Raw File
#!/usr/bin/env python2

# HybPiper Stats Script #

helptext = '''Gather statistics about HybPiper run.

Supply the output of get_seq_lengths.py and a list of HybPiper directories

For an explanation of columns, see github.com/mossmatters/HybPiper/wiki


import argparse, os, sys, subprocess

def file_len(fname):
    p = subprocess.Popen(['wc', '-l', fname], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, 
    result, err = p.communicate()
    if p.returncode != 0:
        raise IOError(err)
    return int(result.strip().split()[0])

def enrich_efficiency_blastx(blastxfilename):
    '''Parse BLASTX results to calculate enrichment effiiency'''
    reads_with_hits = [x.split()[0] for x in open(blastxfilename)]
    if os.path.isfile(blastxfilename.replace(".blastx","_unpaired.blastx")):
        reads_with_hits += [x.split()[0] for x in open(blastxfilename.replace(".blastx","_unpaired.blastx"))]
    numReads = len(set(reads_with_hits))

def enrich_efficiency_bwa(bamfilename):
    '''Run and parse samtools flagstat output, return number of reads and number on target'''
    samtools_cmd = "samtools flagstat {}".format(bamfilename)
    child = subprocess.Popen(samtools_cmd,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,universal_newlines=True)
    flagstat_results = [line for line in child.stdout.readlines()]
    numReads = float(flagstat_results[0].split()[0])
    mappedReads = float(flagstat_results[4].split()[0])
    if os.path.isfile(bamfilename.replace(".bam","_unpaired.bam")):
        unpaired_samtools_cmd = "samtools flagstat {}".format(bamfilename.replace(".bam","_unpaired.bam"))
        unpaired_child = subprocess.Popen(unpaired_samtools_cmd,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,universal_newlines=True)
        flagstat_results = [line for line in unpaired_child.stdout.readlines()]
        numReads += float(flagstat_results[0].split()[0])
        mappedReads += float(flagstat_results[4].split()[0])
    return str(int(numReads)),str(int(mappedReads)),"{0:.3f}".format(mappedReads/numReads)
def recovery_efficiency(name):
    '''Report the number of genes with mapping hits, contigs, and exon sequences'''
    txt_files = ["spades_genelist.txt",
    my_stats = []
    for txt in txt_files:
        if os.path.isfile("{}/{}".format(name,txt)):
    return [str(a) for a  in my_stats]
def seq_length_calc(seq_lengths_fn):
    '''From the output of get_seq_lengths.py, calculate the number of genes with seqs, and at least a pct of the reference length'''
    seq_length_dict = {}
    with open(seq_lengths_fn) as seq_len:
        gene_names = seq_len.readline()
        target_lengths = seq_len.readline().split()[1:]
        for line in seq_len:
            line = line.split()
            name = line.pop(0)
            is_25pct = 0
            is_50pct = 0
            is_75pct = 0
            is_150pct = 0
            for gene in range(len(line)):
                gene_length = float(line[gene])
                target_length = float(target_lengths[gene])
                if gene_length > target_length * 0.25:
                    is_25pct += 1
                if gene_length > target_length * 0.50:
                    is_50pct += 1
                if gene_length > target_length * 0.75:
                    is_75pct += 1
                if gene_length > target_length * 1.5:
                    is_150pct += 1    
            seq_length_dict[name] = [str(is_25pct),str(is_50pct),str(is_75pct),str(is_150pct)]
    return seq_length_dict
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=helptext,formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
    parser.add_argument("seq_lengths",help="output of get_seq_lengths.py")
    parser.add_argument("namelist",help="text file with names of HybPiper output directories, one per line")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    categories = ["Name",
    seq_length_dict = seq_length_calc(args.seq_lengths) 
    stats_dict = {}
    for line in open(args.namelist):
        name = line.rstrip()
        stats_dict[name] = []
        #Enrichment Efficiency
        bamfile = "{}/{}.bam".format(name,name)
        blastxfile ="{}/{}.blastx".format(name,name)
        if os.path.isfile(bamfile):
            stats_dict[name] += enrich_efficiency_bwa(bamfile)
        elif os.path.isfile(blastxfile):
            stats_dict[name] += enrich_efficiency_blastx(blastxfile)
            sys.stderr.write("No .bam or .blastx file found for {}\n".format(name))
        #Recovery Efficiency
        stats_dict[name] += recovery_efficiency(name)
        stats_dict[name] += seq_length_dict[name]
        if os.path.isfile("{}/genes_with_paralog_warnings.txt".format(name)):
            paralog_warns = file_len("{}/genes_with_paralog_warnings.txt".format(name))
    for name in stats_dict:    

if __name__ == "__main__":main()

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