# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license module Libdl @doc """ Interface to libdl. Provides dynamic linking support. """ Libdl import Base.DL_LOAD_PATH export DL_LOAD_PATH, RTLD_DEEPBIND, RTLD_FIRST, RTLD_GLOBAL, RTLD_LAZY, RTLD_LOCAL, RTLD_NODELETE, RTLD_NOLOAD, RTLD_NOW, dlclose, dlopen, dlopen_e, dlsym, dlsym_e, dlpath, find_library, dlext, dllist, LazyLibrary, LazyLibraryPath, BundledLazyLibraryPath """ DL_LOAD_PATH When calling [`dlopen`](@ref), the paths in this list will be searched first, in order, before searching the system locations for a valid library handle. """ DL_LOAD_PATH # note: constants to match JL_RTLD_* in src/julia.h, translated # to system-specific values by JL_RTLD macro in src/dlload.c const RTLD_LOCAL = 0x00000001 const RTLD_GLOBAL = 0x00000002 const RTLD_LAZY = 0x00000004 const RTLD_NOW = 0x00000008 const RTLD_NODELETE = 0x00000010 const RTLD_NOLOAD = 0x00000020 const RTLD_DEEPBIND = 0x00000040 const RTLD_FIRST = 0x00000080 """ RTLD_DEEPBIND RTLD_FIRST RTLD_GLOBAL RTLD_LAZY RTLD_LOCAL RTLD_NODELETE RTLD_NOLOAD RTLD_NOW Enum constant for [`dlopen`](@ref). See your platform man page for details, if applicable. """ (RTLD_DEEPBIND, RTLD_FIRST, RTLD_GLOBAL, RTLD_LAZY, RTLD_LOCAL, RTLD_NODELETE, RTLD_NOLOAD, RTLD_NOW) # The default flags for `dlopen()` const default_rtld_flags = RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_DEEPBIND """ dlsym(handle, sym; throw_error::Bool = true) Look up a symbol from a shared library handle, return callable function pointer on success. If the symbol cannot be found, this method throws an error, unless the keyword argument `throw_error` is set to `false`, in which case this method returns `nothing`. """ function dlsym(hnd::Ptr, s::Union{Symbol,AbstractString}; throw_error::Bool = true) hnd == C_NULL && throw(ArgumentError("NULL library handle")) val = Ref(Ptr{Cvoid}(0)) symbol_found = ccall(:jl_dlsym, Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cstring, Ref{Ptr{Cvoid}}, Cint), hnd, s, val, Int64(throw_error) ) if symbol_found == 0 return nothing end return val[] end """ dlsym_e(handle, sym) Look up a symbol from a shared library handle, silently return `C_NULL` on lookup failure. This method is now deprecated in favor of `dlsym(handle, sym; throw_error=false)`. """ function dlsym_e(args...) return something(dlsym(args...; throw_error=false), C_NULL) end """ dlopen(libfile::AbstractString [, flags::Integer]; throw_error:Bool = true) Load a shared library, returning an opaque handle. The extension given by the constant `dlext` (`.so`, `.dll`, or `.dylib`) can be omitted from the `libfile` string, as it is automatically appended if needed. If `libfile` is not an absolute path name, then the paths in the array `DL_LOAD_PATH` are searched for `libfile`, followed by the system load path. The optional flags argument is a bitwise-or of zero or more of `RTLD_LOCAL`, `RTLD_GLOBAL`, `RTLD_LAZY`, `RTLD_NOW`, `RTLD_NODELETE`, `RTLD_NOLOAD`, `RTLD_DEEPBIND`, and `RTLD_FIRST`. These are converted to the corresponding flags of the POSIX (and/or GNU libc and/or MacOS) dlopen command, if possible, or are ignored if the specified functionality is not available on the current platform. The default flags are platform specific. On MacOS the default `dlopen` flags are `RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_DEEPBIND|RTLD_GLOBAL` while on other platforms the defaults are `RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_DEEPBIND|RTLD_LOCAL`. An important usage of these flags is to specify non default behavior for when the dynamic library loader binds library references to exported symbols and if the bound references are put into process local or global scope. For instance `RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_DEEPBIND|RTLD_GLOBAL` allows the library's symbols to be available for usage in other shared libraries, addressing situations where there are dependencies between shared libraries. If the library cannot be found, this method throws an error, unless the keyword argument `throw_error` is set to `false`, in which case this method returns `nothing`. !!! note From Julia 1.6 on, this method replaces paths starting with `@executable_path/` with the path to the Julia executable, allowing for relocatable relative-path loads. In Julia 1.5 and earlier, this only worked on macOS. """ function dlopen end dlopen(s::Symbol, flags::Integer = default_rtld_flags; kwargs...) = dlopen(string(s), flags; kwargs...) function dlopen(s::AbstractString, flags::Integer = default_rtld_flags; throw_error::Bool = true) ret = ccall(:jl_load_dynamic_library, Ptr{Cvoid}, (Cstring,UInt32,Cint), s, flags, Cint(throw_error)) if ret == C_NULL return nothing end return ret end """ dlopen(f::Function, args...; kwargs...) Wrapper for usage with `do` blocks to automatically close the dynamic library once control flow leaves the `do` block scope. # Example ```julia vendor = dlopen("libblas") do lib if Libdl.dlsym(lib, :openblas_set_num_threads; throw_error=false) !== nothing return :openblas else return :other end end ``` """ function dlopen(f::Function, name, args...; kwargs...) hdl = nothing try hdl = dlopen(name, args...; kwargs...) f(hdl) finally dlclose(hdl) end end """ dlopen_e(libfile::AbstractString [, flags::Integer]) Similar to [`dlopen`](@ref), except returns `C_NULL` instead of raising errors. This method is now deprecated in favor of `dlopen(libfile::AbstractString [, flags::Integer]; throw_error=false)`. """ dlopen_e(args...) = something(dlopen(args...; throw_error=false), C_NULL) """ dlclose(handle) Close shared library referenced by handle. """ function dlclose(p::Ptr) 0 == ccall(:jl_dlclose, Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid},), p) end """ dlclose(::Nothing) For the very common pattern usage pattern of try hdl = dlopen(library_name) ... do something finally dlclose(hdl) end We define a `dlclose()` method that accepts a parameter of type `Nothing`, so that user code does not have to change its behavior for the case that `library_name` was not found. """ function dlclose(p::Nothing) end """ find_library(names [, locations]) Searches for the first library in `names` in the paths in the `locations` list, `DL_LOAD_PATH`, or system library paths (in that order) which can successfully be dlopen'd. On success, the return value will be one of the names (potentially prefixed by one of the paths in locations). This string can be assigned to a `global const` and used as the library name in future `ccall`'s. On failure, it returns the empty string. """ function find_library(libnames, extrapaths=String[]) for lib in libnames for path in extrapaths l = joinpath(path, lib) p = dlopen(l, RTLD_LAZY; throw_error=false) if p !== nothing dlclose(p) return l end end p = dlopen(lib, RTLD_LAZY; throw_error=false) if p !== nothing dlclose(p) return lib end end return "" end find_library(libname::Union{Symbol,AbstractString}, extrapaths=String[]) = find_library([string(libname)], extrapaths) """ dlpath(handle::Ptr{Cvoid}) Given a library `handle` from `dlopen`, return the full path. """ function dlpath(handle::Ptr{Cvoid}) p = ccall(:jl_pathname_for_handle, Cstring, (Ptr{Cvoid},), handle) s = unsafe_string(p) Sys.iswindows() && Libc.free(p) return s end """ dlpath(libname::Union{AbstractString, Symbol}) Get the full path of the library `libname`. # Example ```julia-repl julia> dlpath("libjulia") ``` """ function dlpath(libname::Union{AbstractString, Symbol}) handle = dlopen(libname) path = dlpath(handle) dlclose(handle) return path end if Sys.isapple() const dlext = "dylib" elseif Sys.iswindows() const dlext = "dll" else #assume Sys.islinux, or similar const dlext = "so" end """ dlext File extension for dynamic libraries (e.g. dll, dylib, so) on the current platform. """ dlext if (Sys.islinux() || Sys.isbsd()) && !Sys.isapple() struct dl_phdr_info # Base address of object addr::Cuint # Null-terminated name of object name::Ptr{UInt8} # Pointer to array of ELF program headers for this object phdr::Ptr{Cvoid} # Number of program headers for this object phnum::Cshort end # This callback function called by dl_iterate_phdr() on Linux and BSD's # DL_ITERATE_PHDR(3) on freebsd function dl_phdr_info_callback(di::dl_phdr_info, size::Csize_t, dynamic_libraries::Array{String,1}) name = unsafe_string(di.name) push!(dynamic_libraries, name) return Cint(0) end end """ dllist() Return the paths of dynamic libraries currently loaded in a `Vector{String}`. """ function dllist() dynamic_libraries = Vector{String}() @static if Sys.isapple() numImages = ccall(:_dyld_image_count, Cint, ()) # start at 1 instead of 0 to skip self for i in 1:numImages-1 name = unsafe_string(ccall(:_dyld_get_image_name, Cstring, (UInt32,), i)) push!(dynamic_libraries, name) end elseif Sys.islinux() || Sys.isbsd() callback = @cfunction(dl_phdr_info_callback, Cint, (Ref{dl_phdr_info}, Csize_t, Ref{Vector{String}})) ccall(:dl_iterate_phdr, Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ref{Vector{String}}), callback, dynamic_libraries) popfirst!(dynamic_libraries) filter!(!isempty, dynamic_libraries) elseif Sys.iswindows() ccall(:jl_dllist, Cint, (Any,), dynamic_libraries) else # unimplemented end return dynamic_libraries end """ LazyLibraryPath Helper type for lazily constructed library paths for use with `LazyLibrary`. Arguments are passed to `joinpath()`. Arguments must be able to have `string()` called on them. ``` libfoo = LazyLibrary(LazyLibraryPath(prefix, "lib/libfoo.so.1.2.3")) ``` """ struct LazyLibraryPath pieces::Vector LazyLibraryPath(pieces::Vector) = new(pieces) end LazyLibraryPath(args...) = LazyLibraryPath(collect(args)) Base.string(llp::LazyLibraryPath) = joinpath(string.(llp.pieces)...) Base.cconvert(::Type{Cstring}, llp::LazyLibraryPath) = Base.cconvert(Cstring, string(llp)) # Define `print` so that we can wrap this in a `LazyString` Base.print(io::IO, llp::LazyLibraryPath) = print(io, string(llp)) # Helper to get `Sys.BINDIR` at runtime struct SysBindirGetter; end Base.string(::SysBindirGetter) = dirname(Sys.BINDIR) """ BundledLazyLibraryPath Helper type for lazily constructed library paths that are stored within the bundled Julia distribution, primarily for use by Base modules. ``` libfoo = LazyLibrary(BundledLazyLibraryPath("lib/libfoo.so.1.2.3")) ``` """ BundledLazyLibraryPath(subpath) = LazyLibraryPath(SysBindirGetter(), subpath) """ LazyLibrary(name, flags = , dependencies = LazyLibrary[], on_load_callback = nothing) Represents a lazily-loaded library that opens itself and its dependencies on first usage in a `dlopen()`, `dlsym()`, or `ccall()` usage. While this structure contains the ability to run arbitrary code on first load via `on_load_callback`, we caution that this should be used sparingly, as it is not expected that `ccall()` should result in large amounts of Julia code being run. You may call `ccall()` from within the `on_load_callback` but only for the current library and its dependencies, and user should not call `wait()` on any tasks within the on load callback. """ mutable struct LazyLibrary # Name and flags to open with const path const flags::UInt32 # Dependencies that must be loaded before we can load dependencies::Vector{LazyLibrary} # Function that get called once upon initial load on_load_callback const lock::Base.ReentrantLock # Pointer that we eventually fill out upon first `dlopen()` @atomic handle::Ptr{Cvoid} function LazyLibrary(path; flags = default_rtld_flags, dependencies = LazyLibrary[], on_load_callback = nothing) return new( path, UInt32(flags), collect(dependencies), on_load_callback, Base.ReentrantLock(), C_NULL, ) end end # We support adding dependencies only because of very special situations # such as LBT needing to have OpenBLAS_jll added as a dependency dynamically. function add_dependency!(ll::LazyLibrary, dep::LazyLibrary) @lock ll.lock begin push!(ll.dependencies, dep) end end # Register `jl_libdl_dlopen_func` so that `ccall()` lowering knows # how to call `dlopen()`, during bootstrap. # See `post_image_load_hooks` for non-bootstrapping. Base.unsafe_store!(cglobal(:jl_libdl_dlopen_func, Any), dlopen) function dlopen(ll::LazyLibrary, flags::Integer = ll.flags; kwargs...) handle = @atomic :acquire ll.handle if handle == C_NULL @lock ll.lock begin # Check to see if another thread has already run this if ll.handle == C_NULL # Ensure that all dependencies are loaded for dep in ll.dependencies dlopen(dep; kwargs...) end # Load our library handle = dlopen(string(ll.path), flags; kwargs...) @atomic :release ll.handle = handle # Only the thread that loaded the library calls the `on_load_callback()`. if ll.on_load_callback !== nothing ll.on_load_callback() end end end else # Invoke our on load callback, if it exists if ll.on_load_callback !== nothing # This empty lock protects against the case where we have updated # `ll.handle` in the branch above, but not exited the lock. We want # a second thread that comes in at just the wrong time to have to wait # for that lock to be released (and thus for the on_load_callback to # have finished), hence the empty lock here. But we want the # on_load_callback thread to bypass this, which will be happen thanks # to the fact that we're using a reentrant lock here. @lock ll.lock begin end end end return handle end dlopen(x::Any) = throw(TypeError(:dlopen, "", Union{Symbol,String,LazyLibrary}, x)) dlsym(ll::LazyLibrary, args...; kwargs...) = dlsym(dlopen(ll), args...; kwargs...) dlpath(ll::LazyLibrary) = dlpath(dlopen(ll)) end # module Libdl