#!/bin/bash #[ -z "$DUCKIETOWN_ROOT" ] && { echo "Need to set DUCKIETOWN_ROOT - configuration is invalid (!)"; } [ -z "$HOSTNAME" ] && { echo "Need to set HOSTNAME."; } # Do not compile Lisp messages # XXX: not sure if this is the place to put this. export ROS_LANG_DISABLE=gennodejs:geneus:genlisp shell=`basename $SHELL` echo "Activating ROS with shell: $SHELL" source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.$shell export HOSTNAME=$HOSTNAME export ROS_HOSTNAME=$HOSTNAME.local echo "Set ROS_HOSTNAME to: $ROS_HOSTNAME" export DUCKIETOWN_ROOT=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd ) echo "Set DUCKIETOWN_ROOT to: $DUCKIETOWN_ROOT" export PYTHONPATH=$DUCKIETOWN_ROOT/catkin_ws/src:$PYTHONPATH echo "Set PYTHONPATH to: $PYTHONPATH" # Cannot make machines before building # echo "Building machines file..." # make -C $DUCKIETOWN_ROOT machines echo "Activating development environment..." source $DUCKIETOWN_ROOT/catkin_ws/devel/setup.$shell if [ 2015 -ge $(date +%Y) ]; then >&2 echo "Error! Time travel detected. System time is: $(date)" fi exec "$@" #Passes arguments. Need this for ROS remote launching to work.