Raw File
// Distributed under the ITensor Library License, Version 1.2
//    (See accompanying LICENSE file.)
#ifndef __ITENSOR_TYPES_H_
#define __ITENSOR_TYPES_H_

#include <limits>
#include "itensor/util/stdx.h"
#include "itensor/util/cplx_literal.h"
#include "itensor/util/print.h"

#ifndef NAN
#define NAN (std::numeric_limits<Real>::quiet_NaN())

namespace itensor {

using Real = double;
using Cplx = std::complex<double>;
using Complex = std::complex<double>;

const Cplx Complex_1 = Cplx(1,0);
const Cplx Complex_i = Cplx(0,1);
const Cplx Cplx_1 = Cplx(1,0);
const Cplx Cplx_i = Cplx(0,1);

inline Real& 
realRef(Cplx & z) { return reinterpret_cast<Real*>(&z)[0]; }

inline Real& 
imagRef(Cplx & z) { return reinterpret_cast<Real*>(&z)[1]; }

void inline
applyConj(Real & r) { }

void inline
applyConj(Cplx & z) { imagRef(z) *= -1; }

std::string inline
formatVal(double val)
    if(std::fabs(val) > 1E-10)
        return format("%s",val);
    return format("%.8E",val);

std::string inline
formatVal(Cplx const& val)
    auto sgn = (val.imag() < 0 ? '-' : '+');
    auto nrm = std::norm(val);
    if(nrm == 0. || nrm > 1E-10)
        return format("%f%s%fi",val.real(),sgn,std::fabs(val.imag()));
        return format("%.8E%s%.8Ei",val.real(),sgn,std::fabs(val.imag()));

template<typename T, class=stdx::require<std::is_same<T,Real>>>
constexpr const char* 
typeName(int=0) { return "Real"; }

template<typename T, class=stdx::require<std::is_same<T,Cplx>>>
constexpr const char* 
typeName(long=0) { return "Cplx"; }


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