function [] = plotstep(walk, x, t)
% PLOTSTEP Produces a plot of interesting state information for walkrw2
% [] = plotstep(t, x, walk) produces a time series plot of state information, given input
% consisting of time t, state x, and a walk object.
% Modified by Art 6/2009 to allow "hold on" on a figure, so that
% multiple onesteps can be superimposed.
if nargin == 0
error('plotstep: need a walk object as first argument');
elseif nargin == 1 % optional arguments
if ~isa(walk, 'walksw2')
error('plotstep: need a walk object as first argument');
[xe,te,x,t] = onestep(walk); % run a simulation if no states given
elseif nargin == 2 % either given an initial state or a list of states
if length(x) == 4 % and it's a vector, meaning an initial condition
t = 0;
elseif size(x,1) > 1 && size(x,2) == 4 % it's a matrix of states
t = linspace(0,100,size(x,1)); % Time as a percentage of the length of the series of states
error('plotstep: unknown second argument')
elseif nargin > 3
error('incorrect number of arguments');
held = 'on';
if ~ishold, clf; held = 'off'; end
plot(t, x);
xlabel('Time'); ylabel('States');