Raw File
\title{Fit a Log-Gaussian Cox Point Process by Minimum Contrast}
  Fits a log-Gaussian Cox point process model
  to a point pattern dataset by the Method of Minimum Contrast.
lgcp.estK(X, startpar=c(sigma2=1,alpha=1),
             q = 1/4, p = 2, rmin = NULL, rmax = NULL, ...)
    Data to which the model will be fitted.
    Either a point pattern or a summary statistic.
    See Details.
    Vector of starting values for the parameters of the
    log-Gaussian Cox process model.
    Specification of the covariance model
    for the log-Gaussian field. See Details.
    Optional. An estimate of the intensity of the point process.
    Optional. Exponents for the contrast criterion.
  \item{rmin, rmax}{
    Optional. The interval of \eqn{r} values for the contrast criterion.
    Optional arguments passed to \code{\link[stats]{optim}}
    to control the optimisation algorithm. See Details.
  This algorithm fits a log-Gaussian Cox point process model
  to a point pattern dataset
  by the Method of Minimum Contrast, using the K function.

  The argument \code{X} can be either
    \item{a point pattern:}{An object of class \code{"ppp"}
      representing a point pattern dataset. 
      The \eqn{K} function of the point pattern will be computed
      using \code{\link{Kest}}, and the method of minimum contrast
      will be applied to this.
    \item{a summary statistic:}{An object of class \code{"fv"} containing
      the values of a summary statistic, computed for a point pattern
      dataset. The summary statistic should be the \eqn{K} function,
      and this object should have been obtained by a call to
      \code{\link{Kest}} or one of its relatives.
  The algorithm fits a log-Gaussian Cox point process (LGCP)
  model to \code{X},  by finding the parameters of the LGCP model
  which give the closest match between the
  theoretical \eqn{K} function of the LGCP model
  and the observed \eqn{K} function.
  For a more detailed explanation of the Method of Minimum Contrast,
  see \code{\link{mincontrast}}.

  The model fitted is a stationary, isotropic log-Gaussian Cox process
  (Moller and Waagepetersen, 2003, pp. 72-76).
  To define this process we start with
  a stationary Gaussian random field \eqn{Z} in the two-dimensional plane,
  with constant mean \eqn{\mu}{mu} and covariance function \eqn{C(r)}.
  Given \eqn{Z}, we generate a Poisson point process \eqn{Y} with intensity
  function \eqn{\lambda(u) = \exp(Z(u))}{lambda(u) = exp(Z(u))} at
  location \eqn{u}. Then \eqn{Y} is a log-Gaussian Cox process.

  The \eqn{K}-function of the LGCP is
    K(r) = \int_0^r 2\pi s \exp(C(s)) \, {\rm d}s.
    K(r) = integral from 0 to r of (2 * pi * s * exp(C(s))) ds.
  The intensity of the LGCP is 
    \lambda = \exp(\mu + \frac{C(0)}{2}).
    lambda= exp(mu + C(0)/2).
  The covariance function \eqn{C(r)} is parametrised in the form
    C(r) = \sigma^2 c(r/\alpha)
    C(r) = sigma^2 * c(-r/alpha)
  where \eqn{\sigma^2}{sigma^2} and \eqn{\alpha}{alpha} are parameters
  controlling the strength and the scale of autocorrelation,
  respectively, and \eqn{c(r)} is a known covariance function
  determining the shape of the covariance. 
  The strength and scale parameters
  \eqn{\sigma^2}{sigma^2} and \eqn{\alpha}{alpha}
  will be estimated by the algorithm.
  The template covariance function \eqn{c(r)} must be specified
  as explained below.
  In this algorithm, the Method of Minimum Contrast is first used to find
  optimal values of the parameters \eqn{\sigma^2}{sigma^2}
  and \eqn{\alpha}{alpha^2}. Then the remaining parameter
  \eqn{\mu}{mu} is inferred from the estimated intensity

  The template covariance function \eqn{c(r)} is specified
  using the argument \code{covmodel}. It may be any of the
  covariance functions recognised by the command
  \code{\link[RandomFields:CovarianceFct]{Covariance}} in the
  \pkg{RandomFields} package. The default is the exponential covariance
  \eqn{c(r) = e^{-r}}{c(r) = e^(-r)}
  so that the scaled covariance is 
    C(r) = \sigma^2 e^{-r/\alpha}.
    C(r) = sigma^2 * exp(-r/alpha).
  The argument \code{covmodel} should be of the form
  \code{list(model="modelname", \dots)} where
  \code{modelname} is the string name of one of the covariance models
  recognised by the command
  \code{\link[RandomFields:CovarianceFct]{Covariance}} in the
  \pkg{RandomFields} package, and \code{\dots} are arguments of the
  form \code{tag=value} giving the values of parameters controlling the
  shape of these models. For example the exponential covariance is
  specified by \code{covmodel=list(model="exponential")} while the
  Matern covariance with exponent \eqn{\nu=0.3}{nu = 0.3} is specified
  by \code{covmodel=list(model="matern", nu=0.3)}. 
  If the argument \code{lambda} is provided, then this is used
  as the value of \eqn{\lambda}{lambda}. Otherwise, if \code{X} is a
  point pattern, then  \eqn{\lambda}{lambda}
  will be estimated from \code{X}. 
  If \code{X} is a summary statistic and \code{lambda} is missing,
  then the intensity \eqn{\lambda}{lambda} cannot be estimated, and
  the parameter \eqn{\mu}{mu} will be returned as \code{NA}.

  The remaining arguments \code{rmin,rmax,q,p} control the
  method of minimum contrast; see \code{\link{mincontrast}}.

  The optimisation algorithm can be controlled through the
  additional arguments \code{"..."} which are passed to the
  optimisation function \code{\link[stats]{optim}}. For example,
  to constrain the parameter values to a certain range,
  use the argument \code{method="L-BFGS-B"} to select an optimisation
  algorithm that respects box constraints, and use the arguments
  \code{lower} and \code{upper} to specify (vectors of) minimum and
  maximum values for each parameter.
  An object of class \code{"minconfit"}. There are methods for printing
  and plotting this object. It contains the following main components:
  \item{par }{Vector of fitted parameter values.}
  \item{fit }{Function value table (object of class \code{"fv"})
    containing the observed values of the summary statistic
    (\code{observed}) and the theoretical values of the summary
    statistic computed from the fitted model parameters.
  This function is considerably slower than \code{\link{lgcp.estpcf}}
  because of the computation time required for the integral
  in the \eqn{K}-function.

  Computation can be accelerated, at the cost of less accurate results,
  by setting \code{spatstat.options(fastK.lgcp=TRUE)}. 
  Moller, J, Syversveen, A. and Waagepetersen, R. (1998)
  Log Gaussian Cox Processes.
  \emph{Scandinavian Journal of Statistics} \bold{25}, 451--482.
  Moller, J. and Waagepetersen, R. (2003).
  Statistical Inference and Simulation for Spatial Point Processes.
  Chapman and Hall/CRC, Boca Raton.

  Waagepetersen, R. (2007)
  An estimating function approach to inference for
  inhomogeneous Neyman-Scott processes.
  \emph{Biometrics} \bold{63}, 252--258.
  Rasmus Waagepetersen
  Adapted for \pkg{spatstat} by Adrian Baddeley
  Further modifications by Rasmus Waagepetersen
  and Shen Guochun.
  \code{\link{lgcp.estpcf}} for alternative method of fitting LGCP.
  \code{\link{thomas.estK}} for other models.
  \code{\link{mincontrast}} for the generic minimum contrast
  fitting algorithm, including important parameters that affect
  the accuracy of the fit.
  \code{\link[RandomFields:CovarianceFct]{Covariance}} in the
  \pkg{RandomFields} package, for covariance function models.
  \code{\link{Kest}} for the \eqn{K} function.
      u <- lgcp.estK(redwood)
    u <- lgcp.estK(redwood, c(sigma2=1, alpha=0.1))
    if(interactive()) plot(u)

      if(require(RandomFields) && RandomFieldsSafe()) {
      K <- Kest(redwood, r=seq(0, 0.1, length=9))
      op <- spatstat.options(fastK.lgcp=TRUE)
      lgcp.estK(K, covmodel=list(model="matern", nu=0.3),
      if(require(RandomFields) && RandomFieldsSafe()) {
      lgcp.estK(redwood, covmodel=list(model="matern", nu=0.3))
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