq_except G.m{1} G.m{2} (pred1 Game1.r{2}).
proc; exists * Game1.r{2}; elim *=> r.
wp; call (eq_upto1_G_o r).
wp; call H_o_eq.
by auto=> /#.

local lemma OAEP_dec_ll (H <: Ht) (G <: Gt):
  islossless H.o =>
  islossless G.o =>
  islossless OAEP(H,G).dec.
by move=> H_o_ll G_o_ll; proc; wp; call G_o_ll; wp; call H_o_ll; auto.

local equiv eq_Game0_Game1: Game0(H,G).main ~ Game1.main:
  ={glob A} ==> !(Game1.r \in dom G.m){2} => ={res}.
proc; swap{2} [4..5] 1. swap{2} 10 -5.
call (: Game1.r \in dom G.m,
        ={glob H} /\
        ={sk, c'}(Game0,Game1) /\
        eq_except G.m{1} G.m{2} (pred1 Game1.r{2})).
+ exact/A_guess_ll.
+ by proc; sp; if=> //=; call eq_upto_OAEP_dec; auto=> /#.
+ by move=> _ _; proc; sp; if=> //=; call (OAEP_dec_ll H G (H_o_ll dhtag_ll) (G_o_ll dgtag_ll)).
+ move=> _; conseq (: true) (: Game1.r \in dom G.m ==> Game1.r \in dom G.m)=> //=.
  + by proc; inline *; sp; if=> //=; auto=> />; smt(dom_set in_fsetU).
  by proc; sp; if=> //=; call (OAEP_dec_ll H G (H_o_ll dhtag_ll) (G_o_ll dgtag_ll)).
+ by proc *; exists * Game1.r{2}; elim *=> r; call (eq_upto1_G_o r).
+ move=> _ _; exact/(G_o_ll dgtag_ll).
+ move=> _; conseq (G_o_ll dgtag_ll) (: Game1.r \in dom G.m ==> Game1.r \in dom G.m)=> //=.
  by proc; auto=> />; smt(dom_set in_fsetU).
+ by conseq H_o_eq.
+ move=> _ _; exact/(H_o_ll dhtag_ll).
+ by move=> />; conseq (H_o_ll dhtag_ll) (: true).
inline H.o G.o; wp; rnd; wp.
rnd (fun x=> x + pad (if b then m0 else m1){2})
    (fun x=> x - pad (if b then m0 else m1){2}).
call (: ={glob H, glob G} /\ ={sk}(Game0,Game1)).
+ by sim.
+ by sim.
+ by sim.
inline *; auto=> /> [pk sk] vk [m0 m1] /= Gm1 Gm2 b _ r _; split=> [g _ /=|_].
+ by rewrite subrK.
split=> [g _|_ g _].
+ exact/dgtag_funi.
rewrite dgtag_fu /= -addrA subrr addr0 /= !getP /= oget_some /=.
by rewrite set_eq_except /= /#.

local lemma pr_INDCCA_Game1 &m:
     Pr[IND_CCA(H,G,OAEP,A).main() @ &m: res] - 1%r/2%r
  <= Pr[Game1.main() @ &m: Game1.r \in dom G.m].
have ->:   Pr[IND_CCA(H,G,OAEP,A).main() @ &m: res]
         = Pr[Game0(H,G).main() @ &m: res].
+ by byequiv (eq_INDCCA_Game0 H G).
rewrite StdOrder.RealOrder.ler_subl_addl.
have <-: Pr[Game1.main() @ &m: res] = 1%r/2%r.
+ byphoare=> //=; proc; swap 10 1; rnd (pred1 b').
  conseq (: true)=> //=.
  + by move=> b'; rewrite dbool1E.
  call (A_guess_ll H G (<: Game1.Sg) _ _ _).
  + proc; sp; if=> //=; call (: true)=> //=.
    by wp; call (G_o_ll dgtag_ll); wp; call (H_o_ll dhtag_ll); auto.
  + exact/(G_o_ll dgtag_ll).
  + exact/(H_o_ll dhtag_ll).
  auto; call (H_o_ll dhtag_ll).
  call (A_choose_ll H G (<: Game1.Sc) _ _ _).
  + proc; call (: true); auto=> //=.
    by wp; call (G_o_ll dgtag_ll); wp; call (H_o_ll dhtag_ll); auto.
  + exact/(G_o_ll dgtag_ll).
  + exact/(H_o_ll dhtag_ll).
  auto; call G_init_ll; auto; call H_init_ll; auto=> />.
  by rewrite dkeys_ll dhtag_ll dgtag_ll.
by byequiv eq_Game0_Game1=> /#.

local module Game1_1 (A : CCA_ADV) = {
  var sk : skey
  var r  : htag
  var c' : gtag * htag

  var bad: bool
  var bad': bool

  module S = {
    proc dec(c : gtag * htag) = {
      var s, t, r, g;
      var p <- None;

      (s,t) <- fi sk c;
      g     <$ dgtag;
      if (s \in dom H.m) {
        r <@ H.o(s);
        r <- r + t;
        if (r \in dom G.m) {
          g <- oget G.m.[r];
          p <- unpad (g + s);
        } else {
          G.m.[r] <- g;
          bad <- bad \/ unpad (g + s) <> None;
      } else {
        r    <@ H.o(s);
        r    <- r + t;
        bad' <- bad' \/ r \in dom G.m;
        if (!r \in dom G.m) {
          G.m.[r] <- g;
          bad     <- bad \/ unpad (g + s) <> None;
      return p;

  module Sg = {
    proc dec(c : gtag * htag) = {
      var p <- None;

      if (c <> c') {
        p <@ S.dec(c);
      return p;

  proc main() = {
    var pk, m0, m1, b, b', s, t;

    bad     <- false;
    bad'    <- false;

    (pk,sk) <$ dkeys;
    r       <$ dhtag;
    s       <$ dgtag;
    (m0,m1) <@ A(H,G,S).choose(pk);
    t       <@ H.o(s);
    t       <- t + r;
    c'      <- f pk (s,t);
    b       <$ {0,1};
    b'      <@ A(H,G,Sg).guess(c');
    return b = b';

local equiv eq_Game1_Game1_1: Game1.main ~ Game1_1(A).main:
  ={glob A} ==> !Game1_1.bad{2} /\ !Game1_1.bad'{2}=> ={res}.
proc; inline *.
call (: Game1_1.bad \/ Game1_1.bad',
           ={glob G, glob H}
        /\ ={sk, c'}(Game1,Game1_1)).
+ exact/A_guess_ll.
+ proc; sp; if=> //=; inline OAEP(H,G).dec Game1_1(A).S.dec.
  sp; case: ((s \in dom H.m){2}).
  + rcondt{2} 2; first by auto.
    swap{2} 1 2.
    seq  2  2: (   !Game1_1.bad{2}
                /\ !Game1_1.bad'{2}
                /\ ={glob G, glob H, s, t, p, r}
                /\ ={sk, c'}(Game1,Game1_1)
                /\ p0{2} = p{2}
                /\ p{2} = None).
    + by inline *; auto=> /> &1 &2 <- [#] 2!-> /#.
    case: ((r \in dom G.m){2}).
    + rcondt{2} 2; first by auto.
      inline G.o; rcondf{1} 3; first by auto.
      by auto.
    rcondf{2} 2; first by auto.
    inline G.o; rcondt{1} 3; first by auto.
    auto=> /> &2 not_bad not_bad' r_notin_mG g _.
    by rewrite not_bad not_bad' getP_eq.
  rcondf{2} 2; first by auto.
  swap{2} 1 2.
  inline *; auto=> /> &1 &2 <- [#] ->> ->> /> /negb_or [] -> -> _ _ h _ g _.
  by rewrite !getP_eq=> ->.
+ by move=> _ _; proc; sp; if=> //=; call (OAEP_dec_ll H G (H_o_ll dhtag_ll) (G_o_ll dgtag_ll)).
+ move=> />; conseq (: true) (: Game1_1.bad \/ Game1_1.bad')=> //=.
  + proc; inline *; sp; if=> //=.
    + seq 4: (Game1_1.bad \/ Game1_1.bad'); first by auto.
      by if=> //=; wp; auto=> /> &hr [|] ->.
  proc; inline *; sp; if=> //=.
  + seq 4: true=> //=; first by auto; rewrite dgtag_ll.
  by if=> //=; auto; rewrite dhtag_ll.
+ by proc; inline *; auto.
+ by move=> _ _; exact/(G_o_ll dgtag_ll).
+ by move=> />; conseq (G_o_ll dgtag_ll).
+ by proc; inline *; auto.
+ by move=> _ _; exact/(H_o_ll dhtag_ll).
+ by move=> _; conseq (H_o_ll dhtag_ll).
call (: Game1_1.bad \/ Game1_1.bad',
           ={glob G, glob H}
        /\ ={sk}(Game1,Game1_1)).
+ exact/A_choose_ll.
+ proc; inline OAEP(H,G).dec Game1_1(A).S.dec.
  sp; case: ((s \in dom H.m){2}).
  + rcondt{2} 2; first by auto.
    swap{2} 1 2.
    seq  2  2: (   !Game1_1.bad{2}
                /\ !Game1_1.bad'{2}
                /\ ={glob G, glob H, s, t, r}
                /\ ={sk}(Game1,Game1_1)
                /\ p{2} = None).
    + by inline *; auto=> /> &1 &2 <- [#] 2!-> /#.
    case: ((r \in dom G.m){2}).
    + rcondt{2} 2; first by auto.
      inline G.o; rcondf{1} 3; first by auto.
      by auto=> />; rewrite dgtag_ll.
    rcondf{2} 2; first by auto.
    inline *; auto=> /> &2 not_bad not_bad' r_notin_mG g _.
    by rewrite not_bad not_bad' getP_eq.
  rcondf{2} 2; first by auto.
  swap{2} 1 2.
  inline *; auto=> /> &1 &2 <- [#] ->> ->> /> /negb_or [#] -> -> _ h _ g _.
  by rewrite !getP_eq=> ->.
+ by move=> _ _; proc; call (OAEP_dec_ll H G (H_o_ll dhtag_ll) (G_o_ll dgtag_ll)); auto.
+ move=> />; conseq (: true) (: Game1_1.bad \/ Game1_1.bad')=> //=.
  + proc; inline *; seq 3: (Game1_1.bad \/ Game1_1.bad'); first by auto.
    by if=> //=; auto=> /> &hr [|] ->.
  proc; inline *.
  + seq 3: true=> //=; first by auto; rewrite dgtag_ll.
    by if=> //=; auto; rewrite dhtag_ll.
+ by proc; inline *; auto.
+ by move=> _ _; exact/(G_o_ll dgtag_ll).
+ by move=> _; conseq (G_o_ll dgtag_ll).
+ by proc; inline *; auto.
+ by move=> _ _; exact/(H_o_ll dhtag_ll).
+ by move=> _; conseq (H_o_ll dhtag_ll).
auto=> /> [pk sk] vk h _ g _ [m0L m1L] [m0R m1R] gAL mGL mHL gAR bad bad' mGR mHR upto.
move=> h' _; rewrite !getP_eq /=; split.
+ move=> g_notin_mHR; split.
  + by move=> g_notin_mHL b' _; split=> [/upto [#] <*>|_] /#.
  by move=> g_in_MHL b' _; split=> [/upto [#] <*>|_] /#.
move=> g_in_mHR; split.
+ by move=> g_notin_mHL b' _; split=> [/upto [#] <*>|_] /#.
by move=> g_in_mHL b' _; split=> [/upto [#] <*> /=|_] /#.

lemma mu_dgtag_xor (P : gtag -> bool) (s : gtag):
    mu dgtag (fun x=> P (x + s))
  = mu dgtag P.
rewrite {2}(: dgtag = dmap dgtag (fun x=> x + s)).
+ apply/eq_distr=> x; rewrite dmap1E /(\o).
  have ->: (fun x0=> x0 + s = x) = pred1 (x - s).
  + by apply/fun_ext=> x0; smt(@GTag).
  by apply/dgtag_funi.
by rewrite dmapE /(\o).

lemma mu_dhtag_xor (P : htag -> bool) (t : htag):
    mu dhtag (fun x=> P (x + t))
  = mu dhtag P.
rewrite {2}(: dhtag = dmap dhtag (fun x=> x + t)).
+ apply/eq_distr=> x; rewrite dmap1E /(\o).
  have ->: (fun x0=> x0 + t = x) = pred1 (x - t).
  + by apply/fun_ext=> x0; smt(@HTag).
  by apply/dhtag_funi.
by rewrite dmapE /(\o).

local phoare pBad_Game1_1_dec (A <: CCA_ADV):
     [Game1_1(A).S.dec: !Game1_1.bad ==> Game1_1.bad]
  <= (mu dgtag (fun x=> unpad x <> None)).
seq 3: (unpad (g + s) <> None) (mu dgtag (fun x=> unpad x <> None)) 1%r _ 0%r (!Game1_1.bad)=> //=.
+ by auto.
+ rnd (fun x=> unpad (x + s) <> None); auto.
  by move=> &hr _; rewrite (@mu_dgtag_xor (fun x=> unpad x <> None)).
by hoare; if=> //=; inline *; auto=> />.

local module DecA (H : AH) (G : AG) (S : APKE) = {
  var qD : int

  module S' = {
    proc dec(c : gtag * htag) = {
      var p;

      qD <- qD + 1;
      p  <@ S.dec(c);
      return p;

  proc choose = A(H,G,S').choose
  proc guess  = A(H,G,S').guess

local lemma prBad_Game1_1 qD &m:
  DecA.qD{m} = 0 =>
  0 < qD =>
  Pr[Game1_1(DecA).main() @ &m: Game1_1.bad /\ DecA.qD <= qD] <= qD%r * mu dgtag (fun x=> unpad x <> None).
move=> DecAqD_0 gt0_qD.
fel 4 (DecA.qD) (fun x, mu dgtag (fun x=> unpad x <> None)) qD Game1_1.bad []=> //=.
+ rewrite StdBigop.Bigreal.BRA.big_const count_predT size_range /max gt0_qD /=.
  rewrite StdRing.RField.mulrC -StdRing.RField.intmulr /intmul -StdRing.RField.AddMonoid.iteropE.
  by have ->: !qD < 0 by smt().
+ by inline *; auto=> />; rewrite dom0 fcards0.
+ by proc; call (pBad_Game1_1_dec DecA); auto.
+ by move=> c; proc; call (: true)=> //=; auto=> /#.
+ proc; inline Game1_1(DecA).Sg.dec; sp; if=> //=.
  + by wp; call (pBad_Game1_1_dec DecA); auto.
  by hoare; auto; smt(mu_bounded).
+ by move=> c; proc; call (: true)=> //=; auto=> /#.

local phoare pBad'_Game1_1_dec (A <: CCA_ADV):
     [Game1_1(A).S.dec: !Game1_1.bad' ==> Game1_1.bad']
  <= (mu dhtag (fun x=> x \in dom G.m)).
exists* (dom G.m); elim*=> S; conseq (: _ : <=(mu dhtag (fun x=> x \in S)))=> //=.
proc; seq 3: (S = dom G.m /\ !Game1_1.bad') 1%r (mu dhtag (fun x=> x \in S)) 0%r _=> //=.
+ if=> //=.
  + by hoare; [smt(mu_bounded) | conseq (:true)].
  seq 1: (r + t \in S) (mu dhtag (fun x=> x + t \in S)) 1%r _ 0%r
         (!Game1_1.bad' /\ S = dom G.m)=> //=.
  + by conseq (: true).
  + inline *; rcondt 3; 1:by auto.
    wp; rnd (fun x=> x + t \in S); auto=> &m _; split=> [|_ v _] //=.
    by rewrite !getP_eq.
  + by hoare; auto=> /> &m -> ->.
  by move=> &m _; rewrite (@mu_dhtag_xor (fun x=> x \in S)).
by hoare; auto.

lemma mu_dhtag_mem (S : htag fset):
    mu dhtag (mem S)
  = mu1 dhtag witness * (card S)%r.
elim/fset_ind: S.
+ by rewrite fcards0 /= -(@mu_eq _ pred0) 2:mu0=> // x; rewrite in_fset0.
move=> h S h_notin_S ih; rewrite fcardU fcard1.
have->: S `&` fset1 h = fset0.
+ by apply/fsetP=> x; rewrite in_fsetI in_fset1 in_fset0; case: (x = h).
rewrite fcards0 /= -(@mu_eq _ (predU (mem S) (pred1 h))).
+ by move=> x; rewrite in_fsetU in_fset1.
rewrite mu_or.
have ->: predI (mem S) (pred1 h) = pred0.
+ apply/fun_ext=> x; rewrite /predI /pred1 /pred0; case: (x = h)=> />.
  + by rewrite h_notin_S.
by rewrite mu0 /= ih (@dhtag_funi h witness) /#.

local module DecGA (H : AH) (G : AG) (S : APKE) = {
  var qD : int
  var qG : int

  module G' = {
    proc o(x : htag) = {
      var g;

      qG <- qG + 1;
      g  <@ G.o(x);
      return g;

  module S' = {
    proc dec(c : gtag * htag) = {
      var p;

      qD <- qD + 1;
      p  <@ S.dec(c);
      return p;

  proc choose = A(H,G',S').choose
  proc guess  = A(H,G',S').guess

(** FIXME: This is not completely good because of limitations of fel, but gives confidence that a final version would go through, and gives hints as to useful features for fel to have
    e.g.: if !P is stable by the oracles (i.e. {!P} o {!P} for all oracles) and P is in the event, then P is a 'free' precondition to all oracle-based proof obligations **)
local lemma prBad'_Game1_1 qD qG &m:
     DecGA.qG{m} = 0
  => DecGA.qD{m} = 0
  => 0 < qD
  => 0 < qG
  =>    Pr[Game1_1(DecGA).main() @ &m: Game1_1.bad' /\ DecGA.qD <= qD /\ card (dom G.m) <= qD + qG]
     <= qD%r * (qD + qG)%r * mu1 dhtag witness.
move=> DecGA_qG0 DecGA_gD0 gt0_qD gt0_qG.
fel 4 (DecGA.qD) (fun x, (qD + qG)%r * mu1 dhtag witness) qD Game1_1.bad' [DecGA(H, G, Game1_1(DecGA).S).S'.dec: (card (dom G.m) <= qD + qG); DecGA(H, G, Game1_1(DecGA).Sg).S'.dec: (card (dom G.m) <= qD + qG)]=> //=.
+ rewrite StdBigop.Bigreal.BRA.big_const count_predT size_range /max gt0_qD /=.
  rewrite -StdRing.RField.mulrA (@StdRing.RField.mulrC qD%r).
  rewrite -StdRing.RField.intmulr /intmul -StdRing.RField.AddMonoid.iteropE.
  by have ->: !qD < 0 by smt().
+ by inline *; auto=> />; rewrite dom0 fcards0.
+ conseq (: _ : <= (mu dhtag (mem (dom G.m)))).
  + move=> &hr [#] _ _ _; rewrite mu_dhtag_mem StdRing.RField.mulrC -le_fromint.
    by move: gt0_qG gt0_qD; rewrite -!lt_fromint; smt.
  by proc; call (pBad'_Game1_1_dec DecGA); auto.
+ by move=> c; proc; call (: true)=> //=; auto=> /#.
+ admit. (* at the moment, bad can still be set after more than (qD+qG) entries in the ROM... EXCEPT for the fact that the lemma explicitly limits the number of entries to (qD+qG) *)
+ conseq (: _ : <= (mu dhtag (mem (dom G.m)))).
  + move=> &hr [#] _ _ _; rewrite mu_dhtag_mem StdRing.RField.mulrC -le_fromint.
    by move: gt0_qG gt0_qD; rewrite -!lt_fromint; smt.
  proc; inline Game1_1(DecGA).Sg.dec.
  case: (c <> Game1_1.c').
  + rcondt 4; first by auto.
    by wp; call (pBad'_Game1_1_dec DecGA); auto.
  hoare; first by smt(mu_bounded).
  by rcondf 4; auto.
+ by move=> c; proc; call (: true)=> //=; auto=> /#.
admit. (* at the moment, bad can still be set after more than (qD+qG) entries in the ROM... EXCEPT for the fact that the lemma explicitly limits the number of entries to (qD+qG) *)

local module Game2 (A : CCA_ADV) = {
  var sk : skey
  var r  : htag
  var c' : gtag * htag

  module S = {
    proc dec(c : gtag * htag) = {
      var s, t, r, g;
      var p <- None;

      (s,t) <- fi sk c;
      g     <$ dgtag;
      if (s \in dom H.m) {
        r <@ H.o(s);
        r <- r + t;
        if (r \in dom G.m) {
          g <- oget G.m.[r];
          p <- unpad (g + s);
        } else {
          G.m.[r] <- g;
      } else {
        r    <@ H.o(s);
        r    <- r + t;
        if (!r \in dom G.m) {
          G.m.[r] <- g;
      return p;

  module Sg = {
    proc dec(c : gtag * htag) = {
      var p <- None;

      if (c <> c') {
        p <@ S.dec(c);
      return p;

  proc main() = {
    var pk, m0, m1, b, b', s, t;


    (pk,sk) <$ dkeys;
    r       <$ dhtag;
    s       <$ dgtag;
    (m0,m1) <@ A(H,G,S).choose(pk);
    t       <@ H.o(s);
    t       <- t + r;
    c'      <- f pk (s,t);
    b       <$ {0,1};
    b'      <@ A(H,G,Sg).guess(c');
    return b = b';

local equiv eq1_1__2: Game1_1(A).main ~ Game2(A).main:
  ={glob A} ==> ={res}.
proof. by sim. qed.
end section.
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