% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/convoSPAT_simulate.R \name{f_mc_kernels} \alias{f_mc_kernels} \title{Calculate mixture component kernel matrices.} \usage{ f_mc_kernels(y.min = 0, y.max = 5, x.min = 0, x.max = 5, N.mc = 3^2, lam1.coef = c(-1.3, 0.5, -0.6), lam2.coef = c(-1.4, -0.1, 0.2), logit.eta.coef = c(0, -0.15, 0.15)) } \arguments{ \item{y.min}{Lower bound for the y-coordinate axis.} \item{y.max}{Upper bound for the y-coordinate axis.} \item{x.min}{Lower bound for the y-coordinate axis.} \item{x.max}{Upper bound for the y-coordinate axis.} \item{N.mc}{Number of mixture component locations.} \item{lam1.coef}{Log-linear regression coefficients for lam1; the coefficients correspond to the intercept, longitude, and latitude.} \item{lam2.coef}{Log-linear regression coefficients for lam2; the coefficients correspond to the intercept, longitude, and latitude.} \item{logit.eta.coef}{Scaled logit regression coefficients for eta; the coefficients correspond to the intercept, longitude, and latitude.} } \value{ A list with the following components: \item{mc.locations}{A \code{N.mc} x 2 matrix of the mixture component locations.} \item{mc.kernels}{A \code{N.mc} x 2 x 2 array of kernel matrices corresponding to each of the mixture component locations.} } \description{ \code{f_mc_kernels} calculates spatially-varying mixture component kernels using generalized linear models for each of the eigenvalues (lam1 and lam2) and the angle of rotation (eta). } \examples{ f_mc_kernels( y.min = 0, y.max = 5, x.min = 0, x.max = 5, N.mc = 3^2, lam1.coef = c(-1.3, 0.5, -0.6), lam2.coef = c(-1.4, -0.1, 0.2), logit.eta.coef = c(0, -0.15, 0.15) ) }