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(** Merkelizing inbox for smart-contract rollups.

   {1 Overview}

   The inbox of a smart-contract rollup denotes the incoming messages
   of the rollup. This inbox is the source of truth about what
   operations are being published and have an effect on the rollup
   state. As such, the inbox completely determines the state of the
   rollup. Hence, if two claims disagree about the state of the
   rollup, there are only two possibilities: either these two claims
   correspond to two distinct interpretations of the same inbox ; or,
   these two claims differ on their views about the contents of the
   inbox itself. {!Sc_rollup_PVM_sig} is meant to arbitrate the first
   kind of conflicts while {!Sc_rollup_inbox} focuses on the second
   kind of conflicts.

   {1 Inbox messages}

   A message is a chunk of bytes. Messages are indexed using natural
   numbers and the level they are introduced.

   A message is said to be *consumed* when its processing has been
   cemented, that is, when no refutation about its insertion can
   happen anymore because the commitment that describes the effect of
   this message on the state is cemented. A message is said to be
   *available* (for dispute) if it is not consumed.

   A message processed by the rollup can be consumed or available. A
   message unprocessed by the rollup is always available.

   The number of messages in a commitment period is bounded by
   When an inbox reaches the maximum number of messages in the commitment
   period, the inbox is said to be full and cannot accept more messages.
   This limitation is meant to ensure that Merkle proofs about the inbox
   contents have a bounded size. (See next section.)

   {1 Merkelization of the inbox}

   As for the state of the {!Sc_rollup_PVM_sig}, the layer 1 does not
   have to store the entire inbox but only a compressed form
   (typically a low number of hashes) that witnesses its contents, so
   that the protocol can check the validity of a proof about its contents.
   This saves space in the context of the layer 1 and is sufficient for the
   layer 1 to provide a source of truth about the contents of the
   inbox at the current level.

   {1 A level-indexed chain of inboxes}

   By design, inboxes are logically indexed by Tezos levels. This is
   required to have a simple way to decide if two commitments are in
   conflict. (See {!Sc_rollup_storage}.)

   A commitment included in the block at level L describes the effect
   of the messages of the inboxes with a level between a starting
   level L_0 and a stopping level L_1, both strictly inferior to
   L. The level L_0 must be the inbox level of its parent

   To be valid, a commitment needs to prove that it is reading
   messages from an inbox which is consistent with the inbox at level
   L stored in the layer 1 context. So, it should be possible at any
   time to build a proof that a given inbox is a previous version at
   level L_1 of the inbox found at level L: these are called inclusion

   {1 Clients}

   This module is meant to be used both by the protocol and by the
   rollup node in order to maintain consistent inboxes on both sides.
   These two clients slightly differ on the amount of information they
   store about the inbox.

   On the one hand, to reduce the space consumption of rollups on the
   chain storage, the protocol only stores metadata about the
   inbox. The messages of the current level are kept in memory during
   block validation only (See {!Raw_context.Sc_rollup_in_memory_inbox}).
   By contrast, the messages of the previous levels are not kept in
   the context at all. They can be retrieved from the chain
   history though. However, being absent from the context, they are
   not accessible to the protocol.

   On the other hand, the rollup node must keep a more precise inbox
   to be able to produce Merkle proofs about the content of specific
   messages, at least during the refutation period.

   To cope with the discrepancy of requirements in terms of inbox
   storage while preserving a consistent Merkelization
   between the protocol and the rollup node, this module exposes the
   hashing schemes used to merkelize the inbox as a functor parameterized
   by the exact context where Merkle trees are stored.


module Hash : sig
  include S.HASH

  val of_context_hash : Context_hash.t -> t

  val to_context_hash : t -> Context_hash.t

module V1 : sig
  (** The type of the inbox for a smart-contract rollup as stored
    by the protocol in the context. Values that inhabit this type
    only act as fingerprint for inboxes.

    Inbox contents is represented using {!Raw_context.TREE.tree}s.
    (See below.) *)
  type t

  val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

  val equal : t -> t -> bool

  val encoding : t Data_encoding.t

  (** [inbox_level inbox] returns the maximum level of message insertion in
    [inbox] or its initial level. *)
  val inbox_level : t -> Raw_level_repr.t

  (** A [history_proof] is a [Skip_list.cell] that stores multiple
    hashes. [Skip_list.content history_proof] gives the hash of the
    level tree for this cell, while [Skip_list.back_pointers
    history_proof] is an array of hashes of earlier [history_proof]s
    in the inbox.

    On the one hand, we think of this type as representing the whole
    Merkle structure of an inbox at a given level---it is the part of
    {!t} above that can actually be used to prove things (it cannot be
    forged by a malicious node because it much match the hash stored by
    the L1).

    On the other hand, we think of this type as representing a single
    proof-step back through the history of the inbox; given a hash that
    appears at some point later in the inbox this type proves that that
    hash points to this particular combination of a level tree and
    further back-pointers.

    In terms of size, this type is a small set of hashes; one for the
    current level tree and `O(log2(ix))` in the back-pointers, where
    [ix] is the index of the cell in the skip list. That is, [ix] is the
    number of non-empty levels between now and the origination level of
    the rollup.
  type history_proof

  (** A [History.t] is basically a lookup table of {!history_proof}s. We
      need this if we want to produce inbox proofs because it allows us
      to dereference the 'pointer' hashes in any of the
      [history_proof]s. This [deref] function is passed to
      [Skip_list.back_path] or [Skip_list.search] to allow these
      functions to construct valid paths back through the skip list.

      A subtlety of this [history] type is that it is customizable
      depending on how much of the inbox history you actually want to
      remember, using the [capacity] parameter. In the L1 we use this with
      [capacity] set to zero, which makes it immediately forget an old
      level as soon as we move to the next. By contrast, the rollup node
      uses a history that is sufficiently large to be able to take part
      in all potential refutation games occurring during the challenge
      period. *)
  module History :
    Bounded_history_repr.S with type key = Hash.t and type value = history_proof

  val pp_history_proof : Format.formatter -> history_proof -> unit

  val history_proof_encoding : history_proof Data_encoding.t

  val equal_history_proof : history_proof -> history_proof -> bool

  (** [old_levels_messages inbox] returns the skip list of the inbox
    history. How much data there actually is depends on the context---in
    the L1 most of the history is forgotten and just a root hash of the
    skip list is kept. *)
  val old_levels_messages : t -> history_proof

  (** [number_of_messages_during_commitment_period inbox] returns the
    number of messages added in the inbox since the beginning of
    the current commitment period. *)
  val number_of_messages_during_commitment_period : t -> int64

  (** [refresh_commitment_period ~commitment_period ~level inbox] updates
      [inbox] to take into account the commitment_period: this resets a
      counter for the number of messages in a given commitment period
      (which is limited). *)
  val refresh_commitment_period :
    commitment_period:int32 -> level:Raw_level_repr.t -> t -> t

(** Versioning, see {!Sc_rollup_data_version_sig.S} for more information. *)
include Sc_rollup_data_version_sig.S with type t = V1.t

include module type of V1 with type t = V1.t

(** This extracts the current level hash from the inbox. Note: the
    current level hash is stored lazily as [fun () -> ...], and this
    function will call that function. So don't use this if you want to
    preserve the laziness. *)
val current_level_hash : t -> Hash.t

type serialized_proof

val serialized_proof_encoding : serialized_proof Data_encoding.t

(** The following operations are subject to cross-validation between
    rollup nodes and the layer 1. *)
module type Merkelized_operations = sig
  (** The type for the Merkle trees used in this module. *)
  type tree

  (** The context used by the trees. *)
  type inbox_context

  (** Standard hashing function used for trees in this module. *)
  val hash_level_tree : tree -> Hash.t

  (** Initialise a new level. [new_level_tree ctxt level] is a merkle
      tree with no messages yet, but has the [level] stored so we can
      check that in proofs. *)
  val new_level_tree : inbox_context -> Raw_level_repr.t -> tree Lwt.t

  (** [add_messages ctxt history inbox level payloads level_tree] inserts
      a list of [payloads] as new messages in the [level_tree] of the
      current [level] of the [inbox]. This function returns the new level
      tree as well as updated [inbox] and [history].

      If the [inbox]'s level is older than [level], the [inbox] is
      updated so that the level trees of the levels older than [level]
      are archived.  To archive a [level_tree] for a given [level], we
      push it at the end of the [history] and update the witness of this
      history in the [inbox]. The [inbox]'s level tree for the current
      level is emptied to insert the [payloads] in a fresh [level_tree]
      for [level].

      This function fails if [level] is older than [inbox]'s [level].
  val add_messages :
    inbox_context ->
    History.t ->
    t ->
    Raw_level_repr.t ->
    Sc_rollup_inbox_message_repr.serialized list ->
    tree option ->
    (tree * History.t * t) tzresult Lwt.t

  (** [add_messages_no_history ctxt inbox level payloads level_tree] behaves
      as {!add_external_messages} except that it does not remember the inbox
      history. *)
  val add_messages_no_history :
    inbox_context ->
    t ->
    Raw_level_repr.t ->
    Sc_rollup_inbox_message_repr.serialized list ->
    tree option ->
    (tree * t, error trace) result Lwt.t

  (** [get_message_payload level_tree idx] returns [Some payload] if the
      [level_tree] has more than [idx] messages, and [payload] is at
      position [idx]. Returns [None] otherwise. *)
  val get_message_payload :
    tree -> Z.t -> Sc_rollup_inbox_message_repr.serialized option Lwt.t

  (** [form_history_proof ctxt history inbox level_tree] creates the
      skip list structure that includes the current inbox level, while
      also updating the [history] and making sure the [level_tree] has
      been committed to the [ctxt].

      This is used in [archive_if_needed] to produce the
      [old_levels_messages] value for the next level of the inbox. It is
      also needed if you want to produce a fully-up-to-date skip list
      for proof production. Just taking the skip list stored in the
      inbox at [old_levels_messages] will not include the current level
      (and that current level could be quite far back in terms of blocks
      if the inbox hasn't been added to for a while). *)
  val form_history_proof :
    inbox_context ->
    History.t ->
    t ->
    tree option ->
    (History.t * history_proof) tzresult Lwt.t

  (** This is similar to {!form_history_proof} except that it is just to
      be used on the protocol side because it doesn't ensure the history
      is remembered or the trees are committed in the context. Used at
      the beginning of a refutation game to create the snapshot against
      which proofs in that game must be valid.

      This will however produce a [history_proof] with exactly the same
      hash as the one produced by [form_history_proof], run on a node
      with a complete [inbox_context]. *)
  val take_snapshot : t -> history_proof

  (** Given a inbox [A] at some level [L] and another inbox [B] at
      some level [L' >= L], an [inclusion_proof] guarantees that [A] is
      an older version of [B].

      To be more precise, an [inclusion_proof] guarantees that the
      previous levels [level_tree]s of [A] are included in the previous
      levels [level_tree]s of [B]. The current [level_tree] of [A] and [B]
      are not considered.

      The size of this proof is O(log_basis (L' - L)). *)
  type inclusion_proof

  val inclusion_proof_encoding : inclusion_proof Data_encoding.t

  val pp_inclusion_proof : Format.formatter -> inclusion_proof -> unit

  (** [number_of_proof_steps proof] returns the length of [proof]. *)
  val number_of_proof_steps : inclusion_proof -> int

  (** [verify_inclusion_proof proof a b] returns [true] iff [proof] is a
      minimal and valid proof that [a] is included in [b]. *)
  val verify_inclusion_proof :
    inclusion_proof -> history_proof -> history_proof -> bool

  (** An inbox proof has three parameters:

      - the [starting_point], of type [Raw_level_repr.t * Z.t], specifying
        a location in the inbox ;

      - the [message], of type [Sc_rollup_PVM_sig.input option] ;

      - and a reference [snapshot] inbox.

      A valid inbox proof implies the following semantics: beginning at
      [starting_point] and reading forward through [snapshot], the first
      message you reach will be [message].

      Usually this is fairly simple because there will actually be a
      message at the location specified by [starting_point]. But in some
      cases [starting_point] is past the last message within a level,
      and then the inbox proof must prove that and also provide another
      proof about the message at the beginning of the next non-empty
      level. *)
  type proof

  val pp_proof : Format.formatter -> proof -> unit

  val to_serialized_proof : proof -> serialized_proof

  val of_serialized_proof : serialized_proof -> proof option

  (** See the docstring for the [proof] type for details of proof semantics.

      [verify_proof starting_point inbox proof] will return the third
      parameter of the proof, [message], iff the proof is valid. *)
  val verify_proof :
    Raw_level_repr.t * Z.t ->
    history_proof ->
    proof ->
    Sc_rollup_PVM_sig.inbox_message option tzresult Lwt.t

  (** [produce_proof ctxt history inbox (level, counter)] creates an
      inbox proof proving the first message after the index [counter] at
      location [level]. This will fail if the [ctxt] given doesn't have
      sufficient data (it needs to be run on an [inbox_context] with the
      full history). *)
  val produce_proof :
    inbox_context ->
    History.t ->
    history_proof ->
    Raw_level_repr.t * Z.t ->
    (proof * Sc_rollup_PVM_sig.inbox_message option) tzresult Lwt.t

  (** [empty ctxt level] is an inbox started at some given [level] with no
      message at all. *)
  val empty : inbox_context -> Sc_rollup_repr.t -> Raw_level_repr.t -> t Lwt.t

  module Internal_for_tests : sig
    val eq_tree : tree -> tree -> bool

    (** [produce_inclusion_proof history a b] exploits [history] to produce
      a self-contained proof that [a] is an older version of [b]. *)
    val produce_inclusion_proof :
      History.t ->
      history_proof ->
      history_proof ->
      inclusion_proof option tzresult

    (** Allows to create a dumb {!serialized_proof} from a string, instead
        of serializing a proof with {!to_serialized_proof}. *)
    val serialized_proof_of_string : string -> serialized_proof

module type P = sig
  module Tree : Context.TREE with type key = string list and type value = bytes

  type tree = Tree.tree

  type t = Tree.t

  val commit_tree : t -> string list -> tree -> unit Lwt.t

  val lookup_tree : t -> Hash.t -> tree option Lwt.t

  type proof

  val proof_encoding : proof Data_encoding.t

  val proof_before : proof -> Hash.t

  val verify_proof :
    proof -> (tree -> (tree * 'a) Lwt.t) -> (tree * 'a) option Lwt.t

  val produce_proof :
    Tree.t -> tree -> (tree -> (tree * 'a) Lwt.t) -> (proof * 'a) option Lwt.t


   This validation is based on a standardized Merkelization
   scheme. The definition of this scheme is independent from the exact
   data model of the context but it depends on the [Tree] arity and
   internal hashing scheme.

   We provide a functor that takes a {!Context.TREE} module from any
   context, checks that the assumptions made about tree's arity and
   hashing scheme are valid, and returns a standard compliant
   implementation of the {!Merkelized_operations}.

module Make_hashing_scheme (P : P) :
  Merkelized_operations with type tree = P.tree and type inbox_context = P.t

    with type tree = Context.tree
     and type inbox_context = Context.t

type inbox = t
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