Raw File
Require Import String ZArith.
Require Import syntax macros semantics comparable util.
Import error.
Require List.
Require tez.
Require map.

Require List.
Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope list.

Require Import spending_limit_contract_definition.

Module Spending_limit_contract_verification (C:ContractContext).

Module semantics := Semantics C. Import semantics.

Module Tactics.
   * Solves some fuel-related goals on the form
   *   Hfuel : Y <= fuel |- X <= fuel by showing X <= Y
  Hint Rewrite List.rev_length : fuel.

  Ltac simple_fuel :=
    match goal with
    | Hfuel:_ <= ?fuel |- _ =>
      autorewrite with fuel in *;
      apply (le_trans_rev _ _ _ Hfuel); simpl; omega

  (* Tactics for rewriting under existential binders *)
  Ltac ex_under_aux' tac := etransitivity; [eapply forall_ex; intro; tac; apply iff_refl|].
  Ltac ex_under_aux tac :=  ex_under_aux' tac || (rewrite iff_comm; ex_under_aux' tac; rewrite iff_comm).
  Tactic Notation "ex_under" tactic(T) := ex_under_aux ltac:(T).
  Ltac ex_rewrite rw := ex_under_aux ltac:(rewrite rw).

  Ltac S_fuel_to_add_fuel  :=
    match goal with
    | [ fuel : Datatypes.nat |- _ ] =>
      repeat match goal with
             | [ |- context[S fuel] ] => change (S fuel) with (1 + fuel)
             | [ |- context[S (?n + fuel)] ] => change (S (n + fuel)) with ((S n) + fuel)

  Ltac simple_fuel_add_n_fuel :=
    match goal with
    | [ fuel : Datatypes.nat |- _ ] =>
      match goal with
      | [ |- ?n <= ?m + fuel ] => apply Nat.le_sub_le_add_l

  Ltac my_simple_fuel :=
    intros; try S_fuel_to_add_fuel; try simple_fuel_add_n_fuel;
    (omega || simple_fuel).

  Lemma my_simple_fuel_test_1:
    forall (A : type) (xs : Datatypes.list (data A)) (fuel : Datatypes.nat),
      Datatypes.length xs <= fuel ->
      1 + Datatypes.length xs <= S fuel.
  Proof. my_simple_fuel. Qed.

  Lemma my_simple_fuel_test_2:
    forall (fuel : Datatypes.nat) (L : Datatypes.list (comparable_data timestamp * comparable_data mutez)),
      1 + Datatypes.length L <= fuel -> 1 + Datatypes.length L <= fuel.
    intros fuel L H.
End Tactics.

Import Tactics.

Fixpoint total_amount_transaction_list1
         (transaction_list : (data (list (pair mutez (contract unit)))))
         (acc : data mutez)
         (result : data mutez) : Prop :=
  match transaction_list with
  | nil => result = acc
  | cons (tz, _) transaction_list =>
    exists new_acc,
    (add _ _ _ Add_variant_tez_tez acc tz) = Return new_acc  /\
    (total_amount_transaction_list1 transaction_list new_acc result)

Definition total_amount_transaction_list
           (transaction_list : data (list (pair mutez (contract unit))))
           (result : data mutez) :=
  total_amount_transaction_list1 transaction_list (0 ~Mutez) result.

Definition slc_ep_transfer2_transaction_iter_body_spec {A} :
      (stack (list operation ::: mutez ::: A) -> Prop) ->
      (data (pair mutez (contract unit))) ->
      stack (list operation ::: mutez ::: A) -> Prop :=
  fun psi '(transferred_amount, destination) '(oplist, (threshold, st)) =>
    exists new_threshold,
    add _ _ _ Add_variant_tez_tez threshold transferred_amount = Return new_threshold /\
    psi ((transfer_tokens unit I tt transferred_amount destination) :: oplist,
         (new_threshold, st)).

Lemma slc_ep_transfer2_transaction_iter_body_spec_precond_ex A psi transferred_amount destination oplist threshold st :
  slc_ep_transfer2_transaction_iter_body_spec (A := A) psi (transferred_amount, destination) (oplist, (threshold, st)) =
  precond_ex (add _ _ _ Add_variant_tez_tez threshold transferred_amount)
             (fun new_threshold => psi ((transfer_tokens unit I tt transferred_amount destination) :: oplist,
                                        (new_threshold, st))).

Opaque add.
Opaque sub.

Lemma slc_ep_transfer2_transaction_iter_body_correct {A} env fuel :
  forall (psi : stack (list operation ::: mutez ::: A) -> Prop)
         (element : data (pair mutez (contract unit)))
         (st : stack (list operation ::: mutez ::: A)),
  3 <= fuel ->
  eval_seq_precond fuel env slc_ep_transfer2_transaction_iter_body
               (element, st) <->
    psi element st.
  intros psi (transferred_amount, destination) (oplist, (threshold, st)) Hfuel.
  rewrite slc_ep_transfer2_transaction_iter_body_spec_precond_ex.
  rewrite <- precond_exists.
  unfold slc_ep_transfer2_transaction_iter_body.
  unfold eval_seq_precond.
  simpl eval_seq_precond_body.

Lemma slc_ep_transfer2_transaction_iter_correct
      (transaction_list : data (list (pair mutez (contract unit))))
      (st : stack A) :
    (oplist : data (list operation))
    (threshold : data mutez),
    4 + Datatypes.length transaction_list <= fuel ->
    eval_precond fuel env (ITER (i := iter_list _) slc_ep_transfer2_transaction_iter_body) psi
                 (transaction_list, (oplist, (threshold, st))) <->
    exists final_threshold,
      total_amount_transaction_list1 transaction_list threshold final_threshold /\
              (fun '(transfered_amount, destination) =>
                 transfer_tokens unit I tt transfered_amount destination) transaction_list) ++
         (final_threshold, st)).

  intros oplist fuel threshold H.
  rewrite <- eval_precond_correct.
  rewrite precond_iter_bounded
          with (body_spec := slc_ep_transfer2_transaction_iter_body_spec)
               (fuel_bound := 3).
  - generalize dependent oplist.
    generalize dependent threshold.
    induction transaction_list as [| (head_mut, ct) transaction_list_tail ]; intros threshold oplist.
    + rewrite iff_comm. apply ex_eq_simpl.
    + simpl.
      rewrite ex_2. rewrite ex_order.
      apply forall_ex.
      intro acc.
      rewrite underex_and_assoc.
      rewrite <- ex_and_comm.
      apply and_both.
      rewrite IHtransaction_list_tail; try my_simple_fuel.
      rewrite <- List.app_assoc.

  - intros fuel0 (transferred_amount, destination) (oplist', (threshold', st')) psi0 Hfuel.
    rewrite eval_seq_precond_correct.
    apply slc_ep_transfer2_transaction_iter_body_correct.

  - intros psi1 psi2 (transferred_amount, destination) (oplist', (threshold', st')) Hpsi.
    unfold slc_ep_transfer2_transaction_iter_body_spec.
    apply forall_ex. intro new_threshold. rewrite Hpsi. reflexivity.

  - simple_fuel.
Definition reverse {sty A B} :
    sty false
    (list A ::: list A ::: B)
    (list A ::: B)
  := ITER (i := iter_list _) { CONS }.

Definition reverse_body_spec
           {A : type} {B : Datatypes.list type}
           (psi : stack (list A ::: B) -> Prop)
           (x : data A)
           (st : stack (list A ::: B)) : Prop :=
  match st with
    (xs, st') => psi (cons x xs, st')

Lemma reverse_correct
      fuel self_type env (A : type) (B : Datatypes.list type)
      (xs ys : data (list A))
      (st : stack B)
      (psi : stack (list A ::: B) -> Prop) :
    2 + Datatypes.length xs <= fuel ->
    eval_precond (self_type := self_type) fuel env reverse psi (xs, (ys, st))
    <-> psi (List.app (List.rev xs) ys, st).
  intros Hfuel.
  extract_fuel (Datatypes.length xs + 1).
  rewrite <- Nat.add_assoc.
  rewrite <- eval_precond_correct.
  unfold reverse.
  rewrite precond_iter_bounded with
      (body_spec := reverse_body_spec)
      (fuel_bound := 1).
  rewrite fold_right_psi_simpl with
      (f := reverse_body_spec)
      (f' := fun x '(ys, st)  => (cons x ys, st)).
  - apply eq_iff_refl.
    unfold data.
    fold data_aux.
    generalize (@List.rev (data_aux (op (data_aux Empty_set)) A) xs) ys.
    induction l; intro ys'; simpl.
    + reflexivity.
    + now rewrite IHl.
  - destruct st0. reflexivity.
  - intros fuel0 x (xs', st') psi0 H.
    more_fuel. simpl. reflexivity.
  - intros psi1 psi2 x (xs', st') H.
    apply H.
  - omega.

Definition slc_ep_transfer_loop_body_spec self_type (env : @proto_env self_type)
           (input : stack (list (pair timestamp mutez) ::: list (pair timestamp mutez) ::: mutez ::: storage_auth_ty ::: nil))
            * (output : stack (bool ::: list (pair timestamp mutez) ::: list (pair timestamp mutez) ::: mutez ::: storage_auth_ty ::: nil))
           psi : Prop :=
  let '(q1, (q2, (amount, st))) := input in
  match q1, q2 with
    | hd :: q1', q2 =>
      if ((fst hd) <=? (now env))%Z
      then exists sum, add _ _ _ Add_variant_tez_tez amount (snd hd) = Return sum /\
                       psi (true, (q1', (q2, (sum, st))))
      else psi (false, (q1, (q2, (amount, st))))
    | [], hd :: q2' => psi (true, (List.rev (hd :: q2'), ([], (amount, st))))
    | [], [] => psi (false, ([], ([], (amount, st))))

Lemma slc_ep_transfer_loop_body_correct env fuel psi (q1 q2 : data (list (pair timestamp mutez))) amount st :
  (* sum (queue) + amount = init_thresh *)
  6 + Datatypes.length q2 <= fuel ->
  eval_precond fuel  env slc_ep_transfer_loop_body psi (q1, (q2, (amount, st)))
  <-> slc_ep_transfer_loop_body_spec _ env (q1, (q2, (amount, st))) psi.
  intros Hfuel.
  unfold slc_ep_transfer_loop_body.
  destruct q1.
  - destruct q2.
    + now (do 5 (more_fuel; cbn)).
    + simpl in Hfuel.
      do 3 (more_fuel; cbn).
      destruct q2; [reflexivity|].
      match goal with |- context[eval_precond fuel env (@ITER ?tff ?st ?c ?i ?A ?code) ?psi] =>
                      remember (eval_precond fuel env (@ITER tff st c i A code) psi) as eval_itercode
      subst eval_itercode.
      rewrite reverse_correct; [|my_simple_fuel].
      rewrite <- List.app_assoc.
  - destruct d as (ts, tz).
    do 6 (more_fuel; cbn).
    rewrite <- comparison_to_int_leb.
    rewrite <- comparison_to_int_opp.
    destruct (_ >=? _)%Z.
    + rewrite precond_exists. unfold precond_ex.
      apply forall_ex.
      intro x.
      apply and_both_0; [|reflexivity].
      rewrite add_comm; reflexivity.
    + reflexivity.

(* Start defining specification *)

Fixpoint allowed_amount l rem now result :=
  match l with
  | nil => result = rem
  | cons (frozen_timestamp, frozen_amount) l =>
    match compare timestamp frozen_timestamp now with
    (* Modified Arvid & Zaynah *)
    (* frozen_timestamp <= now *)
    | Lt | Eq =>
           exists new_rem,
           (* new_rem = rem + frozen_amount *)
           add _ _ _ Add_variant_tez_tez rem frozen_amount = Return new_rem /\
           allowed_amount l new_rem now result
    | Gt => result = rem

(* true iff exists t1 \in l1, t1 > now *)
Fixpoint queue_cut_before_now (l1 : data (list (pair timestamp mutez))) (now : data timestamp) : Datatypes.bool :=
  match l1 with
  | nil => false
  | cons (t, _) l1 =>
    match compare timestamp t now with
    (* t <= now *)
    | Lt | Eq => queue_cut_before_now l1 now
    | Gt => true

(* filter (fun ts => ts > now) l *)
Fixpoint remove_past (l : data (list (pair timestamp mutez))) (now : data timestamp) :=
  match l with
  | nil => nil
  | cons (t, m) l =>
    match compare timestamp t now with
    | Lt | Eq => remove_past l now
    | Gt => (t,m)::l

Definition update_queue
           (l1 l2 : data (list (pair timestamp mutez)))
           (now : data timestamp) :=
  if queue_cut_before_now l1 now then
    (remove_past l1 now, l2)
    (* l1 can be removed completely *)
    (remove_past (List.rev l2) now, nil).

Lemma slc_ep_transfer_loop_correct1
      (q1 q2 : data (list (pair timestamp mutez)))
      (amount : data mutez)
      (st : stack (storage_auth_ty ::: nil)) :
  Datatypes.length q1 + Datatypes.length q2 + 6 <= fuel ->
  queue_cut_before_now q1 (now env) = true ->
  eval_precond  fuel env slc_ep_transfer_loop psi (true, (q1, (q2, (amount, st)))) <->
  (exists amount' ,
      allowed_amount q1 amount (now env) amount' /\
      psi (remove_past q1 (now env), (q2, (amount', st)))).
  intros Hfuel Hqueue_cut.

  unfold slc_ep_transfer_loop.

  generalize dependent amount.
  generalize dependent fuel.
  induction q1 as [ | (tz, ts) q1 ]; intros fuel Hfuel amount.

  - inversion Hqueue_cut.
  - rewrite plus_comm in Hfuel.
    more_fuel; simpl.
    rewrite slc_ep_transfer_loop_body_correct by my_simple_fuel.
    unfold slc_ep_transfer_loop_body_spec.
    unfold queue_cut_before_now in Hqueue_cut.
    fold queue_cut_before_now in Hqueue_cut.

    simpl compare in Hqueue_cut.
    rewrite Z.leb_compare.
    simpl fst.

    unfold allowed_amount. simpl compare. fold allowed_amount.
    unfold remove_past. simpl compare. fold remove_past.

    repeat rewrite Z_match_compare_gt in *.

    ex_rewrite Z_match_compare_gt.
    destruct (now env <? tz)%Z eqn:HtzCompNow.

    + more_fuel. simpl. rewrite iff_comm. apply ex_eq_simpl.

    + rewrite ex_2. rewrite ex_order. apply forall_ex. intro sum.
      rewrite underex_and_assoc. rewrite <- ex_and_comm. apply and_both.

      now rewrite IHq1; try assumption; try my_simple_fuel.

Lemma queue_cut_before_false_tl:
 forall q a t x,
  queue_cut_before_now ((a,t) :: q) x = false ->
  queue_cut_before_now q x = false /\ (a <=? x)%Z = true.
 simpl; intros; simpl in H.
 rewrite  Z.leb_compare.
 (*Set Printing All.*)
 case_eq ((a ?= x)%Z ) ; intros; try rewrite H0 in H; simpl in H; try congruence; intuition.

Remark add_mul: forall a b, 2* (S a) + b = a + (S (S a)) + b.

Lemma eval_precond_loop fuel self_ty (env : @proto_env self_ty) A (code : instruction _ false A (bool ::: A)) st psi :
  eval_precond (S fuel) env (LOOP {code})%michelson psi (true, st) =
  eval_precond fuel env code (eval_precond fuel env (LOOP {code})%michelson psi) st.

Lemma slc_ep_transfer_loop_correct2':
    (q1 : data (list (pair timestamp mutez)))
    fuel (x: data (pair timestamp mutez))
    (q2 : data (list (pair timestamp mutez)))
    ( Hfuel: 6 + Datatypes.length q2 <= fuel)
    (Hqueue_cut : queue_cut_before_now (x::q1) (now env) = false)
    (amount : data mutez)
    (st : stack (storage_auth_ty ::: nil)),
    eval_precond ((S (Datatypes.length q1)) + fuel) env slc_ep_transfer_loop psi (true, ((x::q1), (q2, (amount, st)))) <->
    exists amount',
      allowed_amount (x::q1) amount (now env) amount' /\
      eval_precond fuel env slc_ep_transfer_loop
                   psi ( true, ([],(q2, (amount',st)))).
  intros env psi ; unfold slc_ep_transfer_loop. induction  q1 as [ | (tz, ts) q1 ]; intros.

(* case q1 == nil *)
  - destruct x.
    rewrite slc_ep_transfer_loop_body_correct by my_simple_fuel. simpl.
    simpl in Hqueue_cut.
    case_eq ( (d ?= now env)%Z); intros K; rewrite K in Hqueue_cut; inversion Hqueue_cut.
    +  rewrite Z.leb_compare. rewrite K. intuition.
     *  destruct H as [sum [Heq Prd]].
        exists sum. split;auto.
        exists sum. split;auto.

     *  destruct H as [am [A Prd]].
        destruct A as [sum' [Heq1 Heq2]].
        subst. exists sum'.  split;auto.

    + rewrite Z.leb_compare. rewrite K. intuition.
      * destruct H as [sum [Heq Prd]].

        exists sum. split;auto.
        exists sum. split;auto.

      * destruct H as [am [A Prd]].
        destruct A as [sum' [Heq1 Heq2]].
        subst. exists sum'.  split;auto.

(* case q1 <> nil *)
  - assert (Hqueue_ind: queue_cut_before_now ((tz, ts) :: q1) (now env) = false).
    simpl in Hqueue_cut.
    destruct x. case_eq ((d ?= now env)%Z  ); intro K; rewrite K in Hqueue_cut; inversion Hqueue_cut; auto.
    simpl "+".
    rewrite eval_precond_loop.
     rewrite slc_ep_transfer_loop_body_correct. simpl.
     destruct x. simpl. assert (Cond : (d <=? now env)%Z = true).
     destruct (queue_cut_before_false_tl _ _ _ _ Hqueue_cut) as [A B]. auto.
     rewrite Z.leb_compare. rewrite Z.leb_compare in Cond.
     case_eq ( (d ?= now env)%Z); intros K ; rewrite K in Cond; inversion Cond ; try rewrite K.
    + (* K : (d ?= now env)%Z = Eq *)
       intros [sum [Heq1 Prd]].
       destruct (IHq1 fuel (tz,ts) q2 Hfuel Hqueue_ind sum st) as [Ia Ib].
       destruct (Ia Prd) as [am [Alw Prd']].
       exists am.  split;intuition. exists sum. split. auto.
       simpl in Alw. auto.

       intros [am [A Prd]]. destruct A as [sum [ Heq  Alw]].
       exists sum. split. auto.
       destruct (IHq1 fuel (tz,ts) q2 Hfuel Hqueue_ind sum st) as [Ia Ib].
       apply Ib. exists am.  split; auto.
    + (*K : (d ?= now env)%Z = Lt*)
       intros [sum [Heq1 Prd]].
       destruct (IHq1 fuel (tz,ts) q2 Hfuel Hqueue_ind sum st) as [Ia Ib].
       destruct (Ia Prd) as [am [Alw Prd']].
       exists am.  split;intuition. exists sum. split. auto.
       simpl in Alw. auto.
       intros [am [A Prd]]. destruct A as [sum [ Heq  Alw]].
       exists sum. split. auto.
       destruct (IHq1 fuel (tz,ts) q2 Hfuel Hqueue_ind sum st) as [Ia Ib].
       apply Ib. exists am.  split; auto.
   (* fuel bound *)


Definition list_empty_b (q2 : data (list (pair timestamp mutez))) : Datatypes.bool :=
  match q2 with nil => true | _ => false end.

(* probably not used *)
Lemma slc_ep_transfer_loop_correct3'
      (q2 : data (list (pair timestamp mutez)))
      (amount : data mutez)
      (st : stack (storage_auth_ty ::: nil)) :
  6 + Datatypes.length q2 <= fuel ->
  (eval_precond (S fuel) env slc_ep_transfer_loop psi (true, ([], (q2, (amount, st)))) <->
   eval_precond fuel env slc_ep_transfer_loop psi (negb (list_empty_b q2), (List.rev q2, ([], (amount, st))))).
  intros Hfuel.
  rewrite slc_ep_transfer_loop_body_correct by my_simple_fuel.
  simpl slc_ep_transfer_loop_body_spec.
  unfold slc_ep_transfer_loop.
  destruct q2; reflexivity.

Lemma slc_ep_transfer_loop_correct3
      (x : data (pair timestamp mutez))
      (q2 : data (list (pair timestamp mutez)))
      (amount : data mutez)
      (st : stack (storage_auth_ty ::: nil)) :
  7 + Datatypes.length q2 <= fuel ->
  (eval_precond (S fuel) env slc_ep_transfer_loop psi (true, ([], (x :: q2, (amount, st)))) <->
   eval_precond fuel env slc_ep_transfer_loop psi (true, (List.rev (x :: q2), ([], (amount, st))))).
  intros Hfuel. simpl.
  rewrite slc_ep_transfer_loop_body_correct by my_simple_fuel.

Lemma slc_ep_transfer_loop_correct4
      (amount : data mutez)
      (st : stack (storage_auth_ty ::: nil)) :
  1 <= fuel ->
  (eval_precond fuel env slc_ep_transfer_loop psi (false, ([], ([], (amount, st)))) <->
   psi (([], ([], (amount, st))))).
  intros Hfuel. do 1 more_fuel. simpl. intuition.

Lemma slc_ep_transfer_loop_correct2
      (q1 q2 : data (list (pair timestamp mutez)))
      (amount : data mutez)
      (st : stack (storage_auth_ty ::: nil)) :
      6 + Datatypes.length q1 + Datatypes.length q2 <= fuel ->
      queue_cut_before_now q1 (now env) = false ->
      eval_precond (Datatypes.length q1 + 1 + fuel) env slc_ep_transfer_loop
                   psi (true, (q1, (q2, (amount, st)))) <->
      exists amount',
        allowed_amount q1 amount (now env) amount' /\
        eval_precond fuel env slc_ep_transfer_loop
                     psi (negb (list_empty_b q2), (List.rev q2,([], (amount',st)))).
  intros Hfuel Hqueue_cut.
  destruct q1.
  - simpl (Datatypes.length _ + 1 + fuel).
    rewrite slc_ep_transfer_loop_correct3'.
    + simpl.
      rewrite ex_eq_simpl.
      destruct q2; more_fuel; reflexivity.
    + assumption.

  - simpl Datatypes.length.
    rewrite <- Nat.add_assoc.
    replace (2 + fuel) with (S (S fuel)) by omega.
    rewrite slc_ep_transfer_loop_correct2'; try my_simple_fuel; try assumption.
    apply forall_ex. intro amount'.
    now rewrite slc_ep_transfer_loop_correct3' by my_simple_fuel.

Lemma queue_cut_before_now_allowed_amount :
  forall (q1 q2 : (data (list (pair timestamp mutez)))) ts tresh1 tresh,
    queue_cut_before_now q1 ts = true ->
    allowed_amount (q1 ++ q2) tresh ts tresh1 <-> allowed_amount q1 tresh ts tresh1.
  intros q1 q2 ts tresh1.

  induction q1.
  + now simpl.
  + destruct a as (ts0, tz).
    rewrite <- List.app_comm_cons.

    intros tresh H.
    repeat rewrite Z_match_compare_gt in *.

    destruct ((ts <? ts0)%Z).
    * intuition.
    * apply forall_ex. intro new_rem. now rewrite IHq1.

Lemma remove_past_no_now :
  forall q n,
    queue_cut_before_now q n = false ->
    remove_past q n = [].
Proof. simpl. intros.
       induction q. now simpl.
       destruct a.
       simpl in *.
       destruct (d ?= n)%Z; auto.
       inversion H.

Lemma update_queue_not_in  :
  forall q1 q2 ts,
    queue_cut_before_now q1 ts = false ->
    update_queue q1 q2 ts =
    update_queue (List.rev q2) [] ts.
  simpl. intros q1 q2 ts H. unfold update_queue.
  rewrite H.
  destruct (queue_cut_before_now (List.rev q2) ts) eqn:HqueueCut.
  - simpl comparable_data in HqueueCut.
    rewrite HqueueCut.
  - simpl comparable_data in HqueueCut.
    rewrite HqueueCut.
    now rewrite remove_past_no_now.

Lemma Hupdate_queue_no_now self_ty (env : @proto_env self_ty):
  forall (q1 q2 : data (list (pair timestamp mutez))),
    queue_cut_before_now q1 (now env) = false ->
    queue_cut_before_now (List.rev q2) (now env) = false ->
    ([], []) = update_queue q1 q2 (now env).
  intros q1 q2 Hq1 Hq2.
  unfold update_queue. rewrite Hq1.
  now rewrite remove_past_no_now.

Lemma allowed_amount_app1 :
  forall q1 ts0 a a1 a2 q2,
    queue_cut_before_now q1 ts0 = false ->
    allowed_amount q1 a ts0 a1 ->
    allowed_amount q2 a1 ts0 a2 ->
    allowed_amount (q1 ++ q2) a ts0 a2.
  simpl. intros q1.
  induction q1 as [|(ts,mt)]; intros ts0 a a1 a2 q2.
  - simpl. intuition congruence.
  - rewrite <- List.app_comm_cons.
    repeat rewrite Z_match_compare_gt.
    destruct ((ts0 <? ts)%Z) eqn:Heq; [intro H; inversion H|].
    intros Hsort [a1' [Hadd1 Hq1']] Hq2.
    exists a1'. intuition.
    apply IHq1 with a1; assumption.

Lemma allowed_amount_app2 :
  forall q1 ts0 a a2 q2,
    queue_cut_before_now q1 ts0 = false ->
    allowed_amount (q1 ++ q2) a ts0 a2 ->
    exists a1,
      allowed_amount q1 a ts0 a1 /\
      allowed_amount q2 a1 ts0 a2.
  simpl. intros q1.
  induction q1 as [|(ts,mt)].
  - simpl. eauto.
  - simpl.
    intros ts0 a a2 q2.
    repeat rewrite Z_match_compare_gt.
    destruct (ts0 <? ts)%Z eqn:Hts0LtTs; [intro H; inversion H|].
    intros Hqueue_cut [a' [Ha' Hallowed']].
    specialize (IHq1 _ _ _ _ Hqueue_cut Hallowed') as [a1 [Hq1 Hq2]].
    exists a1.
    rewrite Z_match_compare_gt. rewrite Hts0LtTs. eauto.

Lemma allowed_amount_app :
  forall q1 ts0 a a2 q2,
    queue_cut_before_now q1 ts0 = false ->
    allowed_amount (q1 ++ q2) a ts0 a2 <->
    exists a1,
      allowed_amount q1 a ts0 a1 /\
      allowed_amount q2 a1 ts0 a2.
  simpl. split.
  now apply allowed_amount_app2.
  intros [a1 [Ha1 Ha1']].
  now apply allowed_amount_app1 with a1.

Lemma slc_ep_transfer_loop_correct
      (q1 q2 : data (list (pair timestamp mutez)))
      (amount : data mutez)
      (st : stack (storage_auth_ty ::: nil)) :
  2 * Datatypes.length q1 + 2 * Datatypes.length q2 + 8 <= fuel ->
  eval_precond fuel env slc_ep_transfer_loop psi (true, (q1, (q2, (amount, st)))) <->
  (exists (amount' : data mutez),
      let (q1', q2') := update_queue q1 q2 (now env) in
      allowed_amount (q1 ++ List.rev q2) amount (now env) amount' /\
      psi (q1', (q2', (amount', st)))).
  intros Hfuel.

  destruct (queue_cut_before_now q1 (now env)) eqn:Hqueue.

  (* If now is in q1 *)
  - rewrite slc_ep_transfer_loop_correct1; [| simple_fuel | assumption].
    unfold update_queue. rewrite Hqueue.
    ex_under (rewrite queue_cut_before_now_allowed_amount at 1 by assumption).

  (* If now is not in q1 *)
  - (* extract fuel *)
      ((Datatypes.length q1 + 1) +
       (Datatypes.length q1 + 2 * Datatypes.length q2 + 7)).

    rewrite slc_ep_transfer_loop_correct2; [| simple_fuel | assumption].

    destruct q2.

    (* if q2 is empty *)
    + rewrite update_queue_not_in by apply Hqueue. simpl.
      rewrite List.app_nil_r.

      apply forall_ex. intro amount'.
      apply and_both.
      apply slc_ep_transfer_loop_correct4; try simple_fuel.

    (* if q2 is non-empty *)
    + destruct (update_queue q1 (d :: q2) (now env)) eqn:Heq. simpl in d0.
      ex_under (rewrite allowed_amount_app at 1 by assumption).
      rewrite ex_2. rewrite ex_order. apply forall_ex; intro amount1.
      rewrite underex_and_assoc. rewrite <- ex_and_comm. apply and_both.

      unfold update_queue in Heq. rewrite Hqueue in Heq.
      apply and_pair_eq in Heq as [Heq1 Heq2].
      subst l. subst d0.

      destruct (queue_cut_before_now (List.rev (d :: q2)) (now env)) eqn:HnowInQ2; try assumption.

      (* If now is in (List.rev (d :: q2)) *)
      * rewrite slc_ep_transfer_loop_correct1; [reflexivity| | assumption].
        (* fuel arithmetic *)
        simpl (Datatypes.length []). rewrite List.rev_length. simple_fuel.

      (* If now is not in (List.rev (d :: q2)) *)
      * (* extract fuel *)
          ((Datatypes.length (List.rev (d :: q2)) + 1) +
           (Datatypes.length q1 + Datatypes.length (d :: q2) + 6));
          [|rewrite List.rev_length; simpl; omega].

        rewrite slc_ep_transfer_loop_correct2; [| |assumption].
        -- apply forall_ex; intro amount'.
           rewrite slc_ep_transfer_loop_correct4; [|my_simple_fuel].
           rewrite remove_past_no_now by assumption.
        -- rewrite List.rev_length.
           simpl Datatypes.length in *.

Definition sig_header_ty :=
     (contract parameter_ty)

Definition slc_ep_transfer1_check_signature_spec
    (env : @proto_env (Some (parameter_ty, None)))
    (transactions : data (list (pair mutez (contract unit))))
    (slave_key : data key)
    (slave_signature : data signature)
    (slave_key_hash new_slave_key_hash : data key_hash)
    (time_limit : data int)
    (queue_left queue_right : data (list (pair timestamp mutez)))
    (threshold : data mutez)
    (master_salt slave_salt : data nat)
    (master_key_hash : data key_hash)
    (psi : stack (list (pair mutez (contract unit)) :::
                            list operation ::: mutez ::: key_hash ::: int ::: mutez ::: list (pair timestamp mutez) :::
                            list (pair timestamp mutez) ::: storage_auth_ty ::: nil) -> Prop)
  hash_key env slave_key = slave_key_hash /\
  check_signature env slave_key slave_signature
                  (pack env (pair (list (pair mutez (contract unit))) key_hash) I (transactions, new_slave_key_hash)
                        ++ pack env sig_header_ty I (self env None I, (chain_id_ env))
                        ++ pack env nat I slave_salt)%string = true /\
  (exists (threshold_gc : data mutez) ,
      let (q1', q2') := update_queue queue_left queue_right (now env) in
      allowed_amount (queue_left ++ List.rev queue_right) threshold (now env) threshold_gc /\
                (0 ~Mutez,
                     (q2', ((master_key_hash, (master_salt, (slave_salt + 2)%N)), tt)))))))))).
Transparent add.
Opaque N.add.
Opaque tez.of_Z.

Lemma slc_ep_transfer1_check_signature_correct
        (env : @proto_env (Some (parameter_ty, None)))
        (transactions : data (list (pair mutez (contract unit))))
        (slave_key : data key)
        (slave_signature : data signature)
        (slave_key_hash new_slave_key_hash : data key_hash)
        (time_limit : data int)
        (queue_left queue_right : data (list (pair timestamp mutez)))
        (threshold : data mutez)
        (master_salt slave_salt : data nat)
        (master_key_hash : data key_hash)
        (psi : stack (list (pair mutez (contract unit)) :::
                         list operation ::: mutez ::: key_hash ::: int ::: mutez ::: list (pair timestamp mutez) :::
                         list (pair timestamp mutez) ::: storage_auth_ty ::: nil) ->
               Prop) :
  forall fuel,
    11 + Datatypes.length queue_left * 2 + Datatypes.length queue_right * 2 <= fuel ->
    let params_transfer : data parameter_transfer_ty := ((transactions, new_slave_key_hash), (slave_key, slave_signature)) in
    let storage_context : data storage_context_ty := (slave_key_hash, ((threshold, time_limit), (queue_left, queue_right))) in
    let storage_auth : data storage_auth_ty := (master_key_hash, (master_salt, slave_salt)) in
    eval_seq_precond fuel env (slc_ep_transfer1_check_signature)
                 psi (params_transfer, (storage_context, (storage_auth, tt)))
      env transactions slave_key slave_signature slave_key_hash new_slave_key_hash
      time_limit queue_left queue_right
      threshold master_salt slave_salt master_key_hash
  intros fuel Hfuel params_transfer storage_context storage_auth.
  unfold slc_ep_transfer1_check_signature.
  remember slc_ep_transfer_loop as transfer_loop.
  change 11 with (6 + 5) in Hfuel.
  repeat rewrite <- plus_assoc in Hfuel.
  unfold eval_seq_precond.
  repeat rewrite fold_eval_precond.
  unfold slc_ep_transfer1_check_signature_spec.

  rewrite (eqb_eq key_hash).

  apply and_both_0.
  apply eq_sym_iff.
  apply and_both.

  rewrite Heqtransfer_loop.
  (* todo: rewrite precond (eval ) in lemmes to eval_precond *)
  rewrite slc_ep_transfer_loop_correct.
  - apply forall_ex.
    intro amount'.
    destruct (update_queue queue_left queue_right (now env)) eqn:Hq1q2.
    apply and_both.

    rewrite N.add_comm.

  (* fuel stuff *)
  - my_simple_fuel.

Lemma slc_ep_transfer3_register_correct
      (transaction_oplist : data (list operation))
      (transaction_list_total : data mutez)
      (new_slave_key_hash : data key_hash)
      (time_limit : data int)
      (threshold : data mutez)
      (q1 q2 : data (list (pair timestamp mutez)))
      (st : data storage_auth_ty) :
  7 <= fuel ->
  eval_precond fuel env slc_ep_transfer3_register
                     (q1, (q2, (st, tt)))))))) <->
  exists new_threshold,
    let new_storage_context : data storage_context_ty :=
         ((new_threshold, time_limit),
          (q1, ((now env + time_limit)%Z, transaction_list_total) :: q2))) in
    sub _ _ _ Sub_variant_tez_tez threshold transaction_list_total = Return new_threshold /\
    psi (transaction_oplist, (new_storage_context, (st, tt))).
  intros Hfuel.
  do 7 (more_fuel; simpl eval_precond).
  rewrite precond_exists.

Open Scope string_scope.

Definition slc_spec (env : @proto_env (Some (parameter_ty, None))) (fuel : Datatypes.nat) (input : data (pair parameter_ty storage_ty)) (output : data (pair (list operation) (storage_ty))) :=
  let '(param, storage) := input in
  let '(storage_context, (master_key_hash, (master_salt, slave_salt))) := storage in
  let '(slave_key_hash, ((threshold, time_limit), (queue_left, queue_right))) := storage_context in
  match param with
  (* Entrypoint: Receive *)
  | inl _ =>
     output = (nil, storage)
  (* Entrypoint:  Master *)
  | (inr (inl ((master_key, master_signature), payload))) =>
    hash_key env master_key = master_key_hash /\
    (* Pre-condition 2: the signature is valid *)
    check_signature env master_key master_signature
                    (pack env payload_ty I payload
                          ++ pack env sig_header_ty I (self env None I, (chain_id_ env))
                          ++ pack env nat I master_salt) = true /\
    match payload with
    | inl (new_storage_context, new_master_key_hash) =>
      (* Install new storage *)
      output = (nil, (new_storage_context, (new_master_key_hash, (master_salt + 2, slave_salt)%N)))
    | inr (build_lam _ _ _ lam, new_master_key_hash) =>
      (* Run lambda *)
      precond (eval_seq (no_self env) lam fuel (tt, tt))
              (fun '(operations, tt) =>
                 output = (operations, (storage_context, (new_master_key_hash, (master_salt + 2, slave_salt)%N))))
  (* Entry point: Transfer *)
  | inr (inr ((transactions, new_slave_key_hash), (slave_key, slave_signature))) =>
    hash_key env slave_key = slave_key_hash /\
    check_signature env slave_key slave_signature
                    (pack env (pair (list (pair mutez (contract unit))) key_hash) I (transactions, new_slave_key_hash)
                          ++ pack env sig_header_ty I (self env None I, (chain_id_ env))
                          ++ pack env nat I slave_salt) = true /\
    (exists spent_amount threshold_gc new_threshold,
      (* sum(transactions) = amount *)
      total_amount_transaction_list transactions spent_amount /\
      (* allowed(queue, threshold, now) = threshold_gc *)
      allowed_amount (List.app queue_left (List.rev queue_right)) threshold (now env) threshold_gc /\
      (* new_threshold = threshold_gc - spent_amount *)
      sub _ _ _ Sub_variant_tez_tez threshold_gc spent_amount = Return new_threshold /\
      let new_operations : data (list operation) :=
          List.rev (List.map
                      (fun '(transfered_amount, destination) => transfer_tokens unit I tt transfered_amount destination)
                      transactions) in
      let new_queue :=
          (let (l1', l2') := update_queue queue_left queue_right (now env) in
           (l1', cons ((now env + time_limit)%Z, spent_amount) l2')) in
      let new_context : data storage_context_ty :=
          (new_slave_key_hash, ((new_threshold, time_limit), new_queue)) in
      output = (new_operations, (new_context, (master_key_hash, (master_salt, (slave_salt + 2)%N)))))

Definition slc_fuel_bound (input : data (pair parameter_ty storage_ty)) :=
    let '(param, storage) := input in
    let '(storage_context, (master_key_hash, master_salt)) := storage in
    let '(slave_key_hash, ((threshold, time_limit), (queue_left, queue_right))) := storage_context in
    match param with
      (* entry point: receive *)
      | inl _ => 0
      (* entry point: master *)
      | inr (inl _) => 5
      (* entry point: transfer *)
      | inr (inr ((transactions, _), _)) => Datatypes.length transactions + Datatypes.length queue_left * 2 + Datatypes.length queue_right * 2 + 11

Lemma slc_ep_transfer_correct :
  forall env (p3 : data parameter_transfer_ty) (slave_key_hash : data key_hash) (threshold : data mutez) (time_limit : data int)
         (queue_left queue_right : data (list (pair timestamp mutez))) (master_key_hash : data key_hash) (master_salt slave_salt : data nat)
         (output : data (pair (list operation) storage_ty)) (fuel : Datatypes.nat),
    (let (d, _) := p3 in
     let (transactions, _) := d in Datatypes.length transactions + Datatypes.length queue_left * 2 + Datatypes.length queue_right * 2 + 12) <=
    fuel ->
    eval_seq_precond (4 + fuel) env dsl (fun x : stack [pair (list operation) storage_ty] => x = (output, tt))
                 (inr (inr p3), (slave_key_hash, (threshold, time_limit, (queue_left, queue_right)), (master_key_hash, (master_salt, slave_salt))), tt) <->
    slc_spec env (S fuel)
             (inr (inr p3), (slave_key_hash, (threshold, time_limit, (queue_left, queue_right)), (master_key_hash, (master_salt, slave_salt))))
  intros env p3 slave_key_hash threshold time_limit queue_left queue_right master_key_hash master_salt slave_salt output fuel Hfuel.

  unfold dsl.
  remember slc_ep_transfer as prog.
  destruct p3 as ((transactions, new_slave_key_hash), (slave_key, slave_signature)).
  unfold eval_seq_precond.
  rewrite Nat.add_comm in Hfuel.
  simpl eval_seq_precond_body.
  do 1 more_fuel'; simpl.
  rewrite Nat.add_comm in Hfuel.
  repeat rewrite fold_eval_precond.
  rewrite Heqprog. unfold slc_ep_transfer.

  rewrite Nat.add_comm in Hfuel.
  rewrite fold_eval_seq_precond_aux.
  rewrite eval_seq_assoc.
  rewrite slc_ep_transfer1_check_signature_correct; [| my_simple_fuel].
  unfold slc_ep_transfer1_check_signature_spec.
  unfold slc_spec.
  apply and_both.
  apply and_both.

  destruct (update_queue queue_left queue_right _) eqn:Hupdate_queue. simpl in d.

  rewrite ex_order.
  apply forall_ex; intro threshold_gc.
  unfold seq_aux.
  change (eval_seq_precond ?fuel env (SEQ ?i1 ?i2) ?psi ?st) with (eval_precond fuel env i1 (eval_seq_precond fuel env i2 psi) st).
  unfold slc_ep_transfer2_transaction_iter.
  rewrite (slc_ep_transfer2_transaction_iter_correct env _ _ _ _ (S (S fuel))); [| my_simple_fuel].
  unfold total_amount_transaction_list.
  rewrite iff_comm.

  rewrite <- underex2_and_comm at 1.
  rewrite underex2_and_assoc.

  rewrite <- ex2_and_comm.
  apply and_both.

  apply forall_ex; intro spent_sum.

  rewrite underex_and_comm.
  rewrite <- ex_and_comm at 1.
  apply and_both.

  change (eval_seq_precond ?fuel env (SEQ ?i1 ?i2) ?psi ?st) with (eval_precond fuel env i1 (eval_seq_precond fuel env i2 psi) st).
  rewrite slc_ep_transfer3_register_correct; [| my_simple_fuel].

  apply forall_ex; intro final_threshold.

  apply and_both.
  unfold eval_seq_precond; simpl.
  rewrite and_pair_eq.
  rewrite List.app_nil_r.

Lemma slc_ep_master_correct:
  forall env (p2 : data parameter_master_ty) (slave_key_hash : data key_hash) (threshold : data mutez) (time_limit : data int)
         (queue_left queue_right : data (list (pair timestamp mutez))) (master_key_hash : data key_hash) (master_salt slave_salt : data nat)
         (output : data (pair (list operation) storage_ty)) (fuel : Datatypes.nat),
    5 <= fuel ->
    eval_seq_precond (5 + fuel) env dsl (fun x : stack [pair (list operation) storage_ty] => x = (output, tt))
                 (inr (inl p2), (slave_key_hash, (threshold, time_limit, (queue_left, queue_right)), (master_key_hash, (master_salt, slave_salt))), tt) <->
    slc_spec env fuel
             (inr (inl p2), (slave_key_hash, (threshold, time_limit, (queue_left, queue_right)), (master_key_hash, (master_salt, slave_salt))))
  intros env p2 slave_key_hash threshold time_limit queue_left queue_right master_key_hash master_salt slave_salt output fuel Hfuel.
  destruct p2 as ((key, signature), payload).
  unfold eval_seq_precond.
  do 5 (more_fuel; simpl).
  repeat rewrite fold_eval_precond.
  rewrite (eqb_eq key_hash).
  unfold slc_spec. rewrite N.add_comm.

  destruct payload as [ (foo, slave_key_hash') | ((lam_ff, lam), slave_key_hash') ].

  + unfold data. simpl. intuition; congruence.

  + unfold slc_spec.

    apply and_both_0. apply eq_sym_iff.
    apply and_both.

    change (@eval_seq_precond_body (@eval_precond ?fuel)) with (@eval_seq_precond fuel).
    rewrite <- (eval_seq_precond_correct lam).
    apply precond_eqv.
    intros [st1 []].
    inversion H. f_equal.
    rewrite H. reflexivity.

Theorem slc_correct env input output :
  forall fuel,
    fuel >= slc_fuel_bound input ->
    eval_seq env dsl (5 + fuel) (input, tt) = Return (output, tt) <->
    slc_spec env fuel input output.
  unfold ">=".
  intros fuel Hfuel.
  rewrite return_precond.
  rewrite eval_seq_precond_correct.
  destruct input as (param,
                     ((slave_key_hash, ((threshold, time_limit), (queue_left, queue_right))),
                        (master_key_hash, (master_salt, slave_salt)))).

  destruct param as [ [] | [ p2 | p3 ] ]; simpl in Hfuel.

  (* Entry point: receive *)
  - unfold eval_seq_precond, data. simpl.
    rewrite pair_equal_spec.
  (* Entry point : master call *)
  - apply slc_ep_master_correct. apply Hfuel.
  (* Entry point : transfer *)
  - apply slc_ep_transfer_correct. destruct p3 as ((transactions, _), _).
    apply le_n_S in Hfuel.
    rewrite <- Nat.add_succ_r in Hfuel.

End Spending_limit_contract_verification.
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