Raw File
/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";


/* exported Extension, ExtensionData */

 * This file is the main entry point for extensions. When an extension
 * loads, its bootstrap.js file creates a Extension instance
 * and calls .startup() on it. It calls .shutdown() when the extension
 * unloads. Extension manages any extension-specific state in
 * the chrome process.
 * TODO(rpl): we are current restricting the extensions to a single process
 * (set as the current default value of the "dom.ipc.processCount.extension"
 * preference), if we switch to use more than one extension process, we have to
 * be sure that all the browser's frameLoader are associated to the same process,
 * e.g. by enabling the `maychangeremoteness` attribute, and/or setting
 * `initialBrowsingContextGroupId` attribute to the correct value.
 * At that point we are going to keep track of the existing browsers associated to
 * a webextension to ensure that they are all running in the same process (and we
 * are also going to do the same with the browser element provided to the
 * addon debugging Remote Debugging actor, e.g. because the addon has been
 * reloaded by the user, we have to  ensure that the new extension pages are going
 * to run in the same process of the existing addon debugging browser element).

const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import(
const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");

XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, {
  AddonManager: "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm",
  AddonManagerPrivate: "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm",
  AddonSettings: "resource://gre/modules/addons/AddonSettings.jsm",
  AMTelemetry: "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm",
  AppConstants: "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm",
  AsyncShutdown: "resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.jsm",
  E10SUtils: "resource://gre/modules/E10SUtils.jsm",
  ExtensionPermissions: "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionPermissions.jsm",
  ExtensionProcessScript: "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionProcessScript.jsm",
  ExtensionStorage: "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionStorage.jsm",
  ExtensionStorageIDB: "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionStorageIDB.jsm",
  ExtensionTelemetry: "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionTelemetry.jsm",
  FileSource: "resource://gre/modules/L10nRegistry.jsm",
  L10nRegistry: "resource://gre/modules/L10nRegistry.jsm",
  LightweightThemeManager: "resource://gre/modules/LightweightThemeManager.jsm",
  Log: "resource://gre/modules/Log.jsm",
  MessageChannel: "resource://gre/modules/MessageChannel.jsm",
  NetUtil: "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm",
  OS: "resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm",
  PluralForm: "resource://gre/modules/PluralForm.jsm",
  Schemas: "resource://gre/modules/Schemas.jsm",
  ServiceWorkerCleanUp: "resource://gre/modules/ServiceWorkerCleanUp.jsm",
  XPIProvider: "resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm",

// This is used for manipulating jar entry paths, which always use Unix
// separators.
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "OSPath", () => {
  let obj = {};
  ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile/ospath_unix.jsm", obj);
  return obj;

XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "resourceProtocol", () =>

const { ExtensionCommon } = ChromeUtils.import(
const { ExtensionParent } = ChromeUtils.import(
const { ExtensionUtils } = ChromeUtils.import(

XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetters(this, {
  aomStartup: [
  spellCheck: ["@mozilla.org/spellchecker/engine;1", "mozISpellCheckingEngine"],
  uuidGen: ["@mozilla.org/uuid-generator;1", "nsIUUIDGenerator"],


// Temporary pref to be turned on when ready.


var {
  apiManager: Management,
} = ExtensionParent;

const { getUniqueId, promiseTimeout } = ExtensionUtils;

const { EventEmitter } = ExtensionCommon;

XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "console", ExtensionCommon.getConsole);

  () => ExtensionCommon.LocaleData

XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "LAZY_NO_PROMPT_PERMISSIONS", async () => {
  // Wait until all extension API schemas have been loaded and parsed.
  await Management.lazyInit();
  return new Set(

const { sharedData } = Services.ppmm;

const PRIVATE_ALLOWED_PERMISSION = "internal:privateBrowsingAllowed";

// The userContextID reserved for the extension storage (its purpose is ensuring that the IndexedDB
// storage used by the browser.storage.local API is not directly accessible from the extension code,
// it is defined and reserved as "userContextIdInternal.webextStorageLocal" in ContextualIdentityService.jsm).

// The maximum time to wait for extension child shutdown blockers to complete.

// Permissions that are only available to privileged extensions.
const PRIVILEGED_PERMS = new Set([


// Returns true if the extension is owned by Mozilla (is either privileged,
// using one of the @mozilla.com/@mozilla.org protected addon id suffixes).
// This method throws if the extension's startupReason is not one of the expected
// NOTE: This methos is internally referring to "addonData.recommendationState" to
// identify a Mozilla line extension. That property is part of the addonData only when
// the extension is installed or updated, and so we enforce the expected
// startup reason values to prevent it from silently returning different results
// if called with an unexpected startupReason.
function isMozillaExtension(extension) {
  const { addonData, id, isPrivileged, startupReason } = extension;

  if (!INSTALL_AND_UPDATE_STARTUP_REASONS.has(startupReason)) {
    throw new Error(
      `isMozillaExtension called with unexpected startupReason: ${startupReason}`

  if (isPrivileged) {
    return true;

  if (id.endsWith("@mozilla.com") || id.endsWith("@mozilla.org")) {
    return true;

  // This check is a subset of what is being checked in AddonWrapper's
  // recommendationStates (states expire dates for line extensions are
  // not consideredcimportant in determining that the extension is
  // provided by mozilla, and so they are omitted here on purpose).
  const isMozillaLineExtension = addonData.recommendationState?.states?.includes(
  const isSigned = addonData.signedState > AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_MISSING;

  return isSigned && isMozillaLineExtension;

 * Classify an individual permission from a webextension manifest
 * as a host/origin permission, an api permission, or a regular permission.
 * @param {string} perm  The permission string to classify
 * @param {boolean} restrictSchemes
 * @param {boolean} isPrivileged whether or not the webextension is privileged
 * @returns {object}
 *          An object with exactly one of the following properties:
 *          "origin" to indicate this is a host/origin permission.
 *          "api" to indicate this is an api permission
 *                (as used for webextensions experiments).
 *          "permission" to indicate this is a regular permission.
 *          "invalid" to indicate that the given permission cannot be used.
function classifyPermission(perm, restrictSchemes, isPrivileged) {
  let match = /^(\w+)(?:\.(\w+)(?:\.\w+)*)?$/.exec(perm);
  if (!match) {
    try {
      let { pattern } = new MatchPattern(perm, {
        ignorePath: true,
      return { origin: pattern };
    } catch (e) {
      return { invalid: perm };
  } else if (match[1] == "experiments" && match[2]) {
    return { api: match[2] };
  } else if (!isPrivileged && PRIVILEGED_PERMS.has(match[1])) {
    return { invalid: perm };
  return { permission: perm };

const LOGGER_ID_BASE = "addons.webextension.";
const UUID_MAP_PREF = "extensions.webextensions.uuids";
const LEAVE_STORAGE_PREF = "extensions.webextensions.keepStorageOnUninstall";
const LEAVE_UUID_PREF = "extensions.webextensions.keepUuidOnUninstall";

const COMMENT_REGEXP = new RegExp(
        [^"\n] |
        " (?:[^"\\\n] | \\.)* "

  `.replace(/\s+/g, ""),

// All moz-extension URIs use a machine-specific UUID rather than the
// extension's own ID in the host component. This makes it more
// difficult for web pages to detect whether a user has a given add-on
// installed (by trying to load a moz-extension URI referring to a
// web_accessible_resource from the extension). UUIDMap.get()
// returns the UUID for a given add-on ID.
var UUIDMap = {
  _read() {
    let pref = Services.prefs.getStringPref(UUID_MAP_PREF, "{}");
    try {
      return JSON.parse(pref);
    } catch (e) {
      Cu.reportError(`Error parsing ${UUID_MAP_PREF}.`);
      return {};

  _write(map) {
    Services.prefs.setStringPref(UUID_MAP_PREF, JSON.stringify(map));

  get(id, create = true) {
    let map = this._read();

    if (id in map) {
      return map[id];

    let uuid = null;
    if (create) {
      uuid = uuidGen.generateUUID().number;
      uuid = uuid.slice(1, -1); // Strip { and } off the UUID.

      map[id] = uuid;
    return uuid;

  remove(id) {
    let map = this._read();
    delete map[id];

 * Observer AddonManager events and translate them into extension events,
 * as well as handle any last cleanup after uninstalling an extension.
var ExtensionAddonObserver = {
  initialized: false,

  init() {
    if (!this.initialized) {
      this.initialized = true;

  // AddonTestUtils will call this as necessary.
  uninit() {
    if (this.initialized) {
      this.initialized = false;

  onEnabling(addon) {
    if (addon.type !== "extension") {
    Management._callHandlers([addon.id], "enabling", "onEnabling");

  onDisabled(addon) {
    if (addon.type !== "extension") {
    if (Services.appinfo.inSafeMode) {
      // Ensure ExtensionPreferencesManager updates its data and
      // modules can run any disable logic they need to.  We only
      // handle safeMode here because there is a bunch of additional
      // logic that happens in Extension.shutdown when running in
      // normal mode.
      Management._callHandlers([addon.id], "disable", "onDisable");

  onUninstalling(addon) {
    let extension = GlobalManager.extensionMap.get(addon.id);
    if (extension) {
      // Let any other interested listeners respond
      // (e.g., display the uninstall URL)
      Management.emit("uninstalling", extension);

  onUninstalled(addon) {
    let uuid = UUIDMap.get(addon.id, false);
    if (!uuid) {

    let baseURI = Services.io.newURI(`moz-extension://${uuid}/`);
    let principal = Services.scriptSecurityManager.createContentPrincipal(

    // Clear all the registered service workers for the extension
    // principal.
    // Any stored data would be cleared below (if the pref
    // "extensions.webextensions.keepStorageOnUninstall has not been
    // explicitly set to true, which is usually only done in
    // tests and by some extensions developers for testing purpose).
    if (WebExtensionPolicy.backgroundServiceWorkerEnabled) {
      // TODO: ServiceWorkerCleanUp may go away once Bug 1183245
      // is fixed, and so this may actually go away, replaced by
      // marking the registration as disabled or to be removed on
      // shutdown (where we do know if the extension is shutting
      // down because is being uninstalled) and then cleared from
      // the persisted serviceworker registration on the next
      // startup.
        `Clear ServiceWorkers for ${addon.id}`,

    if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref(LEAVE_STORAGE_PREF, false)) {
      // Clear browser.storage.local backends.
        `Clear Extension Storage ${addon.id} (File Backend)`,
        ExtensionStorage.clear(addon.id, { shouldNotifyListeners: false })

      // Clear any IndexedDB and Cache API storage created by the extension.
      // If LSNG is enabled, this also clears localStorage.

      // Clear any storage.local data stored in the IDBBackend.
      let storagePrincipal = Services.scriptSecurityManager.createContentPrincipal(
          userContextId: WEBEXT_STORAGE_USER_CONTEXT_ID,


      // If LSNG is not enabled, we need to clear localStorage explicitly using
      // the old API.
      if (!Services.domStorageManager.nextGenLocalStorageEnabled) {
        // Clear localStorage created by the extension
        let storage = Services.domStorageManager.getStorage(
        if (storage) {

      // Remove any permissions related to the unlimitedStorage permission
      // if we are also removing all the data stored by the extension.
      Services.perms.removeFromPrincipal(principal, "indexedDB");
      Services.perms.removeFromPrincipal(principal, "persistent-storage");


    if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref(LEAVE_UUID_PREF, false)) {
      // Clear the entry in the UUID map


const manifestTypes = new Map([
  ["theme", "manifest.ThemeManifest"],
  ["langpack", "manifest.WebExtensionLangpackManifest"],
  ["dictionary", "manifest.WebExtensionDictionaryManifest"],
  ["extension", "manifest.WebExtensionManifest"],

 * Represents the data contained in an extension, contained either
 * in a directory or a zip file, which may or may not be installed.
 * This class implements the functionality of the Extension class,
 * primarily related to manifest parsing and localization, which is
 * useful prior to extension installation or initialization.
 * No functionality of this class is guaranteed to work before
 * `loadManifest` has been called, and completed.
class ExtensionData {
  constructor(rootURI) {
    this.rootURI = rootURI;
    this.resourceURL = rootURI.spec;

    this.manifest = null;
    this.type = null;
    this.id = null;
    this.uuid = null;
    this.localeData = null;
    this.fluentL10n = null;
    this._promiseLocales = null;

    this.apiNames = new Set();
    this.dependencies = new Set();
    this.permissions = new Set();

    this.startupData = null;

    this.errors = [];
    this.warnings = [];

  get builtinMessages() {
    return null;

  get logger() {
    let id = this.id || "<unknown>";
    return Log.repository.getLogger(LOGGER_ID_BASE + id);

   * Report an error about the extension's manifest file.
   * @param {string} message The error message
  manifestError(message) {
    this.packagingError(`Reading manifest: ${message}`);

   * Report a warning about the extension's manifest file.
   * @param {string} message The warning message
  manifestWarning(message) {
    this.packagingWarning(`Reading manifest: ${message}`);

  // Report an error about the extension's general packaging.
  packagingError(message) {

  packagingWarning(message) {

  logWarning(message) {
    this._logMessage(message, "warn");

  logError(message) {
    this._logMessage(message, "error");

  _logMessage(message, severity) {
    this.logger[severity](`Loading extension '${this.id}': ${message}`);

  ensureNoErrors() {
    if (this.errors.length) {
      // startup() repeatedly checks whether there are errors after parsing the
      // extension/manifest before proceeding with starting up.
      throw new Error(this.errors.join("\n"));

   * Returns the moz-extension: URL for the given path within this
   * extension.
   * Must not be called unless either the `id` or `uuid` property has
   * already been set.
   * @param {string} path The path portion of the URL.
   * @returns {string}
  getURL(path = "") {
    if (!(this.id || this.uuid)) {
      throw new Error(
        "getURL may not be called before an `id` or `uuid` has been set"
    if (!this.uuid) {
      this.uuid = UUIDMap.get(this.id);
    return `moz-extension://${this.uuid}/${path}`;

  async readDirectory(path) {
    if (this.rootURI instanceof Ci.nsIFileURL) {
      let uri = Services.io.newURI("./" + path, null, this.rootURI);
      let fullPath = uri.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL).file.path;

      let iter = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(fullPath);
      let results = [];

      try {
        await iter.forEach(entry => {
      } catch (e) {
        // Always return a list, even if the directory does not exist (or is
        // not a directory) for symmetry with the ZipReader behavior.
        if (!e.becauseNoSuchFile) {

      return results;

    let uri = this.rootURI.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIJARURI);

    // Append the sub-directory path to the base JAR URI and normalize the
    // result.
    let entry = `${uri.JAREntry}/${path}/`
      .replace(/\/\/+/g, "/")
      .replace(/^\//, "");
    uri = Services.io.newURI(`jar:${uri.JARFile.spec}!/${entry}`);

    let results = [];
    for (let name of aomStartup.enumerateJARSubtree(uri)) {
      if (!name.startsWith(entry)) {
        throw new Error("Unexpected ZipReader entry");

      // The enumerator returns the full path of all entries.
      // Trim off the leading path, and filter out entries from
      // subdirectories.
      name = name.slice(entry.length);
      if (name && !/\/./.test(name)) {
          name: name.replace("/", ""),
          isDir: name.endsWith("/"),

    return results;

  readJSON(path) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      let uri = this.rootURI.resolve(`./${path}`);

        { uri, loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true },
        (inputStream, status) => {
          if (!Components.isSuccessCode(status)) {
            // Convert status code to a string
            let e = Components.Exception("", status);
            reject(new Error(`Error while loading '${uri}' (${e.name})`));
          try {
            let text = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(
              { charset: "utf-8" }

            text = text.replace(COMMENT_REGEXP, "$1");

          } catch (e) {

  canCheckSignature() {
    // ExtensionData instances can't check the signature because it is not yet
    // available when XPIProvider does use it to load the extension manifest.
    // This method will return true for the ExtensionData subclasses (like
    // the Extension class) to enable the additional validation that would require
    // the signature to be available (e.g. to check if the extension is allowed to
    // use a privileged permission).
    return this.constructor != ExtensionData;

  get restrictSchemes() {
    // mozillaAddons permission is only allowed for privileged addons and
    // filtered out if the extension isn't privileged.
    // When the manifest is loaded by an explicit ExtensionData class
    // instance, the signature data isn't available yet and this helper
    // would always return false, but it will return true when appropriate
    // (based on the isPrivileged boolean property) for the Extension class.
    return !this.hasPermission("mozillaAddons");

   * Given an array of host and permissions, generate a structured permissions object
   * that contains seperate host origins and permissions arrays.
   * @param {Array} permissionsArray
   * @returns {Object} permissions object
  permissionsObject(permissionsArray) {
    let permissions = new Set();
    let origins = new Set();
    let { restrictSchemes, isPrivileged } = this;
    for (let perm of permissionsArray || []) {
      let type = classifyPermission(perm, restrictSchemes, isPrivileged);
      if (type.origin) {
      } else if (type.permission) {
    return {

   * Returns an object representing any capabilities that the extension
   * has access to based on fixed properties in the manifest.  The result
   * includes the contents of the "permissions" property as well as other
   * capabilities that are derived from manifest fields that users should
   * be informed of (e.g., origins where content scripts are injected).
  get manifestPermissions() {
    if (this.type !== "extension") {
      return null;

    let { permissions, origins } = this.permissionsObject(

    if (
      this.manifest.devtools_page &&
    ) {

    for (let entry of this.manifest.content_scripts || []) {
      for (let origin of entry.matches) {

    return {
      permissions: Array.from(permissions),
      origins: Array.from(origins),

  get manifestOptionalPermissions() {
    if (this.type !== "extension") {
      return null;

    let { permissions, origins } = this.permissionsObject(
    return {
      permissions: Array.from(permissions),
      origins: Array.from(origins),

   * Returns an object representing all capabilities this extension has
   * access to, including fixed ones from the manifest as well as dynamically
   * granted permissions.
  get activePermissions() {
    if (this.type !== "extension") {
      return null;

    let result = {
      origins: this.allowedOrigins.patterns
        .map(matcher => matcher.pattern)
        // moz-extension://id/* is always added to allowedOrigins, but it
        // is not a valid host permission in the API. So, remove it.
        .filter(pattern => !pattern.startsWith("moz-extension:")),
      apis: [...this.apiNames],

    const EXP_PATTERN = /^experiments\.\w+/;
    result.permissions = [...this.permissions].filter(
      p => !result.origins.includes(p) && !EXP_PATTERN.test(p)
    return result;

  // Returns whether the front end should prompt for this permission
  static async shouldPromptFor(permission) {
    return !(await LAZY_NO_PROMPT_PERMISSIONS).has(permission);

  // Compute the difference between two sets of permissions, suitable
  // for presenting to the user.
  static comparePermissions(oldPermissions, newPermissions) {
    let oldMatcher = new MatchPatternSet(oldPermissions.origins, {
      restrictSchemes: false,
    return {
      // formatPermissionStrings ignores any scheme, so only look at the domain.
      origins: newPermissions.origins.filter(
        perm =>
            new MatchPattern(perm, { restrictSchemes: false })
      permissions: newPermissions.permissions.filter(
        perm => !oldPermissions.permissions.includes(perm)

  // Return those permissions in oldPermissions that also exist in newPermissions.
  static intersectPermissions(oldPermissions, newPermissions) {
    let matcher = new MatchPatternSet(newPermissions.origins, {
      restrictSchemes: false,

    return {
      origins: oldPermissions.origins.filter(perm =>
          new MatchPattern(perm, { restrictSchemes: false })
      permissions: oldPermissions.permissions.filter(perm =>

   * When updating the addon, find and migrate permissions that have moved from required
   * to optional.  This also handles any updates required for permission removal.
   * @param {string} id The id of the addon being updated
   * @param {Object} oldPermissions
   * @param {Object} oldOptionalPermissions
   * @param {Object} newPermissions
   * @param {Object} newOptionalPermissions
  static async migratePermissions(
  ) {
    let migrated = ExtensionData.intersectPermissions(
    // If a permission is optional in this version and was mandatory in the previous
    // version, it was already accepted by the user at install time so add it to the
    // list of granted optional permissions now.
    await ExtensionPermissions.add(id, migrated);

    // Now we need to update ExtensionPreferencesManager, removing any settings
    // for old permissions that no longer exist.
    let permSet = new Set(
    let oldPerms = oldPermissions.permissions.concat(

    let removed = oldPerms.filter(x => !permSet.has(x));
    // Force the removal here to ensure the settings are removed prior
    // to startup.  This will remove both required or optional permissions,
    // whereas the call from within ExtensionPermissions would only result
    // in a removal for optional permissions that were removed.
    await ExtensionPreferencesManager.removeSettingsForPermissions(id, removed);

    // Remove any optional permissions that have been removed from the manifest.
    await ExtensionPermissions.remove(id, {
      permissions: removed,
      origins: [],

  canUseExperiment(manifest) {
    return this.experimentsAllowed && manifest.experiment_apis;

  get manifestVersion() {
    return this.manifest.manifest_version;

   * Load a locale and return a localized manifest.  The extension must
   * be initialized, and manifest parsed prior to calling.
   * @param {string} locale to load, if necessary.
   * @returns {object} normalized manifest.
  async getLocalizedManifest(locale) {
    if (!this.type || !this.localeData) {
      throw new Error("The extension has not been initialized.");
    // Upon update or reinstall, the Extension.manifest may be read from
    // StartupCache.manifest, however rawManifest is *not*.  We need the
    // raw manifest in order to get a localized manifest.
    if (!this.rawManifest) {
      this.rawManifest = await this.readJSON("manifest.json");

    if (!this.localeData.has(locale)) {
      // Locales are not avialable until some additional
      // initialization is done.  We could just call initAllLocales,
      // but that is heavy handed, especially when we likely only
      // need one out of 20.
      let locales = await this.promiseLocales();
      if (locales.get(locale)) {
        await this.initLocale(locale);
      if (!this.localeData.has(locale)) {
        throw new Error(`The extension does not contain the locale ${locale}`);
    let normalized = await this._getNormalizedManifest(locale);
    if (normalized.error) {
      throw new Error(normalized.error);
    return normalized.value;

  async _getNormalizedManifest(locale) {
    let manifestType = manifestTypes.get(this.type);

    let context = {
      url: this.baseURI && this.baseURI.spec,
      principal: this.principal,
      logError: error => {
      preprocessors: {},
      manifestVersion: this.manifestVersion,

    if (this.fluentL10n || this.localeData) {
      context.preprocessors.localize = (value, context) =>
        this.localize(value, locale);

    return Schemas.normalize(this.rawManifest, manifestType, context);

  // eslint-disable-next-line complexity
  async parseManifest() {
    let [manifest] = await Promise.all([

    this.manifest = manifest;
    this.rawManifest = manifest;

    if (manifest && manifest.default_locale) {
      await this.initLocale();

    // When parsing the manifest from an ExtensionData instance, we don't
    // have isPrivileged, so ignore fluent localization in that pass.
    // This means that fluent cannot be used to localize manifest properties
    // read from the add-on manager (e.g., author, homepage, etc.)
    if (manifest && manifest.l10n_resources && "isPrivileged" in this) {
      if (this.isPrivileged) {
        this.fluentL10n = new Localization(manifest.l10n_resources, true);
      } else {
        // Warn but don't make this fatal.
        Cu.reportError("Ignoring l10n_resources in unprivileged extension");

    if (this.manifest.theme) {
      this.type = "theme";
    } else if (this.manifest.langpack_id) {
      this.type = "langpack";
    } else if (this.manifest.dictionaries) {
      this.type = "dictionary";
    } else {
      this.type = "extension";

    let normalized = await this._getNormalizedManifest();
    if (normalized.error) {
      return null;

    manifest = normalized.value;

    let id;
    try {
      if (manifest.applications.gecko.id) {
        id = manifest.applications.gecko.id;
    } catch (e) {
      // Errors are handled by the type checks above.

    if (!this.id) {
      this.id = id;

    let apiNames = new Set();
    let dependencies = new Set();
    let originPermissions = new Set();
    let permissions = new Set();
    let webAccessibleResources = [];

    let schemaPromises = new Map();

    let result = {
      modules: null,
      schemaURLs: null,
      type: this.type,

    if (this.type === "extension") {
      let { isPrivileged } = this;
      let restrictSchemes = !(
        isPrivileged && manifest.permissions.includes("mozillaAddons")

      for (let perm of manifest.permissions) {
        if (perm === "geckoProfiler" && !isPrivileged) {
          const acceptedExtensions = Services.prefs.getStringPref(
          if (!acceptedExtensions.split(",").includes(id)) {
              "Only specific extensions are allowed to access the geckoProfiler."

        let type = classifyPermission(perm, restrictSchemes, isPrivileged);
        if (type.origin) {
          perm = type.origin;
        } else if (type.api) {
        } else if (type.invalid) {
          if (!this.canCheckSignature() && PRIVILEGED_PERMS.has(perm)) {
            // Do not emit the warning if the invalid permission is a privileged one
            // and the current instance can't yet check for a valid signature
            // (see Bug 1675858 and the inline comment inside the canCheckSignature
            // method for more details).
            // This parseManifest method will be called again on the Extension class
            // instance, which will have the signature available and the invalid
            // extension permission warnings will be collected and logged if necessary.

          this.manifestWarning(`Invalid extension permission: ${perm}`);

        // Unfortunately, we treat <all_urls> as an API permission as well.
        if (!type.origin || perm === "<all_urls>") {

      if (this.id) {
        // An extension always gets permission to its own url.
        let matcher = new MatchPattern(this.getURL(), { ignorePath: true });

        // Apply optional permissions
        let perms = await ExtensionPermissions.get(this.id);
        for (let perm of perms.permissions) {
        for (let origin of perms.origins) {

      for (let api of apiNames) {

      let moduleData = data => ({
        url: this.rootURI.resolve(data.script),
        events: data.events,
        paths: data.paths,
        scopes: data.scopes,

      let computeModuleInit = (scope, modules) => {
        let manager = new ExtensionCommon.SchemaAPIManager(scope);
        return manager.initModuleJSON([modules]);

      result.contentScripts = [];
      for (let options of manifest.content_scripts || []) {
          allFrames: options.all_frames,
          matchAboutBlank: options.match_about_blank,
          frameID: options.frame_id,
          runAt: options.run_at,

          matches: options.matches,
          excludeMatches: options.exclude_matches || [],
          includeGlobs: options.include_globs,
          excludeGlobs: options.exclude_globs,

          jsPaths: options.js || [],
          cssPaths: options.css || [],

      if (this.canUseExperiment(manifest)) {
        let parentModules = {};
        let childModules = {};

        for (let [name, data] of Object.entries(manifest.experiment_apis)) {
          let schema = this.getURL(data.schema);

          if (!schemaPromises.has(schema)) {
              this.readJSON(data.schema).then(json =>

          if (data.parent) {
            parentModules[name] = moduleData(data.parent);

          if (data.child) {
            childModules[name] = moduleData(data.child);

        result.modules = {
          child: computeModuleInit("addon_child", childModules),
          parent: computeModuleInit("addon_parent", parentModules),

      // Normalize all patterns to contain a single leading /
      if (manifest.web_accessible_resources) {
        // Normalize into V3 objects
        let wac =
          this.manifestVersion >= 3
            ? manifest.web_accessible_resources
            : [{ resources: manifest.web_accessible_resources }];
          ...wac.map(obj => {
            obj.resources = obj.resources.map(path =>
              path.replace(/^\/*/, "/")
            return obj;
    } else if (this.type == "langpack") {
      // Langpack startup is performance critical, so we want to compute as much
      // as possible here to make startup not trigger async DB reads.
      // We'll store the four items below in the startupData.

      // 1. Compute the chrome resources to be registered for this langpack.
      const platform = AppConstants.platform;
      const chromeEntries = [];
      for (const [language, entry] of Object.entries(manifest.languages)) {
        for (const [alias, path] of Object.entries(
          entry.chrome_resources || {}
        )) {
          if (typeof path === "string") {
            chromeEntries.push(["locale", alias, language, path]);
          } else if (platform in path) {
            // If the path is not a string, it's an object with path per
            // platform where the keys are taken from AppConstants.platform
            chromeEntries.push(["locale", alias, language, path[platform]]);

      // 2. Compute langpack ID.
      const productCodeName = AppConstants.MOZ_BUILD_APP.replace("/", "-");

      // The result path looks like this:
      //   Firefox - `langpack-pl-browser`
      //   Fennec - `langpack-pl-mobile-android`
      const langpackId = `langpack-${manifest.langpack_id}-${productCodeName}`;

      // 3. Compute L10nRegistry sources for this langpack.
      const l10nRegistrySources = {};

      // Check if there's a root directory `/localization` in the langpack.
      // If there is one, add it with the name `toolkit` as a FileSource.
      const entries = await this.readDirectory("localization");
      if (entries.length) {
        l10nRegistrySources.toolkit = "";

      // Add any additional sources listed in the manifest
      if (manifest.sources) {
        for (const [sourceName, { base_path }] of Object.entries(
        )) {
          l10nRegistrySources[sourceName] = base_path;

      // 4. Save the list of languages handled by this langpack.
      const languages = Object.keys(manifest.languages);

      this.startupData = {
    } else if (this.type == "dictionary") {
      let dictionaries = {};
      for (let [lang, path] of Object.entries(manifest.dictionaries)) {
        path = path.replace(/^\/+/, "");

        let dir = OSPath.dirname(path);
        if (dir === ".") {
          dir = "";
        let leafName = OSPath.basename(path);
        let affixPath = leafName.slice(0, -3) + "aff";

        let entries = Array.from(
          await this.readDirectory(dir),
          entry => entry.name
        if (!entries.includes(leafName)) {
            `Invalid dictionary path specified for '${lang}': ${path}`
        if (!entries.includes(affixPath)) {
            `Invalid dictionary path specified for '${lang}': Missing affix file: ${path}`

        dictionaries[lang] = path;

      this.startupData = { dictionaries };

    if (schemaPromises.size) {
      let schemas = new Map();
      for (let [url, promise] of schemaPromises) {
        schemas.set(url, await promise);
      result.schemaURLs = schemas;

    return result;

  // Reads the extension's |manifest.json| file, and stores its
  // parsed contents in |this.manifest|.
  async loadManifest() {
    let [manifestData] = await Promise.all([

    if (!manifestData) {

    // Do not override the add-on id that has been already assigned.
    if (!this.id) {
      this.id = manifestData.id;

    this.manifest = manifestData.manifest;
    this.apiNames = manifestData.apiNames;
    this.contentScripts = manifestData.contentScripts;
    this.dependencies = manifestData.dependencies;
    this.permissions = manifestData.permissions;
    this.schemaURLs = manifestData.schemaURLs;
    this.type = manifestData.type;

    this.modules = manifestData.modules;

    this.apiManager = this.getAPIManager();
    await this.apiManager.lazyInit();

    this.webAccessibleResources = manifestData.webAccessibleResources;
    this.allowedOrigins = new MatchPatternSet(manifestData.originPermissions, {
      restrictSchemes: this.restrictSchemes,

    return this.manifest;

  hasPermission(perm, includeOptional = false) {
    // If the permission is a "manifest property" permission, we check if the extension
    // does have the required property in its manifest.
    let manifest_ = "manifest:";
    if (perm.startsWith(manifest_)) {
      // Handle nested "manifest property" permission (e.g. as in "manifest:property.nested").
      let value = this.manifest;
      for (let prop of perm.substr(manifest_.length).split(".")) {
        if (!value) {
        value = value[prop];

      return value != null;

    if (this.permissions.has(perm)) {
      return true;

    if (includeOptional && this.manifest.optional_permissions.includes(perm)) {
      return true;

    return false;

  getAPIManager() {
    let apiManagers = [Management];

    for (let id of this.dependencies) {
      let policy = WebExtensionPolicy.getByID(id);
      if (policy) {
        if (policy.extension.experimentAPIManager) {
        } else if (AppConstants.DEBUG) {
          Cu.reportError(`Cannot find experimental API exported from ${id}`);

    if (this.modules) {
      this.experimentAPIManager = new ExtensionCommon.LazyAPIManager(


    if (apiManagers.length == 1) {
      return apiManagers[0];

    return new ExtensionCommon.MultiAPIManager("main", apiManagers.reverse());

  localizeMessage(...args) {
    return this.localeData.localizeMessage(...args);

  localize(str, locale) {
    // If the extension declares fluent resources in the manifest, try
    // first to localize with fluent.  Also use the original webextension
    // method (_locales/xx.json) so extensions can migrate bit by bit.
    // Note also that fluent keys typically use hyphense, so hyphens are
    // allowed in the __MSG_foo__ keys used by fluent, though they are
    // not allowed in the keys used for json translations.
    if (this.fluentL10n) {
      str = str.replace(/__MSG_([-A-Za-z0-9@_]+?)__/g, (matched, message) => {
        let translation = this.fluentL10n.formatValueSync(message);
        return translation !== undefined ? translation : matched;
    if (this.localeData) {
      str = this.localeData.localize(str, locale);
    return str;

  // If a "default_locale" is specified in that manifest, returns it
  // as a Gecko-compatible locale string. Otherwise, returns null.
  get defaultLocale() {
    if (this.manifest.default_locale != null) {
      return this.normalizeLocaleCode(this.manifest.default_locale);

    return null;

  // Returns true if an addon is builtin to Firefox or
  // distributed via Normandy into a system location.
  get isAppProvided() {
    return this.addonData.builtIn || this.addonData.isSystem;

  // Normalizes a Chrome-compatible locale code to the appropriate
  // Gecko-compatible variant. Currently, this means simply
  // replacing underscores with hyphens.
  normalizeLocaleCode(locale) {
    return locale.replace(/_/g, "-");

  // Reads the locale file for the given Gecko-compatible locale code, and
  // stores its parsed contents in |this.localeMessages.get(locale)|.
  async readLocaleFile(locale) {
    let locales = await this.promiseLocales();
    let dir = locales.get(locale) || locale;
    let file = `_locales/${dir}/messages.json`;

    try {
      let messages = await this.readJSON(file);
      return this.localeData.addLocale(locale, messages, this);
    } catch (e) {
      this.packagingError(`Loading locale file ${file}: ${e}`);
      return new Map();

  async _promiseLocaleMap() {
    let locales = new Map();

    let entries = await this.readDirectory("_locales");
    for (let file of entries) {
      if (file.isDir) {
        let locale = this.normalizeLocaleCode(file.name);
        locales.set(locale, file.name);

    return locales;

  _setupLocaleData(locales) {
    if (this.localeData) {
      return this.localeData.locales;

    this.localeData = new LocaleData({
      defaultLocale: this.defaultLocale,
      builtinMessages: this.builtinMessages,

    return locales;

  // Reads the list of locales available in the extension, and returns a
  // Promise which resolves to a Map upon completion.
  // Each map key is a Gecko-compatible locale code, and each value is the
  // "_locales" subdirectory containing that locale:
  // Map(gecko-locale-code -> locale-directory-name)
  promiseLocales() {
    if (!this._promiseLocales) {
      this._promiseLocales = (async () => {
        let locales = this._promiseLocaleMap();
        return this._setupLocaleData(locales);

    return this._promiseLocales;

  // Reads the locale messages for all locales, and returns a promise which
  // resolves to a Map of locale messages upon completion. Each key in the map
  // is a Gecko-compatible locale code, and each value is a locale data object
  // as returned by |readLocaleFile|.
  async initAllLocales() {
    let locales = await this.promiseLocales();

    await Promise.all(
      Array.from(locales.keys(), locale => this.readLocaleFile(locale))

    let defaultLocale = this.defaultLocale;
    if (defaultLocale) {
      if (!locales.has(defaultLocale)) {
          'Value for "default_locale" property must correspond to ' +
            'a directory in "_locales/". Not found: ' +
    } else if (locales.size) {
        'The "default_locale" property is required when a ' +
          '"_locales/" directory is present.'

    return this.localeData.messages;

  // Reads the locale file for the given Gecko-compatible locale code, or the
  // default locale if no locale code is given, and sets it as the currently
  // selected locale on success.
  // Pre-loads the default locale for fallback message processing, regardless
  // of the locale specified.
  // If no locales are unavailable, resolves to |null|.
  async initLocale(locale = this.defaultLocale) {
    if (locale == null) {
      return null;

    let promises = [this.readLocaleFile(locale)];

    let { defaultLocale } = this;
    if (locale != defaultLocale && !this.localeData.has(defaultLocale)) {

    let results = await Promise.all(promises);

    this.localeData.selectedLocale = locale;
    return results[0];

   * Classify host permissions
   * @param {array<string>} origins
   *                        permission origins
   * @returns {object}
   *              "object.allUrls" contains the permission used to obtain all urls access
   *              "object.wildcards" set contains permissions with wildcards
   *              "object.sites" set contains explicit host permissions
  static classifyOriginPermissions(origins = []) {
    let allUrls = null,
      wildcards = new Set(),
      sites = new Set();
    for (let permission of origins) {
      if (permission == "<all_urls>") {
        allUrls = permission;

      // Privileged extensions may request access to "about:"-URLs, such as
      // about:reader.
      let match = /^[a-z*]+:\/\/([^/]*)\/|^about:/.exec(permission);
      if (!match) {
        throw new Error(`Unparseable host permission ${permission}`);
      // Note: the scheme is ignored in the permission warnings. If this ever
      // changes, update the comparePermissions method as needed.
      if (!match[1] || match[1] == "*") {
        allUrls = permission;
      } else if (match[1].startsWith("*.")) {
      } else {
    return { allUrls, wildcards, sites };

   * Formats all the strings for a permissions dialog/notification.
   * @param {object} info Information about the permissions being requested.
   * @param {array<string>} info.permissions.origins
   *                        Origin permissions requested.
   * @param {array<string>} info.permissions.permissions
   *                        Regular (non-origin) permissions requested.
   * @param {array<string>} info.optionalPermissions.origins
   *                        Optional origin permissions listed in the manifest.
   * @param {array<string>} info.optionalPermissions.permissions
   *                        Optional (non-origin) permissions listed in the manifest.
   * @param {boolean} info.unsigned
   *                  True if the prompt is for installing an unsigned addon.
   * @param {string} info.type
   *                 The type of prompt being shown.  May be one of "update",
   *                 "sideload", "optional", or omitted for a regular
   *                 install prompt.
   * @param {string} info.appName
   *                 The localized name of the application, to be substituted
   *                 in computed strings as needed.
   * @param {nsIStringBundle} bundle
   *                          The string bundle to use for l10n.
   * @param {object} options
   * @param {boolean} options.collapseOrigins
   *                  Wether to limit the number of displayed host permissions.
   *                  Default is false.
   * @param {function} options.getKeyForPermission
   *                   An optional callback function that returns the locale key for a given
   *                   permission name (set by default to a callback returning the locale
   *                   key following the default convention `webextPerms.description.PERMNAME`).
   *                   Overriding the default mapping can become necessary, when a permission
   *                   description needs to be modified and a non-default locale key has to be
   *                   used. There is at least one non-default locale key used in Thunderbird.
   * @returns {object} An object with properties containing localized strings
   *                   for various elements of a permission dialog. The "header"
   *                   property on this object is the notification header text
   *                   and it has the string "<>" as a placeholder for the
   *                   addon name.
   *                   "object.msgs" is an array of localized strings describing required permissions
   *                   "object.optionalPermissions" is a map of permission name to localized
   *                   strings describing the permission.
   *                   "object.optionalOrigins" is a map of a host permission to localized strings
   *                   describing the host permission, where appropriate.  Currently only
   *                   all url style permissions are included.
  static formatPermissionStrings(
      collapseOrigins = false,
      getKeyForPermission = perm => `webextPerms.description.${perm}`,
    } = {}
  ) {
    let result = {
      msgs: [],
      optionalPermissions: {},
      optionalOrigins: {},

    let perms = info.permissions || { origins: [], permissions: [] };
    let optional_permissions = info.optionalPermissions || {
      origins: [],
      permissions: [],

    // First classify our host permissions
    let { allUrls, wildcards, sites } = ExtensionData.classifyOriginPermissions(

    // Format the host permissions.  If we have a wildcard for all urls,
    // a single string will suffice.  Otherwise, show domain wildcards
    // first, then individual host permissions.
    if (allUrls) {
    } else {
      // Formats a list of host permissions.  If we have 4 or fewer, display
      // them all, otherwise display the first 3 followed by an item that
      // says "...plus N others"
      let format = (list, itemKey, moreKey) => {
        function formatItems(items) {
            ...items.map(item => bundle.formatStringFromName(itemKey, [item]))
        if (list.length < 5 || !collapseOrigins) {
        } else {
          formatItems(list.slice(0, 3));

          let remaining = list.length - 3;
            ).replace("#1", remaining)


    // Next, show the native messaging permission if it is present.
    const NATIVE_MSG_PERM = "nativeMessaging";
    if (perms.permissions.includes(NATIVE_MSG_PERM)) {
        bundle.formatStringFromName(getKeyForPermission(NATIVE_MSG_PERM), [

    // Finally, show remaining permissions, in the same order as AMO.
    // The permissions are sorted alphabetically by the permission
    // string to match AMO.
    let permissionsCopy = perms.permissions.slice(0);
    for (let permission of permissionsCopy.sort()) {
      // Handled above
      if (permission == NATIVE_MSG_PERM) {
      try {
      } catch (err) {
        // We deliberately do not include all permissions in the prompt.
        // So if we don't find one then just skip it.

    // Generate a map of permission names to permission strings for optional
    // permissions.  The key is necessary to handle toggling those permissions.
    for (let permission of optional_permissions.permissions) {
      if (permission == NATIVE_MSG_PERM) {
        ] = bundle.formatStringFromName(getKeyForPermission(permission), [
      try {
        result.optionalPermissions[permission] = bundle.GetStringFromName(
      } catch (err) {
        // We deliberately do not have strings for all permissions.
        // So if we don't find one then just skip it.
    allUrls = ExtensionData.classifyOriginPermissions(
    if (allUrls) {
      result.optionalOrigins[allUrls] = bundle.GetStringFromName(

    const haveAccessKeys = AppConstants.platform !== "android";

    let headerKey;
    result.text = "";
    result.listIntro = "";
    result.acceptText = bundle.GetStringFromName("webextPerms.add.label");
    result.cancelText = bundle.GetStringFromName("webextPerms.cancel.label");
    if (haveAccessKeys) {
      result.acceptKey = bundle.GetStringFromName("webextPerms.add.accessKey");
      result.cancelKey = bundle.GetStringFromName(

    if (info.type == "sideload") {
      headerKey = "webextPerms.sideloadHeader";
      let key = !result.msgs.length
        ? "webextPerms.sideloadTextNoPerms"
        : "webextPerms.sideloadText2";
      result.text = bundle.GetStringFromName(key);
      result.acceptText = bundle.GetStringFromName(
      result.cancelText = bundle.GetStringFromName(
      if (haveAccessKeys) {
        result.acceptKey = bundle.GetStringFromName(
        result.cancelKey = bundle.GetStringFromName(
    } else if (info.type == "update") {
      headerKey = "webextPerms.updateText2";
      result.text = "";
      result.acceptText = bundle.GetStringFromName(
      if (haveAccessKeys) {
        result.acceptKey = bundle.GetStringFromName(
    } else if (info.type == "optional") {
      headerKey = "webextPerms.optionalPermsHeader";
      result.text = "";
      result.listIntro = bundle.GetStringFromName(
      result.acceptText = bundle.GetStringFromName(
      result.cancelText = bundle.GetStringFromName(
      if (haveAccessKeys) {
        result.acceptKey = bundle.GetStringFromName(
        result.cancelKey = bundle.GetStringFromName(
    } else {
      headerKey = "webextPerms.header";
      if (result.msgs.length) {
        headerKey = info.unsigned
          ? "webextPerms.headerUnsignedWithPerms"
          : "webextPerms.headerWithPerms";
      } else if (info.unsigned) {
        headerKey = "webextPerms.headerUnsigned";
    result.header = bundle.formatStringFromName(headerKey, ["<>"]);
    return result;

const PROXIED_EVENTS = new Set([

class BootstrapScope {
  install(data, reason) {}
  uninstall(data, reason) {
      `Uninstalling add-on: ${data.id}`,
      Management.emit("uninstall", { id: data.id }).then(() => {
        Management.emit("uninstall-complete", { id: data.id });

  fetchState() {
    if (this.extension) {
      return { state: this.extension.state };
    return null;

  async update(data, reason) {
    // Retain any previously granted permissions that may have migrated
    // into the optional list.
    if (data.oldPermissions) {
      // New permissions may be null, ensure we have an empty
      // permission set in that case.
      let emptyPermissions = { permissions: [], origins: [] };
      await ExtensionData.migratePermissions(
        data.userPermissions || emptyPermissions,
        data.optionalPermissions || emptyPermissions

    return Management.emit("update", {
      id: data.id,
      resourceURI: data.resourceURI,

  startup(data, reason) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
    this.extension = new Extension(
    return this.extension.startup();

  async shutdown(data, reason) {
    let result = await this.extension.shutdown(
    this.extension = null;
    return result;

  () => {
    const { BOOTSTRAP_REASONS } = AddonManagerPrivate;

    return Object.freeze({

class DictionaryBootstrapScope extends BootstrapScope {
  install(data, reason) {}
  uninstall(data, reason) {}

  startup(data, reason) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
    this.dictionary = new Dictionary(data);
    return this.dictionary.startup(this.BOOTSTRAP_REASON_TO_STRING_MAP[reason]);

  shutdown(data, reason) {
    this.dictionary = null;

class LangpackBootstrapScope extends BootstrapScope {
  install(data, reason) {}
  uninstall(data, reason) {}
  update(data, reason) {}

  startup(data, reason) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
    this.langpack = new Langpack(data);
    return this.langpack.startup(this.BOOTSTRAP_REASON_TO_STRING_MAP[reason]);

  shutdown(data, reason) {
    this.langpack = null;

let activeExtensionIDs = new Set();

let pendingExtensions = new Map();

 * This class is the main representation of an active WebExtension
 * in the main process.
 * @extends ExtensionData
class Extension extends ExtensionData {
  constructor(addonData, startupReason) {

    this.startupStates = new Set();
    this.state = "Not started";
    this.userContextIsolation = userContextIsolation;

    this.sharedDataKeys = new Set();

    this.uuid = UUIDMap.get(addonData.id);
    this.instanceId = getUniqueId();

    this.MESSAGE_EMIT_EVENT = `Extension:EmitEvent:${this.instanceId}`;
    Services.ppmm.addMessageListener(this.MESSAGE_EMIT_EVENT, this);

    if (addonData.cleanupFile) {
      Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown");
      this.cleanupFile = addonData.cleanupFile || null;
      delete addonData.cleanupFile;

    if (addonData.TEST_NO_ADDON_MANAGER) {
      this.dontSaveStartupData = true;

    this.addonData = addonData;
    this.startupData = addonData.startupData || {};
    this.startupReason = startupReason;

    if (["ADDON_UPGRADE", "ADDON_DOWNGRADE"].includes(startupReason)) {

    this.remote = !WebExtensionPolicy.isExtensionProcess;
    this.remoteType = this.remote ? E10SUtils.EXTENSION_REMOTE_TYPE : null;

    if (this.remote && processCount !== 1) {
      throw new Error(
        "Out-of-process WebExtensions are not supported with multiple child processes"

    // This is filled in the first time an extension child is created.
    this.parentMessageManager = null;

    this.id = addonData.id;
    this.version = addonData.version;
    this.baseURL = this.getURL("");
    this.baseURI = Services.io.newURI(this.baseURL).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIURL);
    this.principal = this.createPrincipal();

    this.views = new Set();
    this._backgroundPageFrameLoader = null;

    this.onStartup = null;

    this.hasShutdown = false;
    this.onShutdown = new Set();

    this.uninstallURL = null;

    this.allowedOrigins = null;
    this._optionalOrigins = null;
    this.webAccessibleResources = null;

    this.registeredContentScripts = new Map();

    this.emitter = new EventEmitter();

    if (this.startupData.lwtData && this.startupReason == "APP_STARTUP") {
      LightweightThemeManager.fallbackThemeData = this.startupData.lwtData;

    /* eslint-disable mozilla/balanced-listeners */
    this.on("add-permissions", (ignoreEvent, permissions) => {
      for (let perm of permissions.permissions) {

      if (permissions.origins.length) {
        let patterns = this.allowedOrigins.patterns.map(host => host.pattern);

        this.allowedOrigins = new MatchPatternSet(
          new Set([...patterns, ...permissions.origins]),
            restrictSchemes: this.restrictSchemes,
            ignorePath: true,

      this.policy.permissions = Array.from(this.permissions);
      this.policy.allowedOrigins = this.allowedOrigins;


    this.on("remove-permissions", (ignoreEvent, permissions) => {
      for (let perm of permissions.permissions) {

      let origins = permissions.origins.map(
        origin => new MatchPattern(origin, { ignorePath: true }).pattern

      this.allowedOrigins = new MatchPatternSet(
          host => !origins.includes(host.pattern)

      this.policy.permissions = Array.from(this.permissions);
      this.policy.allowedOrigins = this.allowedOrigins;

    /* eslint-enable mozilla/balanced-listeners */

  set state(startupState) {

  get state() {
    return `${Array.from(this.startupStates).join(", ")}`;

  async addStartupStatePromise(name, fn) {
    try {
      await fn();
    } finally {

  // Some helpful properties added elsewhere:

  static getBootstrapScope() {
    return new BootstrapScope();

  get browsingContextGroupId() {
    return this.policy.browsingContextGroupId;

  get groupFrameLoader() {
    let frameLoader = this._backgroundPageFrameLoader;
    for (let view of this.views) {
      if (view.viewType === "background" && view.xulBrowser) {
        return view.xulBrowser.frameLoader;
      if (!frameLoader && view.xulBrowser) {
        frameLoader = view.xulBrowser.frameLoader;
    return frameLoader || ExtensionParent.DebugUtils.getFrameLoader(this.id);

  on(hook, f) {
    return this.emitter.on(hook, f);

  off(hook, f) {
    return this.emitter.off(hook, f);

  once(hook, f) {
    return this.emitter.once(hook, f);

  emit(event, ...args) {
    if (PROXIED_EVENTS.has(event)) {
      Services.ppmm.broadcastAsyncMessage(this.MESSAGE_EMIT_EVENT, {

    return this.emitter.emit(event, ...args);

  receiveMessage({ name, data }) {
    if (name === this.MESSAGE_EMIT_EVENT) {
      this.emitter.emit(data.event, ...data.args);

  testMessage(...args) {
    this.emit("test-harness-message", ...args);

  createPrincipal(uri = this.baseURI, originAttributes = {}) {
    return Services.scriptSecurityManager.createContentPrincipal(

  // Checks that the given URL is a child of our baseURI.
  isExtensionURL(url) {
    let uri = Services.io.newURI(url);

    let common = this.baseURI.getCommonBaseSpec(uri);
    return common == this.baseURL;

  checkLoadURL(url, options = {}) {
    // As an optimization, f the URL starts with the extension's base URL,
    // don't do any further checks. It's always allowed to load it.
    if (url.startsWith(this.baseURL)) {
      return true;

    return ExtensionCommon.checkLoadURL(url, this.principal, options);

  async promiseLocales(locale) {
    let locales = await StartupCache.locales.get(
      [this.id, "@@all_locales"],
      () => this._promiseLocaleMap()

    return this._setupLocaleData(locales);

  readLocaleFile(locale) {
    return StartupCache.locales
      .get([this.id, this.version, locale], () => super.readLocaleFile(locale))
      .then(result => {
        this.localeData.messages.set(locale, result);

  get manifestCacheKey() {
    return [this.id, this.version, Services.locale.appLocaleAsBCP47];

  get isPrivileged() {
    return (
      this.addonData.signedState === AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_PRIVILEGED ||
      this.addonData.signedState === AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_SYSTEM ||
      this.addonData.builtIn ||
      (AddonSettings.EXPERIMENTS_ENABLED && this.addonData.temporarilyInstalled)

  get experimentsAllowed() {
    return AddonSettings.EXPERIMENTS_ENABLED || this.isPrivileged;

  saveStartupData() {
    if (this.dontSaveStartupData) {
    XPIProvider.setStartupData(this.id, this.startupData);

  parseManifest() {
    return StartupCache.manifests.get(this.manifestCacheKey, () =>

  async cachePermissions() {
    let manifestData = await this.parseManifest();

    manifestData.originPermissions = this.allowedOrigins.patterns.map(
      pat => pat.pattern
    manifestData.permissions = this.permissions;
    return StartupCache.manifests.set(this.manifestCacheKey, manifestData);

  async loadManifest() {
    let manifest = await super.loadManifest();


    return manifest;

  get extensionPageCSP() {
    const { content_security_policy } = this.manifest;
    // While only manifest v3 should contain an object,
    // we'll remain lenient here.
    if (
      content_security_policy &&
      typeof content_security_policy === "object"
    ) {
      return content_security_policy.extension_pages;
    return content_security_policy;

  get backgroundScripts() {
    return this.manifest.background?.scripts;

  get backgroundWorkerScript() {
    return this.manifest.background?.service_worker;

  get optionalPermissions() {
    return this.manifest.optional_permissions;

  get privateBrowsingAllowed() {
    return this.policy.privateBrowsingAllowed;

  canAccessWindow(window) {
    return this.policy.canAccessWindow(window);

  // TODO bug 1699481: move this logic to WebExtensionPolicy
  canAccessContainer(userContextId) {
    userContextId = userContextId ?? 0; // firefox-default has userContextId as 0.
    let defaultRestrictedContainers = JSON.parse(
    let extensionRestrictedContainers = JSON.parse(
    if (
      extensionRestrictedContainers.includes(userContextId) ||
    ) {
      return false;

    return true;

  // Representation of the extension to send to content
  // processes. This should include anything the content process might
  // need.
  serialize() {
    return {
      id: this.id,
      uuid: this.uuid,
      name: this.name,
      manifestVersion: this.manifestVersion,
      extensionPageCSP: this.extensionPageCSP,
      instanceId: this.instanceId,
      resourceURL: this.resourceURL,
      contentScripts: this.contentScripts,
      webAccessibleResources: this.webAccessibleResources,
      allowedOrigins: this.allowedOrigins.patterns.map(pat => pat.pattern),
      permissions: this.permissions,
      optionalPermissions: this.optionalPermissions,
      isPrivileged: this.isPrivileged,

  // Extended serialized data which is only needed in the extensions process,
  // and is never deserialized in web content processes.
  serializeExtended() {
    return {
      backgroundScripts: this.backgroundScripts,
      backgroundWorkerScript: this.backgroundWorkerScript,
      childModules: this.modules && this.modules.child,
      dependencies: this.dependencies,
      schemaURLs: this.schemaURLs,

  broadcast(msg, data) {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      let { ppmm } = Services;
      let children = new Set();
      for (let i = 0; i < ppmm.childCount; i++) {

      let maybeResolve;
      function listener(data) {
      function observer(subject, topic, data) {

      maybeResolve = () => {
        if (children.size === 0) {
          ppmm.removeMessageListener(msg + "Complete", listener);
          Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, "message-manager-close");
          Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, "message-manager-disconnect");
      ppmm.addMessageListener(msg + "Complete", listener, true);
      Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "message-manager-close");
      Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "message-manager-disconnect");

      ppmm.broadcastAsyncMessage(msg, data);

  setSharedData(key, value) {
    key = `extension/${this.id}/${key}`;

    sharedData.set(key, value);

  getSharedData(key, value) {
    key = `extension/${this.id}/${key}`;
    return sharedData.get(key);

  initSharedData() {
    this.setSharedData("", this.serialize());
    this.setSharedData("extendedData", this.serializeExtended());
    this.setSharedData("locales", this.localeData.serialize());
    this.setSharedData("manifest", this.manifest);

  updateContentScripts() {
    this.setSharedData("contentScripts", this.registeredContentScripts);

  runManifest(manifest) {
    let promises = [];
    let addPromise = (name, fn) => {
      promises.push(this.addStartupStatePromise(name, fn));

    for (let directive in manifest) {
      if (manifest[directive] !== null) {
        addPromise(`asyncEmitManifestEntry("${directive}")`, () =>
          Management.asyncEmitManifestEntry(this, directive)

    sharedData.set("extensions/activeIDs", activeExtensionIDs);

    sharedData.set("extensions/pending", pendingExtensions);

    this.broadcast("Extension:Startup", this.id);

    return Promise.all(promises);

   * Call the close() method on the given object when this extension
   * is shut down.  This can happen during browser shutdown, or when
   * an extension is manually disabled or uninstalled.
   * @param {object} obj
   *        An object on which to call the close() method when this
   *        extension is shut down.
  callOnClose(obj) {

  forgetOnClose(obj) {

  get builtinMessages() {
    return new Map([["@@extension_id", this.uuid]]);

  // Reads the locale file for the given Gecko-compatible locale code, or if
  // no locale is given, the available locale closest to the UI locale.
  // Sets the currently selected locale on success.
  async initLocale(locale = undefined) {
    if (locale === undefined) {
      let locales = await this.promiseLocales();

      let matches = Services.locale.negotiateLanguages(

      locale = matches[0];

    return super.initLocale(locale);

   * Update site permissions as necessary.
   * @param {string|undefined} reason
   *        If provided, this is a BOOTSTRAP_REASON string.  If reason is undefined,
   *        addon permissions are being added or removed that may effect the site permissions.
  updatePermissions(reason) {
    const { principal } = this;

    const testPermission = perm =>
      Services.perms.testPermissionFromPrincipal(principal, perm);

    const addUnlimitedStoragePermissions = () => {
      // Set the indexedDB permission and a custom "WebExtensions-unlimitedStorage" to
      // remember that the permission hasn't been selected manually by the user.

    // Only update storage permissions when the extension changes in
    // some way.
    if (reason !== "APP_STARTUP" && reason !== "APP_SHUTDOWN") {
      if (this.hasPermission("unlimitedStorage")) {
      } else {
        // Remove the indexedDB permission if it has been enabled using the
        // unlimitedStorage WebExtensions permissions.
        Services.perms.removeFromPrincipal(principal, "indexedDB");
        Services.perms.removeFromPrincipal(principal, "persistent-storage");
    } else if (
      reason === "APP_STARTUP" &&
      this.hasPermission("unlimitedStorage") &&
      (testPermission("indexedDB") !== Services.perms.ALLOW_ACTION ||
        testPermission("persistent-storage") !== Services.perms.ALLOW_ACTION)
    ) {
      // If the extension does have the unlimitedStorage permission, but the
      // expected site permissions are missing during the app startup, then
      // add them back (See Bug 1454192).

    // Never change geolocation permissions at shutdown, since it uses a
    // session-only permission.
    if (reason !== "APP_SHUTDOWN") {
      if (this.hasPermission("geolocation")) {
        if (testPermission("geo") === Services.perms.UNKNOWN_ACTION) {
      } else if (
        reason !== "APP_STARTUP" &&
        testPermission("geo") === Services.perms.ALLOW_ACTION
      ) {
        Services.perms.removeFromPrincipal(principal, "geo");

  static async migratePrivateBrowsing(addonData) {
    if (addonData.incognito !== "not_allowed") {
      ExtensionPermissions.add(addonData.id, {
        permissions: [PRIVATE_ALLOWED_PERMISSION],
        origins: [],
      await StartupCache.clearAddonData(addonData.id);

      // Record a telemetry event for the extension automatically allowed on private browsing as
      // part of the Firefox upgrade.
        extra: { addonId: addonData.id },
        object: "appUpgrade",
        action: "privateBrowsingAllowed",
        value: "on",

  async startup() {
    this.state = "Startup";

    // readyPromise is resolved with the policy upon success,
    // and with null if startup was interrupted.
    let resolveReadyPromise;
    let readyPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
      resolveReadyPromise = resolve;

    // Create a temporary policy object for the devtools and add-on
    // manager callers that depend on it being available early.
    this.policy = new WebExtensionPolicy({
      id: this.id,
      mozExtensionHostname: this.uuid,
      baseURL: this.resourceURL,
      isPrivileged: this.isPrivileged,
      allowedOrigins: new MatchPatternSet([]),
      localizeCallback() {},

    this.policy.extension = this;
    if (!WebExtensionPolicy.getByID(this.id)) {
      this.policy.active = true;

    pendingExtensions.set(this.id, {
      mozExtensionHostname: this.uuid,
      baseURL: this.resourceURL,
      isPrivileged: this.isPrivileged,
    sharedData.set("extensions/pending", pendingExtensions);

    try {
      this.state = "Startup: Loading manifest";
      await this.loadManifest();
      this.state = "Startup: Loaded manifest";

      if (!this.hasShutdown) {
        this.state = "Startup: Init locale";
        await this.initLocale();
        this.state = "Startup: Initted locale";


      if (this.hasShutdown) {
        // Startup was interrupted and shutdown() has taken care of unloading
        // the extension and running cleanup logic.

      // We automatically add permissions to system/built-in extensions.
      // Extensions expliticy stating not_allowed will never get permission.
      let isAllowed = this.permissions.has(PRIVATE_ALLOWED_PERMISSION);
      if (this.manifest.incognito === "not_allowed") {
        // If an extension previously had permission, but upgrades/downgrades to
        // a version that specifies "not_allowed" in manifest, remove the
        // permission.
        if (isAllowed) {
          ExtensionPermissions.remove(this.id, {
            permissions: [PRIVATE_ALLOWED_PERMISSION],
            origins: [],
      } else if (
        !isAllowed &&
        this.isPrivileged &&
      ) {
        // Add to EP so it is preserved after ADDON_INSTALL.  We don't wait on the add here
        // since we are pushing the value into this.permissions.  EP will eventually save.
        ExtensionPermissions.add(this.id, {
          permissions: [PRIVATE_ALLOWED_PERMISSION],
          origins: [],

      // We only want to update the SVG_CONTEXT_PROPERTIES_PERMISSION during install and
      // upgrade/downgrade startups.
      if (INSTALL_AND_UPDATE_STARTUP_REASONS.has(this.startupReason)) {
        if (isMozillaExtension(this)) {
          // Add to EP so it is preserved after ADDON_INSTALL.  We don't wait on the add here
          // since we are pushing the value into this.permissions.  EP will eventually save.
          ExtensionPermissions.add(this.id, {
            permissions: [SVG_CONTEXT_PROPERTIES_PERMISSION],
            origins: [],
        } else {
          ExtensionPermissions.remove(this.id, {
            permissions: [SVG_CONTEXT_PROPERTIES_PERMISSION],
            origins: [],

      // Ensure devtools permission is set
      if (
        this.manifest.devtools_page &&
      ) {
        ExtensionPermissions.add(this.id, {
          permissions: ["devtools"],
          origins: [],



      this.policy.active = false;
      this.policy = ExtensionProcessScript.initExtension(this);
      this.policy.extension = this;


      // Select the storage.local backend if it is already known,
      // and start the data migration if needed.
      if (this.hasPermission("storage")) {
        if (!ExtensionStorageIDB.isBackendEnabled) {
          this.setSharedData("storageIDBBackend", false);
        } else if (ExtensionStorageIDB.isMigratedExtension(this)) {
          this.setSharedData("storageIDBBackend", true);
        } else if (
          this.startupReason === "ADDON_INSTALL" &&
          !Services.prefs.getBoolPref(LEAVE_STORAGE_PREF, false)
        ) {
          // If the extension has been just installed, set it as migrated,
          // because there will not be any data to migrate.
          ExtensionStorageIDB.setMigratedExtensionPref(this, true);
          this.setSharedData("storageIDBBackend", true);


      // The "startup" Management event sent on the extension instance itself
      // is emitted just before the Management "startup" event,
      // and it is used to run code that needs to be executed before
      // any of the "startup" listeners.
      this.emit("startup", this);

      await Promise.all([
        this.addStartupStatePromise("Startup: Emit startup", () =>
          Management.emit("startup", this)
        this.addStartupStatePromise("Startup: Run manifest", () =>
      this.state = "Startup: Ran manifest";

      Management.emit("ready", this);

      this.state = "Startup: Complete";
    } catch (e) {
      this.state = `Startup: Error: ${e}`;


      if (this.policy) {
        this.policy.active = false;


      throw e;
    } finally {
      // Mark readyPromise as resolved in case it has not happened before,
      // e.g. due to an early return or an error.

  cleanupGeneratedFile() {
    if (!this.cleanupFile) {

    let file = this.cleanupFile;
    this.cleanupFile = null;

    Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown");

    return this.broadcast("Extension:FlushJarCache", { path: file.path })
      .then(() => {
        // We can't delete this file until everyone using it has
        // closed it (because Windows is dumb). So we wait for all the
        // child processes (including the parent) to flush their JAR
        // caches. These caches may keep the file open.

  async shutdown(reason) {
    this.state = "Shutdown";

    this.hasShutdown = true;

    if (!this.policy) {

    if (
      this.hasPermission("storage") &&
    ) {
      this.state = "Shutdown: Storage";

      // Wait the data migration to complete.
      try {
        await ExtensionStorageIDB.selectedBackendPromises.get(this);
      } catch (err) {
          `Error while waiting for extension data migration on shutdown: ${this.policy.debugName} - ${err.message}::${err.stack}`
      this.state = "Shutdown: Storage complete";

    if (this.rootURI instanceof Ci.nsIJARURI) {
      this.state = "Shutdown: Flush jar cache";
      let file = this.rootURI.JARFile.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL).file;
      Services.ppmm.broadcastAsyncMessage("Extension:FlushJarCache", {
        path: file.path,
      this.state = "Shutdown: Flushed jar cache";

    const isAppShutdown = reason === "APP_SHUTDOWN";
    if (this.cleanupFile || !isAppShutdown) {

    sharedData.set("extensions/activeIDs", activeExtensionIDs);

    for (let key of this.sharedDataKeys) {

    Services.ppmm.removeMessageListener(this.MESSAGE_EMIT_EVENT, this);


    if (!this.manifest) {
      this.state = "Shutdown: Complete: No manifest";
      this.policy.active = false;

      return this.cleanupGeneratedFile();


    for (let obj of this.onShutdown) {

    ParentAPIManager.shutdownExtension(this.id, reason);

    Management.emit("shutdown", this);
    this.emit("shutdown", isAppShutdown);

    const TIMED_OUT = Symbol();

    this.state = "Shutdown: Emit shutdown";
    let result = await Promise.race([
      this.broadcast("Extension:Shutdown", { id: this.id }),
      promiseTimeout(CHILD_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_MS).then(() => TIMED_OUT),
    this.state = `Shutdown: Emitted shutdown: ${result === TIMED_OUT}`;
    if (result === TIMED_OUT) {
        `Timeout while waiting for extension child to shutdown: ${this.policy.debugName}`

    MessageChannel.abortResponses({ extensionId: this.id });

    this.policy.active = false;

    this.state = `Shutdown: Complete (${this.cleanupFile})`;
    return this.cleanupGeneratedFile();

  observe(subject, topic, data) {
    if (topic === "xpcom-shutdown") {

  get name() {
    return this.manifest.name;

  get optionalOrigins() {
    if (this._optionalOrigins == null) {
      let { restrictSchemes, isPrivileged } = this;
      let origins = this.manifest.optional_permissions.filter(
        perm => classifyPermission(perm, restrictSchemes, isPrivileged).origin
      this._optionalOrigins = new MatchPatternSet(origins, {
        ignorePath: true,
    return this._optionalOrigins;

class Dictionary extends ExtensionData {
  constructor(addonData, startupReason) {
    this.id = addonData.id;
    this.startupData = addonData.startupData;

  static getBootstrapScope() {
    return new DictionaryBootstrapScope();

  async startup(reason) {
    this.dictionaries = {};
    for (let [lang, path] of Object.entries(this.startupData.dictionaries)) {
      let uri = Services.io.newURI(
        path.slice(0, -4) + ".aff",
      this.dictionaries[lang] = uri;

      spellCheck.addDictionary(lang, uri);

    Management.emit("ready", this);

  async shutdown(reason) {
    if (reason !== "APP_SHUTDOWN") {

class Langpack extends ExtensionData {
  constructor(addonData, startupReason) {
    this.startupData = addonData.startupData;
    this.manifestCacheKey = [addonData.id, addonData.version];

  static getBootstrapScope() {
    return new LangpackBootstrapScope();

  async promiseLocales(locale) {
    let locales = await StartupCache.locales.get(
      [this.id, "@@all_locales"],
      () => this._promiseLocaleMap()

    return this._setupLocaleData(locales);

  parseManifest() {
    return StartupCache.manifests.get(this.manifestCacheKey, () =>

  async startup(reason) {
    this.chromeRegistryHandle = null;

    // If this langpack overlaps with a packaged locale, then bail out of
    // starting up this langpack. Registering the same locale multiple times
    // wreaks havoc.
    if (
      this.startupData.languages.some(lang =>
    ) {
        { wrappedJSObject: { langpack: this } },

    if (this.startupData.chromeEntries.length) {
      const manifestURI = Services.io.newURI(
      this.chromeRegistryHandle = aomStartup.registerChrome(

    const langpackId = this.startupData.langpackId;
    const l10nRegistrySources = this.startupData.l10nRegistrySources;

    resourceProtocol.setSubstitution(langpackId, this.rootURI);

    const fileSources = Object.entries(l10nRegistrySources).map(entry => {
      const [sourceName, basePath] = entry;
      return new FileSource(


      { wrappedJSObject: { langpack: this } },

  async shutdown(reason) {
    if (reason === "APP_SHUTDOWN") {
      // If we're shutting down, let's not bother updating the state of each
      // system.

    const sourcesToRemove = Object.keys(
    ).map(sourceName => `${sourceName}-${this.startupData.langpackId}`);

    if (this.chromeRegistryHandle) {
      this.chromeRegistryHandle = null;

    resourceProtocol.setSubstitution(this.startupData.langpackId, null);
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