# Copyright 2016 James Hensman, alexggmatthews
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import division, print_function
import numpy as np
def sample_HMC(f, num_samples, Lmin, Lmax, epsilon, x0, verbose=False,
thin=1, burn=0, RNG=np.random.RandomState(0),
A straight-forward HMC implementation. The mass matrix is assumed to be the
f is a python function that returns the energy and its gradient
f(x) = E(x), dE(x)/dx
we then generate samples from the distribution
pi(x) = exp(-E(x))/Z
- num_samples is the number of samples to generate.
- Lmin, Lmax, epsilon are parameters of the HMC procedure to be tuned.
- x0 is the starting position for the procedure.
- verbose is a flag which turns on the display of the running accept ratio.
- thin is an integer which specifies the thinning interval
- burn is an integer which specifies how many initial samples to discard.
- RNG is a random number generator
- return_logprobs is a boolean indicating whether to return the log densities alongside the samples.
The total number of iterations is given by
burn + thin * num_samples
The return shape is always num_samples x D.
The leafrog (Verlet) integrator works by picking a random number of steps
uniformly between Lmin and Lmax, and taking steps of length epsilon.
# an array to store the logprobs in (even if the user doesn't want them)
logprob_track = np.empty(num_samples)
# burn some samples if needed.
if burn > 0:
if verbose:
print("burn-in sampling started")
samples = sample_HMC(f, num_samples=burn, Lmin=Lmin, Lmax=Lmax,
epsilon=epsilon, x0=x0,
verbose=verbose, thin=1, burn=0, RNG=RNG)
if verbose:
print("burn-in sampling ended")
x0 = samples[-1]
D = x0.size
samples = np.zeros((num_samples, D))
samples[0] = x0.copy()
x = x0.copy()
logprob, grad = f(x0)
logprob, grad = -logprob, -grad
logprob_track[0] = logprob
accept_count_batch = 0
for t in range(1, num_samples * thin):
# Output acceptance rate every 100 iterations
if(((t+1) % 100) == 0):
if verbose:
print("Iteration: ", t+1,
"\t Acc Rate: ", 1. * accept_count_batch, "%")
accept_count_batch = 0
# make a copy of the old state.
x_old, logprob_old, grad_old = x.copy(), logprob, grad.copy()
p_old = RNG.randn(D)
# Standard HMC - begin leapfrogging
premature_reject = False
p = p_old + 0.5 * epsilon * grad
for l in range(RNG.randint(Lmin, Lmax)):
x += epsilon * p
logprob, grad = f(x)
logprob, grad = -logprob, -grad
if np.any(np.isnan(grad)): # pragma: no cover
premature_reject = True
p += epsilon * grad
p -= 0.5*epsilon * grad
# leapfrogging done
# reject the proposal if there are numerical errors.
if premature_reject: # pragma: no cover
print("warning: numerical instability.\
Rejecting this proposal prematurely")
x, logprob, grad = x_old, logprob_old, grad_old
if t % thin == 0:
samples[t // thin] = x_old
logprob_track[t // thin] = logprob_old
# work out whether to accept the proposal
log_accept_ratio = logprob - 0.5 * -\
logprob_old + 0.5 *
logu = np.log(RNG.rand())
if logu < log_accept_ratio: # accept
if t % thin == 0:
samples[t // thin] = x
logprob_track[t // thin] = logprob
accept_count_batch += 1
else: # reject
if t % thin == 0:
samples[t // thin] = x_old
logprob_track[t // thin] = logprob_old
x, logprob, grad = x_old, logprob_old, grad_old
if return_logprobs:
return samples, logprob_track
return samples