simulate.ets <- function(object, nsim=length(object$x), seed=NULL, future=TRUE, bootstrap=FALSE,...) { if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) runif(1) if (is.null(seed)) RNGstate <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv) else { R.seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv) set.seed(seed) RNGstate <- structure(seed, kind = as.list(RNGkind())) on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", R.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv)) } if(is.null(tsp(object$x))) object$x <- ts(object$x,frequency=1,start=1) if(future) initstate <- object$state[length(object$x)+1,] else # choose a random starting point initstate <- object$state[sample(1:length(object$x),1),] if(bootstrap) e <- sample(object$residuals,nsim,replace=TRUE) else e <- rnorm(nsim,0,sqrt(object$sigma)) if(object$components[1]=="M") e <- pmax(-1,e) tmp <- ts(.C("etssimulate", as.double(initstate), as.integer(object$m), as.integer(switch(object$components[1],"A"=1,"M"=2)), as.integer(switch(object$components[2],"N"=0,"A"=1,"M"=2)), as.integer(switch(object$components[3],"N"=0,"A"=1,"M"=2)), as.double(object$par["alpha"]), as.double(ifelse(object$components[2]=="N",0,object$par["beta"])), as.double(ifelse(object$components[3]=="N",0,object$par["gamma"])), as.double(ifelse(object$components[4]=="FALSE",1,object$par["phi"])), as.integer(nsim), as.double(numeric(nsim)), as.double(e), PACKAGE="forecast")[[11]],frequency=object$m,start=tsp(object$x)[2]+1/tsp(object$x)[3]) if([1])) stop("Problem with multiplicative damped trend") if(!is.null(object$lambda)) tmp <- InvBoxCox(tmp,object$lambda) return(tmp) } # Simulate ARIMA model starting with observed data x # Some of this function is borrowed from the arima.sim() function in the stats package. # Note that myarima.sim() does simulation conditional on the values of observed x, whereas # arima.sim() is unconditional on any observed x. myarima.sim <- function (model, n, x, e, ...) { start.innov <- residuals(model) innov <- e data <- x # Remove initial NAs first.nonmiss <- which(![1] if(first.nonmiss > 1) { tsp.x <- tsp(x) start.x <- tsp.x[1] + (first.nonmiss-1)/tsp.x[3] x <- window(x,start=start.x) start.innov <- window(start.innov, start=start.x) } model$x <- x n.start <- length(x) x <- ts(c(start.innov, innov), start = 1 - n.start, frequency=model$seasonal.period) flag.noadjust <- FALSE if(is.null(tsp(data))) data <- ts(data,frequency=1,start=1) if (!is.list(model)) stop("'model' must be list") p <- length(model$ar) if (p) { minroots <- min(Mod(polyroot(c(1, -model$ar)))) if (minroots <= 1) stop("'ar' part of model is not stationary") } q <- length(model$ma) d <- 0 if (!is.null(ord <- model$order)) { if (length(ord) != 3L) stop("'model$order' must be of length 3") if (p != ord[1L]) stop("inconsistent specification of 'ar' order") if (q != ord[3L]) stop("inconsistent specification of 'ma' order") d <- ord[2L] if (d != round(d) || d < 0) stop("number of differences must be a positive integer") } if (length(model$ma)) { #MA filtering x <- filter(x, c(1, model$ma), method="convolution", sides = 1L) x[seq_along(model$ma)] <- 0 } ##AR "filtering" <- length(model$ar) if(length(model$ar) && (d==0) && (model$seasonal.difference == 0) && (model$seasonal.order[1] != 0) && (model$seasonal.order[3] != 0) && ( <= length(data))) { ##AR when D=0, d=0, SAR>0 and SMA>0 <- x[(length(start.innov)+1):length(x)] <- c(data, for(i in (length(data)+1):length( { lagged.x.values <-[(] ar.coefficients <- model$ar[length(model$ar):1] sum.mutliplied.x <- sum(lagged.x.values * (ar.coefficients))[i] <-[i]+sum.mutliplied.x } x.end <-[(length(data)+1):length(] x <- ts(x.end, start = 1, frequency=model$seasonal.period) flag.noadjust <- TRUE } else if(length(model$ar) && (model$seasonal.order[1] != 0) && (model$seasonal.order[3] != 0) && ( <= length(data))) { ##AR when D>0, d>0, SAR>0 and SMA>0 if((model$seasonal.difference != 0) && (d != 0)) { <- diff(data, lag=1, differences = d) <- diff(, lag=model$seasonal.period, differences = model$seasonal.difference) } else if((model$seasonal.difference != 0) && (d == 0)) { <- diff(data, lag=model$seasonal.period, differences = model$seasonal.difference) } else if((model$seasonal.difference == 0) && (d != 0)) { <- diff(data, lag=1, differences = d) } <- x[(length(start.innov)+1):length(x)] <- c(, for(i in (length( { lagged.x.values <-[(] ar.coefficients <- model$ar[length(model$ar):1] sum.mutliplied.x <- sum(lagged.x.values * (ar.coefficients))[i] <-[i]+sum.mutliplied.x } x.end <-[(length(] x <- ts(x.end, start = 1, frequency=model$seasonal.period) flag.noadjust <- TRUE } else if (length(model$ar)) { #AR filtering for all other cases where AR is used. x <- filter(x, model$ar, method = "recursive") } if((d == 0) && (model$seasonal.difference == 0) && (flag.noadjust==FALSE)) # Adjust to ensure end matches approximately { # Last 20 diffs if(n.start >= 20) xdiff <- (model$x - x[1:n.start])[n.start-(19:0)] else xdiff <- model$x - x[1:n.start] # If all same sign, choose last if(all(sign(xdiff)==1) | all(sign(xdiff)==-1)) xdiff <- xdiff[length(xdiff)] else # choose mean. xdiff <- mean(xdiff) x <- x + xdiff } if ((n.start > 0) && (flag.noadjust==FALSE)) { x <- x[-(1:n.start)] } ## ##### #Seasonal undifferencing, if there is no regular differencing if((model$seasonal.difference > 0) && (d == 0)) { i <- length(data)-model$seasonal.difference*model$seasonal.period+1 seasonal.xi <- data[i:length(data)] length.s.xi <- length(seasonal.xi) x <- diffinv(x, lag=model$seasonal.period, differences=model$seasonal.difference, xi=seasonal.xi)[-(1:length.s.xi)] <- data } else { <- data } ###End seasonal undifferencing ##Regular undifferencing, if there is no seasonal differencing if (d > 0 && (model$seasonal.difference == 0)) { x <- diffinv(x, differences = d,[length(])[-(1:d)] } ######## #Code for Undifferencing for where the differencing is both Seasonal and Non-Seasonal (Non-Seasonal First) #Regular first if((d > 0) && (model$seasonal.difference > 0)) { delta.four <- diff(data, lag=model$seasonal.period, differences = model$seasonal.difference) regular.xi <- delta.four[(length(delta.four)-model$seasonal.difference):length(delta.four)] x <- diffinv(x, differences = d, xi=regular.xi[length(regular.xi)-(d:1)+1])[-(1:d)] } #Then seasonal if((model$seasonal.difference > 0) && (d > 0)) { i <- length(data)-model$seasonal.difference*model$seasonal.period+1 seasonal.xi <- data[i:length(data)] length.s.xi <- length(seasonal.xi) x <- diffinv(x, lag=model$seasonal.period, differences=model$seasonal.difference, xi=seasonal.xi) x <- x[-(1:length.s.xi)] <- data } ######## x <- ts(x[1:n],frequency=frequency(data),start=tsp(data)[2]+1/tsp(data)[3]) return(x) } simulate.Arima <- function(object, nsim=length(object$x), seed=NULL, xreg=NULL, future=TRUE, bootstrap=FALSE, ...) { #Error check: if(object$arma[7] < 0) { stop("Value for seasonal difference is < 0. Must be >= 0") } else if((sum(object$arma[c(3,4,7)])>0) && (object$arma[5] < 2)) { stop("Invalid value for seasonal period") } #### #Random Seed Code if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)) runif(1) if (is.null(seed)) RNGstate <- .Random.seed else { R.seed <- .Random.seed set.seed(seed) RNGstate <- structure(seed, kind = as.list(RNGkind())) on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", R.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv)) } #############End Random seed code #Check for seasonal ARMA components and set flag accordingly. This will be used later in myarima.sim() if(sum(object$arma[c(3,4)])>0) { flag.s.arma <- TRUE } else { flag.s.arma <- FALSE } #Check for Seasonality in ARIMA model if(sum(object$arma[c(3,4,7)])>0) { #return(simulateSeasonalArima(object, nsim=nsim, seed=seed, xreg=xreg, future=future, bootstrap=bootstrap, ...)) if(sum(object$model$phi) == 0) { ar <- NULL } else { ar <- as.double(object$model$phi) } if(sum(object$model$theta) == 0) { ma <- NULL } else { ma <- as.double(object$model$theta) } order <- c(length(ar),object$arma[6],length(ma)) if(future) { model <- list(order=order, ar=ar, ma=ma,sd=sqrt(object$sigma2),residuals=residuals(object), seasonal.difference=object$arma[7], seasonal.period=object$arma[5], flag.seasonal.arma=flag.s.arma, seasonal.order=object$arma[c(3,7,4)]) } else { model <- list(order=order, ar=ar, ma=ma,sd=sqrt(object$sigma2),residuals=residuals(object)) } if(object$arma[7] > 0) { flag.seasonal.diff <- TRUE } else { flag.seasonal.diff <- FALSE } } else { ####Non-Seasonal ARIMA specific code: Set up the model order <- object$arma[c(1, 6, 2)] if(order[1]>0) ar <- object$model$phi[1:order[1]] else ar <- NULL if(order[3]>0) ma <- object$model$theta[1:order[3]] else ma <- NULL if(object$arma[2] != length(ma)) stop("MA length wrong") else if(object$arma[1] != length(ar)) stop("AR length wrong") if(future) { model <- list(order=object$arma[c(1, 6, 2)],ar=ar,ma=ma,sd=sqrt(object$sigma2),residuals=residuals(object), seasonal.difference=0, flag.seasonal.arma=flag.s.arma, seasonal.order=c(0,0,0), seasonal.period=1) } else { model <- list(order=object$arma[c(1, 6, 2)],ar=ar,ma=ma,sd=sqrt(object$sigma2),residuals=residuals(object)) } flag.seasonal.diff <- FALSE ###End non-seasonal ARIMA specific code } if (is.element("x", names(object))) x <- object$x else x <- object$x <- eval.parent(parse(text = object$series)) if(is.null(tsp(x))) x <- ts(x,frequency=1,start=1) n <- length(x) d <- order[2] if(bootstrap) e <- sample(model$residuals,nsim+d,replace=TRUE) else e <- rnorm(nsim+d, 0, model$sd) use.drift <- is.element("drift", names(object$coef)) usexreg <- (!is.null(xreg) | use.drift) if (!is.null(xreg)) { xreg <- as.matrix(xreg) if(nrow(xreg) < nsim) stop("Not enough rows in xreg") else xreg <- xreg[1:nsim,] } if (use.drift) { dft <- as.matrix(1:nsim) + n xreg <- cbind(xreg, dft) } narma <- sum(object$arma[1L:4L]) if(length(object$coef) > narma) { if (names(object$coef)[narma + 1L] == "intercept") { xreg <- cbind(intercept = rep(1, nsim), xreg) object$xreg <- cbind(intercept = rep(1, n), object$xreg) } if(!is.null(xreg)) { xm <- if (narma == 0) drop(as.matrix(xreg) %*% object$coef) else drop(as.matrix(xreg) %*% object$coef[-(1L:narma)]) oldxm <- if(narma == 0) drop(as.matrix(object$xreg) %*% object$coef) else drop(as.matrix(object$xreg) %*% object$coef[-(1L:narma)]) } } else { xm <- oldxm <- 0 } if(future) { sim <- myarima.sim(model,nsim,x-oldxm,e=e) + xm } else { if(flag.seasonal.diff) { zeros <- object$arma[5]*object$arma[7] sim <- arima.sim(model,nsim,innov=e) sim <- diffinv(sim, lag=object$arma[5], differences=object$arma[7])[-(1:zeros)] sim <- sim + xm } else { sim <- arima.sim(model,nsim,innov=e) + xm } } if(!is.null(object$lambda)) sim <- InvBoxCox(sim,object$lambda) return(sim) } <- function(object, nsim=object$n.used, seed=NULL, future=TRUE, bootstrap=FALSE, ...) { if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)) runif(1) if (is.null(seed)) RNGstate <- .Random.seed else { R.seed <- .Random.seed set.seed(seed) RNGstate <- structure(seed, kind = as.list(RNGkind())) on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", R.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv)) } if(future) { model <- list(ar=object$ar,sd=sqrt(object$var.pred),residuals=object$resid, seasonal.difference=0, seasonal.period=1, flag.seasonal.arma=FALSE) } else { model <- list(ar=object$ar,sd=sqrt(object$var.pred),residuals=object$resid) } x.mean <- object$x.mean if (!is.element("x", names(object))) object$x <- eval.parent(parse(text = object$series)) if(is.null(tsp(object$x))) object$x <- ts(object$x,frequency=1,start=1) object$x <- eval.parent(parse(text = object$series)) - x.mean if(bootstrap) e <- sample(model$residuals,nsim,replace=TRUE) else e <- rnorm(nsim, 0, model$sd) if(future) return(myarima.sim(model,nsim,x=object$x,e=e) + x.mean) else return(arima.sim(model,nsim,innov=e) + x.mean) } simulate.fracdiff <- function(object, nsim=object$n, seed=NULL, future=TRUE, bootstrap=FALSE, ...) { if (is.element("x", names(object))) x <- object$x else x <- object$x <- eval.parent(parse(text = as.character(object$call)[2])) if(is.null(tsp(x))) x <- ts(x,frequency=1,start=1) # Strip initial and final missing values xx <- na.ends(x) n <- length(xx) # Remove mean meanx <- mean(xx) xx <- xx - meanx y <-,diffseries(xx, d = object$d)) fit <- arima(y, order = c(length(object$ar), 0, length(object$ma)), include.mean = FALSE, fixed = c(object$ar, -object$ma)) # Simulate ARMA ysim <- simulate(fit,nsim,seed,future=future,bootstrap=bootstrap) # Undo differencing return(unfracdiff(xx,ysim,n,nsim,object$d)) # bin.c <- (-1)^(0:(n + nsim)) * choose(object$d, (0:(n + nsim))) # b <- numeric(n) # xsim <- LHS <- numeric(nsim) # RHS <- cumsum(ysim) # bs <- cumsum(bin.c[1:nsim]) # b <- bin.c[(1:n) + 1] # xsim[1] <- RHS[1] <- ysim[1] - sum(b * rev(xx)) # for (k in 2:nsim) # { # b <- b + bin.c[(1:n) + k] # RHS[k] <- RHS[k] - sum(b * rev(xx)) # LHS[k] <- sum(rev(xsim[1:(k - 1)]) * bs[2:k]) # xsim[k] <- RHS[k] - LHS[k] # } # tspx <- tsp(x) # return(ts(xsim,frequency=tspx[3],start=tspx[2]+1/tspx[3])) }