Tip revision: c694a6ce3665db71c1f095e2dc8f5e88e243b22a authored by Sacha Epskamp on 19 October 2021, 18:40:02 UTC
version 0.3
version 0.3
Tip revision: c694a6c
%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
Simulate a graphical VAR model
Simulates an contemporaneous and temporal network using the method described by Yin and Li (2001)
randomGVARmodel(Nvar, probKappaEdge = 0.1, probKappaPositive = 0.5, probBetaEdge = 0.1,
probBetaPositive = 0.5, maxtry = 10, kappaConstant = 1.1)
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
Number of variables
Probability of an edge in contemporaneous network
Proportion of positive edges in contemporaneous network
Probability of an edge in temporal network
Propotion of positive edges in temporal network
Maximum number of attempts to create a stationairy VAR model
The constant used in making kappa positive definite. See Yin and Li (2001)
The resulting simulated networks can be plotted using the plot method.
A list containing:
\item{kappa}{True kappa structure (residual inverse variance-covariance matrix)}
\item{beta}{True beta structure}
\item{PCC}{True partial contemporaneous correlations}
\item{PDC}{True partial temporal correlations}
Yin, J., & Li, H. (2011). A sparse conditional gaussian graphical model for analysis of genetical genomics data. The annals of applied statistics, 5(4), 2630-2650.
Sacha Epskamp